IBM PC floppy disk images

Short name: ibm5150
Total: 1019
Supported: 953 (93.5%)
Partially supported: 11 (1.1%)
Unsupported: 55 (5.4%)


Short name
386sc 386 SC Rev A2 199? <unknown> original
386sc2c 386 motherboard using the Symphony chipset 199? <unknown> original
386schg 386-SC-HG 199? <unknown> original
386sxvhcom 80386SX-VH-COM 199? <unknown> original
3siud 3SIUD-1.1 199? <unknown> original
486apio 486 APIO 199? EFA original
486ccv 486-CCV 199? Diamond Flower, Inc. (DFI) original
486igb21 486IG-B-2-1 199? <unknown> original
486wb6a3 486WB6A3.B1 199? Silicon Valley Computer, Inc. original
4dmshl3g 4DMS HL3G-L4-VI 199? EFA original
4dmuhl3s 4DMU HL3S 199? EFA original
4nd04a 386-4N-D04A (UMC chipset) 199? <unknown> original
a433cc A433C-C/A450C-C 1992 J-Bond original
a486ap4 PVI-486AP4 1994 Asus original
a486isa ISA-486 199? Asus original
a486sio ISA-486SIO rev. 1.2 199? Asus original
a486sp3g PCI/I-486SP3G 1994 Asus original
a486sv1 VL/EISA-486SV1 1994 Asus original
a486sv2 ISA-486SV2 199? Asus original
a486sv2g VL/I-486SV2G 1994 Asus original
abae4 486 EISA-AE4 199? Abit original
abah4 AB-AH4 199? Abit original
abav4 AB-AV4 199? Abit original
abax4 AB-AX4 199? Abit original
abc310 ABC 310 1985 Acorn Computers compatible
abpb4 AB-PB4 199? Abit original
abpw4 AB-PW4 199? Abit original
al486vd AL486V-D Rev:1.1 199? Daewoo original
alacou Cougar 199? Alaris original
alaleolx LEOPARD LX 199? Alaris RYC original
alator2 Tornado 2 199? Alaris original
alim1217 386sx motherboards using the ALi M1217 chipset 199? <unknown> original
alim1419 386 motherboards using the ALi M1419 chipset 199? <unknown> original
alim1429 386 motherboards using the ALi M1429 A1 and M1431 A2 chipset 199? <unknown> original
alim1489 486 motherboards using the ALi 1487/1489 chipset 199? <unknown> original
alphatp10 Alphatronic P10 1985 Triumph-Adler original
alphatp50 Alphatronic P50 1985 Triumph-Adler original
amibaby Mark V Baby Screamer 199? AMI original
amient2 EISA Enterprise-II 199? AMI original
amient3 EISA Enterprise-III 199? AMI original
amient4 EISA Enterprise-IV 199? AMI original
amisvpci2 Super Voyager PCI-II 199? AMI original
amisvvlb Super Voyager VLB 199? AMI original
amisvvlb2 Super Voyager VLB-II 199? AMI original
amisvvlb3 Super Voyager VLB-III 199? AMI original
anch386s CH-386S-16/20/25G 199? ANIX original
aovi15g VI15G 199? Aopen original
aplannb Apricot LANstation (Novell Remote Boot) 1990 Apricot original
aplanst Apricot LANstation (Krypton Motherboard) 1990 Apricot original
aplsbon Apricot LS Pro (Bonsai Motherboard) 1992 Apricot original
aplscar Apricot LS Pro (Caracal Motherboard) 1992 Apricot original
aprfte Apricot FT//ex 486 (J3 Motherboard) 1991 Apricot original
aprpand Apricot FTs (Panther Rev F 1.02.26) 1992 Apricot original
apvxft Apricot VX FT server 1989 Apricot original
apxena1 Apricot XEN PC (A1 Motherboard) 1993 Apricot original
apxeni Apricot XEN-i 386 (Leopard Motherboard) 1987 Apricot original
apxenls3 Apricot XEN-LS (Venus IV Motherboard) 1991 Apricot original
apxenp2 Apricot XEN PC (P2 Motherboard) 1993 Apricot original
apxlsam Apricot XEN-LS II (Samurai Motherboard) 1993 Apricot original
ar4glx3 4GLX3 Green-B 4GPV3.1 199? Addtech Research original
as496 AS496 199? Arstoria original
asc486slc ASC486SLC 199? Computechnik original
asi100b0 ASI 100B0, identified as HAM 12 TI 286 Motherboard ZERO WAIT 198? <unknown> original
ast6000 Advantage! 6050d/6066d 1994 AST original
ast611 Advantage! 610/611 1994 AST original
at PC/AT (6 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1987 <generic> original
at386 PC/AT 386 (12 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1988 <generic> original
at386sx PC/AT 386SX (16 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1988 <generic> original
at486 PC/AT 486 (25 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1990 <generic> original
at586 PC/AT 586 (PIIX4) 1990 <generic> original
at586x3 PC/AT 586 (PIIX3) 1990 <generic> original
atariabc286 ABC-286/30 1989 Atari original
ataripc1 PC1 1987 Atari original
ataripc3 PC3 1988 Atari original
ataripc4 PC4 1987 Atari original
ataripc5 PC5 1988 Atari original
atc1415 ATC-1415 199? A-Trend original
atturbo PC/AT Turbo (12 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1987 <generic> original
aubam12s2 BAM/12-S2 198? AUVA COMPUTER, INC. original
auvip800 VIP 800 198? AUVA original
bam16a0 VIP-M21502A BAM16-A0 198? AUVA original
bay1000c BAY-1000C V1.01 198? Mintek original
bbcm512 BBC Master 512 1986 Acorn Computers compatible
bi025c BI-025C HT-12 286 (HT12/A chipset) 199? <unknown> original
bluenote Colani Blue Note 199? Highscreen original
bw230 BW230 (PRO28 Series) 1985 Bondwell Holding original
c286lt Laptop C286LT 1990 Commodore Business Machines original
c386sx16 386SX-16 1990 Commodore Business Machines original
c386sx25 386SX-25 1990 Commodore Business Machines original
c386sxlt Laptop C386SX-LT 1991 Commodore Business Machines original
cadd810 810 198? CompuAdd original
cdtekg2 286 mainboard with Headland G2 chipset 199? CDTEK original
ch48633c CH-486-33C 199? Chicony original
ch491e CH-491E 199? Chicony original
ch4slez1 486SLE M106 4SLE-Z1 199? Chaintech original
champ2 Countertop Champion 2 (ver 2.11) 1994 U.S. Games original
chn333sc 333SC 199? Chaintech original
cl28612s CL286-12/16S (CL286-12S and CL286-16S) 1990 Wearnes original
cmpa286 286 motherboard 198? CMP enterprise CO.LTD. original
compc1 PC-1 198? Commodore Business Machines original
compc10 Commodore PC 10 1984 Commodore Business Machines original
comport Compaq Portable 1983 Compaq original
comportii Portable II 1987 Compaq original
comportiii Portable III 1987 Compaq original
comslt286 SLT/286 1988 Compaq original
comt386 Tower 386 199? Commodore Business Machines original
comt486 Tower 486 199? Commodore Business Machines original
coppc21 Corona PPC-21 198? Corona Data Systems, Inc. original
coppc400 Cordata PPC-400 198? Corona Data Systems, Inc. original
cs8230 386 motherboards using the CS8230 chipset 198? <unknown> original
csl286 SL 286-16 199? Commodore Business Machines original
ct386sx NEAT 386SX (16 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1988 <generic> original
ct486 PC/AT 486 with CS4031 chipset 1993 <unknown Taiwanese vendor 8029> original
ctcc386mx C386MX 199? Caching Tech Corporation original
cxsxd CX SXD 1993 CX Technology original
dfi386 386-20.REV0 198? DFI original
dfi386sx 386SX-16/20CN Rev 1.0 199? Diamond Flower International original
dgone Data General/One 1984 Data General original
dsys200 System 200 1988 Dell Computer Corporation original
dt386 DT386 199? Commodore Business Machines original
dt486 DT486 199? Commodore Business Machines original
dtkerso PC-XT-Clones with DTK/ERSO-BIOS 198? DTK Group original
dvbslan Book-Size LAN station 199? Datavan original
eagle1600 Eagle 1600 1983 Eagle original
eaglepc2 PC-2 198? Eagle original
eaglespirit Eagle PC Spirit 1983 Eagle original
ec1842 EC-1842 1989 <unknown> original
ec1847 EC-1847 1990 <unknown> original
ec1849 EC-1849 1993 <unknown> original
ec4913 UC4913 REV:1.1 199? Elitegroup original
ec4915aio UC4915 A AIO 199? Elitegroup original
ecs38632 ECS-386/32 1988 Elitegroup Computer Systems original
ecs386a ECS-386A 1988 Elitegroup Computer Systems original
ecs8517 ECS 8517 v3.3 199? Elitegroup original
ecsfx3000 FX-3000 REV1.0 199? Elitegroup Computer Systems original
ecssi5pi SI5PI AIO 199? Elitegroup original
ecsum386 UM386 (Rev 1.1) 1992 Elitegroup Computer Systems original
ed486vl3h 486VL3H 199? Edom original
edmv035f MV035F 199? Edom original
elanht286 Elan High Tech 286 198? Leanord SA original
elt286b ELT-286B-160B(E) 198? Chaintech original
elt386sx ELT-386SX-160BE 199? Elitegroup original
eltp9 ELT-P9 / most likely ELT-386SX-160D 198? Chaintech original
eppc Ericsson Portable PC 1985 Ericsson Information System original
epsax PC AX 198? Epson original
epsax2e PC AX2e 198? Epson original
epsax3 PC AX3 198? Epson original
euroat Euro AT 1989 Schneider Rundfunkwerke AG original
europc EURO PC 1988 Schneider Rdf. AG original
europc2 EURO PC II 198? Schneider Rdf. AG original
euroxt EURO XT 198? Schneider Rdf. AG original
ev1806 EV-1806 198? Everex Systems original
ev1815 EV-1815 198? Everex Systems original
ews286 Ericsson WS286 1986 Ericsson original
exp4044 EXP4044 199? ExpertChip original
f4dxluc4 F4DXL-UC4 199? ADI original
fic4386vchd 4386-VC-HD 199? First International Computer original
fic4386vcv 4386-VC-V 199? First International Computer original
fic486gvt 486-GVT 199? First International Computer original
fic486kvd 486 KVD 199? First International Computer original
fic486vchd 486-VC-HD 199? First International Computer original
ficeli6ii FIC ELI6-II 199? First International Computer original
ficgiovt2 486-GIO-VT2 1994 First International Computer original
ficpio2 486-PIO-2 1995 First International Computer original
ficvipio 486-VIP-IO 1994 First International Computer original
ficvipio2 486-VIP-IO2 199? First International Computer original
ficvt503 VT-503 1997 FIC original
fraking King 1989 Frael original
frx386c Forex 386 Cache 199? Micro-Express Inc. original
frxc402 386 motherboards with a FOREX FRX46C402/FRX36C300/SIS85C206 chipset 199? <unknown> original
ftsserv Apricot FTs (Scorpion) 1991 Apricot original
fu340 FU340 1991 Abit original
ga486am GA-486AM/S 199? Gigabyte original
ga486vf GA-486VF 199? Gigabyte original
ga486vs GA-486VS 199? Gigabyte original
gc10a EAGLEN486 GC10A 199? Eagle original
ges9051n GES 9051N-386C VER -0.01 199? <unknown> original
gete486vl TurboExpress 486 VL 199? GENOA original
gmb486sg GMB-486SG v2.2 199? Gemlight original
gmb486unp GMB-486UNP v2.1 199? Gemlight original
gs611606a GOLDSTAR P/N 611-606A Rev 1.0A 198? Goldstar original
headg2 286 motherboards with Headland G2 chipset 199? <unknown> original
hot304 HOT-304 198? Shuttle Computer International original
hot307h HOT-307H 198? Shuttle Computer International original
hot409 HOT-409 199? Shuttle Computer International original
hot419 HOT-419 199? Shuttle Computer International original
hot433 HOT-433 199? Shuttle Computer International original
hstrtpls HeadStart Plus 198? Vendex original
ht12a unknown 286 AT clones (HT12/A chipset) 19?? <unknown> original
ht18c unknown 386sx AT clones (HT18/C chipset) 19?? <unknown> original
hyo88t Topstar 88T 198? Hyosung original
hyu16t Super 16 T 1986 Hyundai original
hyu16te Super 16 TE 1987 Hyundai original
i8530286 IBM PS/2 Model 30-286 1988 International Business Machines original
i8530h31 IBM PS/2 8530-H31 (Model 30/286) 1990 International Business Machines original
i8535043 IBM PS/2 8535-043 (Model 35SX) 198? International Business Machines original
i8550021 IBM PS/2 8550-021 (Model 50) 198? International Business Machines original
i8550061 IBM PS/2 8550-061 (Model 50Z) 198? International Business Machines original
i8555081 IBM PS/2 8555-081 (Model 55SX) 1989 International Business Machines original
i8580071 IBM PS/2 8580-071 (Model 80) 198? International Business Machines original
i8580111 IBM PS/2 8580-111 (Model 80) 198? International Business Machines original
ibm2011 PS/1 2011 1989 International Business Machines original
ibm2011rd PS/1 2011 (international models with ROM DOS) 1989 International Business Machines original
ibm2121 PS/1 2121 199? International Business Machines original
ibm2121rd PS/1 2121 (international models with ROM DOS) 199? International Business Machines original
ibm2123 PS/1 2123 199? International Business Machines original
ibm2133 PS/1 2133 199? International Business Machines original
ibm5150 IBM PC 5150 1981 International Business Machines original
ibm5155 IBM PC 5155 1982 International Business Machines original
ibm5160 IBM XT 5160 1982 International Business Machines original
ibm5162 PC/XT-286 5162 1985 International Business Machines original
ibm5170 PC/AT 5170 1984 International Business Machines original
ibm5170a PC/AT 5170 8MHz 1985 International Business Machines original
ibmpcjr IBM PC Jr 1983 International Business Machines compatible
ibmpcjx IBM PC JX 1985 International Business Machines compatible
icldrsm40 DRS M40 198? ICL original
ilm396b M-396B 199? ILON USA, INC. original
isa386c ISA-386C 1989 Asus original
isa386u30 ISA-386U30 REV.2.2 199? Asus original
ittxtra ITT XTRA 1984 ITT Information Systems original
juko8 NEST 8088 and V20 198? JUKO original
jwj403tg J-403TG 199? Jetway original
k286i 286i 1985 Kaypro original
kaypro16 Kaypro 16 1985 Kaypro Corporation original
kaypropc PC 198? Kaypro Corporation original
kma202f KMA-202F-12R (Winbond chipset) 199? <unknown> original
kma300g KMA-300G-25 199? Arche Technologies Inc. original
kt216wb5 KT216WB5-HI Rev.2 19?? KT Technology original
ktx20t02 QTC-SXM KT X20T02/HI Rev.3 198? Quadtel original
kyoxt XT 198? Kyocera original
