3stooges |
The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 1) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
3stoogesa |
The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 2) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
ace100 |
Franklin ACE 100 |
apple/apple2.cpp |
ace1000 |
Franklin ACE 1000 |
apple/apple2.cpp |
ace2200 |
Franklin ACE 2200 |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
albert |
Albert |
apple/apple2.cpp |
am100 |
AM100 |
apple/apple2.cpp |
am64 |
AM 64 |
apple/apple2.cpp |
amazonh2 |
Amazon Hunt II (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
amazonh3 |
Amazon Hunt III (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
amazonh3a |
Amazon Hunt III (rev. 1, French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
andretti |
Mario Andretti (rev.T4) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
andretti0 |
Mario Andretti |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
apple2 |
Apple ][ |
apple/apple2.cpp |
apple2c |
Apple //c |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c0 |
Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c0de |
Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Germany) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c0fr |
Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, France) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c0se |
Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Sweden) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c0uk |
Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, UK) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c3 |
Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c3de |
Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Germany) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c3fr |
Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, France) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c3se |
Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Sweden) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c3uk |
Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, UK) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c4 |
Apple //c (rev 4) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c4de |
Apple //c (rev 4, Germany) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c4fr |
Apple //c (rev 4, France) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c4se |
Apple //c (rev 4, Sweden) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2c4uk |
Apple //c (rev 4, UK) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2cde |
Apple //c (Germany) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2cfr |
Apple //c (France) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2cse |
Apple //c (Sweden) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2cuk |
Apple //c (UK) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2e |
Apple //e |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2ede |
Apple //e (Germany) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2ee |
Apple //e (enhanced) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2eede |
Apple //e (enhanced, Germany) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2eefr |
Apple //e (enhanced, France) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2ees |
Apple //e (Spain) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2eese |
Apple //e (enhanced, Sweden) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2eeuk |
Apple //e (enhanced, UK) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2efr |
Apple //e (France) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2ep |
Apple //e (Platinum) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2epde |
Apple //e (Platinum, Germany) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2epfr |
Apple //e (Platinum, France) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2epse |
Apple //e (Platinum, Sweden) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2epuk |
Apple //e (Platinum, UK) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2ese |
Apple //e (Sweden) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2euk |
Apple //e (UK) |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
apple2jp |
Apple ][ J-Plus |
apple/apple2.cpp |
apple2p |
Apple ][+ |
apple/apple2.cpp |
arena |
Arena |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
arenaa |
Arena (alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
arenaf |
Arena (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
arenag |
Arena (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
badgirls |
Bad Girls |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
badgirlsa |
Bad Girls (alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
badgirlsf |
Bad Girls (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
badgirlsg |
Bad Girls (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
barbwire |
Barb Wire |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
basis108 |
Basis 108 |
apple/apple2.cpp |
bellring |
Bell Ringer |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
bighouse |
Big House |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bighousef |
Big House (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bighouseg |
Big House (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bighurt |
Frank Thomas' Big Hurt (rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
bonebstr |
Bone Busters Inc. |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bonebstrf |
Bone Busters Inc. (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bonebstrg |
Bone Busters Inc. (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
cactjack |
Cactus Jack's |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
carhop |
Car Hop |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
ccruise |
Caribbean Cruise |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
cec2000 |
China Education Computer 2000 |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
cece |
China Education Computer E |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
cecg |
China Education Computer G |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
ceci |
China Education Computer I |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
cecm |
China Education Computer M |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
clas1812 |
Class of 1812 |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
cobram3 |
Cobra Command (M.A.C.H. 3 hardware, set 1) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
cobram3a |
Cobra Command (M.A.C.H. 3 hardware, set 2) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
craft2p |
Craft II+ |
apple/apple2.cpp |
cueball |
Cue Ball Wizard |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
cueballa |
Cue Ball Wizard (rev. 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
cueballb |
Cue Ball Wizard (rev. 3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
cueballc |
Cue Ball Wizard (older display rev.) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
deadweap |
Deadly Weapon |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
deluxecoco |
Deluxe Color Computer |
trs/coco12.cpp |
diamondp |
Diamond Lady |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
diamondpf |
Diamond Lady (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
diamondpg |
Diamond Lady (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
dodo |
Do-Do |
apple/apple2.cpp |
elppa |
Elppa II+ |
apple/apple2.cpp |
excalibr |
Excalibur (Gottlieb) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
excalibrf |
Excalibur (Gottlieb, French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
excalibrg |
Excalibur (Gottlieb, German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
exterm |
Exterminator |
gottlieb/exterm.cpp |
fm7 |
FM-7 |
fujitsu/fm7.cpp |
fmnew7 |
fujitsu/fm7.cpp |
freddy |
Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street (rev.4) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
freddy3 |
Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street (rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
genesisp |
Genesis |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
genesispf |
Genesis (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
genesispg |
Genesis (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
gladiatp |
Gladiators (pinball) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
goldwing |
Gold Wings |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
goldwingf |
Gold Wings (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
goldwingg |
Gold Wings (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hkc8800a |
HKC 8800A |
apple/apple2.cpp |
hlywoodh |
Hollywood Heat |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hlywoodhf |
Hollywood Heat (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hlywoodhg |
Hollywood Heat (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hoops |
Hoops |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
hotshots |
Hot Shots |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hotshotsf |
Hot Shots (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hotshotsg |
Hot Shots (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
ivelultr |
Ivel Ultra |
apple/apple2.cpp |
laser2c |
Laser //c |
apple/apple2.cpp |
lca |
Lights...Camera...Action! |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
lca2 |
Lights...Camera...Action! (rev.2) |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
m421 |
Twenty One (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DTO 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m421club |
21 Club (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DTW 2.7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4actbnka |
Action Bank (Barcrest) (Mod 2 type, AC3.0) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4actbnkb |
Action Bank (Barcrest) (Mod 2 type, ACT2.0) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4actclb |
Action Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (ABV 1.9) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4actclba |
Action Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (A2C 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4actnot |
Action Note (Barcrest) (MPU4) (AN 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4actpak |
Action Pack (Barcrest) (MPU4) (AP 0.4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4actpaka |
Action Pack (Barcrest) (MPU4) (AP 0.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4aladn |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4aladna |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4aladnb |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4aladnc |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4aladnd |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4aladne |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4aladnf |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 7) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4aladng |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 8) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4aladnh |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 9) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4aladni |
Aladdin's Cave (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 10) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4alladv |
All Cash Advance (Barcrest) (MPU4) (C2B 6.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4alpha |
Alphabet (Barcrest) (MPU4) (A4B 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4ambass |
Ambassador (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DAM 3.7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4apach |
Apache (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD?) |
barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp |
m4atlan |
Atlantis (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DAT 1.4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bagcsh |
Bags Of Cash Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4bagcsha |
Bags Of Cash Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4bigbn |
Big Ben (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DBB 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bigchd |
Big Chief (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (BCH 1.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bigchf |
Big Chief (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp |
m4bigchfa |
Big Chief (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp |
m4bigchfb |
Big Chief (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp |
m4bigchfc |
Big Chief (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp |
m4bj |
Black Jack (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (BJ 1.6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bjac |
Blackjack Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (C2J 1.8) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bjaca |
Blackjack Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (C2J 2.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bjack |
Black Jack (Barcrest) (MPU4) (B2J 2.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bjacka |
Black Jack (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BLA 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bjc |
Black Jack Club (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DBC 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bjsm |
Blackjack Super Multi (Barcrest) (German) (MPU4) (SM H1.6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bjsma |
Blackjack Super Multi (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SM 1.6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4blflsh |
Blue Flash (BWB) (MPU4) (TBF 0.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4blflsha |
Blue Flash (BWB) (MPU4) (BFL 0.3, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4blflshb |
Blue Flash (BWB) (MPU4) (BFL 0.3, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4blflshc |
Blue Flash (BWB) (MPU4) (BFL 0.3, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4blflshd |
Blue Flash (BWB) (MPU4) (BFL 0.3, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4blflshe |
Blue Flash (BWB) (MPU4) (BFL 0.3, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4blkbul |
Super Play (Czech) (Barcrest) (MPU4) (XSP 0.8) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4blstbk |
Blast A Bank (MPU4) (BB 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bluemn |
Blue Moon (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BLU 2.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bluemna |
Blue Moon (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BLU 2.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bluemnb |
Blue Moon (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BLU 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bnknot |
Bank A Note (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BN 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4boltbl |
Bolt From The Blue (DJE) (MPU4, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4boltbla |
Bolt From The Blue (DJE) (MPU4, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4boltblb |
Bolt From The Blue (DJE) (MPU4, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4boltblc |
Bolt From The Blue (DJE) (MPU4, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4brdway |
Broadway (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DBR 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4brktak |
Break & Take (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4btclok |
Beat The Clock (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4bucclb |
Buccaneer Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4bucclba |
Buccaneer Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4bucclbb |
Buccaneer Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4bucclbc |
Buccaneer Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4bullio |
Bullion Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4bullioa |
Bullion Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4bulliob |
Bullion Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4c999 |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CLN 4.0 V) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999a |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) (CLN 3.6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999b |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) (CLN 3.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999c |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) (OC9 0.3, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999d |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) (OC9 0.3, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999e |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SC9 1.0, hack?, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999f |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SC9 1.0, hack?, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999g |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SC9 5.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999h |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SC9 5.0 D) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999i |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SC9 1.0, hack?, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c999j |
Cloud 999 (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SC9 1.0, hack?, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4c9c |
Cloud Nine Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CNC 2.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cardcs |
Card Cash (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CCS 1.9) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4carou |
Carousel Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4caroua |
Carousel Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4caroub |
Carousel Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4carouc |
Carousel Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4cashcn |
Cash Connect (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CCO 3.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cashco |
Cash Counter (Barcrest) (MPU4) (C3 2.4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cashcoa |
Cash Counter (Barcrest) (MPU4) (C3 1.8) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cashcob |
Cash Counter (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CO 0.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cashcoc |
Cash Counter (Barcrest) (MPU4) (C3 3.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cashcod |
Cash Connect (Barcrest) (MPU4) (C3 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cashmx |
Cash Matrix (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CM 1.7, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cashmxa |
Cash Matrix (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CM 1.7, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cashzn |
Cash Zone (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CAZ 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cashzna |
Cash Zone (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CAZ 1.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cclimb |
Crazy Climber (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4cclimba |
Crazy Climber (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4celclb |
Celebration Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CEL 1.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4centpt |
Centrepoint (Barcrest) (MPU4) (DU 1.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4cheryo |
Cherryo (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DCH 1.4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4class |
First Class (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DFC 2.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4classa |
First Class (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DFC 2.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbclm |
Club Climber (Barcrest) (MPU4, C1C 3.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbclma |
Club Climber (Barcrest) (MPU4, CC 4.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbcls |
Club Classic (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CI 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbcnt |
Club Connect (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CON 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbcnta |
Club Connect (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CON 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbcntb |
Club Connect (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CON 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbcntc |
Club Connect (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CON 1.5, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbcntd |
Club Connect (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CON 1.5, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbdbl |
Club Double (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CD 1.6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4clbrpl |
Club Replay (PCP) (MPU4) (01) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4click |
Clickity Click (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) |
barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp |
m4clr |
MPU4 Meter Clear ROM |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4conn4 |
Connect 4 |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4copcsh |
Coppa Cash (MPU4) (FC 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4crkpot |
Crackpot 100 Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (C1P 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4crkpota |
Crackpot 100 Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CP 3.8) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4crkpotb |
Crackpot 100 Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CP 3.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4crzcl |
Crazy Climber Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4crzcla |
Crazy Climber Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4crzclb |
Crazy Climber Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4crzclc |
Crazy Climber Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4crzcld |
Crazy Climber Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4crzjk |
Crazy Jokers (Nova?) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4cshino |
Cashino Deluxe (Pcp) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4czne |
Cash Zone (bootleg) (MPU4) (CAZ 1.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4dbl9 |
Double 9's (Barcrest) (MPU4) (DU9 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4dbl9a |
Double 9's (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) (DU9 0.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4dblup |
Double Up (Barcrest) (MPU4) (DU 1.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4dz |
Danger Zone (Crystal) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4eaw51 |
Everyone's A Winner (J.A. Brown) (MPU4) (EAW 5.1) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4eighth |
Eighth Wonder (Barcrest) (MPU4) (WON 2.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4eightha |
Eighth Wonder (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BEW 0.3, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4eighthb |
Eighth Wonder (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BEW 0.3, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4eighthc |
Eighth Wonder (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BEW 0.3, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4eighthd |
Eighth Wonder (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BEW 0.3, set 4, bad?) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4eighthe |
Eighth Wonder (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BEW 0.3, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4eighthf |
Eighth Wonder (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BEW 0.3, set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4eighthg |
Eighth Wonder (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BEW 0.3, set 7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4elitc |
Elite Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4elitca |
Elite Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4elite |
Elite (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD?) |
barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp |
m4exlin |
Extra Lines (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4exlina |
Extra Lines (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4exprs |
Express (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DXP 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4fairg |
Fairground (Crystal) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4firebl |
Fireball (Mdm) (MPU4, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mdm.cpp |
m4firebla |
Fireball (Mdm) (MPU4, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mdm.cpp |
m4fireblb |
Fireball (Mdm) (MPU4, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mdm.cpp |
m4fireblc |
Fireball (Mdm) (MPU4, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4mdm.cpp |
m4firebld |
Fireball (Mdm) (MPU4, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4mdm.cpp |
m4flash |
Flash Cash (Barcrest) (MPU4, FC 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4flshlt |
Flashlite (BWB) (MPU4) (FLT 1.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4flshlta |
Flashlite (BWB) (MPU4) (BFL 0.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4flshltb |
Flashlite (BWB) (MPU4) (FLT 1.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4flshltc |
Flashlite (BWB) (MPU4) (FLT 1.0, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4flshltd |
Flashlite (BWB) (MPU4) (FLT 1.0, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4flshlte |
Flashlite (BWB) (MPU4) (FLT 1.0, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4flshltf |
Flashlite (BWB) (MPU4) (FLT 1.0, set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4flshltg |
Flashlite (BWB) (MPU4) (FLT 1.0, set 7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4fourmr |
Four More (BWB) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4frcrak |
Fruit Cracker (Pcp) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4frkstn |
Frank 'n' Stein (Crystal) (MPU4, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frkstna |
Frank 'n' Stein (Crystal) (MPU4, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frkstnb |
Frank 'n' Stein (Crystal) (MPU4, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frkstnc |
Frank 'n' Stein (Crystal) (MPU4, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frkstnd |
Frank 'n' Stein (Crystal) (MPU4, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frkstne |
Frank 'n' Stein (Crystal) (MPU4, set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frkstnf |
Frank 'n' Stein (Crystal) (MPU4, set 7) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frkstng |
Frank 'n' Stein (Crystal) (MPU4, set 8) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frkstnh |
Frank 'n' Stein (Crystal) (MPU4, set 9) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frmani |
Fruit Mania (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frmania |
Fruit Mania (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frmanib |
Fruit Mania (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frmanic |
Fruit Mania (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4frtfl |
Fruit Full Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (FFC 0.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4frtfla |
Fruit Full Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (FFC 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4frtflc |
Fruit Full Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (FFC 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4frtlnk |
Fruit Link Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (FLC 1.8, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4frtlnka |
Fruit Link Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (FLC 1.6, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4frtprs |
Fruit Preserve (Barcrest) (MPU4) (F4P 1.1, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4frtprsa |
Fruit Preserve (Barcrest) (MPU4) (F4P 1.1, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4giant |
Giant (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DGI 2.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4gldgat |
Golden Gate (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DGG 2.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4gldstr |
Gold Strike (Barcrest) (MPU4) (G4S 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4gobana |
Go Bananas (Union) (MPU4, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4gobanaa |
Go Bananas (Union) (MPU4, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4gobanab |
Go Bananas (Union) (MPU4, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4gobanac |
Go Bananas (Union) (MPU4, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4gobanad |
Go Bananas (Union) (MPU4, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4goldfc |
Gold Fever (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4goldfca |
Gold Fever (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4goldfcb |
Gold Fever (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4goldxc |
Gold Exchange Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4goldxca |
Gold Exchange Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4goldxcb |
Gold Exchange Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4goldxcc |
Gold Exchange Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4goldxcd |
Gold Exchange Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4goldxce |
Gold Exchange Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4graffd |
Grafitti (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DGR 1.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4grands |
Grandstand Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (G2D 4.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4grandsa |
Grandstand Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (GD 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4grbbnk |
Grab The Bank (Barcrest) (MPU4) (G4B 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4grbbnka |
Grab The Bank (Barcrest) (MPU4) (G4B 2.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4grbbnkb |
Grab The Bank (Barcrest) (MPU4) (G4B 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4hirise |
High Rise (Barcrest) (MPU4) (HII 0.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4hirisea |
High Rise (Barcrest) (MPU4) (HIR 3.1, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4hiriseb |
High Rise (Barcrest) (MPU4) (HIR 1.5, bootleg?) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4hirisec |
High Rise (Barcrest) (MPU4) (HIR 3.1, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4hirised |
High Rise (Barcrest) (MPU4) (HIR 3.1, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4hirisee |
High Rise (Barcrest) (MPU4) (HIR 3.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4hirol |
Hi Roller Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4hirola |
Hi Roller Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4hiroll |
High Roller (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (HR 3.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4hittp2 |
Hit The Top (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod 2 type, H4T 2.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4hittp2a |
Hit The Top (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod 2 type, H4T 2.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4holdon |
Hold On (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DHO 2.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4holywd |
Hollywood (bootleg) (MPU4) (HOL 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4intcep |
Interceptor (Barcrest) (MPU4) (INT 3.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4intcepa |
Interceptor (Barcrest) (MPU4) (INT 3.0X) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4intcepb |
Interceptor (Barcrest) (MPU4) (INT 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4jjc |
Jumping Jack Cash (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4jjca |
Jumping Jack Cash (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4joljok |
Jolly Joker (Barcrest) (MPU4) (JOJ 1.6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4joltav |
Jolly Taverner (Barcrest) (MPU4) (TAV 1.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4joltava |
Jolly Taverner (Barcrest) (MPU4) (JT__ 2.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4joltavb |
Jolly Taverner (Barcrest) (MPU4) (JT__ 2.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4jpjmp |
Jackpot Jump (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VJC 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4jpjmpa |
Jackpot Jump (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VJC 1.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4kingqn |
Kings & Queens Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4kingqna |
Kings & Queens Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4kqclub |
Kings & Queens Club (Newby) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4libty |
Liberty (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DLI 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4lineup |
Line Up (BWB) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4lineupa |
Line Up (BWB) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4loadmn |
Loads A Money (Barcrest) (MPU4) (LA 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4loadmna |
Loads A Money (Barcrest) (MPU4) (LA 1.1, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4loadmnb |
Loads A Money (Barcrest) (MPU4) (LA 1.1, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4lotclb |
Lottery Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4lotclba |
Lottery Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4lotty |
Lotty Time (Union) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4maxmze |
Maximize (Union) (MPU4, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4maxmzea |
Maximize (Union) (MPU4, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4maxmzeb |
Maximize (Union) (MPU4, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4maxmzec |
Maximize (Union) (MPU4, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4maxmzed |
Maximize (Union) (MPU4, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4mecca |
Mecca Money (Union) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4union.cpp |
m4megbks |
Mega Bucks (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BUC 4.1X) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4megbksa |
Mega Bucks (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BUC 4.1CX) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4megbksb |
Mega Bucks (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BUC 4.1XD) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4megbksc |
Mega Bucks (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BUC 3.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4meglnk |
Megalink (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DML 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4milclb |
Millionaire's Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MI2 1.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4milclba |
Millionaire's Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MI2 1.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4milclbb |
Millionaire's Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MI2 1.0, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4milclbc |
Millionaire's Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MIL 5.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4milclbd |
Millionaire's Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MIL 5.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4mirage |
Mirage (Barcrest) (MPU4) (RAG 4.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4moneym |
Money Maker (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MMK 1.6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4montrl |
Money Trail (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4montrla |
Money Trail (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4montrlb |
Money Trail (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4montrlc |
Money Trail (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4montrld |
Money Trail (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4multcl |
Multiplay Club (Barcrest) (MPU4, MP 2.8) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4multwy |
Multiway (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DMU 1.7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4mystiq |
Mystique Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4mystiqa |
Mystique Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4mystiqb |
Mystique Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4mystiqc |
Mystique Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4nick |
Nickelodeon (Barcrest) (MPU4) (NIL 4.1, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nicka |
Nickelodeon (Barcrest) (MPU4) (NIL 4.1, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nickb |
Nickelodeon (Barcrest) (MPU4) (NIL 4.1, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nickc |
Nickelodeon (Barcrest) (MPU4) (NIL 4.1, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nickd |
Nickelodeon (Barcrest) (MPU4) (NIL 4.1, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nicke |
Nickelodeon (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) (NIL 2.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nifty |
Nifty Fifty (Barcrest) (MPU4) (NF 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4niftya |
Nifty Fifty (Barcrest) (MPU4) (NF 2.1, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4niftyb |
