The Legend of Kage

Short name:lkage
Is device:No
Source file:taito/lkage.cpp
Manufacturer:Taito Corporation


Short name Description Year Manufacturer
lkageb The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 1) 1984 bootleg
lkageb2 The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 2) 1984 bootleg
lkageb3 The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 3) 1984 bootleg
lkageb4 The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 4) 1984 bootleg
lkagem The Legend of Kage (MSM5232 sound) 1984 Taito Corporation
lkageo The Legend of Kage (older) 1984 Taito Corporation
lkageo2 The Legend of Kage (oldest) 1984 Taito Corporation

Software Lists

Card Short name Description Status Total Supported Partially supported Unsupported

Devices Referenced

Short nameDescriptionSource file
taito68705 Taito MC68705 MCU Interface shared/taito68705.cpp
m68705p5 Motorola MC68705P5 devices/cpu/m6805/m68705.cpp
ym2203 YM2203 OPN devices/sound/ymopn.cpp
generic_latch_8 Generic 8-bit latch devices/machine/gen_latch.cpp
gfxdecode gfxdecode emu/drawgfx.cpp
z80 Zilog Z80 devices/cpu/z80/z80.cpp
watchdog Watchdog Timer devices/machine/watchdog.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
ipt_merge_all_hi Input Merger (all high) devices/machine/input_merger.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp