Bally Squawk & Talk Board

Short name:squawk_n_talk
Is device:Yes
Source file:shared/ballysound.cpp

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
m6802 Motorola MC6802 devices/cpu/m6800/m6800.cpp
pia6821 6821 PIA devices/machine/6821pia.cpp
ad558 AD558 DAC devices/sound/dac.h
filter_rc RC Filter devices/sound/flt_rc.cpp
tms5200 TMS5200 devices/sound/tms5220.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
centaur Centaur pinball/by35.cpp
dotrone Discs of Tron (Environmental) midway/mcr.cpp
dotronep Discs of Tron (Environmental, prototype, 8/9/83) midway/mcr.cpp
embryon Embryon pinball/by35.cpp
fathom Fathom pinball/by35.cpp
medusa Medusa pinball/by35.cpp
nflfoot NFL Football midway/mcr.cpp
rapidfip Rapid Fire pinball/by35.cpp
spectrm Spectrum pinball/by35.cpp
spectrm4 Spectrum (ver 4) pinball/by35.cpp