Votrax SC-01-A

Short name:votrsc01a
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/sound/votrax.cpp

Software Lists

Card Short name Description Status Total Supported Partially supported Unsupported

Referenced By

Short nameDescriptionSource file
ace100 Franklin ACE 100 apple/apple2.cpp
ace1000 Franklin ACE 1000 apple/apple2.cpp
ace2200 Franklin ACE 2200 apple/apple2e.cpp
albert Albert apple/apple2.cpp
am100 AM100 apple/apple2.cpp
am64 AM 64 apple/apple2.cpp
apple2 Apple ][ apple/apple2.cpp
apple2c Apple //c apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2c0 Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5) apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2c3 Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion) apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2c4 Apple //c (rev 4) apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2e Apple //e apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2ee Apple //e (enhanced) apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2eefr Apple //e (enhanced, France) apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2ees Apple //e (Spain) apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2eeuk Apple //e (enhanced, UK) apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2ep Apple //e (Platinum) apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2euk Apple //e (UK) apple/apple2e.cpp
apple2jp Apple ][ J-Plus apple/apple2.cpp
apple2p Apple ][+ apple/apple2.cpp
aussieby Aussie Byte II ausnz/aussiebyte.cpp
basis108 Basis 108 apple/apple2.cpp
blckhole Black Hole (Rev. 4) pinball/gts80.cpp
blckhole2 Black Hole (Rev. 2) pinball/gts80.cpp
caveman Caveman (Pinball/Video Combo, set 1) pinball/gts80a.cpp
cavemana Caveman (Pinball/Video Combo, set 2) pinball/gts80a.cpp
cavnegro Cavaleiro Negro (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
cavnegro1 Cavaleiro Negro (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
cavnegro2 Cavaleiro Negro (set 3) pinball/taito.cpp
cec2000 China Education Computer 2000 apple/apple2e.cpp
cece China Education Computer E apple/apple2e.cpp
cecg China Education Computer G apple/apple2e.cpp
ceci China Education Computer I apple/apple2e.cpp
cecm China Education Computer M apple/apple2e.cpp
craft2p Craft II+ apple/apple2.cpp
dodo Do-Do apple/apple2.cpp
dvlsdre Devil's Dare pinball/gts80a.cpp
elppa Elppa II+ apple/apple2.cpp
fireact Fire Action pinball/taito.cpp
fireactd Fire Action Deluxe pinball/taito.cpp
gork Gork pinball/taito.cpp
hawkman Hawkman (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
hawkman1 Hawkman (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
hc110 HandiVoice HC-110 votrax/votrhv.cpp
hc120 HandiVoice HC-120 votrax/votrhv.cpp
hh Haunted House (Rev. 2) pinball/gts80.cpp
hh_1 Haunted House (Rev. 1) pinball/gts80.cpp
hkc8800a HKC 8800A apple/apple2.cpp
ivelultr Ivel Ultra apple/apple2.cpp
k28 K-2-8: Talking Learning Computer (model 7-230) tiger/k28.cpp
krullp Krull (Pinball) pinball/gts80a.cpp
ladylukt Lady Luck (Taito) pinball/taito.cpp
laser2c Laser //c apple/apple2.cpp
marsp Mars - God of War pinball/gts80.cpp
marspf Mars - God of War (French speech) pinball/gts80.cpp
maxxi Maxxi apple/apple2.cpp
microeng Micro Engenho apple/apple2.cpp
mprof3 Microprofessor III apple/apple2e.cpp
myqbert Mello Yello Q*bert gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
prav82 Pravetz 82 apple/apple2.cpp
prav8c Pravetz 8C apple/apple2e.cpp
prav8m Pravetz 8M apple/apple2.cpp
punk Punk! pinball/gts80a.cpp
qbert Q*bert (US set 1) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qberta Q*bert (US set 2) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qbertj Q*bert (Japan) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qbertqub Q*bert's Qubes gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qbquest Q*Bert's Quest pinball/gts80a.cpp
qbtrktst Q*bert Board Input Test Rom gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
rocky Rocky pinball/gts80a.cpp
rockyf Rocky (French speech) pinball/gts80a.cpp
s80tst System 80 Test pinball/gts80.cpp
space84 Space 84 apple/apple2.cpp
spectred Spectrum ED apple/apple2e.cpp
spirit Spirit pinball/gts80a.cpp
sqbert Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (prototype) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
striker Striker (Pinball) pinball/gts80a.cpp
titan Titan (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
titan1 Titan (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
tk3000 TK3000//e apple/apple2e.cpp
tylz Tylz (prototype) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
uniap2en Unitron AP II (in English) apple/apple2.cpp
uniap2pt Unitron AP II (in Brazilian Portuguese) apple/apple2.cpp
uniap2ti Unitron AP II+ (Teclado Inteligente) apple/apple2.cpp
vegast Vegas (Taito) pinball/taito.cpp
vlcno_ax Volcano pinball/gts80.cpp
votrpss Personal Speech System votrax/votrpss.cpp
votrtnt Type 'N Talk votrax/votrtnt.cpp
zijini Zi Jin I apple/apple2e.cpp
vic20_speakeasy PPP Speakeasy VIC-20 devices/bus/vic20/speakeasy.cpp
c64_speakeasy PPP Speakeasy 64 devices/bus/c64/speakeasy.cpp
gotsndspr1a Gottlieb Sound/Speech rev. 1 w/SC-01-A shared/gottlieb_a.cpp
a2mockbd Sweet Micro Systems Mockingboard Sound/Speech I devices/bus/a2bus/a2mockingboard.cpp