laser_turbo_xt Laser Turbo XT 1988 VTech original
laser_xt3 Laser XT/3 1989 VTech original
lbpc Little Board/PC 1989 Ampro Computers original
ledgmodd Model D 198? Leading Edge Hardware Products, Inc. original
lion3500 3500 1993 Lion original
lm103s LM-103S 198? <unknown> original
lsucm486v30 UCM-486V30 199? Lucky Star original
m21 M21 1984 Olivetti original
m24 M24 1983 Olivetti original
m240 M240 1987 Olivetti original
m250e M250E 198? Olivetti original
m290 M290 1987 Olivetti original
m55hipl M55Hi-Plus 1990 Micronics original
magb233 Magitronic B233 198? Magitronic Technology original
magb236 Magitronic B236 198? Magitronic Technology original
mat286 MAT286 Rev.D 19?? <unknown> original
mb1212c MB-1212C 199? Biostar original
mb133340 MB-1340UCQ-B 199? Biostar original
mb1433aeap MB-1433/50 AEA-P - V:1 199? Biostar original
mb1433ucv MB-1433UCV 199? Biostar original
mb1433uiv MB-1433UIV 199? Biostar original
mb4d33 MB-4D33/50NR 199? Aquarius System (ASI) original
mb8433uud MB8433-UUD-A 199? Biostar original
mba009 HLB-286 MBA-009 199? <unknown> original
mba029 MBA-029 199? Mitac original
mba032q MBA-032Q TK83305-4N-D-03 199? DTK original
mbc16 MBC-16 198? Sanyo original
mbc16lt MBC-16LT 198? Sanyo original
mbc18nb MBC-18NB 199? Sanyo original
mbc28 MBC-28 1992 Sanyo original
mc1702 Elektronika MC-1702 1990 <unknown> original
md4duvc MD-4DUV VER:2.1 199? Aquarius System (ASI) original
megapcpla MegaPC Plus (WINBUS chipset) 199? Amstrad plc original
micral45 Micral 45 199? Bull original
mijx30gp JX30GP, Motherboard P/N: 09-00189-10 REV B1 199? Micronics original
minisys2k MiniSys 2000 199? SIIG original
mkp286 KP-286 198? Morse original
mmbo4088 486MMBO4088 (TI TX486SLC/E) 199? <unknown> original
mokp386 KP920121523 V2.20 199? Morse original
mokp386sx KP 386SX V2.21 199? Morse original
mom3v3 M3 V3.0 199? Morse original
mpc1600 MPC 1600 1982 Columbia Data Products original
mpu9088vf MPU-9088-VF 198? MY-COM original
mpx16 MPX-16 198? Micromint original
ms4125 MS-4125 199? MSI original
ms4132 MS-4132 G VER:1 199? MSI original
ms4134 MS-4134 199? MSI original
ms4138 MS-4138 199? MSI original
ms4145 MS-4145 199? MSI original
mx83c305 386 motherboards using the MX83C305(A)(FC)/MX83C05(A)(FC) chipset 199? <unknown> original
n8810m15 8810 M15 1987 Nixdorf Computer AG original
n8810m16c 8810 M16 CGA version 1990 Nixdorf Computer AG original
n8810m16v 8810 M16 VGA version 1990 Nixdorf Computer AG original
n8810m20 8810/20 1989 Nixdorf original
n8810m30 8810 M30 1990 Nixdorf Computer AG original
n8810m55 8810 M55 1986 Nixdorf Computer AG original
nat48pv NAT48PV-1.00 VL 199? <unknown> original
ncr3302 Class 3302 Model 0110 199? NCR original
ncr3433 Class 3433 199? NCR original
ncrpc4i PC4i 1985 NCR original
ncrpc6 PC6 1985 NCR original
ncrpc8 PC-8 1986 NCR original
neat NEAT (12 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) 1989 <generic> original
necapciv APC IV 1986 NEC original
nixpc01 8810/25 CPC - PC01 198? Nixdorf Computer AG original
nms9100 NMS 9100 198? Philips original
o286foxii Fox II 198? Octek original
ocfoxm Fox M 286 1990 Octek original
ochawk Hawk 199? Octek original
ochipcom Hippo COM 199? Octek original
ochipdca2 Hippo DCA2 1994 Octek original
ochipvlp Hippo VL+ 199? Octek original
ocjagii Jaguar II 1992 Octek original
ocjagv Jaguar V v1.4 1992 Octek original
ocpanii Panther II 199? Octek original
octekg2 286 motherboard with Headland G2 chipset 199? Octek original
ocxt286 XT-286 motherboard 198? Octek original
olim203 M203 motherboard 199? Olivetti original
olivm15 M15 198? Olivetti original
olivpc1 Prodest PC 1 1987 Olivetti compatible
olyport40 Olyport 40-21 198? AEG Olympia original
olystar20f Olystar 20F 198? AEG Olympia original
olytext30 Olytext 30 198? AEG Olympia original
op386wb OPTi 386WB VER.1.0 199? OPTi original
op82c283 386sx motherboards using the OPTi 82C283 chipset 199? <unknown> original
op82c291 386sx motherboards using the OPTi 82C291 chipset 199? <unknown> original
op82c381 386 motherboards using the OPTi 82C381 chipset 199? <unknown> original
op82c391 386 motherboards using the OPTi 82C391 chipset 199? <unknown> original
op82c392 486 motherboards using the OPTi OPTi 82C392, 82C493 chipset 199? <unknown> original
opti495slc 386 motherboards using a OPTi 82C495SLC chipset 199? <unknown> original
opti495xlc 386 motherboards using a OPTi 82C495XLC chipset 199? <unknown> original
p386dx40 P386DX-40 199? Peacock original
p386sx25pw P386SX-25PW VER:2.00 199? Prolink original
pc PC (CGA) 1987 <generic> original
pc10iii Commodore PC-10 III 1987 Commodore Business Machines original
pc2386 PC2386 1989 Amstrad plc original
pc30iii PC 30-III 1988 Commodore Business Machines original
pc40iii PC 40-III 1988 Commodore Business Machines original
pc45iii PC 45-III 198? Commodore Business Machines original
pc50ii PC 50-II 198? Commodore Business Machines original
pc60iii PC 60-III 198? Commodore Business Machines original
pc7000 PC-7000 1985 Sharp original
pc70iii PC 70-III 199? Commodore Business Machines original
pc9486 PC9486 199? Amstrad original
pcb303 PCB-303 Rev.01 198? Packard Bell original
pccm205 M205 198? PC-Chips original
pccm209 M209 198? PC-Chips original
pccm216 M216 198? PC-Chips original
pccm317 M317 199? PC-Chips original
pccm321 M321 199? PC-Chips original
pccm326 M326 199? PC-Chips original
pccm396f M396F 199? PC-Chips original
pccm912 M912 199? PC-Chips original
pccm915i M915i 199? PC-Chips original
pccm919 M919 199? PC-Chips original
pcd2 PCD-2 1986 Siemens original
pcd204 PCD204 (PCD200 series) 1991 Philips original
pcd2m PCD-2M 198? Siemens original
pcd3nsl PCD-3Nsl Notebook Computer 199? Siemens-Nixdorf original
pcd3nsx PCD-3Nsx Notebook Computer 199? Siemens-Nixdorf original
pcd4nd PCD-4ND 1993 Siemens-Nixdorf original
pcd4nl PCD-4NL 1995 Siemens-Nixdorf original
pcd4x PCD-4H, PCD-4M 199? Siemens-Nixdorf original
pcega PC (EGA) 1987 <generic> original
pcherc PC (Hercules) 1987 <generic> original
pci48af PCI48AF 199? TMC Research Corporation original
pciagp Sandbox PCI/AGP PC (440BX) 1999 Hack Inc. original
pcipc Sandbox PCI PC (430HX) 1998 Hack Inc. original
pcipcs7 Sandbox PCI PC (430HX, Socket 7 CPU) 1998 Hack Inc. original
pcipctx Sandbox PCI PC (430TX) 1998 Hack Inc. original
pck486dx PCK 486 DX 199? Peacock original
pcmda PC (MDA) 1987 <generic> original
pcv20 PC with V20 CPU 1987 <generic> original
pcvga PC (VGA) 1987 <generic> original
peas286 S-286 Rev A 198? Peacock Computer original
pem2530 PEM 2539 198? DTK original
pg750 PG 750 199? Siemens original
pg750eisa PG-750 486 EISA 199? Siemens original
php3239 P3239 199? Philips original
pkm0038s PKM-0038S aka Gemlight GMB-486SG 199? DTK original
pm486pu PM486PU-S7 199? PROTECH original
ppm3333p PPM-3333P 199? DTK Computer original
profpc33 PC 33 1990 Profex original
prolite286 Prolite 286/16 198? CAF original
pt319a PT-319A 199? Pine original
pt430 PT-430 199? Pine Technology original
pt432b PT-432b aka SR-M401-A 199? Pine Technology original
pt581392 386 motherboard using the Forex FRX46C402 + FRX46C411 + SiS 85C206 chipset 199? <unknown> original
ptmb457 MB457 199? PowerTech original
pwaih4077c PWA-IH4077C 199? Mitac original
pwaih4077d PWA-IH4077D 199? Mitac original
pwb7270e PWB 7270 REV E 198? Advanced Logic Research original
px486p3 PX486P3 199? QDI original
qdu386dx QD-U386DX VER 1.0 199? <unknown> original
qi600 Apricot Qi 600 (Neptune Motherboard) 1988 Apricot original
qi900 Apricot Qi 900 (Scorpion Motherboard) 1990 Apricot original
samdm286 Deskmaster 286-12 199? Samsung original
sarcpc 80286 Standard System (SARC RC2015 chipset) 199? <unknown> original
scamp386sx 386sx motherboards using the SCAMPSX chipset 199? <unknown> original
scsxaio 386sx Ver. 2.0 motherboard SCsxAIO 199? Peacock original
sh386sx20 386SX REV 2.0A 199? Shuttle original
sis85c471 486 motherboards using the SiS 85C471/85C407 chipset 199? <unknown> original
sisrabb 386 motherboards using the SiS Rabbit chipset 199? <unknown> original
sm38640f SM 386-40F 199? <unknown> original
sm48650usc SM 486-50USC 199? Vintage Sprite original
smih0107 unknown 386 AT clone with Forex chipset 19?? Forex Computer Company original
snomi286 Mini 286 198? Snobol original
so025d2 025D2 199? SOYO original
so025k2 025K2 199? SOYO original
so025r2 025R2 199? SOYO original
spc400d SPC-400D 198? Sanyo original
ssam88s Samtron 88S 1989 Samsung original
sto486wb Sto486Wb aka AUVA Cam-33-P2 199? See-Thru original
suntac303 286 motherboards with Suntac ST62C303-A chipset 198? <unknown> original
suntac6 286 motherboards with 6-chip SUNTAC chipset 199? <unknown> original
sx16 SX-16 1988 Sanyo original
sy012 SY-012 16/25 386MB VER: 5.2 199? <unknown> original
sy019hi SY-019H and SY-019I 199? Soyo original
sybaby386 Baby AT 386 199? Soyo original
t1000hx Tandy 1000 HX 1987 Tandy Radio Shack compatible
t1000rl Tandy 1000 RL 1989 Tandy Radio Shack compatible
t1000sl2 Tandy 1000 SL/2 1988 Tandy Radio Shack compatible
t1000sx Tandy 1000 SX 1987 Tandy Radio Shack compatible
t1000tl Tandy 1000 TL 1988 Tandy Radio Shack compatible
t1000tl2 Tandy 1000 TL/2 1989 Tandy Radio Shack compatible
t1000tx Tandy 1000 TX 1987 Tandy Radio Shack compatible
t2000sx T2000SX 1991 Toshiba original
t4000 Tandy 4000 1987 Tandy Radio Shack original
ta1700pc TA 1700-PC 1984 Triumph-Adler original
tam25p2 TAM/25-P2 M31720P 199? AUVA original
tam3340ma0 TAM/33/40-MA0 199? <unknown> original
td4ipaio TD-4IP-UMC-AIO 199? <unknown> original
td60c TD60C 198? <unknown> original
td70a TD70A and TD70AN 199? <unknown> original
td70n TD70N 199? <unknown> original
teradrive TeraDrive (Japan) 1991 Sega / International Business Machines original
tmpat48av PAT48AV 199? TMC original
tmpat48pg4 PAT48PG4 199? TMC original
to16 TO16 1987 Thomson SIMIV original
toptek286 286 Turbo 19?? Toptek Micro Computer original
tot3200sxc T3200SXC 199? Toshiba original
tower386sx 386SX System 40 (VGA) 198? Schneider Rundfunkwerke AG original
towerat2xx Tower AT 201, 202, 220, 240 and 260 (286,EGA) 198? Schneider Rundfunkwerke AG original
ts34t25 486-25 199? Highscreen original
twinnet Netstation PC 199? Twinhead original
u3911v3 U3911-V3 198? Uniron original
um486 UM486/UM486sx 199? Elitegroup original
um486v UM486V-AIO 199? Elitegroup original
um82c481af 386 motherboards using the UMC UM82C481AF chipset 199? <unknown> original
um82c491f 386 motherboard using the UMC UM82C491F chipset 199? <unknown> original
um82c493f 386 motherboards using the UMC UM82C491F + UM82C493F chipset or BIOTEQ equivalents 199? <unknown> original
um8498f 486 motherboards using the UMC UM8498F, UM8496F chipset 199? <unknown> original
um8810paio UM8810 PAIO 199? Elitegroup original
um8886 486 motherboards using the UMC UM8886/UM8881 chipset 199? <unknown> original
uni386w 386W 367C REV 1.0 199? UNICHIP original
uni4800 486 motherboards using the UNI4800 chipset 199? <unknown> original
uniwb4407 486 WB 4407 REV 1.0 199? UNICHIP original
v286c V286C 198? Victor original
v4p895p3 V4P895P3/SMT V5.0 199? QDI original
via4386vio Via 4386 VIO / Highscreen universal board 199? <unknown> original
vlsi5 286 motherboards with 5-chip VLSI chipset 198? <unknown> original
vpcii VPC II 1987 Victor original
walk386dx Walkstation 386DX 1992 Triumph-Adler original
walk386sx Walkstation 386 SX 1992 Triumph-Adler original
wpc250 PC-250/16 1981 Wang Laboratories, Inc. original
wy220001 WYSEpc 286 198? Wyse original
xb42639 Apricot XEN-S (Venus I Motherboard 286) 1989 Apricot original
xb42639a Apricot XEN-S (Venus II Motherboard 286) 1990 Apricot original
xb42663 Apricot Qi 300 (Rev D,E & F Motherboard) 1988 Apricot original
xb42664 Apricot XEN-S (Venus I Motherboard 386) 1989 Apricot original
xb42664a Apricot XEN-S (Venus II Motherboard 386) 1990 Apricot original
zdsupers SuperSport 1987 Zenith Data Systems original
zdz150 Z-150 Series 198? Zenith Data Systems original
zdz160 Z-160 Series 198? Zenith Data Systems original
zdz180 Z-180 Series 1987 Zenith Data Systems original
zdz248 Z-248 198? Zenith Data Systems original
zeos386sx 386 SX-16 198? ZEOS original
zi4dvs 4DVS 199? ZIDA original
bbc_tube_80286 Acorn 80286 2nd Processor compatible
bbc_tube_matchbox Matchbox Co-Processor compatible
bbc_tube_80186 Acorn 80186 Co-Processor compatible
bbc_tube_pcplus Solidisk PC-Plus Co-Processor compatible


Short name
Bad dumps
3ktrivia 3-K Trivia 1984 IBM Yes 1 0
101mazes One Hundred and One Monochrome Mazes 1983 IBM Yes 1 0
aceshigh Aces High (Wizball, Top Gun, World Series Baseball, Arkanoid) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
serenia Adventure in Serenia 1982 IBM Yes 1 0
advmath Adventures in Math 1983 IBM No 1 0
agentusa Agent USA (cracked) 1985 Scholastic Corporation Yes 1 0
alleycat Alley Cat (cracked) 1984 IBM Yes 1 0
amnesia Amnesia 1986 Thomas M. Disch and Cognetics Corporation Yes 1 0
