PC/AT 5170

Short name:ibm5170
Is device:No
Source file:pc/at.cpp
Manufacturer:International Business Machines


Short name
386sc 386 SC Rev A2 199? <unknown>
386sc2c 386 motherboard using the Symphony chipset 199? <unknown>
386schg 386-SC-HG 199? <unknown>
386sxvhcom 80386SX-VH-COM 199? <unknown>
3siud 3SIUD-1.1 199? <unknown>
486apio 486 APIO 199? EFA
486ccv 486-CCV 199? Diamond Flower, Inc. (DFI)
486igb21 486IG-B-2-1 199? <unknown>
486wb6a3 486WB6A3.B1 199? Silicon Valley Computer, Inc.
4dmshl3g 4DMS HL3G-L4-VI 199? EFA
4dmuhl3s 4DMU HL3S 199? EFA
4nd04a 386-4N-D04A (UMC chipset) 199? <unknown>
a433cc A433C-C/A450C-C 1992 J-Bond
a486ap4 PVI-486AP4 1994 Asus
a486isa ISA-486 199? Asus
a486sio ISA-486SIO rev. 1.2 199? Asus
a486sp3g PCI/I-486SP3G 1994 Asus
a486sv1 VL/EISA-486SV1 1994 Asus
a486sv2 ISA-486SV2 199? Asus
a486sv2g VL/I-486SV2G 1994 Asus
abae4 486 EISA-AE4 199? Abit
abah4 AB-AH4 199? Abit
abav4 AB-AV4 199? Abit
abax4 AB-AX4 199? Abit
abpb4 AB-PB4 199? Abit
abpw4 AB-PW4 199? Abit
al486vd AL486V-D Rev:1.1 199? Daewoo
alacou Cougar 199? Alaris
alaleolx LEOPARD LX 199? Alaris RYC
alator2 Tornado 2 199? Alaris
alim1217 386sx motherboards using the ALi M1217 chipset 199? <unknown>
alim1419 386 motherboards using the ALi M1419 chipset 199? <unknown>
alim1429 386 motherboards using the ALi M1429 A1 and M1431 A2 chipset 199? <unknown>
alim1489 486 motherboards using the ALi 1487/1489 chipset 199? <unknown>
amibaby Mark V Baby Screamer 199? AMI
amient2 EISA Enterprise-II 199? AMI
amient3 EISA Enterprise-III 199? AMI
amient4 EISA Enterprise-IV 199? AMI
amisvpci2 Super Voyager PCI-II 199? AMI
amisvvlb Super Voyager VLB 199? AMI
amisvvlb2 Super Voyager VLB-II 199? AMI
amisvvlb3 Super Voyager VLB-III 199? AMI
anch386s CH-386S-16/20/25G 199? ANIX
aovi15g VI15G 199? Aopen
aplannb Apricot LANstation (Novell Remote Boot) 1990 Apricot
aplanst Apricot LANstation (Krypton Motherboard) 1990 Apricot
aplsbon Apricot LS Pro (Bonsai Motherboard) 1992 Apricot
aplscar Apricot LS Pro (Caracal Motherboard) 1992 Apricot
aprfte Apricot FT//ex 486 (J3 Motherboard) 1991 Apricot
aprpand Apricot FTs (Panther Rev F 1.02.26) 1992 Apricot
apvxft Apricot VX FT server 1989 Apricot
apxena1 Apricot XEN PC (A1 Motherboard) 1993 Apricot
apxeni Apricot XEN-i 386 (Leopard Motherboard) 1987 Apricot
apxenls3 Apricot XEN-LS (Venus IV Motherboard) 1991 Apricot
apxenp2 Apricot XEN PC (P2 Motherboard) 1993 Apricot
apxlsam Apricot XEN-LS II (Samurai Motherboard) 1993 Apricot
ar4glx3 4GLX3 Green-B 4GPV3.1 199? Addtech Research
as496 AS496 199? Arstoria
asc486slc ASC486SLC 199? Computechnik
asi100b0 ASI 100B0, identified as HAM 12 TI 286 Motherboard ZERO WAIT 198? <unknown>
at PC/AT (6 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1987 <generic>
at386 PC/AT 386 (12 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1988 <generic>
at386sx PC/AT 386SX (16 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1988 <generic>
at486 PC/AT 486 (25 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1990 <generic>
at586 PC/AT 586 (PIIX4) 1990 <generic>
at586x3 PC/AT 586 (PIIX3) 1990 <generic>
atariabc286 ABC-286/30 1989 Atari
ataripc4 PC4 1987 Atari
ataripc5 PC5 1988 Atari
atc1415 ATC-1415 199? A-Trend
atturbo PC/AT Turbo (12 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1987 <generic>
aubam12s2 BAM/12-S2 198? AUVA COMPUTER, INC.
bam16a0 VIP-M21502A BAM16-A0 198? AUVA
bay1000c BAY-1000C V1.01 198? Mintek
bi025c BI-025C HT-12 286 (HT12/A chipset) 199? <unknown>
bluenote Colani Blue Note 199? Highscreen
c286lt Laptop C286LT 1990 Commodore Business Machines
c386sx16 386SX-16 1990 Commodore Business Machines
c386sx25 386SX-25 1990 Commodore Business Machines
c386sxlt Laptop C386SX-LT 1991 Commodore Business Machines
cdtekg2 286 mainboard with Headland G2 chipset 199? CDTEK
ch48633c CH-486-33C 199? Chicony
ch491e CH-491E 199? Chicony
ch4slez1 486SLE M106 4SLE-Z1 199? Chaintech
chn333sc 333SC 199? Chaintech
cl28612s CL286-12/16S (CL286-12S and CL286-16S) 1990 Wearnes
cmpa286 286 motherboard 198? CMP enterprise CO.LTD.
comportii Portable II 1987 Compaq
comportiii Portable III 1987 Compaq
comslt286 SLT/286 1988 Compaq
comt386 Tower 386 199? Commodore Business Machines
comt486 Tower 486 199? Commodore Business Machines
cs8230 386 motherboards using the CS8230 chipset 198? <unknown>
csl286 SL 286-16 199? Commodore Business Machines
ct386sx NEAT 386SX (16 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1988 <generic>
ctcc386mx C386MX 199? Caching Tech Corporation
cxsxd CX SXD 1993 CX Technology
dfi386 386-20.REV0 198? DFI
dfi386sx 386SX-16/20CN Rev 1.0 199? Diamond Flower International
dsys200 System 200 1988 Dell Computer Corporation
dt386 DT386 199? Commodore Business Machines
dt486 DT486 199? Commodore Business Machines
dvbslan Book-Size LAN station 199? Datavan
ec1849 EC-1849 1993 <unknown>
ec4913 UC4913 REV:1.1 199? Elitegroup
ec4915aio UC4915 A AIO 199? Elitegroup
ecs38632 ECS-386/32 1988 Elitegroup Computer Systems
ecs386a ECS-386A 1988 Elitegroup Computer Systems
ecs8517 ECS 8517 v3.3 199? Elitegroup
ecsfx3000 FX-3000 REV1.0 199? Elitegroup Computer Systems
ecssi5pi SI5PI AIO 199? Elitegroup
ecsum386 UM386 (Rev 1.1) 1992 Elitegroup Computer Systems
ed486vl3h 486VL3H 199? Edom
edmv035f MV035F 199? Edom
elanht286 Elan High Tech 286 198? Leanord SA
elt286b ELT-286B-160B(E) 198? Chaintech
elt386sx ELT-386SX-160BE 199? Elitegroup
eltp9 ELT-P9 / most likely ELT-386SX-160D 198? Chaintech
epsax PC AX 198? Epson
epsax2e PC AX2e 198? Epson
epsax3 PC AX3 198? Epson
euroat Euro AT 1989 Schneider Rundfunkwerke AG
ev1806 EV-1806 198? Everex Systems
ev1815 EV-1815 198? Everex Systems
ews286 Ericsson WS286 1986 Ericsson
exp4044 EXP4044 199? ExpertChip
f4dxluc4 F4DXL-UC4 199? ADI
fic4386vchd 4386-VC-HD 199? First International Computer
fic4386vcv 4386-VC-V 199? First International Computer
fic486gvt 486-GVT 199? First International Computer
fic486kvd 486 KVD 199? First International Computer
fic486vchd 486-VC-HD 199? First International Computer
ficeli6ii FIC ELI6-II 199? First International Computer
ficgiovt2 486-GIO-VT2 1994 First International Computer
ficpio2 486-PIO-2 1995 First International Computer
ficvipio 486-VIP-IO 1994 First International Computer
ficvipio2 486-VIP-IO2 199? First International Computer
ficvt503 VT-503 1997 FIC
frx386c Forex 386 Cache 199? Micro-Express Inc.
frxc402 386 motherboards with a FOREX FRX46C402/FRX36C300/SIS85C206 chipset 199? <unknown>
ftsserv Apricot FTs (Scorpion) 1991 Apricot
fu340 FU340 1991 Abit
ga486am GA-486AM/S 199? Gigabyte
ga486vf GA-486VF 199? Gigabyte
ga486vs GA-486VS 199? Gigabyte
gc10a EAGLEN486 GC10A 199? Eagle
ges9051n GES 9051N-386C VER -0.01 199? <unknown>
gete486vl TurboExpress 486 VL 199? GENOA
gmb486sg GMB-486SG v2.2 199? Gemlight
gmb486unp GMB-486UNP v2.1 199? Gemlight
gs611606a GOLDSTAR P/N 611-606A Rev 1.0A 198? Goldstar
headg2 286 motherboards with Headland G2 chipset 199? <unknown>
hot304 HOT-304 198? Shuttle Computer International
hot307h HOT-307H 198? Shuttle Computer International
hot409 HOT-409 199? Shuttle Computer International
hot419 HOT-419 199? Shuttle Computer International
hot433 HOT-433 199? Shuttle Computer International
ht12a unknown 286 AT clones (HT12/A chipset) 19?? <unknown>
ht18c unknown 386sx AT clones (HT18/C chipset) 19?? <unknown>
ibm2011 PS/1 2011 1989 International Business Machines
ibm2011rd PS/1 2011 (international models with ROM DOS) 1989 International Business Machines
ibm2121 PS/1 2121 199? International Business Machines
ibm2121rd PS/1 2121 (international models with ROM DOS) 199? International Business Machines
ibm2123 PS/1 2123 199? International Business Machines
ibm2133 PS/1 2133 199? International Business Machines
ibm5162 PC/XT-286 5162 1985 International Business Machines
ibm5170a PC/AT 5170 8MHz 1985 International Business Machines
icldrsm40 DRS M40 198? ICL
ilm396b M-396B 199? ILON USA, INC.
isa386c ISA-386C 1989 Asus
isa386u30 ISA-386U30 REV.2.2 199? Asus
jwj403tg J-403TG 199? Jetway
k286i 286i 1985 Kaypro
kma202f KMA-202F-12R (Winbond chipset) 199? <unknown>
kma300g KMA-300G-25 199? Arche Technologies Inc.
kt216wb5 KT216WB5-HI Rev.2 19?? KT Technology
ktx20t02 QTC-SXM KT X20T02/HI Rev.3 198? Quadtel
lion3500 3500 1993 Lion
lm103s LM-103S 198? <unknown>
lsucm486v30 UCM-486V30 199? Lucky Star
m250e M250E 198? Olivetti
m290 M290 1987 Olivetti
m55hipl M55Hi-Plus 1990 Micronics
magb233 Magitronic B233 198? Magitronic Technology
magb236 Magitronic B236 198? Magitronic Technology
mat286 MAT286 Rev.D 19?? <unknown>
mb1212c MB-1212C 199? Biostar
mb133340 MB-1340UCQ-B 199? Biostar
mb1433aeap MB-1433/50 AEA-P - V:1 199? Biostar
mb1433ucv MB-1433UCV 199? Biostar
mb1433uiv MB-1433UIV 199? Biostar
mb4d33 MB-4D33/50NR 199? Aquarius System (ASI)
mb8433uud MB8433-UUD-A 199? Biostar
mba009 HLB-286 MBA-009 199? <unknown>
mba029 MBA-029 199? Mitac
mba032q MBA-032Q TK83305-4N-D-03 199? DTK
mbc18nb MBC-18NB 199? Sanyo
mbc28 MBC-28 1992 Sanyo
md4duvc MD-4DUV VER:2.1 199? Aquarius System (ASI)
micral45 Micral 45 199? Bull
mijx30gp JX30GP, Motherboard P/N: 09-00189-10 REV B1 199? Micronics
minisys2k MiniSys 2000 199? SIIG
mkp286 KP-286 198? Morse
mmbo4088 486MMBO4088 (TI TX486SLC/E) 199? <unknown>
mokp386 KP920121523 V2.20 199? Morse
mokp386sx KP 386SX V2.21 199? Morse
mom3v3 M3 V3.0 199? Morse
ms4125 MS-4125 199? MSI
ms4132 MS-4132 G VER:1 199? MSI
ms4134 MS-4134 199? MSI
ms4138 MS-4138 199? MSI
ms4145 MS-4145 199? MSI
