Volume Filter

Short name:filter_volume
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/sound/flt_vol.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
advision Adventure Vision entex/advision.cpp
aquajack Aqua Jack (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
aquajackj Aqua Jack (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
aquajacku Aqua Jack (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
bagmanf Le Bagnard (bootleg on Crazy Kong hardware) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
baluba Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) tecmo/senjyo.cpp
berzerk Berzerk (revision RC31A) stern/berzerk.cpp
berzerka Berzerk (revision RC31) stern/berzerk.cpp
berzerkb Berzerk (revision RC28) stern/berzerk.cpp
berzerkf Berzerk (French Speech, revision RC31) stern/berzerk.cpp
berzerkg Berzerk (German Speech, revision RC32) stern/berzerk.cpp
berzerks Berzerk (Spanish Speech, revision RC32) stern/berzerk.cpp
bigkong Big Kong nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
bshark Battle Shark (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
bsharkj Battle Shark (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
bsharkjjs Battle Shark (Japan, Joystick) taito/taito_z.cpp
bsharku Battle Shark (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
cannonb Cannon Ball (bootleg on Crazy Kong hardware) (set 1, buggy) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
cannonb2 Cannon Ball (bootleg on Crazy Kong hardware) (set 2, buggy) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
cannonb3 Cannon Ball (bootleg on Crazy Kong hardware) (set 3, no bonus game) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ccboot Crazy Climber (bootleg set 1) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ccboot2 Crazy Climber (bootleg set 2) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ccbootmm Crazy Climber (ManilaMatic bootleg) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ccbootmr Crazy Climber (Model Racing bootleg) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
cchime Chroma-Chime handheld/hh_tms1k.cpp
cclimber Crazy Climber (US set 1) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
cclimbera Crazy Climber (US set 2) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
cclimberj Crazy Climber (Japan) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
cclimbroper Crazy Climber (Spanish, Operamatic bootleg) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
cclimbrrod Crazy Climber (Spanish, Rodmar bootleg) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
cdkong Donkey Kong (Coleco) handheld/hh_hmcs40.cpp
chasehq Chase H.Q. (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
chasehqj Chase H.Q. (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
chasehqju Chase H.Q. (Japan, upright?) taito/taito_z.cpp
chasehqu Chase H.Q. (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
ckong Crazy Kong nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongalc Crazy Kong (Alca bootleg) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongdks Donkey Kong (Spanish bootleg of Crazy Kong) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongo Crazy Kong (Orca bootleg) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongpt2 Crazy Kong Part II (set 1) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongpt2a Crazy Kong Part II (set 2) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongpt2b Crazy Kong Part II (alternative levels) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongpt2b2 Crazy Kong Part II (bootleg) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongpt2j Crazy Kong Part II (Japan) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongpt2jeu Crazy Kong Part II (Jeutel bootleg) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
ckongpt2ss Crazy Kong (SegaSA / Sonic bootleg) nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
contcirc Continental Circus (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
contcircj Continental Circus (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
contcircu Continental Circus (US set 1) taito/taito_z.cpp
contcircua Continental Circus (US set 2) taito/taito_z.cpp
ctvboy Compact Vision TV Boy misc/ctvboy.cpp
darius Darius (World, rev 2) taito/darius.cpp
darius2 Darius II (triple screen) (Japan, rev 1) taito/ninjaw.cpp
darius2d Darius II (dual screen) (Japan, Rev 2) taito/warriorb.cpp
darius2do Darius II (dual screen) (Japan, Rev 1) taito/warriorb.cpp
dariuse Darius Extra Version (Japan) taito/darius.cpp
dariusj Darius (Japan, rev 1) taito/darius.cpp
dariuso Darius (Japan) taito/darius.cpp
dariusu Darius (US, rev 2) taito/darius.cpp
dblaxle Double Axle (US, Rev 1) taito/taito_z.cpp
dblaxleu Double Axle (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
dblaxleul Double Axle (US, Rev 1, Linkable) taito/taito_z.cpp
dking Donkey King nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
enforce Enforce (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
enforcej Enforce (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
enforceja Enforce (Japan, Analog Controls) taito/taito_z.cpp
estargte Stargate (Entex) handheld/hh_hmcs40.cpp
flash Flash (Ideal) handheld/hh_pic16.cpp
frenzy Frenzy (revision RA1) stern/berzerk.cpp
fullthrl Full Throttle (Japan) taito/topspeed.cpp
leboom Le Boom handheld/hh_pic16.cpp
litelrn Lite 'n Learn: Electronic Organ handheld/hh_tms1k.cpp
lockon Lock-On (rev. E) tatsumi/lockon.cpp
lockonc Lock-On (rev. C) tatsumi/lockon.cpp
megaforc Mega Force (World) tecmo/senjyo.cpp
megaforcu Mega Force (US) tecmo/senjyo.cpp
mmarvin Musical Marvin handheld/hh_tms1k.cpp
monkeyd Monkey Donkey nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
moonwarp Moon War (prototype on Frenzy hardware) stern/berzerk.cpp
mshuttle Moon Shuttle (US? set 1) galaxian/galaxian.cpp
mshuttle2 Moon Shuttle (US? set 2) galaxian/galaxian.cpp
mshuttlea Moon Shuttle (US, version A) galaxian/galaxian.cpp
mshuttlej Moon Shuttle (Japan set 1) galaxian/galaxian.cpp
mshuttlej2 Moon Shuttle (Japan set 2) galaxian/galaxian.cpp
nightstr Night Striker (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
nightstrj Night Striker (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
nightstru Night Striker (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
ninjaw The Ninja Warriors (World, later version) taito/ninjaw.cpp
ninjaw1 The Ninja Warriors (World, earlier version) taito/ninjaw.cpp
ninjawj The Ninja Warriors (Japan) taito/ninjaw.cpp
ninjawu The Ninja Warriors (US, Romstar license) taito/ninjaw.cpp
orius Orius (ver UAA) konami/xexex.cpp
othunder Operation Thunderbolt (World, rev 1) taito/othunder.cpp
othunderj Operation Thunderbolt (Japan) taito/othunder.cpp
othunderjsc Operation Thunderbolt (Japan, SC) taito/othunder.cpp
othundero Operation Thunderbolt (World) taito/othunder.cpp
othunderu Operation Thunderbolt (US, rev 1) taito/othunder.cpp
othunderua Operation Thunderbolt (US) taito/othunder.cpp
pwheelsj Power Wheels (Japan, Rev 2, Linkable) taito/taito_z.cpp
racingb Racing Beat (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
racingbj Racing Beat (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
sagaia Sagaia (dual screen) (World) taito/warriorb.cpp
sci Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1) taito/taito_z.cpp
scia Special Criminal Investigation (World set 2) taito/taito_z.cpp
scij Special Criminal Investigation (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
scin Super Special Criminal Investigation (Negro Torino hack) taito/taito_z.cpp
sciu Special Criminal Investigation (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
senjyo Senjyo tecmo/senjyo.cpp
spacegun Space Gun (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
spacegunj Space Gun (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
spacegunu Space Gun (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
starforc Star Force tecmo/senjyo.cpp
starforca Star Force (encrypted, set 2) tecmo/senjyo.cpp
starforcb Star Force (encrypted, bootleg) tecmo/senjyo.cpp
starforce Star Force (encrypted, set 1) tecmo/senjyo.cpp
toprollr Top Roller nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp
topspeed Top Speed (World, rev 1) taito/topspeed.cpp
topspeedu Top Speed (US) taito/topspeed.cpp
warriorb Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Japan) taito/warriorb.cpp
wildfire Wildfire (patent) handheld/wildfire.cpp
x68000 X68000 sharp/x68k.cpp
x68030 X68030 sharp/x68k.cpp
x68ksupr X68000 Super sharp/x68k.cpp
x68kxvi X68000 XVI sharp/x68k.cpp
xexex Xexex (ver EAA) konami/xexex.cpp
xexexa Xexex (ver AAA) konami/xexex.cpp
xexexj Xexex (ver JAA) konami/xexex.cpp
cclimber_audio Crazy Climber Sound Board shared/cclimber_a.cpp