bigbat |
Big Bat (Bat game) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
bikkuric |
Bikkuri Card (Japan) |
konami/timeplt.cpp |
bladestl |
Blades of Steel (version T, Joystick) |
konami/bladestl.cpp |
bladestle |
Blades of Steel (version E, Trackball) |
konami/bladestl.cpp |
bladestll |
Blades of Steel (version L, Trackball) |
konami/bladestl.cpp |
bmx |
pinball/by35.cpp |
bubsys |
Bubble System BIOS |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
centaur |
Centaur |
pinball/by35.cpp |
chkun |
Chance Kun (Japan) |
konami/timeplt.cpp |
commsega |
Commando (Sega) |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
cottong |
Cotocoto Cottong |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
ct8000 |
Casiotone 8000 |
casio/ct8000.cpp |
ctfk1 |
Casiotone FK-1 |
casio/ct8000.cpp |
ctmb1 |
Casiotone MB-1 |
casio/ct8000.cpp |
ddribble |
Double Dribble |
konami/ddribble.cpp |
ddribblep |
Double Dribble (prototype?) |
konami/ddribble.cpp |
dotrone |
Discs of Tron (Environmental) |
midway/mcr.cpp |
dotronep |
Discs of Tron (Environmental, prototype, 8/9/83) |
midway/mcr.cpp |
eballd14 |
Eight Ball Deluxe (rev. 14) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
eballdlx |
Eight Ball Deluxe (rev. 15) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
elektra |
Elektra |
pinball/by35.cpp |
embryon |
Embryon |
pinball/by35.cpp |
fathom |
Fathom |
pinball/by35.cpp |
fball_ii |
Fireball II |
pinball/by35.cpp |
flashgdn |
Flash Gordon |
pinball/by35.cpp |
flashgdnf |
Flash Gordon (French) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
flashgdnfv |
Flash Gordon (French Vocalizer sound) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
flashgdnv |
Flash Gordon (Vocalizer sound) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
frontier |
Frontier |
pinball/by35.cpp |
futurspa |
Future Spa |
pinball/by35.cpp |
goldball |
Gold Ball (set 1) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
goldballn |
Gold Ball (Field Service Upgrade) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
gradius |
Gradius (Japan, ROM version) |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
gradiusb |
Gradius (Bubble System) |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
granslam |
Grand Slam |
pinball/by35.cpp |
granslam4 |
Grand Slam (4 Players) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
gutangtn |
Guttang Gottong |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
gutangtns |
Guttang Gottong (Sega license) |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
gwarrior |
Galactic Warriors |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
hotdoggn |
Hotdoggin' |
pinball/by35.cpp |
jackler |
Jackler (bootleg of Jungler) |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
jaminator |
Jaminator |
misc/jaminator.cpp |
jungler |
Jungler |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
junglero |
Jungler (Olympia) |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
junglers |
Jungler (Stern Electronics) |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
junofrst |
Juno First |
konami/junofrst.cpp |
junofrstg |
Juno First (Gottlieb) |
konami/junofrst.cpp |
konamigt |
Konami GT |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
locoboot |
Loco-Motion (bootleg) |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
locomotn |
Loco-Motion |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
m_mpac |
Mr. and Mrs. PacMan (set 1) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
m_mpacb |
Mr. and Mrs. PacMan (set 2) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
mdntmrdr |
Midnight Marauders (Gun game) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
medusa |
Medusa |
pinball/by35.cpp |
megazone |
Mega Zone (version L) |
konami/megazone.cpp |
megazonea |
Mega Zone (unknown version 1) |
konami/megazone.cpp |
megazoneb |
Mega Zone (unknown version 2) |
konami/megazone.cpp |
megazoneh |
Mega Zone (version H) |
konami/megazone.cpp |
megazonei |
Mega Zone (version I) |
konami/megazone.cpp |
megazonej |
Mega Zone (version J) |
konami/megazone.cpp |
mgavegas |
Vegas 1 (Ver 2.3 dual coin pulse, shorter) |
misc/mgavegas.cpp |
mgavegas133 |
Vegas 1 (Ver 1.33 single coin pulse) |
misc/mgavegas.cpp |
mgavegas21 |
Vegas 1 (Ver 2.1 dual coin pulse, longer) |
misc/mgavegas.cpp |
midiverb |
MIDIverb |
alesis/midiverb.cpp |
mysteria |
Mysterian (prototype) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
mystic |
Mystic |
pinball/by35.cpp |
nemesis |
Nemesis (ROM version) |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
nemesisuk |
Nemesis (World?, ROM version) |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
nflfoot |
NFL Football |
midway/mcr.cpp |
ngndshkr |
Nitro Ground Shaker |
pinball/by35.cpp |
obdmx |
oberheim/dmx.cpp |
pootan |
Pootan |
konami/pooyan.cpp |
pooyan |
Pooyan |
konami/pooyan.cpp |
pooyans |
Pooyan (Stern Electronics) |
konami/pooyan.cpp |
psr110 |
PSR-110 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
psr150 |
PSR-150 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
psr180 |
PSR-180 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
psr190 |
PSR-190 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
psr60 |
PSR-60 PortaSound |
yamaha/ympsr60.cpp |
psr70 |
PSR-70 PortaSound |
yamaha/ympsr60.cpp |
psr75 |
PSR-75 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
psr76 |
PSR-76 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
psr78 |
PSR-78 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
pss11 |
PSS-11 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
pss12 |
PSS-12 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
pss21 |
PSS-21 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
pss31 |
PSS-31 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
pss6 |
PSS-6 |
yamaha/ympsr150.cpp |
psurge |
Power Surge |
konami/timeplt.cpp |
rapidfip |
Rapid Fire |
pinball/by35.cpp |
rf2 |
Konami RF2 - Red Fighter |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
rocnrope |
Roc'n Rope |
konami/rocnrope.cpp |
rocnropek |
Roc'n Rope (Kosuka) |
konami/rocnrope.cpp |
rollston |
Rolling Stones |
pinball/by35.cpp |
ropeman |
Ropeman (bootleg of Roc'n Rope) |
konami/rocnrope.cpp |
savanna |
Savanna (bootleg of Jungler) |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
skatebll |
Skateball |
pinball/by35.cpp |
slbmania |
Silverball Mania |
pinball/by35.cpp |
spaceinv |
Space Invaders |
pinball/by35.cpp |
spaceplt |
Space Pilot (set 1) |
konami/timeplt.cpp |
spaceplta |
Space Pilot (set 2) |
konami/timeplt.cpp |
speakesy |
Speakeasy |
pinball/by35.cpp |
speakesy4p |
Speakeasy 4 Player |
pinball/by35.cpp |
spectrm |
Spectrum |
pinball/by35.cpp |
spectrm4 |
Spectrum (ver 4) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
tactcian |
Tactician (set 1) |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
tactcian2 |
Tactician (set 2) |
namco/rallyx.cpp |
timeplt |
Time Pilot |
konami/timeplt.cpp |
timeplta |
Time Pilot (Atari) |
konami/timeplt.cpp |
timepltc |
Time Pilot (Centuri) |
konami/timeplt.cpp |
tp84 |
Time Pilot '84 (set 1) |
konami/tp84.cpp |
tp84a |
Time Pilot '84 (set 2) |
konami/tp84.cpp |
tp84b |
Time Pilot '84 (set 3) |
konami/tp84.cpp |
tutankhm |
Tutankham |
konami/tutankhm.cpp |
tutankhms |
Tutankham (Stern Electronics) |
konami/tutankhm.cpp |
twinbee |
TwinBee (ROM version) |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
twinbeeb |
TwinBee (Bubble System) |
konami/nemesis.cpp |
vector |
Vector |
pinball/by35.cpp |
viking |
Viking |
pinball/by35.cpp |
wow |
Wizard of Wor |
midway/astrocde.cpp |
wowg |
Wizard of Wor (with German language ROM) |
midway/astrocde.cpp |
xenon |
Xenon |
pinball/by35.cpp |
xenonf |
Xenon (French) |
pinball/by35.cpp |
p1_sound |
Poisk-1 sound card (B623) |
devices/bus/isa/p1_sound.cpp |
as3022 |
Bally AS3022 Sound Board |
shared/ballysound.cpp |
sounds_plus |
Bally Sounds Plus w/ Vocalizer Board |
shared/ballysound.cpp |
squawk_n_talk |
Bally Squawk & Talk Board |
shared/ballysound.cpp |
squawk_n_talk_ay |
Bally Squawk & Talk w/ AY8910 Board |
shared/ballysound.cpp |
timplt_audio |
Time Pilot Audio |
shared/timeplt_a.cpp |
locomotn_audio |
Loco-Motion Audio |
shared/timeplt_a.cpp |