mx83c305 386 motherboards using the MX83C305(A)(FC)/MX83C05(A)(FC) chipset 199? <unknown>
n8810m15 8810 M15 1987 Nixdorf Computer AG
n8810m16c 8810 M16 CGA version 1990 Nixdorf Computer AG
n8810m16v 8810 M16 VGA version 1990 Nixdorf Computer AG
n8810m20 8810/20 1989 Nixdorf
n8810m30 8810 M30 1990 Nixdorf Computer AG
n8810m55 8810 M55 1986 Nixdorf Computer AG
nat48pv NAT48PV-1.00 VL 199? <unknown>
ncr3302 Class 3302 Model 0110 199? NCR
ncr3433 Class 3433 199? NCR
ncrpc8 PC-8 1986 NCR
neat NEAT (12 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1989 <generic>
necapciv APC IV 1986 NEC
o286foxii Fox II 198? Octek
ocfoxm Fox M 286 1990 Octek
ochawk Hawk 199? Octek
ochipcom Hippo COM 199? Octek
ochipdca2 Hippo DCA2 1994 Octek
ochipvlp Hippo VL+ 199? Octek
ocjagii Jaguar II 1992 Octek
ocjagv Jaguar V v1.4 1992 Octek
ocpanii Panther II 199? Octek
octekg2 286 motherboard with Headland G2 chipset 199? Octek
ocxt286 XT-286 motherboard 198? Octek
olim203 M203 motherboard 199? Olivetti
olyport40 Olyport 40-21 198? AEG Olympia
op386wb OPTi 386WB VER.1.0 199? OPTi
op82c283 386sx motherboards using the OPTi 82C283 chipset 199? <unknown>
op82c291 386sx motherboards using the OPTi 82C291 chipset 199? <unknown>
op82c381 386 motherboards using the OPTi 82C381 chipset 199? <unknown>
op82c391 386 motherboards using the OPTi 82C391 chipset 199? <unknown>
op82c392 486 motherboards using the OPTi OPTi 82C392, 82C493 chipset 199? <unknown>
opti495slc 386 motherboards using a OPTi 82C495SLC chipset 199? <unknown>
opti495xlc 386 motherboards using a OPTi 82C495XLC chipset 199? <unknown>
p386dx40 P386DX-40 199? Peacock
p386sx25pw P386SX-25PW VER:2.00 199? Prolink
pc2386 PC2386 1989 Amstrad plc
pc30iii PC 30-III 1988 Commodore Business Machines
pc40iii PC 40-III 1988 Commodore Business Machines
pc45iii PC 45-III 198? Commodore Business Machines
pc50ii PC 50-II 198? Commodore Business Machines
pc60iii PC 60-III 198? Commodore Business Machines
pc70iii PC 70-III 199? Commodore Business Machines
pc9486 PC9486 199? Amstrad
pcb303 PCB-303 Rev.01 198? Packard Bell
pccm205 M205 198? PC-Chips
pccm209 M209 198? PC-Chips
pccm216 M216 198? PC-Chips
pccm317 M317 199? PC-Chips
pccm321 M321 199? PC-Chips
pccm326 M326 199? PC-Chips
pccm396f M396F 199? PC-Chips
pccm912 M912 199? PC-Chips
pccm915i M915i 199? PC-Chips
pccm919 M919 199? PC-Chips
pcd2 PCD-2 1986 Siemens
pcd204 PCD204 (PCD200 series) 1991 Philips
pcd2m PCD-2M 198? Siemens
pcd3nsl PCD-3Nsl Notebook Computer 199? Siemens-Nixdorf
pcd3nsx PCD-3Nsx Notebook Computer 199? Siemens-Nixdorf
pcd4nd PCD-4ND 1993 Siemens-Nixdorf
pcd4nl PCD-4NL 1995 Siemens-Nixdorf
pcd4x PCD-4H, PCD-4M 199? Siemens-Nixdorf
pci48af PCI48AF 199? TMC Research Corporation
pck486dx PCK 486 DX 199? Peacock
peas286 S-286 Rev A 198? Peacock Computer
pem2530 PEM 2539 198? DTK
pg750 PG 750 199? Siemens
pg750eisa PG-750 486 EISA 199? Siemens
php3239 P3239 199? Philips
pkm0038s PKM-0038S aka Gemlight GMB-486SG 199? DTK
pm486pu PM486PU-S7 199? PROTECH
ppm3333p PPM-3333P 199? DTK Computer
profpc33 PC 33 1990 Profex
prolite286 Prolite 286/16 198? CAF
pt319a PT-319A 199? Pine
pt430 PT-430 199? Pine Technology
