
Short name:samples
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/sound/samples.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
005 005 sega/segag80r.cpp
3bagfull 3 Bags Full (5VXFC790, Victoria) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
3bagfullnz 3 Bags Full (3VXFC5345, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
3bagfullu 3 Bags Full (4XF5196I02, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
86lions 86 Lions aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
aar_101 Aaron Spelling (1.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
aavenger Airborne Avenger pinball/atari_s1.cpp
abattle Astro Battle (set 1) dataeast/astrof.cpp
abattle2 Astro Battle (set 2) dataeast/astrof.cpp
abc110 ABC 110 acorn/bbc.cpp
abc310 ABC 310 acorn/bbc.cpp
acombat Astro Combat (newer, CB) dataeast/astrof.cpp
acombat3 Astro Combat (unencrypted) dataeast/astrof.cpp
acombat4 Astro Combat (encrypted) dataeast/astrof.cpp
acombato Astro Combat (older, PZ) dataeast/astrof.cpp
acw443 ABC 210/Cambridge Workstation acorn/bbc.cpp
afire Astro Fire dataeast/astrof.cpp
aftor Af-Tor pinball/wico.cpp
agent777 Agents 777 pinball/gp_2.cpp
agsoccer A.G. Soccer Ball (R18u, 2.5L sound) pinball/alvg.cpp
agsoccer07 A.G. Soccer Ball (R07u) pinball/alvg.cpp
agsoccera A.G. Soccer Ball (R18u, 2.1 sound) pinball/alvg.cpp
alcapone Al Capone pinball/ltd.cpp
alcat_l7 Alley Cats (Shuffle) (L-7) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
algar_l1 Algar (L-1) pinball/s6.cpp
ali Ali pinball/st_mp200.cpp
alienstr Alien Star pinball/gts80a.cpp
allied Allied System pinball/allied.cpp
alpok_f6 Alien Poker (L-6 French speech) pinball/s6.cpp
alpok_l2 Alien Poker (L-2) pinball/s6.cpp
alpok_l6 Alien Poker (L-6) pinball/s6.cpp
amazonh Amazon Hunt pinball/gts80a.cpp
amazonh2 Amazon Hunt II (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
amazonh3 Amazon Hunt III (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
amazonh3a Amazon Hunt III (rev. 1, French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
amazonha Amazon Hunt (alternate set) pinball/gts80a.cpp
america America 1492 pinball/jp.cpp
andretti Mario Andretti (rev.T4) pinball/gts3a.cpp
andretti0 Mario Andretti pinball/gts3a.cpp
andromed Andromeda SS (Japan?) irem/m10.cpp
andromep Andromeda (set 1) pinball/gp_2.cpp
andromepa Andromeda (set 2) pinball/gp_2.cpp
antar Antar (Playmatic, set 1) pinball/play_2.cpp
antar2 Antar (Playmatic, set 2) pinball/play_2.cpp
apollo13 Apollo 13 (CPU 5.01, display A5.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
apollo13_10 Apollo 13 (CPU 1.00, display A1.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
apollo13_20 Apollo 13 (CPU 2.03, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
apollo13_d4 Apollo 13 (CPU 5.01, display A4.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
aqualand Aqualand (set 1) pinball/jp.cpp
aqualanda Aqualand (set 2) pinball/jp.cpp
arcwins Arctic Wins (4XF5227H04, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
arcwinsa Arctic Wins (4XF5227H03, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
arena Arena pinball/gts80b.cpp
arenaa Arena (alternate set) pinball/gts80b.cpp
arenaf Arena (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
arenag Arena (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
arist_l1 Aristocrat (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
arizona Arizona pinball/ltd.cpp
astannie Asteroid Annie and the Aliens pinball/gts1.cpp
asterion Asterion dataeast/astrof.cpp
astinvad Astro Invader stern/astinvad.cpp
astinvadb Astro Invader (bootleg) stern/astinvad.cpp
astrof Astro Fighter (set 1) dataeast/astrof.cpp
astrof2 Astro Fighter (set 2) dataeast/astrof.cpp
astrof3 Astro Fighter (set 3) dataeast/astrof.cpp
astroff Astro Fighter (Famaresa bootleg, set 1) dataeast/astrof.cpp
astroff2 Astro Fighter (Famaresa bootleg, set 2) dataeast/astrof.cpp
astroft Astro Fighter (Taito) dataeast/astrof.cpp
atarians The Atarians pinball/atari_s1.cpp
atla_ltd Atlantis (LTD) pinball/ltd.cpp
atlantip Atlantis (rev. 3) pinball/by6803.cpp
atleta Atleta pinball/inder.cpp
ator Ator (set 1, 2 bumpers) pinball/peyper.cpp
ator3bmp Ator (set 2, 3 bumpers) pinball/peyper.cpp
attack Attack pinball/play_2.cpp
attila Attila The Hun pinball/gp_2.cpp
aust201 Austin Powers (CPU 2.01, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
aust300 Austin Powers (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
aust301 Austin Powers (CPU 3.01, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
austin Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
austinf Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
austing Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
austini Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
austnew Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display A3.00, ARM7 sound board) pinball/whitestar.cpp
autmoon Autumn Moon (1VXFC5488, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
autoc15 Autocue 1500 Teleprompter acorn/bbc.cpp
babypac Baby Pac-Man (set 1) pinball/byvid.cpp
babypac2 Baby Pac-Man (set 2) pinball/byvid.cpp
badgirls Bad Girls pinball/gts80b.cpp
badgirlsa Bad Girls (alternate set) pinball/gts80b.cpp
badgirlsf Bad Girls (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
badgirlsg Bad Girls (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
ballbomb Balloon Bomber midw8080/8080bw.cpp
barbwire Barb Wire pinball/gts3a.cpp
barra_l1 Barracora (L-1) pinball/s7.cpp
batmanf Batman Forever (4.0) pinball/de_3.cpp
batmanf1 Batman Forever (1.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
batmanf2 Batman Forever (2.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
batmanf3 Batman Forever (3.0) pinball/de_3.cpp
battles Battles (set 1) namco/galaga.cpp
bay_d300 Baywatch (3.00 Dutch) pinball/de_3.cpp
bay_d400 Baywatch (4.00 English) pinball/de_3.cpp
bay_e400 Baywatch (4.00 Dutch) pinball/de_3.cpp
bay_f201 Baywatch (2.01 French) pinball/de_3.cpp
bay_g300 Baywatch (3.00 German) pinball/de_3.cpp
baywatch Baywatch pinball/de_3.cpp
bb_21up 21 Up (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_21upa 21 Up (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_bellt Bell Trail (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_cjack Crackerjack (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £2 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_dblit Double It (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_fiest Fiesta (Associated Leisure) (Black Box) (2p Stake, £1/£2 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_firec Fire Cracker (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_gspin Golden Spin (BWB) (Black Box) (MK1.5, 5p Stake, £50 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_nudcl Nudge Climber (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot, all cash) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_nudgm The Nudge Machine (ADMC) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1/£2 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_oal Oranges And Lemons (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_reelg Reel Gambler (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_spinu Spin Up (CTL) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £3 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_upndn Upstairs 'N' Downstairs (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bb_upndna Upstairs 'N' Downstairs (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot, all cash) bfm/bfm_blackbox.cpp
bbbowlin Big Ball Bowling (Bowler) pinball/by35.cpp
bbca BBC Micro Model A acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcb BBC Micro Model B acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcb_de BBC Micro Model B (German) acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcb_no BBC Micro Model B (Norway) acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcb_us BBC Micro Model B (US) acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcbp BBC Micro Model B+ 64K acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcbp128 BBC Micro Model B+ 128K acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcm BBC Master 128 acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcm512 BBC Master 512 acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmaiv BBC Master AIV acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmarm BBC Master (ARM Evaluation) acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmc BBC Master Compact acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmc_ar BBC Master Compact (Arabic) acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmet BBC Master ET acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmt BBC Master Turbo acorn/bbc.cpp
bbeltzac Black Belt (Zaccaria) pinball/zac_2.cpp
bbeltzacf Black Belt (Zaccaria, French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
bbeltzacg Black Belt (Zaccaria, German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
bbeltzaci Black Belt (Zaccaria, Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
bbnny_l2 Bugs Bunny Birthday Ball (L-2) pinball/s11c.cpp
bbnny_lg Bugs Bunny Birthday Ball (LG-2) German pinball/s11c.cpp
bbnny_lu Bugs Bunny Birthday Ball (LU-2) European pinball/s11c.cpp
bcats_g4 Bad Cats (LG-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
bcats_l2 Bad Cats (LA-2) pinball/s11b.cpp
bcats_l5 Bad Cats (L-5) pinball/s11b.cpp
beatclck Beat the Clock pinball/by6803.cpp
beatclck2 Beat the Clock (with flasher support) pinball/by6803.cpp
bellring Bell Ringer pinball/gts3.cpp
betafrce Beta Force stern/astinvad.cpp
bguns_l7 Big Guns (L-7) pinball/s11b.cpp
bguns_l8 Big Guns (L-8) pinball/s11b.cpp
bguns_la Big Guns (L-A) pinball/s11b.cpp
bguns_p1 Big Guns (P-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
bhol_ltd Black Hole (LTD) pinball/ltd.cpp
bigbat Big Bat (Bat game) pinball/by35.cpp
biggame Big Game pinball/st_mp200.cpp
bighouse Big House pinball/gts80b.cpp
bighousef Big House (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
bighouseg Big House (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
bighurt Frank Thomas' Big Hurt (rev.3) pinball/gts3a.cpp
bigtown Big Town pinball/play_1.cpp
bikerace Bike Race pinball/sleic.cpp
bikerace2 Bike Race (2-ball play) pinball/sleic.cpp
bk2k_l4 Black Knight 2000 (L-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
bk2k_la2 Black Knight 2000 (LA-2) pinball/s11b.cpp
bk2k_lg1 Black Knight 2000 (LG-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
bk2k_lg3 Black Knight 2000 (LG-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
bk2k_pa5 Black Knight 2000 (PA-5) pinball/s11b.cpp
bk2k_pa7 Black Knight 2000 (PA-7) pinball/s11b.cpp
bk2k_pf1 Black Knight 2000 (PF-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
bk2k_pu1 Black Knight 2000 (PU-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
bk_f4 Black Knight (L-4, French speech) pinball/s7.cpp
bk_l2 Black Knight (L-2) pinball/s7.cpp
bk_l3 Black Knight (L-3) pinball/s7.cpp
bk_l4 Black Knight (L-4) pinball/s7.cpp
black100 Blackwater 100 pinball/by6803.cpp
black100s Blackwater 100 (Single Ball Play) pinball/by6803.cpp
blackblt Black Belt pinball/by6803.cpp
blackblt2 Black Belt (Squawk and Talk) pinball/by6803.cpp
