Dallas DS5002FP

Short name:ds5002fp
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/cpu/mcs51/mcs51.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
aligator Alligator Hunt (World, protected) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
aligatorp Alligator Hunt (protected, prototype?) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
aligators Alligator Hunt (Spain, protected) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
glass Glass (Ver 1.1, Break Edition, Checksum 49D5E66B, Version 1994) gaelco/glass.cpp
glass10 Glass (Ver 1.0, Break Edition, Checksum C5513F3C) gaelco/glass.cpp
glass10a Glass (Ver 1.0, Break Edition, Checksum D3864FDB) gaelco/glass.cpp
goldart Goldart (Spain) gaelco/goldart.cpp
goldartp Goldart (Portugal) gaelco/goldart.cpp
maniacsq Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
maniacsqa Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum CF2D) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
play2000 Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v7.0i) (Italy) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
play2000_40i Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v4.0i) (Italy) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
play2000_50i Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v5.0i) (Italy) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
targeth Target Hits (ver 1.1, Checksum 5152) gaelco/targeth.cpp
targeth10 Target Hits (ver 1.0, Checksum FBCB) gaelco/targeth.cpp
targetha Target Hits (ver 1.1, Checksum 86E1) gaelco/targeth.cpp
thoop2 TH Strikes Back (Non North America, Version 1.0, Checksum 020E0867) gaelco/thoop2.cpp
thoop2a TH Strikes Back (Non North America, Version 1.0, Checksum 020EB356) gaelco/thoop2.cpp
touchgo Touch and Go (World) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
touchgoe Touch and Go (earlier revision) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
touchgon Touch and Go (Non North America) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
wrally World Rally (version 1.0, checksum 0E56) gaelco/wrally.cpp
wrally2 World Rally 2: Twin Racing (mask ROM version) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
wrally2a World Rally 2: Twin Racing (EPROM version) gaelco/gaelco2.cpp
wrallya World Rally (version 1.0, checksum 3873) gaelco/wrally.cpp
wrallyat World Rally (US, version 1.0, checksum 2CC1) gaelco/wrally.cpp
wrallyata World Rally (US, version 1.0, checksum 75A5) gaelco/wrally.cpp
wrallyb World Rally (version 1.0, checksum 8AA2) gaelco/wrally.cpp
wrallyc World Rally (version 1.0, checksum E586) gaelco/wrally.cpp
gaelco_ds5002fp Gaelco DS5002FP gaelco/gaelco_ds5002fp.cpp