pt432b PT-432b aka SR-M401-A 199? Pine Technology
pt581392 386 motherboard using the Forex FRX46C402 + FRX46C411 + SiS 85C206 chipset 199? <unknown>
ptmb457 MB457 199? PowerTech
pwaih4077c PWA-IH4077C 199? Mitac
pwaih4077d PWA-IH4077D 199? Mitac
pwb7270e PWB 7270 REV E 198? Advanced Logic Research
px486p3 PX486P3 199? QDI
qdu386dx QD-U386DX VER 1.0 199? <unknown>
qi600 Apricot Qi 600 (Neptune Motherboard) 1988 Apricot
qi900 Apricot Qi 900 (Scorpion Motherboard) 1990 Apricot
samdm286 Deskmaster 286-12 199? Samsung
sarcpc 80286 Standard System (SARC RC2015 chipset) 199? <unknown>
scamp386sx 386sx motherboards using the SCAMPSX chipset 199? <unknown>
scsxaio 386sx Ver. 2.0 motherboard SCsxAIO 199? Peacock
sh386sx20 386SX REV 2.0A 199? Shuttle
sis85c471 486 motherboards using the SiS 85C471/85C407 chipset 199? <unknown>
sisrabb 386 motherboards using the SiS Rabbit chipset 199? <unknown>
sm38640f SM 386-40F 199? <unknown>
sm48650usc SM 486-50USC 199? Vintage Sprite
smih0107 unknown 386 AT clone with Forex chipset 19?? Forex Computer Company
snomi286 Mini 286 198? Snobol
so025d2 025D2 199? SOYO
so025k2 025K2 199? SOYO
so025r2 025R2 199? SOYO
sto486wb Sto486Wb aka AUVA Cam-33-P2 199? See-Thru
suntac303 286 motherboards with Suntac ST62C303-A chipset 198? <unknown>
suntac6 286 motherboards with 6-chip SUNTAC chipset 199? <unknown>
sy012 SY-012 16/25 386MB VER: 5.2 199? <unknown>
sy019hi SY-019H and SY-019I 199? Soyo
sybaby386 Baby AT 386 199? Soyo
t2000sx T2000SX 1991 Toshiba
t4000 Tandy 4000 1987 Tandy Radio Shack
tam25p2 TAM/25-P2 M31720P 199? AUVA
tam3340ma0 TAM/33/40-MA0 199? <unknown>
td4ipaio TD-4IP-UMC-AIO 199? <unknown>
td60c TD60C 198? <unknown>
td70a TD70A and TD70AN 199? <unknown>
td70n TD70N 199? <unknown>
tmpat48av PAT48AV 199? TMC
tmpat48pg4 PAT48PG4 199? TMC
toptek286 286 Turbo 19?? Toptek Micro Computer
tot3200sxc T3200SXC 199? Toshiba
tower386sx 386SX System 40 (VGA) 198? Schneider Rundfunkwerke AG
towerat2xx Tower AT 201, 202, 220, 240 and 260 (286,EGA) 198? Schneider Rundfunkwerke AG
ts34t25 486-25 199? Highscreen
twinnet Netstation PC 199? Twinhead
u3911v3 U3911-V3 198? Uniron
um486 UM486/UM486sx 199? Elitegroup
um486v UM486V-AIO 199? Elitegroup
um82c481af 386 motherboards using the UMC UM82C481AF chipset 199? <unknown>
um82c491f 386 motherboard using the UMC UM82C491F chipset 199? <unknown>
um82c493f 386 motherboards using the UMC UM82C491F + UM82C493F chipset or BIOTEQ equivalents 199? <unknown>
um8498f 486 motherboards using the UMC UM8498F, UM8496F chipset 199? <unknown>
um8810paio UM8810 PAIO 199? Elitegroup
um8886 486 motherboards using the UMC UM8886/UM8881 chipset 199? <unknown>
uni386w 386W 367C REV 1.0 199? UNICHIP
uni4800 486 motherboards using the UNI4800 chipset 199? <unknown>
uniwb4407 486 WB 4407 REV 1.0 199? UNICHIP
v286c V286C 198? Victor
v4p895p3 V4P895P3/SMT V5.0 199? QDI
via4386vio Via 4386 VIO / Highscreen universal board 199? <unknown>
vlsi5 286 motherboards with 5-chip VLSI chipset 198? <unknown>
walk386dx Walkstation 386DX 1992 Triumph-Adler
walk386sx Walkstation 386 SX 1992 Triumph-Adler
wpc250 PC-250/16 1981 Wang Laboratories, Inc.
