Gottlieb Sound/Speech rev. 1 w/SC-01-A

Short name:gotsndspr1a
Is device:Yes
Source file:shared/gottlieb_a.cpp

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
votrsc01a Votrax SC-01-A devices/sound/votrax.cpp
mc1408 MC1408 DAC devices/sound/dac.h
mos6532 MOS 6532 RIOT devices/machine/mos6530.cpp
m6502 MOS Technology 6502 devices/cpu/m6502/m6502.cpp
ipt_merge_any_hi Input Merger (any high) devices/machine/input_merger.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
blckhole Black Hole (Rev. 4) pinball/gts80.cpp
blckhole2 Black Hole (Rev. 2) pinball/gts80.cpp
caveman Caveman (Pinball/Video Combo, set 1) pinball/gts80a.cpp
cavemana Caveman (Pinball/Video Combo, set 2) pinball/gts80a.cpp
dvlsdre Devil's Dare pinball/gts80a.cpp
hh Haunted House (Rev. 2) pinball/gts80.cpp
hh_1 Haunted House (Rev. 1) pinball/gts80.cpp
krullp Krull (Pinball) pinball/gts80a.cpp
marsp Mars - God of War pinball/gts80.cpp
marspf Mars - God of War (French speech) pinball/gts80.cpp
myqbert Mello Yello Q*bert gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
punk Punk! pinball/gts80a.cpp
qbert Q*bert (US set 1) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qberta Q*bert (US set 2) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qbertj Q*bert (Japan) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qbertqub Q*bert's Qubes gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qbquest Q*Bert's Quest pinball/gts80a.cpp
qbtrktst Q*bert Board Input Test Rom gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
rocky Rocky pinball/gts80a.cpp
rockyf Rocky (French speech) pinball/gts80a.cpp
s80tst System 80 Test pinball/gts80.cpp
spirit Spirit pinball/gts80a.cpp
sqbert Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (prototype) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
striker Striker (Pinball) pinball/gts80a.cpp
tylz Tylz (prototype) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
vlcno_ax Volcano pinball/gts80.cpp