aplepanc Apple Panic (cracked) 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
alpine The Alpine Encounter 1985 Random House Yes 2 0
archon Archon - The Light and the Dark 1984 Electronic Arts No 1 0
archon1 Archon - The Light and the Dark (alt) 1984 Electronic Arts No 1 0 archon
astrodod Astro-Dodge 1982 Digital Marketing Corporation No 1 0
bzone BattleZone 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
bzone_c BattleZone (cracked) 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0 bzone
bcquest BC's Quest for Tires 1984 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
bcquest_cr BC's Quest for Tires (cracked) 1984 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0 bcquest
backgamm Backgammon v5.0 1983 Willie Chaplin Yes 1 0
belowrot Below the Root 1984 Windham Classics / Spinnaker Software Corp Yes 1 0
bcwolfen Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1985 Muse Software Yes 1 0
bcwolfena Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (alt) 1985 Muse Software Yes 1 0 bcwolfen
bigtop Big Top (cracked) 1983 Funtastic Yes 1 0
black The Black Cauldron (v1.1m) 1986 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
blackc The Black Cauldron (v1.1m, cracked) 1986 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 black
blackk The Black Cauldron (v1.1k) 1986 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 black
blackj The Black Cauldron (v1.1) 1986 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 black
boppie Boppie's Great Word Chase 1985 Developmental Learning Materials Yes 1 0
bdash Boulder Dash 1984 First Star Software Yes 1 0
bdash12 Boulder Dash I & II 1985 Electronic Arts No 1 1
bdash12a Boulder Dash I & II (alt, cracked) 1985 Electronic Arts Yes 1 1 bdash12
brucelee Bruce Lee 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0
brucelee_cr Bruce Lee (cracked) 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0 brucelee
buckrog Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom 1984 Sega Yes 1 0
bugrangr Buggy Ranger (cracked) 1989 Iron Byte Yes 1 0
burgtime BurgerTime 1983 Mattel Electronics No 1 0
centiped Centipede 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
centipedc Centipede (cracked) 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0 centiped
cloderun Championship Lode Runner 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
cloderun_cr Championship Lode Runner (cracked) 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 cloderun
changes Changes 1984 Tiger Electronics Yes 1 0
arkstenn La Collection Amstrad PC - Arkanoid / Super Tennis 1987 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
commando Commando 1986 Data East Yes 1 0
commando_c Commando (cracked) 1986 Data East Yes 1 0 commando
cnflctvn Conflict in Vietnam 1986 MicroProse Yes 1 0
congo Congo Bongo 1984 Sega Yes 1 0
conquest Conquest 1983 Windmill Software Yes 1 0
cosmic Cosmic Crusader 1982 Funtastic Yes 1 0
crimepun Crime and Punishment 1984 Mindscape No 1 0
crossfire Crossfire 1984 Sierra On-Line No 1 0
crusade Crusade in Europe 1985 MicroProse Yes 1 0
crypto Crypto Cube 1983 DesignWare Yes 1 0
cutthrot Cutthroats 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
cutthrot_cr Cutthroats (cracked) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0 cutthrot
cyborg Cyborg 1982 Softsmith Software Yes 1 0
czorian Czorian Siege 1983 Sams Yes 1 0
deadline Deadline (release 26, PC Booter) 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
defender Defender 1984 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
defender_cr Defender (cracked) 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0 defender
defcrown Defender of the Crown [ega] (PC Booter) 1987 Mindscape Yes 2 0
demonfrg Demon's Forge 1987 Mastertronics Yes 1 0
digdug Dig Dug (Atarisoft) 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
digduga Dig Dug (Datasoft) 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0 digdug
digdug_c Dig Dug (cracked) 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0 digdug
digger Digger (cracked) 1983 Windmill Software Yes 1 0
donald Donald Duck's Playground 1986 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
dkong Donkey Kong (cracked) 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
dunzhin Dunzhin: Warrior of Ras Volume I 1982 Computer Applications Unlimited Yes 1 0
dunzhina Dunzhin: Warrior of Ras Volume I (cracked) 1982 Computer Applications Unlimited Yes 1 0 dunzhin
earthly Earthly Delights 1986 Roger Webster/Dan'l Leviton Yes 1 0
enchantr Enchanter 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
execst Executive Suite 1982 Armonk Corporation Yes 1 0
f15se F-15 Strike Eagle (3.5", v402.02) 1985 MicroProse Yes 1 0
f15se_35a F-15 Strike Eagle (3.5", v402.01) 1985 MicroProse Yes 1 0 f15se
f15se_525 F-15 Strike Eagle (5.25") 1985 MicroProse Yes 1 0 f15se
f15se_525c F-15 Strike Eagle (5.25", cracked) 1985 MicroProse Yes 1 0 f15se
facemakr Facemaker 1982 Spinnaker Software Corporation Yes 1 0
5soccer Five-a-Side Indoor Soccer 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
fleetswp Fleet Sweep 1983 Mirror Image Software Yes 1 0
fredfish Freddy Fish 1983 Mirror Image Software Yes 1 0
fredhard Freddy Hardest 1988 Dinamic Yes 1 0
4thprot Frederick Forsyth's The Fourth Protocol (cracked) 1987 Ariolasoft UK Yes 1 0
fpcarcad Friendlyware PC Arcade (v1.1) 1983 FriendlySoft Yes 1 0
frogger Frogger 1983 Sierra Yes 1 0
frogger2 Frogger 2: Three Deep 1984 Sega Yes 1 0
galaxian Galaxian 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
galaxant Galaxian (Tengen version) 1983 Tengen Yes 1 0
gammafrc Gamma Force in Pit of a Thousand Screams 1988 Infocom Yes 1 0
gameover Game Over + Phantis Spanish 1988 Dinamic Yes 1 0
gameovr2 Game Over II 198? Dinamic Yes 1 0
gameovr2a Game Over II (alt) 198? Dinamic Yes 1 0 gameovr2
ghostbst Ghostbusters 1986 Activision No 1 0
ghostbst_cr Ghostbusters (cracked) 1986 Activision Yes 1 0 ghostbst
gremlins Gremlins 1984 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
gremlins_cr Gremlins (cracked) 1984 Atarisoft Yes 1 0 gremlins
gwar Guerrilla War (5.25") 1987 Data East Yes 2 0
gwar35 Guerrilla War (3.5") 1987 Data East Yes 1 0 gwar
hacker2 Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers 1986 Activision Yes 1 0
hacker2a Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers (alt) 1986 Activision Yes 1 0 hacker2
hhmack Hard Hat Mack (cracked) 1984 Electronic Arts No 1 1
hellcat Hellcat Ace 1984 MicroProse Yes 1 0
hitchikr The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
hobbit The Hobbit 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
damiano I, Damiano: The Wizard of Partestrada 1985 Bantam Software Yes 1 0
ikari Ikari Warriors 1987 Data East Yes 2 0
ikaria Ikari Warriors (alt) 1987 Data East Yes 2 0 ikari
inca Inca 1985 Hayden Software No 1 0
1on1 Julius Erving and Larry Bird Go One-on-One 1984 Electronic Arts No 1 0
1on1a Julius Erving and Larry Bird Go One-on-One (bad) 1984 Electronic Arts Yes 1 1 1on1
jbird J-Bird (cracked) 1983 Greg Kuperberg Yes 1 0
jelwayqb John Elway's Quarterback 1988 Melbourne House Yes 1 0
jumpman Jumpman 1984 IBM Yes 1 0
jungleh Jungle Hunt 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
karnov Karnov 1987 Data East Yes 2 0
kingqst King's Quest (PC Booter release, cracked) 1984 IBM No 1 0
kingqst2 King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne (v1.1h) (cracked) 1985 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
kingqst2a King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne (v1.0w) 1985 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 kingqst2
kobanaru Kobayashi Naru 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
mastodon Lane Mastodon vs The Blubbermen 1988 Infocom Yes 1 0
lastmiss The Last Mission 1987 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
livings2 Livingstone 2 198? Opera Soft Yes 1 0
lockon Lock On 1987 Data East Partial 2 1
ldrun Lode Runner 1983 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
marble Marble Madness (cracked) 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
metrop Metropolis 1987 Mastertronic Yes 2 0
msadvent Microsoft Adventure 1981 IBM Yes 1 0
msadventcr Microsoft Adventure (cracked) 1981 IBM Yes 1 0 msadvent
decathln Microsoft Decathlon (cracked) 1982 Microsoft Yes 1 0
msfsim1 Microsoft Flight Simulator (v1.00) 1982 Microsoft Yes 1 0 msfsim15
msfsim15 Microsoft Flight Simulator (v1.05) 1982 Microsoft Yes 1 0
msfsim21 Microsoft Flight Simulator (v2.10) 1984 Microsoft Yes 1 0 msfsim24
msfsim22 Microsoft Flight Simulator (v2.12) 1984 Microsoft Yes 1 0 msfsim24
msfsim23 Microsoft Flight Simulator (v2.13) 1984 Microsoft Yes 1 0 msfsim24
msfsim24 Microsoft Flight Simulator (v2.14) 1987 Microsoft Yes 1 0
mindshad Mindshadow 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
mineshft Mine Shaft 1983 IBM Yes 1 0
montezum Montezuma's Revenge (cracked) 1984 BCI Software Yes 1 0
mpatrol Moon Patrol (cracked) 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
mspacman Ms. Pac-Man 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
mspacmanc Ms. Pac-Man (cracked) 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0 mspacman
mspacmann Ms. Pac-Man (Namco release) 1983 Namco Yes 1 0 mspacman
mule M.U.L.E. 1985 Electronic Arts / IBM Yes 1 0
mulecr M.U.L.E. (cracked) 1985 Electronic Arts / IBM Yes 1 0 mule
zindrnef Murder on the Zinderneuf 1984 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
musicset Will Harvey's Music Construction Set (cracked) 1984 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
narco Narco Police 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
npinbal Night Mission Pinball (CGA) 1982 SubLogic Corporation Yes 1 0
oilswell Oil's Well 1984 Sierra Partial 1 0
pacman Pac-Man 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
pacmantm Pac-Man (Thunder Mountain release) 1988 Thunder Mountain Yes 1 0
packpc Pack PC Opera Soft 1987 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
partroop Paratrooper 1982 Orion Software Yes 1 0
pcman PC-MAN 1982 Orion Software Yes 1 0
poolchal PC Pool Challenges (cracked) 1984 IBM Yes 1 0
pinball Pinball Construction Set (cracked) 1985 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
psi5 PSI-5 Trading Company 1986 Accolade Yes 1 0
pirates Sid Meier's Pirates! (cracked) 1987 MicroProse Yes 2 0
pitstop2 Pitstop II (5.25") 1984 Epyx Yes 1 0
planetfa Planetfall 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
portal Portal 1986 Activision Yes 3 0
prowler Prowler 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
raster Rasterscan 1987 Mastertroniv Yes 1 0
robotron Robotron 2084 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
rollo Rollo and the Brush Brothers 1983 Windmill Software Yes 1 0
satane Satan (EGA) 1990 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
satanc Satan (CGA) 1990 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 satane
seastalk Seastalker 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
serptine Serpentine (cracked) 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
7citygld Seven Cities of Gold (cracked) 1985 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
cboxing Sierra Championship Boxing 1985 Sierra Yes 1 0
shamus Shamus 1984 Synsoft Yes 1 0
silentsr Silent Service - The Submarine Simulation 1985 MicroProse Yes 1 0
silentsra Silent Service - The Submarine Simulation (cracked) 1985 MicroProse Yes 1 0 silentsr
silentsrb Silent Service - The Submarine Simulation (3.5") 1985 MicroProse Yes 1 0 silentsr
sidwindr SideWinder 1988 Arcadia Yes 1 0
slugger The Slugger 1988 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
soloflt Solo Flight 1983 MicroProse Yes 1 0
sorcererb Sorcerer (release 4, booter) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
spacestr Space Strike (cracked) 1982 Funtastic Yes 1 0
spidrbot Spiderbot 1988 Epyx Yes 1 0
spitfire Spitfire Ace 1984 MicroProse Yes 1 0
spyhunt Spyhunter 1984 Bally Midway Yes 1 0
storm Storm (5.25" single sided) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
storma Storm (5.25" double sided) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 storm
styx Styx 1983 Windmill Software Yes 1 0
sumgame2 Summer Games II (cracked) 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0
sumgame2a Summer Games II (alt) 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0 sumgame2
sbdash Super Boulder Dash 1986 Electronic Arts No 1 0
spsunday Super Sunday 1986 The Avalon Hill Game Company Yes 1 0
spsunday_c Super Sunday (cracked) 1986 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0 spsunday
szaxxon Super Zaxxon 1982 Sega Yes 1 0
suspend Suspended 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
tagteam Tag Team Wrestling 1984 Data East Yes 1 0
tagteama Tag Team Wrestling (U.S. Gold) 1986 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 tagteam
tagteamb Tag Team Wrestling (U.S. Gold, alt) 1986 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 tagteam
tapperc Tapper (Comp) 1983 Marvin Glass & Associates Yes 1 0
tapper Tapper (RGB) 1983 Marvin Glass & Associates Yes 1 0
tasstime Tass Times in Tonetown 1986 Activision Yes 1 0
mindmirr Timothy Leary's Mind Mirror 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
tracer The Tracer Sanction 1984 Interplay Yes 1 0
trilogy Trilogy 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
triv101 Trivia 101 1984 IBM Yes 1 0
troltale Troll's Tale (cracked) 1984 Sierra Yes 1 0
tv101 TV and Cinema 101: Trivia from Talkies to Trekkies (cracked) 1984 IBM Yes 1 0
ulysses Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (cracked) 1981 Sierra Yes 2 0
victroad Victory Road: Ikari Warriors Part II 1987 Data East Yes 1 0
wingames Winter Games (3.5") 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0
wingamesa Winter Games (3.5", alt) 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0 wingames
wingames_c Winter Games (5.25", cracked) 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0 wingames
witness The Witness 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
wizardrya Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord 1984 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0 wizardry
wizardry Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (re-release) 198? Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0
wizardr2 Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds 1985 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0
wizardr3 Wizardry III: The Legacy of Llylgamyn 1986 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0
wizardr4 Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna (cracked) 1987 Sir-Tech Software Yes 1 0
wizardr5 Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom (cracked) 1987 Sir-Tech Software Yes 1 0
wizball Wizball 1987 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
wldgames World Games (5.25") 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0
wldgames35 World Games (3.5") 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0 wldgames
wldgames_c World Games (5.25", cracked) 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0 wldgames
wkarate World Karate Championship 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0
baseball The World's Greatest Baseball Game 1985 Epyx Yes 1 0
zaxxon Zaxxon (cracked) 1984 Sega Yes 1 0
zork Zork: The Great Underground Empire 1980 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork2 Zork II - The Wizard of Frobozz 1981 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork3 Zork III: The Dungeon Master 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkqst1 Zork Quest I: Assault on Egreth Castle 1988 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkqst2 Zork Quest II: The Crystal of Doom 1989 Infocom Yes 1 0
zyll Zyll (cracked) 1984 IBM Yes 1 0
baddudes Bad Dudes (5.25") 1988 Data East Yes 2 0
baddudes35 Bad Dudes (3.5") 1988 Data East No 1 0 baddudes
2630fa 2630 Fourier Analyzer (demo) 1987 Tektronix Yes 1 1
3dfloor2 3-D FloorPlan Designer V2.0 1993 Cosmi Yes 1 0
4ptgraph 4-POINT Graphics 1984 International Microcomputer Software, Inc. Yes 1 0
abilityd Ability (demo) 1985 Xanaro Technologies Yes 2 0
alinsmak Ad Lib Instrument Maker V1.51 1989 Ad Lib Yes 1 0
aljukbox Ad Lib Juke Box V1.64 1991 Ad Lib Yes 1 0
aljukboxa Ad Lib Juke Box V1.5 1989 Ad Lib Yes 1 0 aljukbox
aljukboxb Ad Lib Juke Box V1.6 1990 Ad Lib Yes 1 0 aljukbox
albonus Ad Lib Juke Box Registration Bonus Disk V1.62 1990 Ad Lib Yes 1 0
albonusa Ad Lib Juke Box Registration Bonus Disk V1.51 1989 Ad Lib Yes 1 0 albonus
alviscmp Ad Lib Visual Composer V1.51 1989 Ad Lib Yes 1 0
aspstud ASP: A Statistical Package for Business, Economics, and the Social Sciences (Student Version) 1992 Dellen/MacMillan Publishing Yes 1 0
ibmcom1 Asynchronous Communications Support (Version 1.00) 1981 IBM Yes 1 1
bbmovie Banner Blue Movie Guide 1991 Banner Blue Yes 1 0
bombuzal Bombuzal 1989 Image Works Yes 3 0
bodywrks Bodyworks - An Adventure in Anatomy 1991 Software Marketing Corporation Yes 7 0
cpanel Control Panel 1988 Promark Yes 2 0
croschex Cross-chex 198? Award Software Yes 1 0
dlxpnt2fr DeluxePaint II-PC (French) 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
desk3 DeskMate (3.05, 5.25") 1990 Tandy Yes 9 0
desk3_35 DeskMate (3.05, 3.5") 1990 Tandy Yes 5 0 desk3
desq DESQ 1984 Quarterdeck Yes 4 0
desqview DESQview 1.03 1986 Quarterdeck Yes 1 0
desqviewa DESQview 1.02 1986 Quarterdeck Yes 1 0 desqview
diag100 Diagnostics (Version 1.00) 1981 IBM Yes 1 0
easypc Easy-PC Demonstrator for Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics 1991 Number One Systems Yes 1 0
easywr1 EasyWriter (Version 1.00) 1981 IBM Yes 1 0
editexte EDITEXTE 1992 Gérard Lyannaz Yes 1 0
tgipack The Great International Paper Airplane Construction Kit 1985 Simon & Schuster Yes 1 1
hpterm HP Terminal Program HP24597A 1988 Hewlett-Packard Yes 2 0
ibmcobol IBM Personal Computer COBOL Compiler (Version 1.00) 1982 IBM Yes 2 0
diag202a IBM System Diagnostics v 2.02 (Version A) 198? IBM Yes 1 0
diag202b IBM System Diagnostics v 2.02 (Version B) 198? IBM Yes 1 0
diagn208 IBM System Diagnostics v 2.08 198? IBM Yes 1 0
jingdisk Jingle Disk 1986 ThoughtWare Yes 1 0
labelmag Label Magic (Shareware) 1989 Neocom Yes 1 0
amstelb2 Lotus Amstel Beta Build 2 1989 Lotus Development Yes 2 0
masm1 Macro Assembler (Version 1.00) 1981 IBM Yes 1 0
mforsta Mitt första ordbehandlingsprogram (Sweden) 1987 Scandinavian PC Systems Yes 1 0
multtext Multitexte 1992 François Burckel Yes 1 0
diagpc4i NCR PC4I System Diagnostics Disk 198? NCR Yes 1 0
nav The Norton AntiVirus 1.0 1990 Symantec Yes 1 0
nav2 The Norton AntiVirus 2.0 1991 Symantec Yes 3 0
nortutil The Norton Utilities 3.10 1986 Peter Norton Computing, Inc. Yes 1 1
pc1_87_1 Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (Anno 1 - N. 1, Dicembre 1987-Gennaio '88) 1987 Gruppo Editoriale JCE Yes 1 0
pc1_89_1 Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (Anno III - N. 1, Gennaio-Febbraio 1989) 1989 Gruppo Editoriale JCE Yes 1 0
pc1_89_2 Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (Anno III - N. 2, Aprile-Maggio 1989) 1989 Gruppo Editoriale JCE Yes 1 0
pc1_89_4 Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (Anno III - N. 4, Agosto-Settembre 1989) 1989 Gruppo Editoriale JCE Yes 1 0
pc1_89_5 Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (Anno III - N. 5, Novembre-Dicembre 1989) 1989 Gruppo Editoriale JCE Yes 1 0
pc1pc Olivetti Prodest PC1 - Per Cominciare 1987 Olivetti Prodest No 3 1
pascom1 Pascal Compiler (Version 1.00) 1981 IBM Yes 3 0
pcglobe3 PC Globe 3.0 1990 PC Globe, Inc Yes 5 0
pcglobe4 PC Globe 4.0 1990 PC Globe, Inc Yes 5 0
pcglobe504 PC Globe 5.04 1992 PC Globe, Inc Yes 2 0
pcglobe5es PC Globe 5.0 (Spanish) 1992 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 pcglobe504
pct103 PC-Tools R1.03 1985 Central Point Software, Inc. Yes 1 0
pctd430 PC Tools Deluxe R4.30 1988 Central Point Software, Inc. Yes 1 0
pctd51 PC Tools Deluxe 5.1 1989 Central Point Software, Inc. Yes 4 0
pctd6 PC Tools Deluxe 6 (5.25") 1990 Central Point Software, Inc. Yes 6 0
pctd6_35 PC Tools Deluxe 6 (3.5") 1990 Central Point Software, Inc. Yes 3 0 pctd6
pctd604 PC Tools Deluxe 6.0.4 1990 Central Point Software, Inc. Yes 3 0
pct71dd PC Tools 7.1 (3.5" DD) 1991 Central Point Software, Inc. Yes 8 0
pkz204g PKZip 2.04g (5.25") 1993 PKWARE, Inc. Yes 1 0
pkz204g35 PKZip 2.04g (3.5") 1993 PKWARE, Inc. Yes 1 0 pkz204g
pmasterp PrintMaster Plus 1988 Unison World Yes 2 0
ranger1 Ranger 1 (Demo) 1991 Seetrax CAE Yes 3 1
ebertmhc Roger Ebert's Deluxe Movie Home Companion - 1986-1992 Editions 1992 Shryer Publishing Yes 7 0
spntass2 Spontaneous Assembly (Version 2.0) 1990 BaseTwo Development Yes 2 0
strecalc StretchCalc 1983 Multisoft Yes 1 0
suprbas5 Superbase 5 Demo 1988 Computer Associates International Yes 2 0
tbasic10 Turbo Basic 1987 Borland Yes 2 0
tligning Turbo Lightning 1983 Borland Yes 3 0
turbodos TurboDOS/PC 1986 Software 2000 Yes 1 0
typtut Typing Tutor (Version 1.00) 1981 IBM Yes 1 1
videocmp Video Companion: The Software (Spring '92 Edition) 1992 Electronic Movie Guide Yes 4 0
visicalc VisiCalc 1982 VisiCorp Yes 1 0
vc156y0 VisiCalc (VC-156Y0-IBM) 1981 Personal Software No 1 0
vterm2 VTERM II (V2.00, newer) 1984 Coefficient Systems Corporation Yes 1 1
vterm2a VTERM II (V2.00, older) 1984 Coefficient Systems Corporation Yes 1 0 vterm2
msword1 Word 1.15 1984 Microsoft Yes 5 3
msword1p Word X1.06 (September 7, 1983 beta) 1983 Microsoft Yes 1 0 msword1
msword1d Word (PC World demo, October 1983) 1983 Microsoft Yes 1 0 msword1
msword2 Word 2.00 1985 Microsoft Yes 4 0
msword3 Word 3.0 (6-23-86) 1986 Microsoft Yes 6 0
msword3a Word 3.0 (4-10-86) 1986 Microsoft Yes 6 0 msword3
msword3dem Word 3.0 Demonstration 1986 Microsoft Yes 1 0 msword3
msword31 Word 3.1 (5.25") 1986 Microsoft Yes 8 0
msword31_35 Word 3.11 (3.5") 1986 Microsoft Yes 4 0 msword31
msword4 Word 4.0 (5.25") 1987 Microsoft Yes 6 0
msword4_35 Word 4.0 (3.5") 1987 Microsoft Yes 5 0 msword4
msword4sv Word 4.0 (5.25", Swedish) 1988 Microsoft Yes 6 0 msword4
msword5 Word 5.0 1989 Microsoft Yes 13 0
msword5sv Word 5.0 (Swedish) 1989 Microsoft Yes 12 0 msword5
msword55 Word 5.5 (5.25") 1990 Microsoft Yes 12 0
msword55de Word 5.5 (3.5", German) 1991 Microsoft Yes 10 0 msword55
msword55it Word 5.5 (3.5", Italian) 1991 Microsoft Partial 8 0 msword55
windows Microsoft Windows Version 1.0 1985 Microsoft Yes 4 0
win101 Microsoft Windows Version 1.01 1985 Microsoft Yes 5 0
win102 Microsoft Windows Version 1.02 1986 Microsoft Yes 6 0
win103 Microsoft Windows Version 1.03 1986 Microsoft Yes 6 0
win104 Microsoft Windows Version 1.04 1987 Microsoft Yes 7 0
win13sdk Windows 1.03 SDK 1986 Microsoft Yes 7 0
condos32 Concurrent PC DOS Version 3.2 (Maintenance Release) 1984 Digital Research Yes 5 0
condos32a Concurrent PC DOS Version 3.2 1984 Digital Research Yes 5 0 condos32
condos41 Concurrent PC DOS Version 4.1 (set 1) 1985 Digital Research Yes 5 0
condos41a Concurrent PC DOS Version 4.1 (set 2) 1985 Digital Research Yes 5 0 condos41
condos41b Concurrent PC DOS Version 4.1 (set 3) 1985 Digital Research Yes 5 0
condosxm Concurrent DOS XM 6.01 1988 Digital Research Yes 4 0
condosxm60 Concurrent DOS XM 6.0 (5.25") 1987 Digital Research No 4 0 condosxm
condosxm60_35 Concurrent DOS XM 6.0 (3.5") 1987 Digital Research Yes 2 0 condosxm
condosxm621 Concurrent DOS XM 6.21 1989 Digital Research Yes 4 0 condosxm
cpm8610 CP/M-86 for the IBM Personal Computer (Version 1.0) 1982 Digital Research Yes 1 0
cpm8611 CP/M-86 for the IBM Personal Computer (Version 1.1) 1982 Digital Research Yes 1 0
drdos6fr DR DOS 6.0 (French) 1991 Digital Research Yes 4 0
drdos6fru DR DOS 6.0 Business Update (French, 5.25") 1992 Digital Research Yes 2 0
drdos6fru35 DR DOS 6.0 Business Update (French, 3.5") 1992 Digital Research Yes 1 0 drdos6fru
ecpm8611 Eagle CP/M-86 (Version 1.1B) 1983 Digital Research Yes 2 0
freedos13_720 FreeDOS 1.3 (Floppy-Only Edition, 3.5" 720k) 2022 The FreeDOS Project Yes 11 0
freedos13_8086 FreeDOS 1.3 8086 Minimized 2022 AkBKukU Yes 2 0
k16auto Kaypro 16 Autoload 1984 Kaypro Yes 9 0
k16mastr Kaypro 16 Master Disks 1984 Kaypro Yes 7 0
minix11 MINIX 1.1 1987 Prentice-Hall Yes 8 0
minix12 MINIX 1.2 1988 Prentice-Hall Yes 10 0
minix13 MINIX 1.3 1989 Prentice-Hall Yes 12 1
minix15d MINIX 1.5 (IBM demo disk) 1991 Prentice-Hall Yes 1 0
msdos211 AT&T Personal Computer 6300 DOS Release 2.0 (MS-DOS 2.11) 1984 AT&T Yes 2 0
msdos32 MS-DOS (Version 3.2) 1985 Microsoft Yes 2 0
msdos32a MS-DOS (Version 3.2) (alt) 1985 Microsoft No 3 3 msdos32
msdos33 MS-DOS (Version 3.30) 1987 Microsoft Yes 2 0
msdos33a MS-DOS (Version 3.30A) 1987 Microsoft Yes 2 0
msdos33k MS-DOS (Version 3.30) (Knowledge Dynamics Corp) 1993 Knowledge Dynamics Corp Yes 2 0 msdos33
msdos33s MS-DOS (Version 3.30B) (V1.2) (Schneider) (German) 1989 Schneider Rdf. AG Yes 1 0 msdos33
msdos4 MS-DOS (Version 4.00, 5.25") 1988 Microsoft Yes 6 0
msdos401 MS-DOS (Version 4.01, 5.25") 1988 Microsoft Yes 6 0
msdos401_35 MS-DOS (Version 4.01, 3.5") 1988 Microsoft Yes 3 0 msdos401
msdos401de MS-DOS (Version 4.01, 5.25", German) 1988 Microsoft Yes 6 0 msdos401
msdos5 MS-DOS (Version 5.00, 5.25") 1991 Microsoft Yes 5 0
msdos5a MS-DOS (Version 5.00, 5.25", RTM) 1991 Microsoft Yes 5 0 msdos5
msdos5_35 MS-DOS (Version 5.00, 3.5") 1991 Microsoft Yes 3 0 msdos5
msdos5u MS-DOS (Version 5.00, 5.25", Upgrade) 1991 Microsoft Yes 6 0 msdos5
msdos5ua MS-DOS (Version 5.00, 5.25", Upgrade, RTM) 1991 Microsoft Yes 6 0 msdos5
msdos5m MS-DOS (Version 5.00, Mecer OEM) 1991 Microsoft Yes 3 0 msdos5
mmsdos4 Multitasking MS-DOS (Version 4.00) 1985 Microsoft Yes 2 1
pc1dos Olivetti Prodest PC1 MS-DOS 3.20 / GW BASIC / Lode Runner / Tetris 1987 Olivetti Prodest No 1 1
pc1doses Olivetti Prodest PC1 MS-DOS 3.20 (Spanish) 1987 Olivetti Prodest Yes 1 0 pc1dos
pcdos1 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 1.00) 1981 IBM Yes 1 0
pcdos1p IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 1.00, prototype 1981-06-05) 1981 IBM Yes 1 1 pcdos1
pcdos11 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 1.10) 1982 IBM Yes 1 0
pcdos11m IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 1.10, Master diskette) 1982 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos11
pcdos11ma IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 1.10) (Master diskette, alt) 1982 IBM Yes 1 0 pcdos11
pcdos2 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.00) 1983 IBM Yes 1 0
pcdos2a IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.00, set 2) 1983 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos2
pcdos2b IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.00, set 3) 1983 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos2
pcdos2c IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.00, set 4) 1983 IBM Yes 1 0 pcdos2
pcdos2m IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.00, Master diskette) 1983 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos2
pcdos21 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.10, set 1) 1983 IBM Yes 2 0
pcdos21a IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.10, set 2) 1983 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos21
pcdos21b IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.10, set 3) 1983 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos21
pcdos3 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.00) 1984 IBM Yes 2 0
pcdos3a IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.00, alternate) 1984 IBM No 2 2 pcdos3
pcdos3de IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.00, German) 1984 IBM Yes 1 0 pcdos3
pcdos31 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.10, 1985-04-22) 1985 IBM Yes 2 0
pcdos31a IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.10, 1985-03-07) 1985 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos31
pcdos32 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.20, 5.25", 1986-02-21) 1986 IBM Yes 2 0
pcdos32a IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.20, 5.25", 1986-02-21, alt) 1986 IBM No 1 0 pcdos32
pcdos32_35 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.20, 3.5", 1985-12-30) 1986 IBM Yes 1 0 pcdos32
pcdos33 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.30, 5.25") 1987 IBM Yes 2 0
pcdos33a IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.30, 5.25", alt) 1987 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos33
pcdos33nl IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.30, 5.25", Dutch) 1987 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos33
pcdos33de IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.30, 5.25", German) 1987 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos33
pcdos33dea IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.30, 5.25", German, alt) 1987 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos33
pcdos33it IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.30, 5.25", Italian) 1987 IBM Yes 2 0 pcdos33
pcdos33_35 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.30, 3.5") 1987 IBM Yes 1 0 pcdos33
pcdos33nl35 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.30, 3.5", Dutch) 1987 IBM Yes 1 0 pcdos33
pcdos33de35 IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.30, 3.5", German) 1987 IBM Yes 1 0 pcdos33
pcdos5 IBM DOS (Version 5.00) 1991 IBM Yes 3 0
pcdos5a IBM DOS (Version 5.00, alt) 1991 IBM Yes 3 0 pcdos5
pcdos5nl IBM DOS (Version 5.00, Dutch) 1991 IBM Yes 3 0 pcdos5
pcdos502 IBM DOS (Version 5.02) 1992 IBM Yes 3 0
pcdos502de IBM DOS 5.02 "for preload" (German) 1992 IBM Yes 3 0 pcdos502
pcix10 IBM Personal Computer Interactive Executive (PC/IX) 1.00 1984 IBM Yes 19 0
qnxdemo QNX Demonstration (Apr 17th, 1989) 1989 Quantum Software Systems Yes 1 0
tbos Thoroughbred/OS 6.6.2-6 1987 Concept Omega No 4 0
ucsdpsys UCSD p-System 1982 IBM Yes 8 0
wendin Wendin Multiuser DOS 2.11 1987 Wendin Yes 2 0
xenix86 SCO XENIX System V release 2.1.3 for i8086 1986 SCO Yes 16 0
xenixdev213 SCO XENIX System V Development System version 2.1.3 1986 SCO Yes 11 0
amouse7 AMouse Mouse Driver Disk 1991 ULTIMA Electronics Corp. Yes 1 0
moustest Mouse Software Test/Demo 1987 Mouse Systems No 1 0
mousetb Mouse/Trackball 1992 Compaq Yes 1 0
pc1hdu Olivetti Prodest PC1 HDU Install 1988 Olivetti Prodest No 1 1
pc1mouse Olivetti Prodest PC1 Mouse Driver 1988 Olivetti Prodest No 1 0
sicmouse SICOS Mouse 1990 SICOS No 2 2
sysgmous SYSGRATION Mouse Driver 8.00 (5.25") 1993 Sysgration Yes 1 0
sysgmous35 SYSGRATION Mouse Driver 8.00 (3.5") 1993 Sysgration Yes 1 0 sysgmous
sysgmousa SYSGRATION Mouse Driver 7.03 (5.25") 1992 Sysgration Yes 1 0 sysgmous
2400ad 2400 A.D. (set 1) 1987 Origin No 1 1
2400ad1 2400 A.D. (set 2) 1987 Origin Yes 1 0 2400ad
3dhelsim 3-D Helicopter Simulator 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
4dsboxin 4D Sports Boxing (Europe) 1991 Mindscape International Yes 1 0
4dboxing 4D Boxing (USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0 4dsboxin
4dsboxina 4D Sports Boxing (Europe, alt) 1991 Mindscape International Yes 1 0 4dsboxin
688atsub 688 Attack Sub (5.25") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
688atsub35 688 Attack Sub (3.5") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 688atsub
688atsub35a 688 Attack Sub (3.5", older) 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 688atsub
a10tank A-10 Tank Killer (1.5) 1991 Dynamix Yes 4 0
a10tanka A-10 Tank Killer (1.1) 1990 Dynamix Yes 2 0 a10tank
atrain A-Train (5.25") 1992 Maxis Yes 6 0
atrain35 A-Train (3.5") 1992 Maxis Yes 3 0 atrain
abcbox ABC's Wide World of Sports Boxing 1991 Data East Partial 2 1
academy Academy - Tau Ceti 2 1987 CRL Group No 1 0
aceoface Ace of Aces 1987 Accolade Yes 1 0
actionfg Action Fighter (Kixx) 1989 Kixx Yes 2 0
actnserv Action Service (5.25") 1988 Infogrames No 1 0
actnserv35 Action Service (3.5", Smash16 release) 1990 Smash16 Yes 1 0 actnserv
azurebnd Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Curse of the Azure Bonds (v1.2) 1989 SSI Yes 4 0
azurebnda Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Curse of the Azure Bonds (v1.1) 1989 SSI Yes 4 0 azurebnd
azurebndb Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Curse of the Azure Bonds (v1.0) 1989 SSI Yes 4 0 azurebnd
dkkrynn Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Death Knights of Krynn (5.25", v1.00) 1991 SSI Yes 2 0
dkkrynn35 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Death Knights of Krynn (3.5", v1.00) 1991 SSI Yes 1 0 dkkrynn
dkkrynn35a Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Death Knights of Krynn (3.5", v1.10) 1992 SSI Yes 1 0 dkkrynn
drgnstrk Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - DragonStrike (v1.2) 1990 SSI Yes 4 0
drgnstrka Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - DragonStrike (v1.0) 1990 SSI Yes 4 0 drgnstrk
drgnstrkb Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - DragonStrike (v1.1) 1990 SSI Yes 4 0 drgnstrk
darkmoon Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon 1991 SSI Yes 3 0
poolrad Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance (5.25") 1988 SSI Yes 3 0
poolrad35 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance (3.5") 1988 SSI Yes 2 0 poolrad
pooldark Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pools of Darkness 1991 SSI Yes 3 0
silvblad Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Secret of the Silver Blades (v1.20) 1990 SSI Yes 1 0
silvblada Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Secret of the Silver Blades (v1.10) 1990 SSI Yes 1 0 silvblad
warlance Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - War of the Lance 1990 SSI Yes 2 0
captcom The Adventures of Captain Comic 1988 Michael Denio Yes 1 0
airbrang Airborne Ranger 1988 Microprose Yes 1 0
alf Alf - The First Adventure 1988 Box Office Yes 1 0
aliensyn Alien Syndrome 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
alpntram Alpine Tram Ride 1987 Learning Technologies Yes 1 1
altdest Altered Destiny (5.25") 1990 Accolade Yes 8 0
altdesta Altered Destiny (5.25", older) 1990 Accolade Yes 8 0 altdest
altdest35 Altered Destiny (3.5") 1990 Accolade Yes 4 0 altdest
spidermn The Amazing Spider-Man 1990 Paragon Software Yes 2 0
ameyacht America's Cup Yacht Racing Simulator 1986 Geoff. Brayford & Associates Pty Yes 1 0
aaow The Ancient Art of War 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
aaowas The Ancient Art of War at Sea 1987 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
aaowasa The Ancient Art of War at Sea (alt) 1987 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 aaowas
ys Ancient Land of Ys 1989 Kyodai Software Marketing Partial 1 0
apgbonus Apogee Software Bonus Disk (Jumpman Lives!, Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons) 1991 Apogee Software Yes 1 1
arcblock Arcade Blockbusters! 1991 Capcom / Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 1 0
arcadefb Arcade Football 1989 Software Simulations Yes 1 0
arcahits Arcade Hits 1991 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 2 0
arctadv Arctic Adventure 1991 Apogee Software Yes 1 0
arkanoid Arkanoid 1988 Taito Corporation No 1 0
arknoid2 Arkanoid 2: Revenge of Doh (cracked, newer, with CMS Sound support) 1989 Taito Corporation Yes 1 0
arknoid2a Arkanoid 2: Revenge of Doh (cracked, older) 1989 Taito Corporation Yes 1 0 arknoid2
asterog Astérix: Operation Getafix (UK) 1990 Coktel Vision Yes 1 1
asteroges Astérix: El Golpe del Menhir (Astérix y Operacion Menhir) (System 4 release) 1990 Coktel Vision Yes 1 1 asterog
avoidnoid Avoid the Noid 1989 Sharedata Yes 1 0
bat B.A.T. (VGA version) 1990 Ubi Soft Entertainment Software Yes 2 0
batcet B.A.T. (CGA/EGA/Tandy version) (Quest & Glory compilation) 1990 Ubi Soft Entertainment Software Yes 3 0 bat
baal Baal 1989 Psyclapse Yes 2 0
babyjo Baby Jo in "Going Home" 1991 Loriciel Yes 1 0
bttf2 Back to the Future Part II 1990 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
bttf3 Back to the Future Part III 1991 Mirrorsoft No 2 0
badblood Bad Blood (5.25") 1990 Origin Systems Yes 4 0
badblood35 Bad Blood (3.5") 1990 Origin Systems Yes 2 0 badblood
ballistx Ballistix 1989 Psyclapse Yes 1 0
ballyhoo Ballyhoo 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
bargames Bar Games 1989 Accolade Yes 2 0
barbarian Barbarian 1989 Melbourne House Yes 1 0
brdtale The Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown (5.25") 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
brdtalea The Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown (5.25", alt) 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0 brdtale
brdtale35 The Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown (3.5") 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 brdtale
brdtale2 The Bard's Tale II - The Destiny Knight (5.25") 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
brdtale2_35 The Bard's Tale II - The Destiny Knight (3.5") 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 brdtale2
brdtale3 The Bard's Tale III - Thief of Fate 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 3 0
batmancc Batman: The Caped Crusader 1989 Data East No 2 0
batmanmv Batman: The Movie 1990 Ocean Software / Data East Partial 2 0
btlchess Battle Chess (5.25", VGA version) 1990 Interplay Yes 3 0
btlchessa Battle Chess (5.25", EGA version) 1988 Interplay Yes 2 0 btlchess
btlchess35 Battle Chess (3.5", VGA version) 1990 Interplay Yes 2 0 btlchess
btlchess35a Battle Chess (3.5", EGA version - first release) 1988 Interplay Yes 1 0 btlchess
btlchess35b Battle Chess (3.5", EGA version - second release) 1988 Interplay Yes 1 0 btlchess
btlchesses Battle Chess (3.5", EGA version, Dro Soft release) 1988 Electronic Arts / Interplay Yes 1 0 btlchess
btlches2 Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess 1991 Interplay Yes 2 0
bibpaint Bible Paint and Learn 1992 Ark Multimedia Publishing Yes 1 0
billted Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure 1990 Capstone Yes 6 0
bivouac Bivouac 1987 Infogrames Yes 1 0
bcauldrn The Black Cauldron (5.25", v2.10) 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
bcauldrn35 The Black Cauldron (3.5", v2.10) 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0 bcauldrn
bladestl Blades of Steel 1990 Konami Yes 1 0
blockout Blockout 1989 California Dreams Yes 1 1