blackjck Black Jack (Pinball) pinball/by17.cpp
blakpyra Black Pyramid pinball/by35.cpp
blasto Blasto sega/blockade.cpp
blbeauty Black Beauty (Shuffle) pinball/by35.cpp
blckhole Black Hole (Rev. 4) pinball/gts80.cpp
blckhole2 Black Hole (Rev. 2) pinball/gts80.cpp
blckhols Black Hole (Sound Only) pinball/gts80.cpp
blkfever Black Fever pinball/play_2.cpp
blkou_f1 Blackout (L-1, French Speech) pinball/s6.cpp
blkou_l1 Blackout (L-1) pinball/s6.cpp
blkou_t1 Blackout (T-1) pinball/s6.cpp
blkrhino Black Rhino (4VXFC830, NSW) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
blkrhinonz Black Rhino (3VXFC5344, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
blkshpsq Black Sheep Squadron pinball/st_mp100.cpp
blockade Blockade sega/blockade.cpp
blvelvet Black Velvet pinball/gp_1.cpp
bmf_at Batman Forever (Austrian) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_be Batman Forever (Belgian) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_ch Batman Forever (Swiss) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_cn Batman Forever (Canadian) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_de Batman Forever (German) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_fr Batman Forever (French) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_it Batman Forever (Italian, 4.0, Nov. 1 1995, Display Rev. 4.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_ita Batman Forever (Italian, 4.0, Sept. 26 1995, Display Rev. 4.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_itb Batman Forever (Italian, 4.0, Sept. 26 1995, Display Rev. 4.00, earlier sound ROM) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_jp Batman Forever (Japanese) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_nl Batman Forever (Dutch, 4.0) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_nl302 Batman Forever (Dutch, 3.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_no Batman Forever (Norwegian) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_sp Batman Forever (Spanish) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_sv Batman Forever (Swedish) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_time Batman Forever (Timed Play) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmf_uk Batman Forever (English) pinball/de_3.cpp
bmx BMX pinball/by35.cpp
bnzai_g3 Banzai Run (L-3) Germany pinball/s11b.cpp
bnzai_l1 Banzai Run (L-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
bnzai_l3 Banzai Run (L-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
bnzai_pa Banzai Run (P-A) pinball/s11b.cpp
bonebstr Bone Busters Inc. pinball/gts80b.cpp
bonebstrf Bone Busters Inc. (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
bonebstrg Bone Busters Inc. (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
bountyh Bounty Hunter pinball/gts80b.cpp
bountyhg Bounty Hunter (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
bowarrow Bow & Arrow (Prototype, rev. 23) pinball/by17.cpp
bowarrowa Bow & Arrow (Prototype, rev. 22) pinball/by17.cpp
bowl3d 3-D Bowling meadows/meadows.cpp
break86 Break '86 pinball/vd.cpp
brooks Brooks & Dunn (rev.T1) pinball/gts3a.cpp
brvteam Brave Team pinball/inder.cpp
bsktbllp Basket Ball pinball/idsa.cpp
bstrk_l1 Big Strike (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
btmn_101 Batman (USA 1.01, display A1.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
btmn_103 Batman (USA 1.03, display A1.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
btmn_103f Batman (France 1.03, display F1.03) pinball/de_3.cpp
btmn_103g Batman (Germany 1.03, display G1.04) pinball/de_3.cpp
btmn_106 Batman (USA 1.06, display A1.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
bttf_a20 Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.0) pinball/de_2.cpp
bttf_a21 Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.1) pinball/de_2.cpp
bttf_a27 Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.7) pinball/de_2.cpp
bttf_a28 Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.8) pinball/de_2.cpp
bttf_g27 Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.7, Germany) pinball/de_2.cpp
buckrgrs Buck Rogers pinball/gts1.cpp
buckrog Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom sega/turbo.cpp
buckrogn Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (not encrypted, set 1) sega/turbo.cpp
buckrogn2 Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (not encrypted, set 2) sega/turbo.cpp
bullfgtr Bull Fighter alpha/equites.cpp
bullfgtrs Bull Fighter (Sega) alpha/equites.cpp
bullseye 301/Bullseye (301 Darts Scoring) pinball/by35.cpp
bullseyn 301/Bullseye (Traditional Scoring) pinball/by35.cpp
bushido Bushido (set 1) pinball/spinb.cpp
bushidoa Bushido (set 2) pinball/spinb.cpp
bushidob Bushido (set 3) pinball/spinb.cpp
cactjack Cactus Jack's pinball/gts3.cpp
camlight Camel Lights pinball/gp_1.cpp
canasta Canasta '86' pinball/inder.cpp
carhop Car Hop pinball/gts3.cpp
carnival Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) sega/vicdual.cpp
carnivalb Carnival (upright, PIT8253 music) sega/vicdual.cpp
carnivalc Carnival (cocktail) sega/vicdual.cpp
carnivalca Carnival (cocktail, earlier) sega/vicdual.cpp
carnivalh Carnival (Head On hardware, set 1) sega/vicdual.cpp
carnivalha Carnival (Head On hardware, set 2) sega/vicdual.cpp
carnivalmm Carnival (ManilaMatic bootleg) sega/vicdual.cpp
catacomp Catacomb (Pinball) pinball/st_mp200.cpp
caveman Caveman (Pinball/Video Combo, set 1) pinball/gts80a.cpp
cavemana Caveman (Pinball/Video Combo, set 2) pinball/gts80a.cpp
cavnegro Cavaleiro Negro (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
cavnegro1 Cavaleiro Negro (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
cavnegro2 Cavaleiro Negro (set 3) pinball/taito.cpp
cbrava Costa Brava (2 jackpot points, 81%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
cbravaa Costa Brava (1 jackpot point, 77%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
cbravab Costa Brava (2 jackpot points, 77%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
cbravac Costa Brava (4 jackpot points, 77%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
cbravad Costa Brava (8 jackpot points, 77%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
ccruise Caribbean Cruise pinball/gts3.cpp
centaur Centaur pinball/by35.cpp
centauri Centaur (Inder) (set 1) pinball/inderp.cpp
centauri2 Centaur (Inder) (set 2) pinball/inderp.cpp
cerberup Cerberus (Pinball) pinball/play_2.cpp
cfa3000 Henson CFA 3000 (Master) acorn/bbc.cpp
cfa3000bp Henson CFA 3000 (B+) acorn/bbc.cpp
cgold Caribbean Gold (3VXEC449, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
cgold2 Caribbean Gold II (4XF5182H04, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
cgold2a Caribbean Gold II (3XF5182H04, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
champion Champion 85 pinball/barni.cpp
chance Chance pinball/play_1.cpp
charlies Charlie's Angels pinball/gts1.cpp
cheetah Cheetah (Black Cabinet) pinball/st_mp200.cpp
cheetahb Cheetah (Blue Cabinet) pinball/st_mp200.cpp
chucklck Chuck-A-Luck pinball/gp_1.cpp
circa33 Circa 1933 pinball/allied.cpp
circus Circus / Acrobat TV exidy/circus.cpp
circuso Circus / Acrobat TV (older) exidy/circus.cpp
circusp Circus pinball/gts80.cpp
cityslck City Slicker pinball/by6803.cpp
ckpt_a17 Checkpoint (1.7) pinball/de_3.cpp
clas1812 Class of 1812 pinball/gts3.cpp
cleoptra Cleopatra pinball/gts1.cpp
clkwise Clockwise (1VXEC534, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
closeenc Close Encounters of the Third Kind pinball/gts1.cpp
clown Clown pinball/zac_2.cpp
clowns Clowns (rev. 2) midw8080/mw8080bw.cpp
clowns1 Clowns (rev. 1) midw8080/mw8080bw.cpp
cntct_l1 Contact (L-1) pinball/s3.cpp
cntforce Counterforce pinball/gts80.cpp
cobrap Cobra pinball/by35.cpp
columbia Columbia pinball/ltd.cpp
comet_l4 Comet (L-4) pinball/s9.cpp
comet_l5 Comet (L-5) pinball/s9.cpp
comotion CoMotion sega/blockade.cpp
comotionp CoMotion (patent) sega/blockade.cpp
coneyis Old Coney Island! pinball/gp_2.cpp
congo Congo Bongo (Rev C, 2 board stack) sega/zaxxon.cpp
congoa Congo Bongo (Rev C, 3 board stack) sega/zaxxon.cpp
coralr2 Coral Riches II (1VXFC5472, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
corsario Corsario pinball/inder.cpp
cosflash Cosmic Flash pinball/by35.cpp
cosflnsm Cosmic Flash (NSM) pinball/nsm.cpp
cosmic Cosmic pinball/taito.cpp
cosmica Cosmic Alien (version II, set 1) universal/cosmic.cpp
cosmica1 Cosmic Alien (first version) universal/cosmic.cpp
cosmica22 Cosmic Alien (version II, set 2) universal/cosmic.cpp
cosmica23 Cosmic Alien (version II, set 3) universal/cosmic.cpp
cosmica2a Cosmic Alien (early version II?) universal/cosmic.cpp
cosmicg Cosmic Guerilla universal/cosmicg.cpp
cosmicgi Cosmic Guerilla (Spanish bootleg) universal/cosmicg.cpp
cosmo Cosmo midw8080/8080bw.cpp
countdwn Count-Down pinball/gts1.cpp
cowboy Cowboy Eight Ball (set 1) pinball/ltd.cpp
cowboy2 Cowboy Eight Ball 2 pinball/ltd.cpp
cowboya Cowboy Eight Ball (set 2) pinball/ltd.cpp
cpthook Captain Hook pinball/gp_2.cpp
crash Crash (set 1) exidy/circus.cpp
crasha Crash (set 2) exidy/circus.cpp
csmic_l1 Cosmic Gunfight (L-1) pinball/s7.cpp
ctcheese Cut The Cheese (Redemption) pinball/de_3.cpp
ctchzdlx Cut The Cheese Deluxe (redemption, CPU 1.00, display A1.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
cue Cue (Prototype) pinball/st_mp200.cpp
cueball Cue Ball Wizard pinball/gts3a.cpp
cueballa Cue Ball Wizard (rev. 2) pinball/gts3a.cpp
cueballb Cue Ball Wizard (rev. 3) pinball/gts3a.cpp
cueballc Cue Ball Wizard (older display rev.) pinball/gts3a.cpp
cybrnaut Cybernaut pinball/by35.cpp
cycln_l1 Cyclone (L-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
cycln_l4 Cyclone (L-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
cycln_l5 Cyclone (L-5) pinball/s11b.cpp
cyclopes Cyclopes (12/85) pinball/gp_2.cpp
cyclopes1 Cyclopes (11/85) pinball/gp_2.cpp
dai3wksi Dai 3 Wakusei (Japan) sunelectronics/dai3wksi.cpp
daisy Comus Daisy acorn/bbc.cpp
dakar Dakar pinball/mrgame.cpp
dalejr Dale Jr. (CPU 5.00, display J5.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
darkshad Dark Shadow pinball/by35.cpp
darthvdr Darth Vader (bootleg of Space Invaders) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
dblagent Double Agent (3XF5287H04, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
dd_l2 Dr. Dude (LA-2) pinball/s11c.cpp
dd_lu1 Dr. Dude (LU-1) Europe pinball/s11c.cpp
dd_p6 Dr. Dude (PA-6) pinball/s11c.cpp
deadeye Dead Eye meadows/meadows.cpp
deadweap Deadly Weapon pinball/gts3.cpp
depthch Depthcharge sega/vicdual.cpp
depthcho Depthcharge (older) sega/vicdual.cpp
desterth Destination Earth (bootleg of Lunar Rescue) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
detest Data East Test Chip pinball/de_3.cpp
dfndr_l4 Defender (L-4) pinball/s7.cpp
diamondp Diamond Lady pinball/gts80b.cpp
diamondpf Diamond Lady (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
diamondpg Diamond Lady (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
diner_f2 Diner (LF-2) French pinball/s11c.cpp
diner_g2 Diner (LG-2) German pinball/s11c.cpp
diner_l1 Diner (LU-1) Europe pinball/s11c.cpp
diner_l2 Diner (LU-2) Europe pinball/s11c.cpp
diner_l3 Diner (LA-3) pinball/s11c.cpp
diner_l4 Diner (LA-4) pinball/s11c.cpp
diner_p0 Diner (PA-0 prototype) pinball/s11c.cpp
dinoeggs Dinosaur Eggs (R02) pinball/alvg.cpp
discmate Arbiter Discmate A-02 acorn/bbc.cpp
discmon Arbiter Discmonitor A-01 acorn/bbc.cpp
disco79 Disco '79 pinball/allied.cpp
disco_l1 Disco Fever (L-1) pinball/s3.cpp
discodan Disco Dancing pinball/ltd.cpp
dngrtrck Danger Track (bootleg of Rally X) namco/rallyx.cpp
dollyptn Dolly Parton pinball/by35.cpp
dracula Dracula (Pinball) pinball/st_mp100.cpp
dragfist Dragonfist pinball/st_mp200.cpp
dragon Dragon pinball/gts1.cpp
drakor Drakor pinball/taito.cpp
dungdrag Dungeons & Dragons pinball/by6803.cpp
dvlrider Devil Riders pinball/zac_2.cpp
dvlriderf Devil Riders (French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
dvlriderg Devil Riders (German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
dvlrideri Devil Riders (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
dvlsdre Devil's Dare pinball/gts80a.cpp
dvlsdre2 Devil's Dare (Sound Only) pinball/gts80a.cpp
eatpm_3g Elvira and the Party Monsters (LG-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
eatpm_4g Elvira and the Party Monsters (LG-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
eatpm_4u Elvira and the Party Monsters (LU-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
eatpm_f1 Elvira and the Party Monsters (LF-1) French pinball/s11b.cpp
eatpm_l1 Elvira and the Party Monsters (LA-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
eatpm_l2 Elvira and the Party Monsters (LA-2) pinball/s11b.cpp
eatpm_l4 Elvira and the Party Monsters (LA-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
eatpm_p7 Elvira and the Party Monsters (PA-7) pinball/s11b.cpp
eballchp Eight Ball Champ pinball/by6803.cpp
eballd14 Eight Ball Deluxe (rev. 14) pinball/by35.cpp
eballdlx Eight Ball Deluxe (rev. 15) pinball/by35.cpp
eclipse Eclipse pinball/gts80.cpp
econx25 Econet X25 Gateway acorn/bbc.cpp
eforest Enchanted Forest (4VXFC818, NSW) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
eforestnz Enchanted Forest (3VXFC5343, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
eforestu Enchanted Forest (12XF528902, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
eightbll Eight Ball (rev. 20) pinball/by17.cpp
eightblo Eight Ball (rev. 17) pinball/by17.cpp
eldorado El Dorado City of Gold pinball/gts80a.cpp
elektra Elektra pinball/by35.cpp
elvisf Elvis (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisf302 Elvis (CPU 3.02, display F3.02, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisf303 Elvis (CPU 3.03, display F3.02, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisf4 Elvis (CPU 4.00, display F4.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisg Elvis (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisg302 Elvis (CPU 3.02, display G3.02, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisg303 Elvis (CPU 3.03, display G3.02, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisg4 Elvis (CPU 4.00, display G4.01, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisi Elvis (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisi302 Elvis (CPU 3.02, display I3.02, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisi303 Elvis (CPU 3.03, display I3.02, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisi4 Elvis (CPU 4.00, display I4.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisl Elvis (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisl302 Elvis (CPU 3.02, display L3.02, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisl303 Elvis (CPU 3.03, display L3.02, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisl4 Elvis (CPU 4.00, display L4.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisp Elvis (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisp100 Elvis (CPU 1.00, display A1.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisp302 Elvis (CPU 3.02, display A3.02) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisp303 Elvis (CPU 3.03, display A3.02) pinball/whitestar.cpp
elvisp4 Elvis (CPU 4.00, display A4.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
embryon Embryon pinball/by35.cpp
empsback The Empire Strikes Back (Hankin Pinball) pinball/hankin.cpp
equites Equites alpha/equites.cpp
equitess Equites (Sega) alpha/equites.cpp
erosone Eros One pinball/allied.cpp
escape Escape pinball/jvh.cpp
esclwrld Escape from the Lost World pinball/by6803.cpp
esclwrldg Escape from the Lost World (German) pinball/by6803.cpp
escmars Escape from Mars (bootleg of Lunar Rescue) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
esha_la1 Earthshaker (LA-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
esha_la3 Earthshaker (LA-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
esha_lg1 Earthshaker (German) (LG-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
esha_lg2 Earthshaker (German) (LG-2) pinball/s11b.cpp
esha_ma3 Earthshaker (Metallica) (LA-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
esha_pa1 Earthshaker (Prototype) (PA-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
esha_pa4 Earthshaker (Prototype) (PA-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
esha_pr4 Earthshaker (Family version) (PR-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
evelknie Evel Knievel pinball/by17.cpp
evlfight Evil Fight pinball/play_2.cpp
ewf Earth Wind Fire pinball/zac_1.cpp
excalibr Excalibur (Gottlieb) pinball/gts80b.cpp
excalibrf Excalibur (Gottlieb, French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
excalibrg Excalibur (Gottlieb, German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
f14_l1 F-14 Tomcat (L-1) pinball/s11a.cpp
f14_p3 F-14 Tomcat (P-3) pinball/s11a.cpp
f14_p4 F-14 Tomcat (P-4) pinball/s11a.cpp
f14_p5 F-14 Tomcat (P-5) pinball/s11a.cpp
f1gpp F1 Grand Prix (Nuova Bell Games) pinball/by35.cpp
faeton Faeton (7 digits) pinball/jp.cpp
faeton6d Faeton (6 digits) pinball/jp.cpp
famlyfun Family Fun! pinball/gp_1.cpp
fantasyg Fantasy (Germany, set 1) snk/snk6502.cpp
fantasyg2 Fantasy (Germany, set 2) snk/snk6502.cpp
fantasyj Fantasy (Japan) snk/snk6502.cpp
fantasyu Fantasy (US) snk/snk6502.cpp
farfalla Farfalla pinball/zac_2.cpp
farfallaf Farfalla (French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
farfallag Farfalla (German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
farfallai Farfalla (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
fasttrack Fast Track pinball/mrgame.cpp
fathom Fathom pinball/by35.cpp
fball_ii Fireball II pinball/by35.cpp
fbclass Fireball Classic pinball/by35.cpp
ffortune Fantasy Fortune (1VXFC5460, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
fghtbskt Fighting Basketball irem/m63.cpp
fhunter Fortune Hunter (2XF5196I01, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
fhuntera Fortune Hunter (2XF5196I02, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
fire_l2 Fire! (L-2) pinball/s11a.cpp
fire_l3 Fire! (L-3) pinball/s11a.cpp
fireact Fire Action pinball/taito.cpp
fireactd Fire Action Deluxe pinball/taito.cpp
firebird Hot Fire Birds pinball/nsm.cpp
firemntn Fire Mountain pinball/zac_1.cpp
fjholden FJ Holden pinball/hankin.cpp
flash_l1 Flash (Williams, L-1) pinball/s4.cpp
flash_l2 Flash (Williams, L-2) pinball/s4.cpp
flash_t1 Flash (Williams, T-1) Ted Estes pinball/s4.cpp
flashgdn Flash Gordon pinball/by35.cpp
flashgdnf Flash Gordon (French) pinball/by35.cpp
flashgdnfv Flash Gordon (French Vocalizer sound) pinball/by35.cpp
flashgdnv Flash Gordon (Vocalizer sound) pinball/by35.cpp
flashman Flashman pinball/play_3.cpp
fldragon Flash Dragon pinball/play_3.cpp
fldragona Flash Dragon (alternate set) pinball/play_3.cpp
flicker Flicker (prototype) pinball/flicker.cpp
flight2k Flight 2000 pinball/st_mp200.cpp
foathens Flame of Athens pinball/allied.cpp
football Football pinball/taito.cpp
force Force pinball/ltd.cpp
forceii Force II pinball/gts80.cpp
formula1 Formula 1 pinball/jvh.cpp
fourx4 4x4 pinball/atari_4x4.cpp
foxylady Foxy Lady pinball/gp_1.cpp
fpwr2_l2 Firepower II (L-2) pinball/s7.cpp
frankst Mary Shelley's Frankenstein pinball/de_3.cpp
frankstg Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Germany) pinball/de_3.cpp
franksti Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Italy) pinball/de_3.cpp
freddy Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street (rev.4) pinball/gts3a.cpp
freddy3 Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street (rev.3) pinball/gts3a.cpp
freedom Freedom pinball/by17.cpp
freefall Freefall pinball/st_mp200.cpp
frontier Frontier pinball/by35.cpp
frpwr_l2 Firepower (L-2) pinball/s6.cpp
frpwr_l6 Firepower (L-6) pinball/s6.cpp
frpwr_t6 Firepower (T-6) pinball/s6.cpp
futrquen Future Queen pinball/by35.cpp
futspy Future Spy (315-5061) sega/zaxxon.cpp
futurspa Future Spa pinball/by35.cpp
futurwld Future World pinball/zac_1.cpp
fvrpitch Fever Pitch (2VXEC534, NSW) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
galaga3 Galaga 3 (GP3 rev. D) namco/gaplus.cpp
galaga3a Galaga 3 (GP3 rev. C) namco/gaplus.cpp
galaga3b Galaga 3 (GP3) namco/gaplus.cpp
galaga3c Galaga 3 (set 4) namco/gaplus.cpp
galaga3m Galaga 3 (set 5) namco/gaplus.cpp
galaxypi Galaxy pinball/st_mp200.cpp
galxwars Galaxy Wars (Universal set 1) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
galxwars2 Galaxy Wars (Universal set 2) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
galxwarst Galaxy Wars (Taito?) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
galxwarst2 Galaxy Wars (Taito) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
gamatron Gamatron pinball/st_mp200.cpp
gamatros Gamatron (Sonic) pinball/peyper.cpp
gambler The Gambler (11XF528902, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
gamesnsm The Games (NSM) pinball/nsm.cpp
gaplus Gaplus (GP2 rev. B) namco/gaplus.cpp
gaplusa Gaplus (GP2) namco/gaplus.cpp
gaplusd Gaplus (GP2 rev D, alternate hardware) namco/gaplus.cpp
gapluse Gaplus (GP7) namco/gaplus.cpp
gaplust Gaplus (Tecfri PCB) namco/gaplus.cpp
gekisou Gekisou (Japan) alpha/equites.cpp
gemini2k Gemini 2000 (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
gemini2k1 Gemini 2000 (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
genesisp Genesis pinball/gts80b.cpp
genesispf Genesis (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
genesispg Genesis (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
geniep Genie (Pinball) pinball/gts1.cpp
gladiatp Gladiators (pinball) pinball/gts3a.cpp
gldneye Goldeneye (CPU 4.04, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gldneye_402 Goldeneye (CPU 4.02, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gldnpkr Golden Poker (8VXEC037, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
glxplay Galaxy Play pinball/macp.cpp
glxplay2 Galaxy Play 2 pinball/macp.cpp
gmine_l2 Gold Mine (Shuffle) (L-2) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
gmissile Guided Missile midw8080/mw8080bw.cpp
gnr_200 Guns N Roses (USA 2.00, display A3.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
gnr_300 Guns N Roses (USA 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
gnr_300d Guns N Roses (Dutch 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
gnr_300f Guns N Roses (French 3.00, display F3.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
godzillp Godzilla (pinball, CPU 2.05, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
godzillp_090 Godzilla (pinball, CPU 0.90, display A0.991) pinball/whitestar.cpp
godzillp_100 Godzilla (pinball, CPU 1.00, display A1.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
goinnuts Goin' Nuts pinball/gts80a.cpp
goldball Gold Ball (set 1) pinball/by35.cpp
goldballn Gold Ball (Field Service Upgrade) pinball/by35.cpp
goldcue Golden Cue (CPU 0.04, display 0.10 pinball/whitestar.cpp
goldenc Golden Canaries (1VXFC5462, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
goldwing Gold Wings pinball/gts80b.cpp
goldwingf Gold Wings (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
goldwingg Gold Wings (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
gork Gork pinball/taito.cpp
gotya Got-Ya (12/24/1981) gametron/gotya.cpp
gp_110 Model 110 pinball/gp_1.cpp
gprix Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprix_301 Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display A3.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprix_340 Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display A3.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprix_350 Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display A3.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprix_352 Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display A3.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprix_400 Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixf Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display F4.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixf_301 Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display F3.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixf_340 Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display F3.03, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixf_350 Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display F3.03, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixf_352 Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display F3.03, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixf_400 Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixg Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display G4.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixg_301 Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display G3.01, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixg_340 Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display G3.03, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixg_350 Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display G3.03, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixg_352 Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display G3.03, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixg_400 Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixi Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display I4.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixi_301 Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display I3.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixi_340 Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display I3.03, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixi_350 Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display I3.03, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixi_352 Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display I3.03, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixi_400 Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixl Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixl_301 Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display L3.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixl_340 Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display L3.03, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixl_350 Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display L3.03, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixl_352 Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display L3.03, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
gprixl_400 Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
grand8 Le Grand 8 pinball/gts80.cpp
grand_l1 Grand Lizard (L-1) pinball/s11.cpp
grand_l3 Grand Lizard (L-3) pinball/s11.cpp
grand_l4 Grand Lizard (L-4) pinball/s11.cpp
granny Granny and the Gators pinball/byvid.cpp
granslam Grand Slam pinball/by35.cpp
granslam4 Grand Slam (4 Players) pinball/by35.cpp
greenber Green Beret (Irem) irem/m10.cpp
grescue Galaxy Rescue midw8080/8080bw.cpp
grgar_l1 Gorgar (L-1) pinball/s6.cpp
grgar_t1 Gorgar (T-1) pinball/s6.cpp
gridlee Gridlee midway/gridlee.cpp
grnlizrd Green Lizard (4VXFC811, NSW) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
gs_la3 The Bally Game Show (LA-3) pinball/s11c.cpp
gs_lg6 The Bally Game Show (LG-6) Germany pinball/s11c.cpp
gs_lu3 The Bally Game Show (LU-3) Europe pinball/s11c.cpp
gs_lu4 The Bally Game Show (LU-4) Europe pinball/s11c.cpp
gtroppo Gone Troppo (1VXEC542, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
gts1 System 1 pinball/gts1.cpp
gunnrose Guns and Roses (C606191SMP, NSW) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
gunshot Gun Shot pinball/spinb.cpp
gwarfare Global Warfare pinball/gp_2.cpp
gypsyjug Gypsy Juggler meadows/meadows.cpp
halley Halley Comet (set 1) pinball/jp.cpp
halleya Halley Comet (set 2) pinball/jp.cpp
halleyb Halley Comet (set 3) pinball/jp.cpp
hangonp Hang-On (Sonic) pinball/peyper.cpp
hardbody Hardbody (rev. D) pinball/by6803.cpp
hardbodyc Hardbody (rev. C) pinball/by6803.cpp
hardbodyg Hardbody (German rev. B) pinball/by6803.cpp
hardhead Hard Head suna/suna8.cpp
hardheadb Hard Head (bootleg, set 1) suna/suna8.cpp
hardheadb2 Hard Head (bootleg, set 2) suna/suna8.cpp
hardheadb3 Hard Head (bootleg, set 3) suna/suna8.cpp
harl_a10 Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display A1.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_a13 Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display A1.04) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_a18 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display A1.05) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_a30 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_a40 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_f13 Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display F1.04, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_f18 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display F1.05, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_f30 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_f40 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_g13 Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display G1.04, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_g18 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display G1.05, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_g30 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_g40 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_i13 Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display I1.04, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_i18 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display I1.05, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_i30 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_i40 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_l13 Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display L1.04, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_l18 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display L1.05, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_l30 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_l40 Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
harl_u13 Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display A1.04, UK) pinball/whitestar.cpp
hawkman Hawkman (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
hawkman1 Hawkman (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
headoni Head On (Irem, M-15 Hardware) irem/m10.cpp
heartspd Hearts & Spades pinball/allied.cpp
heavymtl Heavy Metal pinball/rowamet.cpp
hercules Hercules pinball/atari_s2.cpp
hexagone L'Hexagone (France) pinball/gts1.cpp
hglbtrtr Harlem Globetrotters On Tour pinball/by35.cpp
hh Haunted House (Rev. 2) pinball/gts80.cpp
hh_1 Haunted House (Rev. 1) pinball/gts80.cpp
hhotel Haunted Hotel pinball/ltd.cpp
hirol_fr High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
hirol_gr High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
hirol_gr_210 High Roller Casino (CPU 2.10, display G2.01, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
hirol_it High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
hirolcas High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
hirolcas_210 High Roller Casino (CPU 2.10, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
hirolcat High Roller Casino (CPU 2.90, display A2.99) pinball/whitestar.cpp
hironew High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display A3.00, ARM7 sound board) pinball/whitestar.cpp
hlywoodh Hollywood Heat pinball/gts80b.cpp
hlywoodhf Hollywood Heat (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
hlywoodhg Hollywood Heat (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
hod House of Diamonds pinball/zac_1.cpp
hoedown Hoe Down pinball/allied.cpp
homerun Moero!! Pro Yakyuu Homerun Kyousou jaleco/homerun.cpp
hook_400 Hook (USA 4.01, display A4.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
hook_401 Hook (USA 4.01, display A4.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
hook_401_p Hook (USA 4.01 with prototype sound, display A4.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
hook_404 Hook (USA 4.04, display A4.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
hook_408 Hook (USA 4.08, display A4.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
hook_e406 Hook (UK 4.06, display A4.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
hook_f401 Hook (USA 4.01, display F4.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
hoops Hoops pinball/gts3.cpp
hotdoggn Hotdoggin' pinball/by35.cpp
hothand Hot Hand pinball/st_mp100.cpp
hotshots Hot Shots pinball/gts80b.cpp
hotshotsf Hot Shots (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
hotshotsg Hot Shots (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
hotsmash Vs. Hot Smash taito/superqix.cpp
hotwheel Hot Wheels pinball/zac_1.cpp
howzat Howzat! pinball/hankin.cpp
hs_l3 High Speed (L-3) pinball/s11.cpp
hs_l4 High Speed (L-4) pinball/s11.cpp
httip_l1 Hot Tip (L-1) pinball/s3.cpp
hulk The Incredible Hulk pinball/gts1.cpp
hustle Hustle sega/blockade.cpp
hustlerp Hustler pinball/ltd.cpp
hvoltage High Voltage alpha/splendor.cpp
hvymetap Heavy Metal Meltdown pinball/by6803.cpp
hvymetapg Heavy Metal Meltdown (German) pinball/by6803.cpp
hypbl_l2 HyperBall (L-2) pinball/s7.cpp
hypbl_l3 HyperBall (L-3) pinball/s7.cpp
hypbl_l4 HyperBall (L-4) pinball/s7.cpp
icefever Ice Fever pinball/gts80a.cpp
icemania Ice Mania pinball/jvh.cpp
id4 Independence Day (CPU 2.02, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
id4_201 Independence Day (CPU 2.01, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
id4f Independence Day (CPU 2.02, display F2.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
id4f_201 Independence Day (CPU 2.01, display F2.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ind250cc 250 CC pinball/inder.cpp
indianbt Indian Battle midw8080/8080bw.cpp
indianbtbr Indian Battle (Brazil) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
indunkgam unknown gambling game on Inder pinball hardware pinball/inder.cpp
intruder Intruder midw8080/8080bw.cpp
invadpt2 Space Invaders Part II (Taito, bigger ROMs) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
invadpt2a Space Invaders Part II (Taito, smaller ROMs) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
invadpt2br Space Invaders Part II (Brazil) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
invds Invinco / Deep Scan sega/vicdual.cpp
invho2 Invinco / Head On 2 (set 1) sega/vicdual.cpp
invho2a Invinco / Head On 2 (set 2) sega/vicdual.cpp
invinco Invinco sega/vicdual.cpp
iomoon Io Moon pinball/sleic.cpp
ipminvad IPM Invader (set 1) irem/m10.cpp
ipminvad1 IPM Invader (set 2) irem/m10.cpp
ironball Iron Balls pinball/play_3.cpp
ironmaid Iron Maiden pinball/st_mp200.cpp
j_cnudgr Cash Nudger? (SRU) (5p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_dt Double Top (JPM) (SRU) (revision 13, 5p/10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_dud Nudge Double Up Deluxe (JPM) (SRU) (revision 10, 5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_duda Nudge Double Up Deluxe (JPM) (SRU) (5p/10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_dudb Nudge Double Up Deluxe (JPM) (SRU) (revision 12, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ewn Each Way Nudger (JPM) (SRU) (revision 20, 5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ewna Each Way Nudger (JPM) (SRU) (revision 26A, 5p/10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ewnb Each Way Nudger (JPM) (SRU) (5p/10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ewnc Each Way Nudger (JPM) (SRU) (earlier, 5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ewnd Each Way Nudger (JPM) (SRU) (revision 23C, 5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ews Each Way Shuffle (JPM) (SRU) (revision 8A, 5p/10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ewsa Each Way Shuffle (JPM) (SRU) (revision 13A, 5p/10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ewsb Each Way Shuffle (JPM) (SRU) (revision 13C, 5p/10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ewsdlx Each Way Shuffle Deluxe (CTL) (SRU) (5p/10p Stake, £3 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_goldn2 Golden 2's (CTL) (SRU) (2p Stake, £1.50 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_la Lucky Aces (SRU) (1p/2p Stake, £1.50 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_lal Lite a Line (Dutch) (JPM) (SRU) (revision 52) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_lan Lite A Nudge (JPM) (SRU) (revision 17F, 5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_lana Lite A Nudge (JPM) (SRU) (5p/10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_lanb Lite A Nudge (JPM) (SRU) (earlier, 5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_lc Lucky Casino (JPM) (SRU) (revision 8A) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_lca Lucky Casino (JPM) (SRU) (revision 8, lower %) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_lt Lucky 2's (JPM) (SRU) (revision 9, 10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ndu Nudge Double Up (JPM) (SRU) (revision 17, 5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ndua Nudge Double Up (JPM) (SRU) (revision 17, 5p Stake, £1 Jackpot, lower %) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ndub Nudge Double Up (JPM) (SRU) (earlier?, 5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_plus2 Plus 2 (CTL) (SRU) (2p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ssh Silver Shuffle (CTL) (SRU) (2p Stake, £1.50 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_sup2p Super 2p Shuffle (Mdm) (SRU) (2p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_super2 Super 2 (SRU) (2p Stake, £1 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_supsh Super Shuffle (Louth Coin) (SRU) (10p Stake, £3 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_supsha Super Shuffle (Louth Coin) (SRU) (5p Stake, £1.50 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
j_ts Two Step (JPM) (SRU) (5p Stake, £2 Jackpot) jpm/jpmsru.cpp
jack2opn Jacks to Open pinball/gts80a.cpp
jackuse Jack Use (Jackpot settings for Interflip slots machines) misc/interflip8035.cpp
jamesb James Bond (Timed Play) pinball/gts80.cpp
jamesb2 James Bond (3/5-Ball) pinball/gts80.cpp
jngld_l1 Jungle Lord (L-1) pinball/s7.cpp
jngld_l2 Jungle Lord (L-2) pinball/s7.cpp
jokrpokr Joker Poker pinball/gts1.cpp
jokrz_g4 Jokerz! (G-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
jokrz_l3 Jokerz! (L-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
jokrz_l6 Jokerz! (L-6) pinball/s11b.cpp
jolypark Jolly Park pinball/spinb.cpp
journey Journey midway/mcr.cpp
jplstw20 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (pinball, CPU 2.00, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
jplstw22 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (pinball, CPU 2.02, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
jst_l1 Joust (L-1) pinball/s7.cpp
jst_l2 Joust (L-2) pinball/s7.cpp
jt104 JT 104 / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou upl/ninjakd2.cpp
jupk_305 Jurassic Park (USA 3.05, display A4.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
jupk_307 Jurassic Park (USA 3.07, display A4.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
jupk_501 Jurassic Park (USA 5.01, display A5.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
jupk_501g Jurassic Park (USA 5.01, display G5.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
jupk_513 Jurassic Park (USA 5.13, display A5.10) pinball/de_3.cpp
kamikaze Kamikaze stern/astinvad.cpp
kgbird K.G. Bird (3XF5264H04, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
kgbirdnz K.G. Bird (4VXFC5341, New Zealand, 5c) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
kgbirdnza K.G. Bird (4VXFC5341, New Zealand, 10c) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
kidnap Kidnap pinball/macp.cpp
kiko_a10 King Kong (1.0) pinball/de_2.cpp
kingt_l1 King Tut (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
kiss Kiss pinball/by35.cpp
kkongltd King Kong pinball/ltd.cpp
kosmokil Kosmo Killer stern/astinvad.cpp
kosteel Kings of Steel pinball/by35.cpp
kouyakyu The Koukou Yakyuu alpha/equites.cpp
krullp Krull (Pinball) pinball/gts80a.cpp
kst25 Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (handheld) handheld/hh_sm510.cpp
ktmnt2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Splinter Speaks (handheld) handheld/hh_sm510.cpp
ktopgun2 Top Gun: Second Mission (handheld) handheld/hh_sm510.cpp
kz26 KZ-26 pinball/play_3.cpp
ladyluck Lady Luck pinball/by6803.cpp
ladylukt Lady Luck (Taito) pinball/taito.cpp
ladyshot Lady Sharpshooter (set 1) pinball/gp_2.cpp
ladyshota Lady Sharpshooter (set 2) pinball/gp_2.cpp
lah_104f Last Action Hero (USA 1.04, display F1.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
lah_104s Last Action Hero (USA 1.04, display L1.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
lah_106c Last Action Hero (Canada 1.06, display A1.04) pinball/de_3.cpp
lah_107 Last Action Hero (USA 1.07, display A1.06) pinball/de_3.cpp
lah_108s Last Action Hero (USA 1.08, display L1.04) pinball/de_3.cpp
lah_110 Last Action Hero (USA 1.10, display A1.06) pinball/de_3.cpp
lah_112 Last Action Hero (USA 1.12, display A1.06) pinball/de_3.cpp
lah_xxx_s105 Last Action Hero (unknown CPU, display L1.05) pinball/de_3.cpp
lancelot Sir Lancelot pinball/lancelot.cpp
lapbylap Lap By Lap pinball/inder.cpp
larana La Rana (set 1) pinball/inder.cpp
larana2 La Rana (set 2) pinball/inder.cpp
laser Astro Laser (bootleg of Space Laser) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
lastlap Last Lap pinball/play_1.cpp
lazrlord Lazer Lord pinball/st_mp200.cpp
lca Lights...Camera...Action! pinball/gts3.cpp
lca2 Lights...Camera...Action! (rev.2) pinball/gts3.cpp
lckydraw Lucky Draw (pinball, set 1) pinball/lckydraw.cpp
lckydrawa Lucky Draw (pinball, set 2) pinball/lckydraw.cpp
lectrono Lectronamo pinball/st_mp100.cpp
leking Le King pinball/jeutel.cpp
letsgof Let's Go Fishing (5XF5196I02, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
lightnin Lightning pinball/st_mp200.cpp
lizard Pinball Lizard pinball/gp_2.cpp
locomotp Locomotion pinball/zac_1.cpp
lortium Lortium pinball/jp.cpp
lostspc Lost in Space (CPU 1.01, display A1.02) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lostspc_d1 Lost in Space (CPU 1.01, display A1.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lostspcf Lost in Space (CPU 1.01, display F1.02, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lostspcg Lost in Space (CPU 1.01, display G1.02, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lostwrlp Lost World pinball/by35.cpp
lotr The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display A10.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr3 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr401 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display A4.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr410 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.10, display A4.04) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr5 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr501 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display A5.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr6 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display A6.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr7 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display A7.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr8 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display A8.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr9 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display A9.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_fr The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display F10.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_fr401 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display F4.03, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_fr410 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.10, display F4.04, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_fr5 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_fr501 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display F5.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_fr6 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display F6.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_fr7 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display F7.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_fr8 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display F8.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_fr9 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display F9.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_gr The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display G10.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_gr401 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display G4.03, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_gr410 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.10, display G4.04, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_gr5 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_gr501 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display G5.01, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_gr6 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display G6.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_gr7 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display G7.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_gr8 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display G8.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_gr9 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display G9.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_it The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display I10.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_it401 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display I4.03, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_it410 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.10, display I4.04, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_it5 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_it501 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display I5.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_it6 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display I6.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_it7 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display I7.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_it8 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display I8.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_it9 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display I9.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_le The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.02, display A10.00, Limited Edition) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_sp The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display L10.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_sp401 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display L4.03, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_sp5 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_sp501 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display L5.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_sp6 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display L6.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_sp7 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display L7.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_sp8 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display L8.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lotr_sp9 The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display L9.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
lrescue Lunar Rescue midw8080/8080bw.cpp
lrescueabl Lunar Rescue (Artic bootleg) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
lrescuem Lunar Rescue (Model Racing bootleg, set 1) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
lrescuem2 Lunar Rescue (Model Racing bootleg, set 2) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
lsrcu_l2 Laser Cue (L-2) pinball/s7.cpp
ltmpbp LTM Portable (B+) acorn/bbc.cpp
ltmpm LTM Portable (Master) acorn/bbc.cpp
lucky_l1 Lucky Seven (L-1) pinball/s3.cpp
lunelle Lunelle pinball/taito.cpp
lupin3 Lupin III (set 1) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
lupin3a Lupin III (set 2) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
lw3_200 Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.00, display A2.04) pinball/de_3.cpp
lw3_203 Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.03, display A2.04) pinball/de_3.cpp
lw3_204e Lethal Weapon 3 (England 2.04, display A2.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
lw3_205 Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.05, display A2.05) pinball/de_3.cpp
lw3_207 Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.07, display A2.06) pinball/de_3.cpp
lw3_207c Lethal Weapon 3 (Canada 2.07, display A2.06) pinball/de_3.cpp
lw3_208 Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.08, display A2.06) pinball/de_3.cpp
lwar_a81 Laser War (8.1) pinball/de_2.cpp
lwar_a83 Laser War (8.3) pinball/de_2.cpp
lwar_e90 Laser War (9.0 Europe) pinball/de_2.cpp
lzbal_l2 Laser Ball (L-2) pinball/s6.cpp
lzbal_l2sp Laser Ball (L-2, PROM sound) pinball/s6.cpp
lzbal_t2 Laser Ball (T-2) pinball/s6.cpp
m2comet Comet Catcher (Leisure Games) (MPU2) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2frpoly Fruitopoly (VFS) (MPU2) (Hi Lights conversion, 10p Stake, £3 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2hilite Hi Lights (Barcrest) (MPU2) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2jmt9 JMT9 Test Program (Barcrest) (MPU1/2) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2luckyl Lucky Line (Leisure Games) (MPU2) (5p Stake, £2 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2luckys Lucky Strike (Associated Leisure) (MPU2) (5p Stake, £2 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2rockon Rock On (Barcrest) (MPU2) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2splite Spot Light (Barcrest) (MPU2) (revision 4, 10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2splitea Spot Light (Barcrest) (MPU2) (revision 7, 10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2spliteb Spot Light (Barcrest) (MPU2) (revision 9, 10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2sstar Super Star (Dutch) (Barcrest) (MPU2) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2starl Star Light (Dutch) (Barcrest) (MPU2) (revision 07) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2svlite Silver Lights (MPU2) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m2triple Triple Chance (VFS) (MPU2) (Spot Light conversion, 2p Stake, £1.50 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m4 M-4 midw8080/mw8080bw.cpp
m_bappl2 Big Apple (Leisure Games) (MPU1) (5p Stake, £2 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m_bapple Big Apple (Leisure Games) (MPU1) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m_gndgit Golden Nudge It (Barcrest) (MPU1) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m_lndg Lucky Nudge (Leisure Games) (MPU1) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m_mpac Mr. and Mrs. PacMan (set 1) pinball/by35.cpp
m_mpacb Mr. and Mrs. PacMan (set 2) pinball/by35.cpp
m_mtchit Match It (Barcrest) (MPU1) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
m_mtchup Match Up (Barcrest) (MPU1) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) barcrest/mpu1.cpp
mac_1808 unknown game (MAC #1808) pinball/macp.cpp
mac_zois machinaZOIS Virtual Training Center pinball/gts3a.cpp
macattck Mac Attack pinball/mrgame.cpp
macgalxy MAC's Galaxy (yellow version, M.6) pinball/macp.cpp
macgalxyb MAC's Galaxy (blue version, M.042) pinball/macp.cpp
mach2 Mach 2 (set 1) pinball/spinb.cpp
mach2a Mach 2 (set 2) pinball/spinb.cpp
macjungl MAC Jungle pinball/macp.cpp
macjungn MAC Jungle (New version) pinball/macp.cpp
madrace Mad Race pinball/play_2.cpp
magic Magic pinball/st_mp100.cpp
marqueen Martian Queen pinball/ltd.cpp
marsp Mars - God of War pinball/gts80.cpp
marspf Mars - God of War (French speech) pinball/gts80.cpp
marspp Mars - God of War (Prototype) pinball/gts80.cpp
matahari Mata Hari pinball/by17.cpp
mav_100 Maverick, The Movie (1.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
mav_200 Maverick, The Movie (2.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
mav_400 Maverick, The Movie (Display Rev. 4.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
mav_401 Maverick, The Movie (4.02, Display Rev. 4.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
mav_402 Maverick, The Movie (4.04, Display Rev. 4.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
mbossy Mike Bossy pinball/gp_2.cpp
mcastle Magic Castle pinball/zac_2.cpp
mcastlef Magic Castle (French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
mcastleg Magic Castle (German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
mcastlei Magic Castle (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
mdntmrdr Midnight Marauders (Gun game) pinball/by35.cpp
medusa Medusa pinball/by35.cpp
megaaton Meg-Aaton pinball/play_3.cpp
megaatona Meg-Aaton (alternate set) pinball/play_3.cpp
memlane Memory Lane pinball/st_mp100.cpp
mephistp Mephisto (Stargame) (rev. 1.2) pinball/mephistp.cpp
mephistp1 Mephisto (Stargame) (rev. 1.1) pinball/mephistp.cpp
mephistpn Mephisto (Stargame) (newer?) pinball/mephistp.cpp
metalman Metal Man pinball/spinb.cpp
meteorp Meteor (Bug fix release) pinball/st_mp200.cpp
meteorpo Meteor (First release) pinball/st_mp200.cpp
meteort Meteor (Taito) pinball/taito.cpp
mexico Mexico 86 (German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
mexicoi Mexico 86 (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
midearth Middle Earth pinball/atari_s1.cpp
mideartha Middle Earth (alternate) pinball/atari_s1.cpp
midiverb MIDIverb alesis/midiverb.cpp
milln_l3 Millionaire (L-3) pinball/s11a.cpp
mineswpr Minesweeper sega/blockade.cpp
mineswpr4 Minesweeper (4-Player) sega/blockade.cpp
mj_130 Michael Jordan (1.30, display A1.03) pinball/de_3.cpp
mlander Moon Lander (bootleg of Lunar Rescue) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
mm1m4 MikroMikko 1 M4 nokia/mikromik.cpp
mm1m4g MikroMikko 1 M4G nokia/mikromik.cpp
mm1m6 MikroMikko 1 M6 nokia/mikromik.cpp
mm1m6g MikroMikko 1 M6G nokia/mikromik.cpp
mm1m7 MikroMikko 1 M7 nokia/mikromik.cpp
mm1m7g MikroMikko 1 M7G nokia/mikromik.cpp
mmagic Monkey Magic nintendo/mmagic.cpp
mmmaster Master pinball/gts80b.cpp
mnfb_c27 Monday Night Football (2.7, 50cts) pinball/de_2.cpp
mnfb_c29 Monday Night Football (2.9, 50cts) pinball/de_2.cpp
mntecrlo Monte Carlo (Pinball) pinball/gts80b.cpp
mntecrlo2 Monte Carlo (Pinball, rev. 2) pinball/gts80b.cpp
mntecrloa Monte Carlo (Pinball, alternate set) pinball/gts80b.cpp
mntecrlof Monte Carlo (Pinball, French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
mntecrlog Monte Carlo (Pinball, German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
mononew Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display A3.01, ARM7 sound board) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monop233 Monopoly (CPU 2.33, display A2.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monop251 Monopoly (CPU 2.51, display A2.06) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monop301 Monopoly (CPU 3.01, display A3.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monop303 Monopoly (CPU 3.03, display A3.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monopolf Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display F3.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monopolg Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display G3.01, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monopoli Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display I3.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monopoll Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display L3.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monopolp Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display A3.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monopred Monopoly (coin dropper, CPU 4.01, display 4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
monrobwl Stars & Strikes (Bowler) pinball/by35.cpp
monsterb Monster Bash sega/segag80r.cpp
monsterb2 Monster Bash (2 board version) sega/segag80r.cpp
moonbase Moon Base Zeta (set 1) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
moonbasea Moon Base Zeta (set 2) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
motrdome MotorDome (rev. D) pinball/by6803.cpp
motrdomeb MotorDome (rev. B) pinball/by6803.cpp
motrdomeg MotorDome (German rev. B) pinball/by6803.cpp
motrshow Motor Show (set 1) pinball/mrgame.cpp
motrshowa Motor Show (set 2) pinball/mrgame.cpp
motrshowb Motor Show (set 3) pinball/mrgame.cpp
mousn_l1 Mousin' Around! (LA-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
mousn_l4 Mousin' Around! (LA-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
mousn_lu Mousin' Around! (LU-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
mousn_lx Mousin' Around! (LX-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
movmastr Movie Masters pinball/jvh.cpp
mpc800 MasterPieCe 800 Series acorn/bbc.cpp
mpc900 MasterPieCe 900 Series acorn/bbc.cpp
mpc900gx MasterPieCe 900GX Series acorn/bbc.cpp
mrblack Mr. Black (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
mrblack1 Mr. Black (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
mrblkz80 Mr. Black (Z-80 CPU) pinball/taito.cpp
msdisco Miss Disco (Bingo) pinball/play_3.cpp
mundial Mundial 90 pinball/inder.cpp
myqbert Mello Yello Q*bert gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
mystcast Mystery Castle (R02) pinball/alvg.cpp
mystcasta Mystery Castle (R03) pinball/alvg.cpp
mysteria Mysterian (prototype) pinball/by35.cpp
mystic Mystic pinball/by35.cpp
myststar Mystic Star pinball/by35.cpp
nascar Nascar (CPU 4.50, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascar_301 Nascar (CPU 3.01, display A3.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascar_340 Nascar (CPU 3.40, display A3.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascar_350 Nascar (CPU 3.50, display A3.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascar_352 Nascar (CPU 3.52, display A3.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascar_400 Nascar (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascarl Nascar (CPU 4.50, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascarl_301 Nascar (CPU 3.01, display L3.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascarl_340 Nascar (CPU 3.40, display L3.03, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascarl_350 Nascar (CPU 3.50, display L3.03, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascarl_352 Nascar (CPU 3.52, display L3.03, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
nascarl_400 Nascar (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
natodef NATO Defense pacific/thief.cpp
natodefa NATO Defense (alternate mazes) pacific/thief.cpp
nautilus Nautilus pinball/play_3.cpp
nbamac NBA MAC pinball/macp.cpp
nemesisp Nemesis pinball/peyper.cpp
newwave New Wave pinball/by35.cpp
nfl NFL (CPU 1.01, display A1.02) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ngndshkr Nitro Ground Shaker pinball/by35.cpp
ngtfever Night Fever pinball/play_1.cpp
nhomerun NEW Moero!! Pro Yakyuu Homerun Kyousou jaleco/homerun.cpp
nightr20 Night Rider (rev. 20) pinball/by17.cpp
nightrdr Night Rider (rev. 21) pinball/by17.cpp
nineball Nine Ball pinball/st_mp200.cpp
ninjakd2 Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 1) upl/ninjakd2.cpp
ninjakd2a Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 2, bootleg?) upl/ninjakd2.cpp
ninjakd2b Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 3, bootleg?) upl/ninjakd2.cpp
ninjakd2c Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 4) upl/ninjakd2.cpp
nmoves Night Moves pinball/gts80b.cpp
nrallyx New Rally X namco/rallyx.cpp
nrallyxb New Rally X (bootleg?) namco/rallyx.cpp
nstrphnx New Star's Phoenix (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
nstrphnxf New Star's Phoenix (French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
nsub N-Sub (upright) sega/vicdual.cpp
nsubc N-Sub (cocktail) sega/vicdual.cpp
nudgeit Nudge-It pinball/gts3.cpp
nugent Nugent pinball/st_mp100.cpp
obaoba Oba-Oba (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
obaoba1 Oba-Oba (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
obaobao Oba-Oba (old hardware) pinball/taito.cpp
odin Odin pinball/peyper.cpp
odin_dlx Odin De Luxe pinball/peyper.cpp
odinp Odin (prototype) pinball/peyper.cpp
odisea Odisea Paris-Dakar pinball/peyper.cpp
olympic Olympic Games pinball/jeutel.cpp
olympus Olympus (Juegos Populares) pinball/jp.cpp
omni_l1 Omni (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
opthund Operation: Thunder pinball/gts3.cpp
orbit1 Orbit 1 pinball/hankin.cpp
orbitor1 Orbitor 1 pinball/st_mp200.cpp
ozmawars Ozma Wars (set 1) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
ozmawars2 Ozma Wars (set 2) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
panic Space Panic (version E) universal/cosmic.cpp
panic2 Space Panic (set 2) universal/cosmic.cpp
panic3 Space Panic (set 3) universal/cosmic.cpp
panic4 Space Panic (set 4) universal/cosmic.cpp
panicger Space Panic (German) universal/cosmic.cpp
panich Space Panic (harder) universal/cosmic.cpp
panthera Panthera pinball/gts80.cpp
panzer Panzer (bootleg of Spectar) exidy/exidy.cpp
papillon Papillon pinball/vd.cpp
paragon Paragon pinball/by35.cpp
party Party pinball/play_1.cpp
pb_l1 Pin-Bot (L-1) pinball/s11a.cpp
pb_l2 Pin-Bot (L-2) pinball/s11a.cpp
pb_l3 Pin-Bot (L-3) pinball/s11a.cpp
pb_l5 Pin-Bot (L-5) pinball/s11a.cpp
pb_p4 Pin-Bot (P-4) pinball/s11a.cpp
pbillian Prebillian taito/superqix.cpp
pbillianb Prebillian (bootleg) taito/superqix.cpp
pecmen Mr. & Mrs. Pec-Men pinball/ltd.cpp
pentacup Pentacup (rev. 1) pinball/micropin.cpp
pentacup2 Pentacup (rev. 2) pinball/micropin.cpp
pentacups Pentacup (rev. S) pinball/micropin.cpp
pentacupt Pentacup (rev. T) pinball/micropin.cpp
petaco Petaco pinball/peyper.cpp
petaco2 Petaco 2 pinball/jp.cpp
petacon Petaco (new hardware, set 1) pinball/jp.cpp
petacona Petaco (new hardware, set 2) pinball/jp.cpp
pfevr_l2 Pennant Fever (L-2) pinball/s8.cpp
pfevr_p3 Pennant Fever (P-3) pinball/s8.cpp
phantom Phantom (bootleg of Spectar) exidy/exidy.cpp
phantom2 Phantom II midw8080/mw8080bw.cpp
phantoma Phantomas (bootleg of Spectar) exidy/exidy.cpp
phantomp Phantom Pays (4VXFC5431, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
pharo_l2 Pharaoh (L-2) pinball/s7.cpp
phnix_l1 Phoenix (L-1) pinball/s3.cpp
phntmshp Phantom Ship pinball/play_3.cpp
pimbal Pimbal (Pinball 3000) pinball/jp.cpp
pinball Pinball pinball/st_mp100.cpp
pinchamp Pinball Champ pinball/zac_2.cpp
pinchamp7 Pinball Champ (7 digits) pinball/zac_2.cpp
pinchamp7f Pinball Champ (7 digits French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
pinchamp7g Pinball Champ (7 digits German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
pinchamp7i Pinball Champ (7 digits Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
pinchampf Pinball Champ (French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
pinchampg Pinball Champ (German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
pinchampi Pinball Champ (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
pinclown Clown (Inder) pinball/inder.cpp
pinmoonl Moon Light (Inder) pinball/inder.cpp
pinpool Pinball Pool pinball/gts1.cpp
pkrno_l1 Pokerino (L-1) pinball/s3.cpp
play_a24 Playboy 35th Anniversary (2.4) pinball/de_2.cpp
playboy Playboy pinball/by35.cpp
playboyf Playboy (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyf_203 Playboy (CPU 2.03, display F2.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyf_300 Playboy (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyf_302 Playboy (CPU 3.02, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyf_303 Playboy (CPU 3.03, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyf_401 Playboy (CPU 4.01, display F4.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyg Playboy (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyg_203 Playboy (CPU 2.03, display G2.01, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyg_300 Playboy (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyg_302 Playboy (CPU 3.02, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyg_303 Playboy (CPU 3.03, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyg_401 Playboy (CPU 4.01, display G4.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyi Playboy (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyi_203 Playboy (CPU 2.03, display I2.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyi_300 Playboy (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyi_302 Playboy (CPU 3.02, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyi_303 Playboy (CPU 3.03, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyi_401 Playboy (CPU 4.01, display I4.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyl Playboy (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyl_203 Playboy (CPU 2.03, display L2.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyl_300 Playboy (CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyl_302 Playboy (CPU 3.02, display L3.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyl_303 Playboy (CPU 3.03, display L3.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboyl_401 Playboy (CPU 4.01, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboys Playboy (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboys_203 Playboy (CPU 2.03, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboys_300 Playboy (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboys_302 Playboy (CPU 3.02, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboys_303 Playboy (CPU 3.03, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playboys_401 Playboy (CPU 4.01, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
playnew Playboy (CPU 5.00, display A5.00, ARM7 sound board) pinball/whitestar.cpp
pnkpnthr Pink Panther pinball/gts80.cpp
polar Polar Explorer pinball/taito.cpp
poleposn Pole Position (Sonic) pinball/peyper.cpp
polic_g4 Police Force (LG-4) Germany pinball/s11b.cpp
polic_l2 Police Force (LA-2) pinball/s11b.cpp
polic_l3 Police Force (LA-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
polic_l4 Police Force (LA-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
pomp_l1 Pompeii (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
pool_l5 Pool Sharks (LA-5) pinball/s11c.cpp
pool_l6 Pool Sharks (LA-6) pinball/s11c.cpp
pool_l7 Pool Sharks (LA-7) pinball/s11c.cpp
pool_le2 Pool Sharks (LE-2) pinball/s11c.cpp
pool_p7 Pool Sharks (PA-7) pinball/s11c.cpp
poolcham Pool Champion pinball/zac_2.cpp
poolchami Pool Champion (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