wy220001 WYSEpc 286 198? Wyse
xb42639 Apricot XEN-S (Venus I Motherboard 286) 1989 Apricot
xb42639a Apricot XEN-S (Venus II Motherboard 286) 1990 Apricot
xb42663 Apricot Qi 300 (Rev D,E & F Motherboard) 1988 Apricot
xb42664 Apricot XEN-S (Venus I Motherboard 386) 1989 Apricot
xb42664a Apricot XEN-S (Venus II Motherboard 386) 1990 Apricot
zdz248 Z-248 198? Zenith Data Systems
zeos386sx 386 SX-16 198? ZEOS
zi4dvs 4DVS 199? ZIDA

Software Lists

Short name
Partially supported
ibm5150 IBM PC floppy disk images original 1019 93.5% 1.1% 5.4%
ibm5170 IBM PC/AT floppy disk images original 954 86.1% 2.7% 11.2%
ibm5170_cdrom IBM PC/AT CD-ROM images original 504 69.8% 15.5% 14.7%
ibm5170_hdd IBM PC/AT hard disk images original 32 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
midi_flop Standard MIDI floppy disks compatible 2 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%



-bios rev1

System BIOS

RAM Size


Short name:ega
Short name:isa8_fdc_at
Short name:floppy_35_hd
Short name:floppy_35_hd
Short name:isa_com_at
Short name:rs232_mouse_hle_logitech
Short name:isa_ide
Short name:idehd
Short name:kb_pcat84

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
crtc_ega IBM EGA CRT Controller devices/video/crtc_ega.cpp
kb_pcat84 IBM PC/AT Keyboard devices/bus/pc_kbd/pcat84.cpp
isa_ide IDE Fixed Drive Adapter devices/bus/isa/ide.cpp
isa_com_at Communications Adapter devices/bus/isa/com.cpp
at_mb PC/AT Motherboard devices/machine/at.cpp
isa8_fdc_at ISA 8bits AT FDC hookup devices/bus/isa/fdc.cpp
ega IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter devices/bus/isa/ega.cpp
idehd IDE Hard Disk devices/bus/ata/hdd.cpp
idectrl IDE Controller (16-bit) devices/machine/idectrl.cpp
rs232_mouse_hle_logitech Logitech 3-Button Serial Mouse (HLE) devices/bus/rs232/hlemouse.cpp
isa16_slot 16-bit ISA slot devices/bus/isa/isa.cpp
isa16 16-bit ISA bus devices/bus/isa/isa.cpp
harddisk_image Hard disk devices/imagedev/harddriv.cpp
upd765a NEC uPD765A FDC devices/machine/upd765.cpp
i8048 Intel 8048 devices/cpu/mcs48/mcs48.cpp
i8042ah Intel 8042AH devices/cpu/mcs48/mcs48.cpp
i80286 Intel 80286 devices/cpu/i86/i286.cpp
am9517a AM9517A devices/machine/am9517a.cpp
pit_counter PIT Counter devices/machine/pit8253.cpp
pit8254 Intel 8254 PIT devices/machine/pit8253.cpp
pic8259 Intel 8259 PIC devices/machine/pic8259.cpp
at_keybc PC/AT Keyboard Controller devices/machine/at_keybc.cpp
pc_kbdc PC keyboard connector devices/bus/pc_kbd/pc_kbdc.cpp
mc146818 MC146818 RTC devices/machine/mc146818.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
speaker_sound_device Filtered DAC devices/sound/spkrdev.cpp
ns16450 National Semiconductor NS16450 UART devices/machine/ins8250.cpp
ata_slot ATA Connector devices/bus/ata/atadev.cpp
rs232 RS-232 Port devices/bus/rs232/rs232.cpp
ram RAM devices/machine/ram.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
software_list Software List emu/softlist_dev.cpp
floppy_connector Floppy drive connector abstraction devices/imagedev/floppy.cpp
floppy_35_hd 3.5" high density floppy drive devices/imagedev/floppy.cpp
flopsnd Floppy sound devices/imagedev/floppy.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp