Lunar Rescue

Short name:lrescue
Is device:No
Source file:midw8080/8080bw.cpp
Imperfect Features:sound


Short name Description Year Manufacturer
desterth Destination Earth (bootleg of Lunar Rescue) 1979 bootleg
escmars Escape from Mars (bootleg of Lunar Rescue) 1980 bootleg
grescue Galaxy Rescue 1979 Taito (Universal license?)
lrescuem Lunar Rescue (Model Racing bootleg, set 1) 1979 bootleg (Model Racing)
lrescuem2 Lunar Rescue (Model Racing bootleg, set 2) 1979 bootleg (Model Racing)
mlander Moon Lander (bootleg of Lunar Rescue) 1980 bootleg (Leisure Time Electronics)
resclunar Rescate Lunar (Spanish bootleg of Lunar Rescue) 1980 bootleg (Niemer S.A.)

Software Lists

Card Short name Description Status Total Supported Partially supported Unsupported

Devices Referenced

Short nameDescriptionSource file
mb14241 MB14241 Data Shifter devices/machine/mb14241.cpp
i8080 Intel 8080 devices/cpu/i8085/i8085.cpp
samples Samples devices/sound/samples.cpp
speaker_sound_device Filtered DAC devices/sound/spkrdev.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp