Crazy Kong

Short name:ckong
Is device:No
Source file:nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
Manufacturer:Kyoei / Falcon


Short name
bigkong Big Kong 1981 bootleg
bigkonggx Big Kong (bootleg of Crazy Kong on Galaxian hardware) 1981 bootleg
ckongalc Crazy Kong (Alca bootleg) 1981 bootleg (Alca)
ckongcv Crazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, encrypted, set 2) 1982 bootleg
ckongdks Donkey Kong (Spanish bootleg of Crazy Kong) 1981 bootleg
ckongg Crazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) 1981 bootleg
ckonggx Crazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, encrypted, set 1) 1981 bootleg
ckongis Crazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, encrypted, set 3) 1982 bootleg
ckongmc Crazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1) 1981 bootleg
ckongmc2 Crazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2) 1981 bootleg
ckongo Crazy Kong (Orca bootleg) 1981 bootleg (Orca)
ckongs Crazy Kong (bootleg on Scramble hardware) 1981 bootleg
dking Donkey King 1981 bootleg
monkeyd Monkey Donkey 1981 bootleg

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
cclimber_audio Crazy Climber Sound Board shared/cclimber_a.cpp
filter_volume Volume Filter devices/sound/flt_vol.cpp
dac_4bit_r2r 4-Bit R-2R DAC devices/sound/dac.h
ay8910 AY-3-8910A PSG devices/sound/ay8910.cpp
gfxdecode gfxdecode emu/drawgfx.cpp
z80 Zilog Z80 devices/cpu/z80/z80.cpp
ls259 74LS259 Addressable Latch devices/machine/74259.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp