ABC Expansion Unit

Short name:abcexp
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/bus/abcbus/abc890.cpp




Short name:abc830
Short name:floppy_525_ssdd
Short name:floppy_525_ssdd
Short name:abc_memcard
Short name:abc80_16kb

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
abcbus_slot ABCBUS slot devices/bus/abcbus/abcbus.cpp

Compatible Slots

Short name
Source file
abc80 ABC 80 bus abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
abc80 ABC 80 bus:abcexp:io1 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
abc80 ABC 80 bus:abcexp:io2 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
abc80 ABC 80 bus:abcexp:io3 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
abc80 ABC 80 bus:abcexp:io4 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
abc80 ABC 80 bus:abcexp:mem1 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
abc80 ABC 80 bus:abcexp:mem2 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
abc80 ABC 80 bus:abcexp:mem3 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
tkn80 ABC 80 with TKN80 bus abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
tkn80 ABC 80 with TKN80 bus:abcexp:io1 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
tkn80 ABC 80 with TKN80 bus:abcexp:io2 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
tkn80 ABC 80 with TKN80 bus:abcexp:io3 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
tkn80 ABC 80 with TKN80 bus:abcexp:io4 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
tkn80 ABC 80 with TKN80 bus:abcexp:mem1 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
tkn80 ABC 80 with TKN80 bus:abcexp:mem2 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
tkn80 ABC 80 with TKN80 bus:abcexp:mem3 abcexp luxor/abc80.cpp
abc_ssa Super Smartaid :bus abcexp devices/bus/abcbus/ssa.cpp
abcexp ABC Expansion Unit :io1 abcexp devices/bus/abcbus/abc890.cpp
abcexp ABC Expansion Unit :io2 abcexp devices/bus/abcbus/abc890.cpp
abcexp ABC Expansion Unit :io3 abcexp devices/bus/abcbus/abc890.cpp
abcexp ABC Expansion Unit :io4 abcexp devices/bus/abcbus/abc890.cpp
abcexp ABC Expansion Unit :mem1 abcexp devices/bus/abcbus/abc890.cpp
abcexp ABC Expansion Unit :mem2 abcexp devices/bus/abcbus/abc890.cpp
abcexp ABC Expansion Unit :mem3 abcexp devices/bus/abcbus/abc890.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
abc80 ABC 80 luxor/abc80.cpp
tkn80 ABC 80 with TKN80 luxor/abc80.cpp