Short name:cdp1802
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/cpu/cosmac/cosmac.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
altair Altair efo/cidelsa.cpp
altair2 Altair II efo/cidelsa.cpp
antar Antar (Playmatic, set 1) pinball/play_2.cpp
antar2 Antar (Playmatic, set 2) pinball/play_2.cpp
apollo80 Apollo 80 (Germany) rca/studio2.cpp
attack Attack pinball/play_2.cpp
bigtown Big Town pinball/play_1.cpp
blkfever Black Fever pinball/play_2.cpp
cerberup Cerberus (Pinball) pinball/play_2.cpp
chance Chance pinball/play_1.cpp
cm1200 M-1200 (?) rca/studio2.cpp
comx35n COMX 35 (NTSC) comx/comx35.cpp
comx35p COMX 35 (PAL) comx/comx35.cpp
cosmicos Cosmicos skeleton/cosmicos.cpp
destryer Destroyer (Cidelsa, set 1) efo/cidelsa.cpp
destryera Destroyer (Cidelsa, set 2) efo/cidelsa.cpp
draco Draco efo/cidelsa.cpp
elf2 Elf II netronics/elf.cpp
eti660 ETI-660 Learners' Microcomputer ausnz/eti660.cpp
evlfight Evil Fight pinball/play_2.cpp
flashman Flashman pinball/play_3.cpp
fldragon Flash Dragon pinball/play_3.cpp
fldragona Flash Dragon (alternate set) pinball/play_3.cpp
ironball Iron Balls pinball/play_3.cpp
kz26 KZ-26 pinball/play_3.cpp
lastlap Last Lap pinball/play_1.cpp
madrace Mad Race pinball/play_2.cpp
megaaton Meg-Aaton pinball/play_3.cpp
megaatona Meg-Aaton (alternate set) pinball/play_3.cpp
mephisto Mephisto hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephisto1x Mephisto 1X hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephisto2 Mephisto II (set 1) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephisto2a Mephisto II (set 2) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephisto2b Mephisto II (set 3) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephisto3 Mephisto III (set 1) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephisto3a Mephisto III (set 2) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephisto3b Mephisto III (set 3) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephisto3c Mephisto III (set 4) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephistoe2 Mephisto ESB II (ESB 6000 board) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephistoe2a Mephisto ESB II (ESB II board) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
mephistoj Mephisto Junior (1982 version) hegenerglaser/brikett.cpp
microkit COSMAC Microkit rca/microkit.cpp
micromon7141 Micromon 7141 ECG unit skeleton/micromon.cpp
mpt02 Victory MPT-02 Home TV Programmer (Austria) rca/studio2.cpp
mpt02h MPT-02 Jeu TV Programmable (France) rca/studio2.cpp
msdisco Miss Disco (Bingo) pinball/play_3.cpp
mtc9016 9016 Telespiel Computer (Germany) rca/studio2.cpp
nano OSCOM Nano telercas/tmc1800.cpp
nautilus Nautilus pinball/play_3.cpp
ngtfever Night Fever pinball/play_1.cpp
nightmare Night Mare (Spain) efo/nightmare.cpp
osc1000b OSCOM 1000B telercas/tmc1800.cpp
party Party pinball/play_1.cpp
pecom32 Pecom 32 sfrj/pecom.cpp
pecom64 Pecom 64 sfrj/pecom.cpp
phntmshp Phantom Ship pinball/play_3.cpp
ridersrf Rider's Surf pinball/play_3.cpp
rock2500 Rock 2500 pinball/play_3.cpp
shmc1200 M1200 Micro Computer (Australia) rca/studio2.cpp
sklflite Skill Flight (Playmatic) pinball/play_3.cpp
spain82 Spain '82 pinball/play_3.cpp
spcgambl Space Gambler pinball/play_1.cpp
starfirp Star Fire pinball/play_3.cpp
starfirpa Star Fire (alternate set) pinball/play_3.cpp
storm Storm pinball/play_2.cpp
studio2 Studio II rca/studio2.cpp
terrlake Terrific Lake pinball/play_3.cpp
theraid The Raid pinball/play_3.cpp
theraida The Raid (alternate set) pinball/play_3.cpp
thrdwrld Third World pinball/play_1.cpp
tim011 TIM-011 sfrj/tim011.cpp
tmc1800 Telmac 1800 telercas/tmc1800.cpp
tmc2000 Telmac 2000 telercas/tmc1800.cpp
tmc2000e Telmac 2000E telercas/tmc2000e.cpp
tmc600s2 Telmac TMC-600 (Sarja II) telercas/tmc600.cpp
trailer Trailer pinball/play_3.cpp
ufo_x UFO-X pinball/play_3.cpp
vip Cosmac VIP (VP-711) rca/vip.cpp
visicom Visicom COM-100 (Japan) rca/studio2.cpp
vp111 Cosmac VIP (VP-111) rca/vip.cpp
zira Zira pinball/play_2.cpp
tim011_kbd TIM-011 Keyboard sfrj/tim011_kbd.cpp
efo_sound3 EFO Sound-3 board shared/efo_sound3.cpp