bloodmon Blood Money 1989 Psygnosis Yes 2 0
bloodwyc Bloodwych (USA) 1991 Konami Yes 1 0
bloodwyca Bloodwych (Quest & Glory compilation) (Europe) 1991 Ubi Soft Yes 1 0 bloodwyc
bluesbro The Blues Brothers 1991 Titus Yes 1 0
bobo Bobo 1988 Infogrames No 1 0
bdash_35 Boulder Dash (3.5") 1988 Prism Leisure Yes 1 0 bdash
bdashkit Boulder Dash Construction Kit 1987 Epyx No 1 0
breach2 Breach 2 1990 Mindcraft Software Yes 1 0
brimstone Brimstone 1985 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
bublbobl Bubble Bobble (5.25") 1989 Taito No 2 0
bublbobl_cr Bubble Bobble (5.25", cracked) 1989 Taito Yes 2 0 bublbobl
bublbobl35 Bubble Bobble (3.5") 1989 Taito Yes 1 0 bublbobl
buckdoom Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday 1990 SSI Yes 3 0
budokan Budokan - The Martial Spirit (5.25") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
budokan35 Budokan - The Martial Spirit (3.5") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 budokan
budokan35a Budokan - The Martial Spirit (3.5", Big Games) 1995 Jackson Libri Yes 1 0 budokan
bbrodeo Buffalo Bill's Rodeo Games 1989 Tynesoft Yes 1 0
cadaver Cadaver (5.25") 1991 Image Works Yes 4 0
cadaver35 Cadaver (3.5", Quest & Glory compilation) 1991 Image Works Yes 2 1 cadaver
cadaver35a Cadaver (3.5") 1991 Image Works Yes 2 1 cadaver
calgame2 California Games 2 1991 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0
cprogolf California Pro Golf 1989 Mastertronic Yes 2 0
capblood Captain Blood 1988 Ere Informatique No 1 0
crtoonrs Cartooners 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
crtnspac Cartooners in Space 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
castles Castles (5.25") 1991 Interplay Yes 4 0
castles35 Castles (3.5") 1991 Interplay Yes 2 0 castles
castlesnc Castles: The Northern Campaign 1991 Interplay Yes 1 0
cvania Castlevania 1990 Konami Yes 1 0
caveugh Caveman Ugh-Lympics 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
champglf Championship Golf - The Great Courses of the World - Volume One: Pebble Beach 1986 Gamestar Yes 1 0
chessm The ChessMachine (v3.1, The King v2.20) 1993 Tasc Yes 1 0
chessm23 The ChessMachine (v2.3, Gideon v2.1) 1991 Tasc Yes 3 0 chessm
chessm21 The ChessMachine (v2.1, Gideon v2.1) 1991 Tasc Yes 2 0 chessm
chessm21o The ChessMachine (v2.1, Gideon v1.7) 1991 Tasc Yes 2 0 chessm
chessmen The ChessMachine (RISC engines) 1991 Tasc Yes 3 0
chesssim Chess Simulator 1990 Infogrames Yes 1 0
chicag90 Chicago 90 1990 Microïds Yes 1 1
chipdale Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers - The Adventure in Nimnul's Castle 1990 Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc. Yes 1 0
cyeagaft Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (5.25") 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
cyeagaft35 Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (3.5") 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 cyeagaft
cyeagaftfr Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (5.25", France) 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 2 2 cyeagaft
laurabow The Colonel's Bequest (5.25") 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 10 0
laurabw35 The Colonel's Bequest (3.5") 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 0 laurabow
colossus4 Colossus Bridge 4 1988 CDS Software Yes 1 0
commandhq Command H.Q. (5.25") 1990 MicroProse Yes 2 0
commandhq35 Command H.Q. (3.5") 1990 MicroProse Yes 1 0 commandhq
keen123 Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons (5.25", v1.31) 1991 Apogee Software Yes 2 0
keen123a Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons (3.5", v1.31) 1991 Apogee Software Yes 1 0 keen123
keen1g Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons (5.25", v1.32, Gravis pack-in) 1991 Advanced Gravis Yes 1 0 keen123
kdreams Commander Keen in Keen Dreams (v1.92) 1993 Softdisk Yes 1 0
conflict Conflict 1990 16 Blitz Yes 1 0
cnflcteu Conflict Europe 1989 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
camelot Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail (5.25") 1990 Sierra On-Line Yes 10 0
camelot35 Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail (3.5") 1990 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 0 camelot
crazycr2 Crazy Cars II 1989 Titus Yes 1 0
crimewav Crime Wave (5.25", v2.0) 1990 Access Software Yes 8 0
crimewava Crime Wave (5.25", v1.1) 1990 Access Software Yes 8 0 crimewav
crimewav35 Crime Wave (3.5", v2.0) 1990 Access Software Yes 4 0 crimewav
cruisecr Cruise for a Corpse 1991 U.S. Gold Yes 3 0
crystalca Crystal Caves 1991 Apogee Software Yes 1 0
cycles The Cycles: International Grand Prix Racing (5.25") 1989 Accolade Yes 2 0
cycles35 The Cycles: International Grand Prix Racing (3.5") 1989 Accolade Yes 1 0 cycles
cyrus3dsw Cyrus 3-D Chess (shareware, Titanium Seal release) 1994 Titanium Seal Yes 1 0
dgenerat D/Generation 1991 Mindscape Yes 2 0
dawolfsa David Wolf: Secret Agent 1989 Dynamix Yes 5 0
deadlinr27 Deadline (release 27) 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
deathtrk DeathTrack 1989 Activision Yes 2 0
defcrwn Defender of the Crown 1987 Mindscape Yes 1 0
dmnstomb Demon's Tomb - The Awakening 1989 Virgin Mastertronic Yes 2 0
destroyr Destroyer 1987 Epyx Yes 1 0
dicktrac Dick Tracy 1990 Titus No 2 0
dicktrcs Dick Tracy: The Crime-Solving Adventure 1991 Walt Disney Computer Software Yes 6 0
diehard Die Hard (5.25") 1989 Activision Yes 2 0
diehard35 Die Hard (3.5") 1989 Activision Yes 1 0 diehard
domino Domino 1.0 1991 Scandinavian PC Systems Yes 1 0
ddragon Double Dragon (5.25") 1988 Arcadia Yes 2 0
ddragon35 Double Dragon (3.5") 1988 Arcadia Yes 1 0 ddragon
ddragona Double Dragon (5.25", older) 1988 Arcadia Yes 2 0 ddragon
ddragon2 Double Dragon II - The Revenge (5.25") 1989 Virgin Mastertronic Yes 3 0
ddragon2_35 Double Dragon II - The Revenge (3.5") 1989 Virgin Games Yes 2 0 ddragon2
ddragon3 Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (5.25") 1992 Virgin Games Yes 2 0
ddragon3_35 Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (3.5") 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 ddragon3
ddribble Double Dribble 1990 Konami Yes 1 0
drgnflam Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragons of Flame 1989 SSI Partial 1 0
dspirit Dragon Spirit 1991 Domark Yes 1 0
drakkhen Drakkhen (EGA, CGA, VGA) 1990 Infogrames Yes 6 0
drakkhena Drakkhen (EGA, CGA) 1990 Infogrames Yes 5 0 drakkhen
dreamtm The Dream Team: 3 on 3 Challenge 1991 Data East Yes 3 0
ducktale Duck Tales: The Quest for Gold 1990 Walt Disney Computer Software Yes 2 0
pun3sw Dungeon of Pun III (Gemini Shareware) 1991 Gemini Marketing Yes 2 0
earlweav Earl Weaver Baseball 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
echecs3d Echecs 3D (French) 1986 France Image Logiciel Yes 1 0
elvira Elvira: Mistress of the Dark 1990 Accolade Yes 8 0
emmanuel Emmanuelle: A Game of Eroticism 1989 Tomahawk Yes 1 0
empire Empire - Wargame of the Century 1988 Interstel Yes 1 1
expwill Expert Will (v1.4) 1990 Expert Software Yes 1 0
eyehorus Eye of Horus 1989 Fanfare Yes 5 0
f15se2 F-15 Strike Eagle II 1989 MicroProse No 1 0
f19 F-19 Stealth Fighter (Version 435.04, manual protection) 1988 MicroProse Yes 2 0
f19a F-19 Stealth Fighter (Version 435.04, disk + manual protection) 1988 MicroProse Yes 2 0 f19
f29retal F29 Retaliator 1990 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
fta1 The Faery Tale Adventure: Book I 1989 MicroIllusions Yes 2 0
ferrarf1 Ferrari Formula One 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
feud Feud 1988 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
topofun Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o' Fun 1989 Gray Matter Yes 3 0
finalchs The Final ChessCard (v1.9) 1990 Tasc Yes 1 0
finalchs15 The Final ChessCard (v1.5) 1989 Tasc Yes 1 0 finalchs
finorbit Final Orbit 1990 Innerprise Yes 2 0
firefor2 Fire & Forget II (5.25") 1990 Titus Yes 1 0
firefor2_35 Fire & Forget II (3.5") 1990 Titus Partial 1 0 firefor2
firepowr Fire Power 1988 MicroIllusions Yes 2 0
frontline Frontline 1990 Cases Computer Simulations Yes 2 0
futurwar Future Wars - Adventures in Time (5.25") 1990 Interplay Yes 3 0
futurwar35 Future Wars - Adventures in Time (3.5") 1990 Interplay Yes 2 0 futurwar
gedgsamp Gamer's Edge Sampler - Catacomb and Dangerous Dave 1991 Softdisk Yes 1 0
gauntlet Gauntlet 1988 Mindscape No 1 0
gauntlt2 Gauntlet II 1989 Mindscape Yes 1 0
gettysbg Gettysburg: The Turning Point (v2.0) 1987 SSI Yes 1 0
ghostbs2 Ghostbusters II 1989 Activision Yes 2 0
gosim Go Simulator 1992 Infogrames Yes 1 0
goldrush Gold Rush (5.25", v2.01) 1988 Sierra Yes 5 0
goldrush35 Gold Rush (3.5", v2.01) 1988 Sierra Yes 2 0 goldrush
goldnaxe Golden Axe (5.25") 1990 Sega Yes 2 0
goldnaxea Golden Axe (5.25", alt) 1990 Sega Yes 2 0 goldnaxe
goldnaxe35 Golden Axe (3.5") 1990 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 goldnaxe
gpcircuit Grand Prix Circuit 1988 Accolade Yes 1 0
gryzor Gryzor 1987 Ocean Software Yes 1 1
gunboat Gunboat: River Combat Simulation 1990 Accolade Yes 1 0
gunboata Gunboat: River Combat Simulation (The Hit Squad release) 1992 The Hit Squad Yes 1 0 gunboat
gunship Gunship (5.25") 1987 MicroProse Yes 2 0
gunship_35 Gunship (3.5", Futura Games) 1995 Futura Publishing Yes 1 0 gunship
hacker Hacker 1985 Activision Yes 1 0
hardbal2 Hardball II 1989 Accolade Yes 3 0
harerh Hare Raising Havoc (USA) 1991 Walt Disney Computer Software Yes 5 0
harpoon Harpoon 1989 Three-Sixty Yes 2 0
harpoonbs2 Harpoon Battleset 2 - North Atlantic Convoys 1989 Three-Sixty Yes 2 0
herosqst Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a Hero 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 0
herolanc Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance 1991 SSI Yes 2 0
hillsfar Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Hillsfar (3.5", v1.2) 1989 SSI Yes 1 0
hillsfar525 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Hillsfar (5.25", v1.0) 1989 SSI Yes 2 0 hillsfar
hillsfar35a Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Hillsfar (3.5", v1.0) 1989 SSI Yes 1 0 hillsfar
hillsfar35b Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Hillsfar (3.5", v1.1) 1989 SSI Yes 1 0 hillsfar
homealon Home Alone - A Family Game Without the Family 1991 Capstone Yes 1 0
homealn2 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 1992 Capstone Yes 3 0
rylvania Horror of Rylvania 1993 Adventions Yes 1 0
hostage Hostage: Rescue Mission 1989 Mindscape Yes 2 0
hoylev3 Hoyle: Official Book of Games - Volume 3 (EGA release) 1991 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
armorik Les 8 Conquêtes d'Armorik le Viking 1987 Infogrames Yes 1 0
huntred The Hunt for Red October 1988 Datasoft Yes 1 0
indycrus Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Action Game (5.25") 1989 Lucasfilm - U.S. Gold Yes 2 0
indycrus35 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Action Game (Kixx release) 1989 Kixx Yes 1 0 indycrus
indy3adv Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure 1989 U.S. Gold Yes 6 0
indy3advg Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure (Germany) 1989 U.S. Gold Yes 6 0 indy3adv
indytod Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1989 Mindscape Yes 1 0
indy500 Indianapolis 500: The Simulation (5.25") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
indy500_35 Indianapolis 500: The Simulation (3.5", newer) 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 indy500
indy500_35a Indianapolis 500: The Simulation (3.5") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 indy500
intkarat International Karate 1990 System 3 Software Yes 1 0
intsocch International Soccer Challenge (Virtual Reality Vol. 1 compilation) 1990 Elite Yes 2 0
ishar Ishar: Legend of the Fortress 1992 Silmarils Yes 4 0
italy90 Italy '90 Soccer (Italy) 1989 Simulmondo Yes 1 0
ironmnso Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road (5.25") 1990 Virgin Mastertronic Yes 2 0
ironmnso35 Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road (3.5", 16 Blitz release) 1992 16 Blitz Yes 1 0 ironmnso
nicklunl Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course Design 1990 Accolade Yes 2 0
shogun James Clavell's Shogun (set 1) 1987 Mastertronic Group Yes 1 0
shoguna James Clavell's Shogun (set 2) 1987 Mastertronic Group Yes 1 0 shogun
shogunb James Clavell's Shogun (set 3) 1987 Mastertronic Group Yes 1 0 shogun
jetfight JetFighter I: The Adventure 1991 Velocity No 1 0
joeblade Joe Blade (Smash16 release) 1992 Interceptor Software Yes 1 0
madden John Madden Football 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
maddena John Madden Football (alt) 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 madden
madden2 John Madden Football II 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
jonesfst Jones in the Fast Lane (VGA release) 1990 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
jonesfsta Jones in the Fast Lane (EGA release) 1990 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0 jonesfst
jordbird Jordan vs. Bird: One on One 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
karateka Karateka (v1.1) 1987 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
karatekaa Karateka (v1.0) 1986 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 karateka
karatekap Karateka (Beta 1986-03-03) 1986 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 karateka
kvesoccr Keith Van Eron's Pro Soccer (5.25") 1990 MicroProse No 1 0
kvesoccr35 Keith Van Eron's Pro Soccer (3.5") 1990 MicroProse No 1 0 kvesoccr
kbounty King's Bounty 1990 New World Computing Yes 1 0
kingqstd King's Quest (DOS release, v2.0F) 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
kingqstda King's Quest (DOS release, v1.0U) 1986 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 kingqstd
kingqst1 King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown 1990 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0
kingqst2_35 King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne (3.5", v2.2) 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
kingqst3 King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human (5.25", v2.00) 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0
kingqst3a King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human (5.25", v1.01) 1986 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0 kingqst3
kingqst4_35 King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (3.5", version #2.2) 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0 kingqst4
kingqst4 King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (5.25", version #2.2) 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 6 0
kotb Kings of the Beach (5.25") 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
kotb35 Kings of the Beach (3.5") 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 kotb
kult Kult (cracked) 1989 Infogrames Multimedia SA Yes 1 0
moktar Lagaf': Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida 1991 Titus Yes 1 0
lakecelt Lakers vs Celtics and the NBA Playoffs (5.25") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
lakecelt35 Lakers vs Celtics and the NBA Playoffs (3.5") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 lakecelt
lasrsurg Laser Surgeon - The Microscopic Mission 1987 Activision Yes 1 0
lastninja The Last Ninja 1988 Activision Yes 1 0
lastnja2 Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance 1990 Activision Yes 3 0
leatherg Leather Goddesses of Phobos (1988, release 4) 1988 Infocom Yes 1 0
leatherga Leather Goddesses of Phobos (1986, release 59) 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0 leatherg
lsl Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (5.25") 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
lsl35 Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (3.5") 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0 lsl
lsl2 Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) (5.25") 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 6 0
lsl2_35 Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) (3.5") 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0 lsl2
lsl3 Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals (5.25") 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 8 0
lsl3_35 Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals (3.5") 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 0 lsl3
lsl3fr Leisure Suit Larry 3: Patti la Passion à la Poursuite des Pectoraux Puissants (3.5", France) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 0 lsl3
lic2kill Licence to Kill 1989 Domark Yes 1 0
linesand A Line in the Sand 1992 SSI Yes 1 0
links Links - The Challenge of Golf (v1.45) 1990 Access Software Yes 5 0
linksa Links - The Challenge of Golf (v1.10) 1990 Access Software Yes 5 0 links
linksbnt Links - Championship Course - Bountiful Golf Course 1991 Access Software Yes 2 0
lombrall Lombard RAC Rally (5.25", France) 1989 Mandarin Software Yes 2 1
lombrall35 Lombard RAC Rally (3.5") 1989 Mandarin Software Yes 1 0 lombrall
loom Loom (5.25") 1990 Lucasfilm Games Yes 6 0
loom35 Loom (3.5", v1.1) 1991 Lucasfilm Games Yes 3 0 loom
loom35a Loom (3.5", v1.0) 1990 Lucasfilm Games Yes 3 0 loom
loomfr Loom (3.5", France) 1990 Lucasfilm Games Yes 3 1 loom
loomde Loom (3.5", Germany) 1990 Lucasfilm Games Yes 3 0 loom
infocom The Lost Treasures of Infocom 1991 Infocom Yes 5 0
infocom2 The Lost Treasures of Infocom II 1992 Infocom Yes 4 0
lunarexp Lunar Explorer - A Space Flight Simulator 1986 Electric Transit Yes 1 0
lurkingh The Lurking Horror 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
magicpkt Magic Pockets 1992 Mindscape Yes 1 0
mandealr Manhattan Dealers (Europe, The 16-bit Pocket Power Collection release) 1988 Prism Leisure Corporation Yes 1 0
manhunt Manhunter - New York 1988 Sierra Yes 5 0
manhunt2 Manhunter 2 - San Francisco (5.25", Sierra's Value Pack) 1989 Sierra Yes 8 0
manhunt2a Manhunter 2 - San Francisco (5.25", alt) 1989 Sierra Yes 8 0 manhunt2
manhunt2_35 Manhunter 2 - San Francisco (3.5", Sierra's Value Pack) 1989 Sierra Yes 3 0 manhunt2
mmansion Maniac Mansion 1989 LucasFilm Yes 2 0
mortviel Le Manoir de Mortevielle (5.25") 1988 Lankhor Yes 1 0
mortviel35 Le Manoir de Mortevielle (3.5") 1988 Lankhor Yes 1 0 mortviel
martmemo Martian Memorandum 1991 Access Software Yes 10 0
mathblst Math Blaster 1983 Davidson & Associates Yes 2 0
mrabbit Math Rabbit 1986 The Learning Company Yes 1 0
mazeadv Maze Adventures 1986 Keypunch Software Yes 1 0
mean18 Mean 18 1988 Accolade Yes 1 1
mean18a Mean 18 (Olivetti Prodest PC1 release) 1987 Accolade Yes 1 1 mean18
meanst Mean Streets 1989 Access Software Yes 6 0
megaman Mega Man (5.25") 1990 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 1 0
megaman_35 Mega Man (3.5") 1990 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 1 0 megaman
megaman3 Mega Man III (5.25") 1992 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 2 0
megaman3_35 Mega Man III (3.5") 1992 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 1 0 megaman3
menace Menace (5.25") 1989 Psygnosis Yes 2 0
menace35 Menace (3.5") 1989 Psygnosis Yes 1 0 menace
mgear Metal Gear 1990 Ultra Software Yes 1 0
mickeysa Mickey's Space Adventure (5.25") 1986 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
mickeysa35 Mickey's Space Adventure (3.5") 1986 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0 mickeysa
midwintr Midwinter 1990 MicroProse No 2 0
mmagic Might and Magic: Book One: Secret of the Inner Sanctum 1987 New World Computing Yes 2 0
mboggle Mind Boggle 1986 Keypunch Software Yes 1 0
minesttn Mines of Titan 1989 Infocom Yes 1 0
miniputt Mini-Putt 1987 Accolade Yes 1 0
monopoly Monopoly v2.00 (shareware) 1989 TEGL Systems Corporation Yes 1 0
montypyt Monty Python's Flying Circus (5.25") 1990 Virgin Games Yes 2 0
montypyt35 Monty Python's Flying Circus (3.5") 1990 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 montypyt
monumars The Monuments of Mars! 1991 Apogee Software Yes 1 0
moonmist Moonmist 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
moonwalk Moonwalker 1989 Futura Publishing / Kixx XL Yes 2 0
murdersv Murders in Space (VGA) 1990 Infogrames Yes 1 0
murdersc Murders in Space (CGA) 1990 Infogrames Yes 1 0 murdersv
murderse Murders in Space (EGA) 1990 Infogrames Yes 1 0 murdersv
nethrwld Netherworld 1990 Hewson Yes 1 0
nightmar A Nightmare on Elm Street 1989 Monarch Software Yes 2 0
nshift Night Shift (5.25") 1990 Lucasfilm Yes 3 0
nshift_35 Night Shift (3.5") 1990 Lucasfilm Yes 2 0 nshift
nshift_35a Night Shift (3.5", alt) 1990 Lucasfilm Yes 2 0 nshift
ninja Ninja 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
ngaiden2 Ninja Gaiden II - The Dark Sword of Chaos 1991 GameTek Yes 1 0
obitus Obitus 1991 Psygnosis Yes 3 0
oliverco Oliver & Company 1989 Coktel Vision Yes 2 0
pc1game1 Olivetti Prodest PC1 Games Collection 1 1987 Olivetti Prodest No 1 1
pc1game6 Olivetti Prodest PC1 Games Collection 6 1987 Olivetti Prodest No 1 1
pc1game7 Olivetti Prodest PC1 Games Collection 7 1987 Olivetti Prodest Yes 1 1
omega Omega 1989 Origin Yes 2 0
opwolf Operation Wolf (5.25") 1989 Taito Yes 2 0
opwolf35 Operation Wolf (3.5") 1989 Taito Yes 1 0 opwolf
outrun Out Run (5.25", Kixx release) 1994 Kixx No 2 0
outrun35 Out Run (3.5") 1989 Sega Yes 1 1 outrun
outrun35a Out Run (3.5", Kixx release) 1989 Kixx Yes 1 1 outrun
overnet Over the Net! 1991 Merit Software Yes 2 0
pegasus P.H.M. Pegasus 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
paperboy Paperboy (5.25") 1989 Mindscape Yes 1 0
paperboy35 Paperboy (3.5") 1988 Mindscape No 1 0 paperboy
paperbo2 Paperboy 2 (5.25") 1991 Mindscape Yes 1 0
paperbo2_35 Paperboy 2 (3.5") 1991 Mindscape Yes 1 0 paperbo2
panzakic Panza Kick Boxing (Kixx budget release) 1991 Kixx Yes 2 0
pcgames3 PC Games #3 1988 I.B. Magazette Yes 1 0
pga PGA Tour Golf 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
pgaa PGA Tour Golf (alt) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 pga
pgab PGA Tour Golf (Special Maxell edition) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 pga
pgatc PGA Tour Golf: Tournament Course Disk 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
ppursuit Pharaoh's Pursuit 1990 Lone Star Micro Yes 1 0
ptomb Pharaoh's Tomb 1990 Apogee Software Yes 1 0
pickpile Pick'n Pile 1991 Ubi Soft Yes 1 1
pitfight Pit-Fighter (The Hit Squad release) 1991 The Hit Squad No 2 0
pitstop2_35 Pitstop II (3.5") 1987 Olivetti Prodest Yes 1 0 pitstop2
platoon Platoon 1987 Data East Yes 2 0
polepos Pole Position 1988 Thunder Mountain Yes 1 0
pquest Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel (5.25", v2.0G) 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0
pquest_35 Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel (3.5", v2.0G) 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 pquest
pquest_35a Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel (3.5", v2.0E) 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 pquest
pquest2 Police Quest II - The Vengeance (5.25", v1.002.011) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 6 0
pquest2a Police Quest II - The Vengeance (5.25", v1.001.000) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 6 0 pquest2
pquest2b Police Quest II - The Vengeance (5.25", v1.001.006) 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 6 0 pquest2
pquest2_35 Police Quest II - The Vengeance (3.5", v1.002.011, Sierra's Value Pack) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0 pquest2
pquest2_35a Police Quest II - The Vengeance (3.5", v1.001.006) 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0 pquest2
pquest2_35b Police Quest II - The Vengeance (3.5", v1.001.000) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0 pquest2
pwrdrift Power Drift 1990 Activision Yes 2 0
pmonger PowerMonger 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 3 0
prehist Prehistorik 1991 Titus Yes 2 0
prehist_cr Prehistorik (cracked) 1991 Titus Yes 2 0 prehist
ppersia Prince of Persia (5.25", v1.3) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
ppersia35 Prince of Persia (3.5", v1.3) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 ppersia
ppersiaa Prince of Persia (5.25", v1.1) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 ppersia
ppersia35c Prince of Persia (3.5", v1.1) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 ppersia
ppersia35a Prince of Persia (3.5", v1.1, The Hit Squad release) 1992 The Hit Squad Yes 1 0 ppersia
ppersiab Prince of Persia (5.25", v1.0) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 ppersia
ppersia35b Prince of Persia (3.5", v1.0) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 ppersia
ppersia35fr Prince of Persia (3.5", v1.0, France) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 ppersia
protennis Pro Tennis Tour (Hit Squad release) 1989 Hit Squad Yes 2 0
punisher The Punisher 1990 Paragon Software Yes 3 0
purplesa Purple Saturn Day 1989 Epyx No 2 0
rambo3 Rambo III 1989 Taito America Yes 2 0
rampage Rampage 1988 Activision Yes 1 0
rampart Rampart (The Hit Squad release) 1992 The Hit Squad Yes 3 0
renegade Renegade 1988 Taito America Yes 2 0
renegade_cr Renegade (cracked) 1988 Taito America Yes 2 0 renegade
rick Rick Dangerous 1994 Kixx Yes 1 0
rick2 Rick Dangerous 2 1990 MicroStyle Yes 1 0
rick2a Rick Dangerous 2 (Futura release) 1995 Futura Publishing Yes 1 0 rick2
robocop RoboCop 1989 Data East No 4 0
robocop_cr RoboCop (cracked) 1989 Data East Yes 4 0 robocop
rocketrg Rocket Ranger (UK) 1988 Cinemaware Yes 1 0
rockford Rockford 1987 Mastertronic Yes 2 0
savage Savage 1989 Probe Yes 1 0
secretag Secret Agent 1992 Apogee Software Yes 1 0
secretagsw Secret Agent (shareware, The $5 Computer Software Store - Wiz Technology release) 1993 Wiz Technology Yes 1 0 secretag
monkey The Secret of Monkey Island (5.25", EGA version) 1990 Lucasfilm Games Yes 8 0
monkey35 The Secret of Monkey Island (3.5", EGA version) 1990 Lucasfilm Games Yes 4 0 monkey
sexvixen Sex Vixens from Space 1989 Free Spirit Software Yes 2 0
agidemos Sierra Demo 1987 Sierra Yes 1 0
silents2 Silent Service II (5.25", v457.03) 1991 MicroProse Yes 4 0
silents2a Silent Service II (5.25", v457.01) 1990 MicroProse Yes 4 0 silents2
silents2_35 Silent Service II (3.5", v457.01) 1990 MicroProse Yes 2 0 silents2
silpheed Silpheed (5.25", v2.3, Sierra's Value Pack) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 1
silpheeda Silpheed (5.25", v1.0) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 0 silpheed
silpheed35 Silpheed (3.5", v3.21, IBM Special Pak) 1990 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 silpheed
silpheed35a Silpheed (3.5", v2.3, Sierra's Value Pack) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 silpheed
silpheed35b Silpheed (3.5", v1.0) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 silpheed
silpheed35c Silpheed (3.5", v3.2) 1990 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 silpheed
simcity SimCity (5.25", v1.07) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
simcity35 SimCity (3.5", v1.07) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 simcity
simcitya SimCity (5.25", v1.02) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 simcity
simcitya35 SimCity (3.5", v1.02) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 simcity
simcitycl SimCity Classic (3.5", v2.00) 1993 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
simcityclg SimCity Classic Graphics (SimCity Classic addon) 1994 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
simearth SimEarth: The Living Planet (3.5", USA, v1.4) 1992 Maxis Software Yes 2 0
simeartha SimEarth: The Living Planet (5.25", USA, v1.1) 1991 Maxis Software Yes 4 0 simearth
simearthb SimEarth: The Living Planet (5.25", Europe, v1.0) 1991 Maxis Software Yes 4 0 simearth
simearth35 SimEarth: The Living Planet (3.5", v1.3) 1991 Maxis Software Yes 2 0 simearth
simearth35a SimEarth: The Living Planet (3.5", Europe, v1.0) 1991 Maxis Software Yes 2 0 simearth
simearth35b SimEarth: The Living Planet (3.5", USA, v1.1) 1991 Maxis Software Yes 2 0 simearth
bartvssm The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (5.25") 1991 Acclaim / Ocean Yes 4 0
bartvssm35 The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (3.5") 1991 Acclaim / Ocean Yes 2 0 bartvssm
bartvssm35a The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (3.5", The Hit Squad release) 1991 The Hit Squad Yes 1 0 bartvssm
skatedie Skate or Die (5.25") 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
skatedie35 Skate or Die (3.5") 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 skatedie
skiordie Ski or Die 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
skweek Skweek 1989 Loriciels Yes 2 0
tswtwgp3 The Software Toolworks Game Pack 3 1993 The Software Toolworks Partial 5 0
sorcerer Sorcerer (release 13) 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
spce1889 Space 1889 1990 Paragon Software Yes 5 0
spacebtl Space Battles 1986 Keypunch Software Yes 1 0
sharrier Space Harrier 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
squest Space Quest - The Sarien Encounter 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
sq2 Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge (5.25") 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0
sq2_35 Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge (3.5") 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 1 sq2
sq3 Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon (5.25") 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 6 0
sq3_35 Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon (3.5") 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0 sq3
speedbal Speedball (re-release) 1991 Mirror Image (Mirrorsoft) Yes 1 0
spdball2 Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (5.25", USA) 1991 Konami / Mirrorsoft Yes 2 0
spdball2_35 Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (3.5", Europe) 1991 ImageWorks Yes 1 0 spdball2
spdball2_35a Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (3.5", Futura Games release) 1995 Futura Publishing Yes 1 0 spdball2
spot Spot 1991 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
starctrl Star Control (5.25") 1990 Accolade Yes 2 0
starctrl35 Star Control (3.5") 1990 Accolade Yes 1 0 starctrl
stargoos Star Goose! 1989 Logotron Yes 2 0
starpack Star Pack 1992 Prism Leisure Yes 1 0
strek5 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (5.25") 1989 Mindscape Yes 5 0
strek5_35 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (3.5") 1989 Mindscape Yes 3 0 strek5
starcros Starcross 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
starflt Starflight 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
starflg2 Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (5.25") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
starflg2a Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (5.25", alt) 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0 starflg2
starflg2_35 Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (3.5") 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 starflg2
starflg2a_35 Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (3.5", alt) 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 starflg2
starglid Starglider 1987 Rainbird Software Yes 1 0
stellar7 Stellar 7 1990 Dynamix Yes 2 0
strkforc Strike Force 1987 Keypunch Software Yes 1 0
sf Street Fighter 1988 Capcom Yes 1 0
sfa Street Fighter (Kixx) 1988 Kixx Yes 2 0 sf
sfightmn Street Fighting Man 1989 Mastertronic Yes 2 0
sfightmna Street Fighting Man (alt) 1989 Mastertronic Yes 2 0 sfightmn
4dsdrv 4D Sports Driving (5.25", Europe) 1991 Mindscape Yes 4 0
4dsdrv35 4D Sports Driving (3.5", Europe) 1991 Mindscape Yes 2 0 4dsdrv
stunts Stunts (5.25", USA) 1991 Brøderbund Software Yes 4 0 4dsdrv
stunts35 Stunts (3.5", USA) 1991 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 4dsdrv
stuntcar Stunt Car Racer (Big Games) 1995 Jackson Libri Yes 1 0
superc Super C 1990 Konami Yes 2 0
shangon Super Hang-On 1989 Data East Yes 1 0
superski Super Ski (5.25") 1989 Microïds Yes 2 0
superski35 Super Ski (3.5") 1988 Microïds Yes 1 0 superski
superski35a Super Ski (3.5", alt) 1988 Microïds Yes 1 0 superski
superski35b Super Ski (3.5", alt 2) 1988 Microïds Yes 1 0 superski
ssinv Super Space Invaders (5.25") 1992 Domark Yes 4 0
ssinv35 Super Space Invaders (3.5") 1992 Domark Yes 2 0 ssinv
stetris Super Tetris (5.25") 1991 Spectrum Holobyte Yes 2 0
stetris35 Super Tetris (3.5") 1991 Spectrum Holobyte Yes 1 0 stetris
superman Superman - The Man of Steel 1989 First Star Software Yes 2 0
sshockey Superstar Ice Hockey 1987 Mindscape Yes 1 0
ssindsoc Superstar Indoor Soccer 1991 Mindscape Yes 1 0
ssindspo Superstar Indoor Sports 1987 Mindscape Yes 2 0
ssoutsoc Superstar Outdoor Soccer 1991 Mindscape Yes 1 0
tmht2 Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op! 1991 Image Works Yes 2 0
tmht Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (5.25") 1990 Ultra Games Yes 4 1
tmht_es Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (5.25", MCM) 1990 MCM Yes 4 0 tmht
tmht_35es Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (3.5", MCM) 1990 MCM Yes 2 1 tmht
tempdeat Temple of Death (PC Disk Quarterly #9) 1991 I.B. Mafazette Yes 1 0
tenniscup2 Tennis Cup II (Kixx release) 1992 Kixx Yes 2 0
term2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991 Ocean Yes 2 0
term2_a Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Big Games) 1995 Jackson Libri Yes 2 0 term2
td Test Drive (5.25", v1.1) 1987 Accolade Yes 2 0
tda Test Drive (5.25", v1.0) 1987 Accolade Yes 2 0 td
td35 Test Drive (3.5", v1.0) 1987 Accolade Yes 1 0 td
td2 Test Drive II: The Duel (5.25") 1989 Accolade Yes 2 0
td2_35 Test Drive II: The Duel (3.5") 1989 Accolade Yes 1 0 td2
td2sd Test Drive II - Scenery Disk: California Challenge (5.25") 1989 Accolade Yes 1 0
td2sd_35 Test Drive II - Scenery Disk: California Challenge (3.5") 1989 Accolade Yes 1 0 td2sd
td2sdec Test Drive II - Scenery Disk: European Challenge (5.25") 1990 Accolade Yes 1 0
td2sdec_35 Test Drive II - Scenery Disk: European Challenge (3.5") 1989 Accolade Yes 1 0 td2sdec
td2cdm Test Drive II - Car Disk: Musclecars (5.25") 1989 Accolade Yes 1 0
td2cdm_35 Test Drive II - Car Disk: Musclecars (3.5") 1989 Accolade Yes 1 0 td2cdm
td2cds Test Drive II - Car Disk: The Supercars (5.25") 1989 Accolade Yes 1 0
td2cds_35 Test Drive II - Car Disk: The Supercars (3.5") 1989 Accolade Yes 1 0 td2cds
td3 Test Drive III - The Passion (5.25") 1991 Accolade Yes 3 0
td3_35 Test Drive III - The Passion (3.5") 1990 Accolade Yes 2 0 td3
tetris Tetris (5.25") 1987 Spectrum Holobyte Yes 1 0
tetris35 Tetris (3.5") 1987 Spectrum Holobyte Yes 1 0 tetris
toiacid Toi Acid Game 1989 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
topgold2 Top 10 Solid Gold Volume II 1991 U.S. Gold Yes 4 0
trinity Trinity 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
tntkhazan Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of Khazan 1990 New World Computing Yes 3 0
turbdriv Turbo Driver 1987 France Image Logiciel No 1 1
toutrun Turbo Out Run (5.25") 1990 Sega Partial 3 0
toutrun35 Turbo Out Run (3.5") 1990 Sega Partial 2 0 toutrun
tvsbbv TV Sports Basketball (5.25", UK, VGA version) 1990 Cinemaware Yes 2 0
tvsbbe TV Sports Basketball (5.25", UK, EGA/TANDY version) 1990 Cinemaware Yes 2 0 tvsbbv
tvsbbv35 TV Sports Basketball (3.5", USA, VGA version) 1990 Cinemaware Yes 1 0 tvsbbv
tvsbbe35 TV Sports Basketball (3.5", USA, EGA/TANDY version) 1990 Cinemaware Yes 1 0 tvsbbv
ums2pe UMS II: Nations at War - Planet Editor 1992 Microplay Software Yes 2 0
unnkulia Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda 1993 Adventions Yes 1 0
valhalla Valhalla - Ragnarok 1992 Optyk Yes 4 0
vgaslot VGA Slot Machine (Titanium Seal release) 1994 Titanium Seal Yes 1 0
wallstrt Wall Street 1986 Melody Hall Publishing Corp. Yes 1 0
waterloo Waterloo 1989 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
wayneg Wayne Gretzky Hockey (5.25") 1989 Bethesda Yes 3 0
wayneg35 Wayne Gretzky Hockey (3.5") 1989 Bethesda Yes 2 0 wayneg
weirddrm Weird Dreams 1989 MicroProse Yes 1 0
carmnpst Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego? (5.25") 1991 Brøderbund Software Yes 6 0
carmnpst35 Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego? (3.5") 1991 Brøderbund Software Yes 3 0 carmnpst
wingfury Wings of Fury 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
wizzardz Wizzardz & War Lordz 1985 Ram-Tek No 1 0
wtgolf World Tour Golf 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
wolfpack Wolfpack (USA) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
wndrland Wonderland 1990 Virgin Mastertronic Yes 5 5
wcsoccer World Championship Soccer (5.25") 1991 Elite Yes 2 0
wcsoccer35 World Championship Soccer (3.5") 1991 Elite Yes 1 0 wcsoccer
wclead World Class Leader Board 1988 Access Software Yes 1 0
wrathdem Wrath of the Demon 1991 ReadySoft Incorporated Yes 3 0
writrrab Writer Rabbit 1988 The Learning Company Yes 1 0
wwfmania WWF Wrestlemania 1991 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
xenon Xenon (5.25", USA) 1989 Virgin Mastertronic Yes 2 0
xenona Xenon (5.25", 16 Blitz Plus release) 1990 16 Blitz Yes 2 0 xenon
xenon35 Xenon (3.5", 16 Blitz Plus release) 1990 16 Blitz Yes 1 0 xenon
xenon2 Xenon 2: Megablast 1990 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
xenon2a Xenon 2: Megablast (Power Pack compilation) 1990 Beau Jolly - Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0 xenon2
zakkrack Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (Enhanced version) 1988 Lucasfilm Games Yes 2 0
zakkracka Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders 1988 Lucasfilm Games Yes 1 0 zakkrack
zanygolf Zany Golf 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
zeliard Zeliard (5.25") 1990 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0
zeliard_35 Zeliard (3.5") 1990 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0 zeliard
zeliard_35a Zeliard (3.5", v2.0) 1991 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 1 zeliard
zombi Zombi 1990 Ubi Soft Yes 1 0
zool Zool 1993 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
zoola Zool (Big Games) 1995 Jackson Libri Yes 1 0 zool
8088mph 8088 MPH (Final Version) 2015 Hornet + CRTC + DESiRE No 1 0
8088mphp 8088 MPH (Revision 2015 Party version) 2015 Hornet + CRTC + DESiRE No 1 0 8088mph