Nifty Fifty (Barcrest) (MPU4) (NF 2.1, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2 |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 X) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__a |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 XAD) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__b |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 BX) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__c |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 BXD) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__d |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 XD) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__e |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 KXD) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__f |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 YXD) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__g |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 KX) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__h |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 RX) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__hx1 |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 3.4, hack, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__hx2 |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 3.4, hack, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__hx3 |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 5.0, hack, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__hx4 |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 5.0, hack, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__hx5 |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 5.0, hack, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__i |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 RD) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__j |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NN3 0.1 YX) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__k |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 5.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__l |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 5.2 X) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__m |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 5.2 BX) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__n |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 5.2 CX) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nnww2__o |
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod2 type) (NNU 4.0 X) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nudbon |
Nudge Bonanza (Mdm) (MPU4, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mdm.cpp |
m4nudbona |
Nudge Bonanza (Mdm) (MPU4, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mdm.cpp |
m4nudqst |
Nudge Quest (Barcrest) (MPU4) (NQ 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nudup |
Nudge Up (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DNU 2.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4nudwin |
Nudge & Win (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4nudwina |
Nudge & Win (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4num1 |
Number One (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DNO 1.7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4omega |
Omega (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DOM 2.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4paracl |
Paradise Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4paracla |
Paradise Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4pick |
Pick A Fruit (Dutch) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4pont |
Pontoon Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (PON 3.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4ponta |
Pontoon Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (PON 4.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4potlck |
Pot Luck 100 Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (P1L 2.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4potlcka |
Pot Luck 100 Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (PL 2.7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4r2r |
Reel 2 Reel (Barcrest) (MPU4) (RR 3.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4randr |
Random Roulette (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DRR 2.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4redunk |
unknown Barcrest MPU4 'RED 0.4' (MPU4) (bootleg) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4reelpk |
Reel Poker (Barcrest) (MPU4) (R2P 3.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4rlpick |
Reel Picks (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4rlpicka |
Reel Picks (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4rlpickb |
Reel Picks (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4rlpickc |
Reel Picks (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4rltst |
MPU4 Reel Test (3.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4robo |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__0 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 14) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__1 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__2 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__3 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__4 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__5 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__6 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__7 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__8 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__9 |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__a |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 7) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__aa |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__ab |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__b |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 8) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__c |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 9) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__d |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 10) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__e |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 11) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__f |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 12) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__g |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 13) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__h |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 14) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__i |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Latvia, set 15) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__j |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 7) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__k |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 8) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__l |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 9) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__m |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Russia, set 10) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__n |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__o |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__p |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__q |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__r |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__s |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__t |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 7) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__u |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 8) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__v |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 9) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__w |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 10) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__x |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 11) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__y |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 12) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4robo__z |
Robotica / Dream Machine (Avantime?) (MPU4) (Ukraine, set 13) |
barcrest/mpu4avan.cpp |
m4rsg |
Ready Steady Go (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod 2 type) (RSG 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4rsga |
Ready Steady Go (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod 2 type) (R4G 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4runawy |
Runaway Trail (Barcrest) (MPU4) (R4T 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4runawyb |
Runaway Trail (Barcrest) (MPU4) (R4T 1.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4samu |
Samurai (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DSM 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sb5 |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BSB 0.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sgrab |
Smash 'n' Grab (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SAG 1.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sgraba |
Smash 'n' Grab (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SAG 1.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sgrabb |
Smash 'n' Grab (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SAG 3.4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4silshd |
Silver Shadow (Barcrest) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4silshda |
Silver Shadow (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SH 2.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4silshdb |
Silver Shadow (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SH 2.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4snklad |
Snakes & Ladders (Mdm) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mdm.cpp |
m4snookr |
Snooker (Eurocoin) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4snowbl |
Snowball Bingo (Mdm) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mdm.cpp |
m4solsil |
Solid Silver Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SOS 2.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4solsila |
Solid Silver Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SOS 2.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4specu |
Speculator Club (BWB) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4spnwin |
Spin A Win (Cotswold Microsystems) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4spnwina |
Spin A Win (Cotswold Microsystems) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4spton |
Spot On (Pcp) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4stakeu |
Stake Up Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SU 4.4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4stakeua |
Stake Up Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SU 4.8) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4stand2 |
Stand To Deliver (DJE) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4starbr |
Stars And Bars (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DSB 2.8) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4stards |
Stardust (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DSD 1.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4stopcl |
Stop the Clock (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SC 2.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunclb |
Sun Club (BWB) (MPU4) (SUC 0.2, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunclba |
Sun Club (BWB) (MPU4) (SUC 0.2, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunday |
Sunday Sport (Pcp) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4sunset |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BSB 0.4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetc |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) (OSB 0.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetd |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SBU 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsete |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BS__ 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetf |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BS__ 1.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetg |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BS__ 1.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunseth |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BS__ 1.0, set 3, bad) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunseti |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BS__ 1.0, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetj |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (BS__ 1.0, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetk |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetl |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetm |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetn |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.0, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunseto |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.0, set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetp |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.0, set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetq |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.0, set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsetr |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.0, set 7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsets |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.0, set 8) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4sunsett |
Sunset Boulevard (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SB__ 1.0, set 9) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4supjst |
Super Jester (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4supjsta |
Super Jester (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4supjstb |
Super Jester (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4supjstc |
Super Jester (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4supjstd |
Super Jester (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4supjste |
Super Jester (Pcp) (MPU4) (set 6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4supsl |
Supa Silva (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SS2V 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4supslt |
Supa Slot (Barcrest) (MPU4) (S4S 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4suptrn |
Supatron (Barcrest) (MPU4) (DSU 2.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4suptub |
Super Tubes (Barcrest) (MPU4) (S4T 1.0, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4suptuba |
Super Tubes (Barcrest) (MPU4) (S4T 1.0, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4suptwo |
Super Two (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SUT 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4swpnot |
Swap-A-Note (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SN 3.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4swpnota |
Swap-A-Note (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SN 3.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4swpnotb |
Swap-A-Note (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SN 3.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4t266 |
Take Two (Barcrest) (MPU4) (TTO 1.1) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4taj |
Taj Mahal (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DTM 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4take2 |
Take Two (Barcrest) (MPU4) (TTO 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4take2a |
Take Two (Barcrest) (MPU4) (TTO 1.1) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4tbreel |
Turbo Reel (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DTR 3.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4tbrldx |
Turbo Reel Deluxe (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DTU 3.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4thehit |
The Hit (Barcrest) (MPU4) (DTH 1.7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4tiktak |
Tic Tak Cash (Barcrest) (MPU4) (TC 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4toma |
Tomahawk (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DTK 2.3) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4topact |
Top Action (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (TA 2.2, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4topacta |
Top Action (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (TA 2.2, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4topdk |
Top Deck (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DT 2.6) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4topgr |
Top Gear (Barcrest) (MPU4) (TG4 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4toplot |
Top The Lot (Barcrest) (MPU4, T4L 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4toprn |
Top Run (Dutch) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4topst |
Top Stop (Barcrest) (MPU4) (TSP 0.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4toptak |
Top Take (Barcrest) (MPU4) (TTK 1.1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4toptena |
Top Tenner (Barcrest) (MPU4, Mod 2 type, TP 2.7) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4treel |
Turbo Reels (unknown) (MPU4?) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4treela |
Turbo Reels (unknown) (MPU4?) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4tribnk |
Triple Bank (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DTB 1.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4tricol |
Tricolor (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DTC 2.5) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4tst |
MPU4 Unit Test (Program 4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4tst2 |
MPU4 Unit Test (Program 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4ttak |
Tic Tac Take (Barcrest) (MPU4) (TIC 2.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4tupen |
Tuppenny Cracker (unprotected bootleg) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4twilgt |
Twilight (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DTL 2.2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4twist |
Twist Again (J.A. Brown) (MPU4) (TA 9.6, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4twista |
Twist Again (J.A. Brown) (MPU4) (TA 9.6, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4twistb |
Twist Again (J.A. Brown) (MPU4) (TA 9.6, set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
m4twstcl |
Twister Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4twstcla |
Twister Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4twstclb |
Twister Club (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4twstr |
Twister (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4twstra |
Twister (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4twstrb |
Twister (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 3) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4twstrc |
Twister (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 4) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4twstrd |
Twister (Crystal) (MPU4) (set 5) |
barcrest/mpu4crystal.cpp |
m4unkjok |
Jolly Joker (Barcrest) (MPU4) (bootleg) (JJ1 0.1, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4unkjoka |
Jolly Joker (Barcrest) (MPU4) (bootleg) (JJ1 0.1. set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4unkjokb |
Jolly Taverner (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) (TAV 1.1, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4unkjokc |
Jolly Taverner (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) (TAV 1.1, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4wayin |
Super Way In (Barcrest) (MPU4) (WS 1.0) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4wayina |
Way In Mk 2 (Barcrest) (bootleg) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4wildms |
Wild Mystery (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DWM 1.8) |
barcrest/mpu4mod2sw.cpp |
m4wnud |
unknown MPU4 'W Nudge' (J.A. Brown) (MPU4) |
barcrest/mpu4unsorted.cpp |
mac_zois |
machinaZOIS Virtual Training Center |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
mach3 |
M.A.C.H. 3 (set 1) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
mach3a |
M.A.C.H. 3 (set 2) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
mach3b |
M.A.C.H. 3 (set 3) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
maxxi |
Maxxi |
apple/apple2.cpp |
microeng |
Micro Engenho |
apple/apple2.cpp |
mmmaster |
Master |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrlo |
Monte Carlo (Pinball) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrlo2 |
Monte Carlo (Pinball, rev. 2) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrloa |
Monte Carlo (Pinball, alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrlof |
Monte Carlo (Pinball, French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrlog |
Monte Carlo (Pinball, German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mprof3 |
Microprofessor III |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
nmoves |
Night Moves |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
nudgeit |
Nudge-It |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
opthund |
Operation: Thunder |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
prav82 |
Pravetz 82 |
apple/apple2.cpp |
prav8c |
Pravetz 8C |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
prav8m |
Pravetz 8M |
apple/apple2.cpp |
raven |
Raven |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
ravena |
Raven (alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
raveng |
Raven (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rescu911 |
Rescue 911 (rev.1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
robowars |
Robo-War |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
robowarsf |
Robo-War (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rock |
Rock |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rock_enc |
Rock Encore |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rock_encg |
Rock Encore (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rockg |
Rock (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
screwloo |
Screw Loose (prototype) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
sfightii |
Street Fighter II (pinball, set 1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
sfightiia |
Street Fighter II (pinball, set 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
sfightiib |
Street Fighter II (pinball, set 3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
shaqattq |
Shaq Attaq (rev.5) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
shaqattq2 |
Shaq Attaq (rev.2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
silvslug |
Silver Slugger |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
smbmush |
Super Mario Brothers Mushroom World |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
smbp |
Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
smbpa |
Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
smbpb |
Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
smbpc |
Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 4) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
space84 |
Space 84 |
apple/apple2.cpp |
spectred |
Spectrum ED |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
sprbreak |
Spring Break |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
sprbreaka |
Spring Break (alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
sprbreakf |
Spring Break (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
sprbreakg |
Spring Break (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
sprbreaks |
Spring Break (single ball game) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
stargatp |
Stargate (pinball, rev.5) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp0 |
Stargate (pinball) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp1 |
Stargate (pinball, rev.1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp2 |
Stargate (pinball, rev.2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp3 |
Stargate (pinball, rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp4 |
Stargate (pinball, rev.4) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
surfnsaf |
Surf'n Safari |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
teedoffp |
Tee'd Off (pinball, rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
teedoffp0 |
Tee'd Off (pinball) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
teedoffp1 |
Tee'd Off (pinball, rev.1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
tfight |
Title Fight |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
tk3000 |
TK3000//e |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
topsound |
Top Sound (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
tt_game |
unknown Toptronic pinball game |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
txsector |
TX-Sector |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
txsectorf |
TX-Sector (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
txsectorg |
TX-Sector (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
uniap2en |
Unitron AP II (in English) |
apple/apple2.cpp |
uniap2pt |
Unitron AP II (in Brazilian Portuguese) |
apple/apple2.cpp |
uniap2ti |
Unitron AP II+ (Teclado Inteligente) |
apple/apple2.cpp |
usvsthem |
Us vs. Them |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
v4addlad |
Adders and Ladders (v2.1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4addlad20 |
Adders and Ladders (v2.0) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4addladd |
Adders and Ladders (v2.1d) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4barqs2 |
Barquest 2 (v0.3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4barqst |
Barquest (v2.6) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4barqstd |
Barquest (v2.6d) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40 |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Standard) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40a |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Standard) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40b |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Standard) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40c |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Standard) (set 4) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40d |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Data) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40e |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Data) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40f |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Data + %-Key + OCDM) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40g |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Standard) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40h |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Standard) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40i |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Data + %-Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40j |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Data + %-Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4big40k |
Big 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Data) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bigfrt |
Big Fruits (v2.0?) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bigfrta |
Big Fruits (v2.0?) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bigfrtb |
Big Fruits (v2.0?) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bigfrtc |
Big Fruits (v2.0?) (% Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bios |
MPU4 Video Firmware |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4blox |
Blox (SJM BLOX, 50p/20p Play, Version 2.0) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bloxd |
Blox (SJM BLOX, 50p/20p Play, Version 2.0) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bubbnk |
Bubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bubbnka |
Bubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bubbnkb |
Bubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bubbnkc |
Bubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bubbnkd |
Bubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bulblx |
Bullion Blox (BWB) (BV_50___.2__) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bulblxa |
Bullion Blox (BWB) (Datapak) (BV_50___.2__) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bulblxb |
Bullion Blox (BWB) (BV_1P___.2__) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bulblxc |
Bullion Blox (BWB) (Datapak) (BV_1P___.2__) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4bulblxd |
Bullion Blox (BWB) (BVM_____.1__) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze |
The Crystal Maze (v1.3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze2 |
The New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v2.2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze2_amld |
The New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v0.1, AMLD) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze2b |
The New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v2.0) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze2c |
The New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v?.?) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze2d |
The New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v2.2, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze3 |
The Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v0.9) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze3_amld |
The Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v1.2, AMLD) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze3b |
The Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v0.8) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze3c |
The Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v0.6) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze3d |
The Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v0.9, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmaze_amld |
The Crystal Maze (v0.1, AMLD) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmazeb |
The Crystal Maze (v1.2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmazec |
The Crystal Maze (v1.3 alt) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmazed |
The Crystal Maze (v1.1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cmazedat |
The Crystal Maze (v1.3, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinf |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinf3 |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 3) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinf3a |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 3) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfa |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 5p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfb |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfd |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfe |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinff |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Showcase, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfg |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfh |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Showcase) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfi |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfj |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Showcase, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfk |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfl |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfm |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfn |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, Showcase) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfo |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfp |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfq |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfr |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfs |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfu |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cshinfw |
Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, All - Cash, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4cybcas |
Cyber Casino (Nova, German) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4dbltak |
Double Take (BWB) (Release 4, Arcade Standard, 20p/25p Stake Key, £5/£10/£15 Prize Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4dbltaka |
Double Take (BWB) (Release 4, Arcade Data, 20p/25p Stake Key, £5/£10/£15 Prize Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4dbltakb |
Double Take (BWB) (Release 4, S_Site Data, 20p/25p Stake Key, £5/£10/£15 Prize Key, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4dealem |
Deal 'Em (MPU4 Conversion Kit, v7.0) |
barcrest/mpu4dealem.cpp |
v4eyedwn |
Eyes Down (v1.3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4eyedwnd |
Eyes Down (v1.3, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4frfact |
Fruit Factory (BWB) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4frfacta |
Fruit Factory (BWB) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4frfactb |
Fruit Factory (BWB) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4frfactc |
Fruit Factory (BWB) (set 4) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4frfactd |
Fruit Factory (BWB) (set 5) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4frfacte |
Fruit Factory (BWB) (set 6) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4frfactf |
Fruit Factory (BWB) (set 7) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrsh |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrsh3 |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrsha |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshb |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshc |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshd |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshe |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshf |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshg |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshh |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshi |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshj |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshk |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshl |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 25p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshm |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 25p Fixed, All - Cash) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshn |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/25p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrsho |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/25p, All - Cash) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshp |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshq |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshr |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshs |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrsht |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4gldrshu |
Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mate |
The Mating Game (v0.4) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mated |
The Mating Game (v0.4, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mazbel |
Mazooma Belle (v2.5 DY, S/Site, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mazbel15 |
Mazooma Belle (v1.5, Arcade, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mazbel15a |
Mazooma Belle (v1.5 DY, Arcade, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdice |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdice5 |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 5, Arcade Showcase, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdice6 |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 6, Arcade Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicea |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 5p-£4 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdiceb |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 10p-£4 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicec |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 10p-£8 Token - Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdiced |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£4 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicee |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£4 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicef |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdiceg |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Showcase, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdiceger |
Miami Dice (Nova, German) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdiceh |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicei |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicej |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicek |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Showcase, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 5) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicel |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicem |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 4) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicen |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdiceo |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicep |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdiceq |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicer |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdices |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicet |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdiceu |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicev |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4mdicew |
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£8 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4megbuk |
Megabucks Poker (BWB) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4megbuka |
Megabucks Poker (BWB) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4megbukb |
Megabucks Poker (BWB) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4megbukc |
Megabucks Poker (BWB) (set 4) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4missis |
Mississippi Lady (Nova, German) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 20p Switchable, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte5 |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 5, S/Site Standard, 20p Fixed, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte5a |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 5, Arcade Special, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte5b |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 5, Arcade Special, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9 |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9a |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9b |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9c |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, Arcade Special, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9d |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, Arcade Special, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9e |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9f |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, £10 All Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9g |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, Arcade Special, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9h |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, Arcade Special, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9i |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9j |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9k |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9l |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 25p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9m |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 25p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9n |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, £10 All Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monte9o |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montea |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 20p Switchable, £10 All Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteaa |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 17) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteab |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 18) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteac |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 19) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montead |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 20) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteae |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 21) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteaf |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 22) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteag |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 23) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteah |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 24) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteai |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 25) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteaj |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 26) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteak |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 27) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteal |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 28) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteam |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 29) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montean |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 30) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteao |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 31) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteb |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release B, S/Site Standard, 20p Fixed, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteba |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release B, Arcade Special, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montebb |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release B, Arcade Special, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montec |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, Arcade Special, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monted |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 20p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montee |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteg |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 25p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteger |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (German) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montek |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montel |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montem |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monten |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 4) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteo |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 5) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montep |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 6) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteq |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 7) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monter |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 8) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montes |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 9) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montet |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 10) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4monteu |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 11) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montev |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 12) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montew |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 13) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montex |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 14) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montey |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 15) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montez |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 16) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4montezz |
Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 32) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4opt3 |
Option 3 (v1.0) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4opt3d |
Option 3 (v1.0) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4ovrmn3 |
Over Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4ovrmn3a |
Over Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4ovrmn3b |
Over Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4ovrmn3c |
Over Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4ovrmn3d |
Over Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4picdil |
Piccadilly Night (Nova, German) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4picdila |
Piccadilly Night (Nova, German) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4picdilz |
Piccadilly Night (Nova, German) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4psi |
Prize Space Invaders (BWB IN2, £20, 50p/30p Play, 20" Version 1.1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4psi14 |
Prize Space Invaders (BWB IN2, £20, 50p/30p Play, 14" Version 1.1, set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4psi14a |
Prize Space Invaders (BWB IN2, £20, 50p/30p Play, 14" Version 1.1, set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4psibc |
Prize Space Invaders (BWB INV1, 50p/30p Play, Version 1.2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4psibcd |
Prize Space Invaders (BWB INV1, 50p/30p Play, Version 1.2) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4psid |
Prize Space Invaders (BWB IN2, £20, 50p/30p Play, 20" Version 1.1) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4pztet |
Prize Tetris (BWB) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4pzteta |
Prize Tetris (BWB) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4pztetb |
Prize Tetris (BWB) (Showcase) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4pztetc |
Prize Tetris (BWB) (Showcase) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4quidgr |
Ten Quid Grid (v1.2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4quidgr2 |
Ten Quid Grid (v2.4) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4quidgr2d |
Ten Quid Grid (v2.4, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4quidgrd |
Ten Quid Grid (v1.2, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp2 |
Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copyright, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp2a |
Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp2b |
Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp2c |
Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp2d |
Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp2e |
Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp2f |
Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp2g |
Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtp2z |
Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1992 copyright, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpa |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpaa |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpab |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fxed, All-Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtparc |
Red Hot Poker (Arcade, Cash+Tokens, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed, Version 1.9) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpb |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpc |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpd |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpe |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpf |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpg |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtph |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpi |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpj |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpk |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpl |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpm |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpn |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpo |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpp |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpq |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpr |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtps |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpt |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpu |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpunk |
Red Hot Poker (unknown release) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpv |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpw |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpx |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpy |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4redhtpz |
Red Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencas |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencasa |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencasb |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencasc |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 4) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencasd |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 5) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencase |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 6) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencasf |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 7) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencasg |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 8) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencash |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 9) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rencasi |
Reno Casino (BWB) (set 10) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4reno |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4reno5 |
Reno Reels (Release 5) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4reno7 |
Reno Reels (Release 7) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4reno8 |
Reno Reels (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renoa |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renob |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renoc |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renod |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renoe |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renof |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 1) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renog |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renoh |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renoi |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renoj |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 2) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renok |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renol |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renom |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renon |
Reno Reels (Release A, 25p Fixed, All - Cash) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renoo |
Reno Reels (Release A, 25p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renop |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Switchable 20p/25p, All - Cash) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renoq |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Switchable 20p/25p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renor |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renos |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renot |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4renou |
Reno Reels (Release A, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmaz |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 10p Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmaza |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4 DY, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 10p Fixed, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmazb |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4 D, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 10p Fixed, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmazc |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmazd |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4 DY, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed, Datapak, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmaze |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4 DY, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed, Datapak, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmazf |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4 D, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmazg |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmazh |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4 DY, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmazi |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4 D, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmazj |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4 Y, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4rhmazk |
Red Hot Mazooma Belle (BWB) (Version 1.4 C, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwnd |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwnda |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 10p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndb |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 10p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndc |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 10p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndd |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 10p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwnde |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndf |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndg |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndh |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndi |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Fixed, Cash + Special BWB Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndj |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash + Special BWB Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndk |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash + Special BWB Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndl |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash + Special BWB Token, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4shpwndm |
Shop Window (v2.0) (Release 2, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash + Special BWB Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixx |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxa |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxb |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxc |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxd |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxe |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxf |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxg |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxh |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxi |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxj |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxk |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxl |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sixxm |
£6-X (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, All - Cash, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sklcsh |
Skill Cash (v1.1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4skltrk |
Skill Trek (v1.1) (MPU4 Video, set 1) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4skltrka |
Skill Trek (v1.1) (MPU4 Video, set 2) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4strike |
Strike it Lucky (v0.5) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4strike2 |
Strike it Lucky (v0.53) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4strike2d |
Strike it Lucky (v0.53, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4striked |
Strike it Lucky (v0.5, Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbst |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 10p Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbsta |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 DY, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 10p Fixed, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstb |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 D, Cash + Token, 1993 Awards, 10p Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstc |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 Y, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 10p Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstd |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbste |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 DY, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstf |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 DY, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstg |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 D, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbsth |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 D, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbsti |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 Y, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstj |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 D, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstk |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstl |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstm |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstn |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 DY, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbsto |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 D, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstp |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 D, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstq |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 Y, Cash+Token, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p, % Key) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstr |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 C, 1993 Awards, 10p Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbsts |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 C, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstt |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 C, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4sunbstu |
Sunburst (BWB) (Version 1.4 IC, 1993 Awards, 20p Switchable to 10p) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4tetrs |
Tetris Payout (BWB TET1 Version 2.2, set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4tetrs1 |
Tetris Payout (BWB TET1 Version 2.2, set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4timebn |
Time Bandit (BWB) (Release 1, 20p Fixed, Cash + Tokens) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4timebna |
Time Bandit (BWB) (Release 1, 20p Fixed, Cash + Tokens) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4timebnb |
Time Bandit (BWB) (Release 1, 20p Fixed, Cash + Tokens) (Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4timebnc |
Time Bandit (BWB) (Release 1, 20p Fixed, Cash + Tokens) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4timebnd |
Time Bandit (BWB) (Release 1, 20p Fixed, Cash + Tokens) (Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4timebne |
Time Bandit (BWB) (Release 1, 20p Fixed, Cash + Tokens) (Datapak) (set 3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4tmach |
Time Machine (v2.0) (Issue 3 Questions) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4tmach1 |
Time Machine (v2.0) (Issue 1 Questions) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4tmach1d |
Time Machine (v2.0) (Issue 1 Questions) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4tmach2 |
Time Machine (v2.0) (Issue 2 Questions) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4tmach2d |
Time Machine (v2.0) (Issue 2 Questions) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4tmachd |
Time Machine (v2.0) (Issue 3 Questions) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4turnov |
Turnover (v2.3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4turnova |
Turnover (v2.33) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4turnovc |
Turnover (v2.3O) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4turnovd |
Turnover (v?.?) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4vgpok |
Vegas Poker (prototype, release 2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4wize |
Wize Move (v1.3) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4wizeb |
Wize Move (v1.33) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4wizec |
Wize Move (v1.3d3) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4wized |
Wize Move (v1.3d) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4wizen |
Wize Move (v?.?) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
v4wizeo |
Wize Move (v1.2) (MPU4 Video) |
barcrest/mpu4vid.cpp |
vegas |
Vegas |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
victoryp |
Victory (Pinball) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
victorypf |
Victory (Pinball, French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
victorypg |
Victory (Pinball, German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
vidvince |
Video Vince and the Game Factory (prototype) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
waterwld |
Waterworld (rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
waterwld2 |
Waterworld (rev.2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wcsoccer |
World Challenge Soccer (rev.1, set 1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wcsoccer1a |
World Challenge Soccer (rev.1, set 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wipeout |
Wipeout (rev.2, set 1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wipeout2a |
Wipeout (rev.2, set 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wizwarz |
Wiz Warz (prototype) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
zijini |
Zi Jin I |
apple/apple2e.cpp |
coco_ssc |
devices/bus/coco/coco_ssc.cpp |
mockingboardd |
Sweet Micro Systems Mockingboard D |
devices/bus/rs232/mboardd.cpp |
gotsndp4 |
Gottlieb Sound pin. 4 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |
gotsndp5 |
Gottlieb Sound pin. 5 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |
gotsndp6 |
Gottlieb Sound pin. 6 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |
gotsndp7 |
Gottlieb Sound pin. 7 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |
gotsndr2 |
Gottlieb Sound rev. 2 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |
a2mockbd |
Sweet Micro Systems Mockingboard Sound/Speech I |
devices/bus/a2bus/a2mockingboard.cpp |
a2phasor |
Applied Engineering Phasor |
devices/bus/a2bus/a2mockingboard.cpp |
a2echop |
Street Electronics Echo Plus |
devices/bus/a2bus/a2mockingboard.cpp |