
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
retofinv Return of the Invaders 1985 Taito Corporation Yes
retofinvb Return of the Invaders (bootleg, with MCU) 1985 bootleg Yes retofinv
retofinvb1 Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 1) 1985 bootleg Yes retofinv
retofinvb2 Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 2) 1985 bootleg Yes retofinv
retofinvb3 Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 3) 1985 bootleg Yes retofinv
retofinvbv Return of the Invaders (Video Dens bootleg, without MCU) 1985 bootleg (Video Dens) Yes retofinv