pop_hh Popper (bootleg of Hard Head) suna/suna8.cpp
poto_a29 The Phantom of the Opera (2.9) pinball/de_2.cpp
poto_a31 The Phantom of the Opera (3.1) pinball/de_2.cpp
poto_a32 The Phantom of the Opera (3.2) pinball/de_2.cpp
princess Cosmic Princess pinball/st_mp100.cpp
pro128s Prodest PC 128S acorn/bbc.cpp
prtyanim Party Animal pinball/by6803.cpp
prtyanimg Party Animal (German) pinball/by6803.cpp
pstlpkr Pistol Poker (R02) pinball/alvg.cpp
pstlpkr1 Pistol Poker (R01) pinball/alvg.cpp
ptrmj PT Reach Mahjong (Japan) irem/m14.cpp
pulsar Pulsar sega/vicdual.cpp
punchy Punchy The Clown (R02) pinball/alvg.cpp
punchy3 Punchy The Clown (R03) pinball/alvg.cpp
punk Punk! pinball/gts80a.cpp
pwerplay Power Play (Pinball) pinball/by17.cpp
qbert Q*bert (US set 1) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qberta Q*bert (US set 2) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qbertj Q*bert (Japan) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qbertqub Q*bert's Qubes gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qberttst Q*bert (early test version) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
qbquest Q*Bert's Quest pinball/gts80a.cpp
qbtrktst Q*bert Board Input Test Rom gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
quicksil Quicksilver pinball/st_mp200.cpp
r_alaska Alaska pinball/recel.cpp
r_antar Antar (Recel) pinball/recel.cpp
r_blackm4 Black Magic 4 pinball/recel.cpp
r_blackmag Black Magic pinball/recel.cpp
r_cavalier Cavalier pinball/recel.cpp
r_crzyrace Crazy Race pinball/recel.cpp
r_fairfght Fair Fight pinball/recel.cpp
r_flipper The Flipper Game pinball/recel.cpp
r_hotcold Hot & Cold pinball/recel.cpp
r_mrdoom Mr. Doom pinball/recel.cpp
r_mrevil Mr. Evil pinball/recel.cpp
r_pokrplus Poker Plus pinball/recel.cpp
r_quijote Don Quijote pinball/recel.cpp
r_screech Screech pinball/recel.cpp
r_spcgame7 Space Game (Bingo 6+1) pinball/recel.cpp
r_swash SwashBuckler pinball/recel.cpp
r_torneo Torneo pinball/recel.cpp
rab_103s Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (USA 1.03, display S1.03) pinball/de_3.cpp
rab_130 Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (USA 1.30, display A1.30) pinball/de_3.cpp
rab_320 Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (USA 3.20, display A3.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
rackempp Rack 'em Up! (Pinball) pinball/gts80a.cpp
radcl_g1 Radical! (G-1) pinball/s11c.cpp
radcl_l1 Radical! (L-1) pinball/s11c.cpp
radcl_p3 Radical! (P-3) pinball/s11c.cpp
raimfire Ready...Aim...Fire! pinball/gts80a.cpp
rally Rally pinball/taito.cpp
rallys Rallys (bootleg of Spectar, set 1) exidy/exidy.cpp
rallysa Rallys (bootleg of Spectar, set 2) exidy/exidy.cpp
rallyx Rally X (32k Ver.?) namco/rallyx.cpp
rallyxa Rally X namco/rallyx.cpp
rallyxeg Rally X (Video Game bootleg) namco/rallyx.cpp
rallyxm Rally X (Midway) namco/rallyx.cpp
rallyxmr Rally X (Model Racing bootleg) namco/rallyx.cpp
rapidfip Rapid Fire pinball/by35.cpp
ratrc_l1 Rat Race (L-1) pinball/s8.cpp
raven Raven pinball/gts80b.cpp
ravena Raven (alternate set) pinball/gts80b.cpp
raveng Raven (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
rctnew RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display A7.01, ARM7 sound board) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycn RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display A7.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycn_400 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycn_600 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 6.00, display A6.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycn_701 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display A7.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycnf RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display F7.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycnf_400 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycnf_600 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 6.00, display F6.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycnf_701 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display F7.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycng RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display G7.01, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycng_400 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycng_701 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display G7.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycni RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display I7.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycni_400 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycni_600 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 6.00, display I6.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycni_701 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display I7.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycnl RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display L7.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycnl_400 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycnl_600 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 6.00, display L6.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rctycnl_701 RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display L7.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rdaction Rad Action / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou upl/ninjakd2.cpp
rdkng_l1 Road Kings (L-1) pinball/s11.cpp
rdkng_l2 Road Kings (L-2) pinball/s11.cpp
rdkng_l3 Road Kings (L-3) pinball/s11.cpp
rdkng_l4 Road Kings (L-4) pinball/s11.cpp
real Real pinball/gp_1.cpp
recel Recel BIOS pinball/recel.cpp
redbarnp Red Baron (Pinball) pinball/barni.cpp
redbird Red Bird (bootleg of Space Firebird) nintendo/spacefb.cpp
redclash Red Clash universal/zerohour.cpp
redclashs Red Clash (Suntronics) universal/zerohour.cpp
redclasht Red Clash (Tehkan, set 1) universal/zerohour.cpp
redclashta Red Clash (Tehkan, set 2) universal/zerohour.cpp
resclunar Rescate Lunar (Spanish bootleg of Lunar Rescue) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
rescu911 Rescue 911 (rev.1) pinball/gts3a.cpp
rflshdlx Royal Flush Deluxe pinball/gts80a.cpp
ridersrf Rider's Surf pinball/play_3.cpp
rio Rio pinball/gp_1.cpp
rip300 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rip301 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display A3.20) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rip302 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display A3.20) pinball/whitestar.cpp
rip310 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display A3.20) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripcord Rip Cord exidy/circus.cpp
ripf300 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripf301 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display F3.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripf302 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display F3.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripf310 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display F3.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripg300 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripg301 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripg302 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripg310 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripi300 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripi301 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripi302 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripi310 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripl300 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripl301 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display L3.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripl302 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display L3.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripl310 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display L3.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripleys Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display A3.20) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripleysf Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display F3.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripleysg Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripleysi Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
ripleysl Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display L3.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
roadrunr Road Runner pinball/atari_s2.cpp
robo_a29 Robocop (2.9) pinball/de_2.cpp
robo_a30 Robocop (3.0) pinball/de_2.cpp
robo_a34 Robocop (3.4) pinball/de_2.cpp
robot Robot (Zaccaria) pinball/zac_2.cpp
robotbwl Robot Bowl exidy/circus.cpp
robotf Robot (Zaccaria, French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
robotg Robot (Zaccaria, German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
roboti Robot (Zaccaria, Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
robowars Robo-War pinball/gts80b.cpp
robowarsf Robo-War (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
rock Rock pinball/gts80b.cpp
rock2500 Rock 2500 pinball/play_3.cpp
rock_enc Rock Encore pinball/gts80b.cpp
rock_encg Rock Encore (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
rockg Rock (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
rocky Rocky pinball/gts80a.cpp
rockyf Rocky (French speech) pinball/gts80a.cpp
roldisco Roller Disco pinball/gts1.cpp
rollingc Rolling Crash / Moon Base midw8080/8080bw.cpp
rollr_d2 Rollergames (AD-2) Prototype pinball/s11c.cpp
rollr_e1 Rollergames (PU-1) pinball/s11c.cpp
rollr_ex Rollergames (EXPERIMENTAL) pinball/s11c.cpp
rollr_f2 Rollergames (LF-2) French pinball/s11c.cpp
rollr_f3 Rollergames (LF-3) French pinball/s11c.cpp
rollr_g3 Rollergames (LG-3) Germany pinball/s11c.cpp
rollr_l1 Rollergames (LA-1) pinball/s11c.cpp
rollr_l2 Rollergames (LA-2) pinball/s11c.cpp
rollr_l3 Rollergames (LU-3) Europe pinball/s11c.cpp
rollr_p2 Rollergames (PA-2 / PA-1 Sound) pinball/s11c.cpp
rollston Rolling Stones pinball/by35.cpp
rota_101 Rotation VIII (v. 1.01) pinball/g627.cpp
rota_115 Rotation VIII (v. 1.15) pinball/g627.cpp
rotaryf Rotary Fighter midw8080/rotaryf.cpp
rotation Rotation VIII (v. 1.17) pinball/g627.cpp
royclark Roy Clark - The Entertainer pinball/allied.cpp
rranger Rough Ranger (v2.0) suna/suna8.cpp
rrangerb Rough Ranger (v2.0, bootleg) suna/suna8.cpp
runaways Runaway (Sun Electronics, Japan) sunelectronics/dai3wksi.cpp
rvrbt_l3 Riverboat Gambler (L-3) pinball/s11c.cpp
rvrbt_p7 Riverboat Gambler (PA-7) pinball/s11c.cpp
s80btest System 80B Test pinball/gts80b.cpp
s80tst System 80 Test pinball/gts80.cpp
safarir Safari Rally (World) phoenix/safarir.cpp
safarirj Safari Rally (Japan) phoenix/safarir.cpp
sahalove Sahara Love (France) pinball/gts1.cpp
sasuke Sasuke vs. Commander snk/snk6502.cpp
satansat Satan of Saturn (set 1) snk/snk6502.cpp
satansata Satan of Saturn (set 2) snk/snk6502.cpp
satansatind Satan of Saturn (Inder S.A., bootleg) snk/snk6502.cpp
saturn2 Saturn 2 pinball/by35.cpp
schasercv Space Chaser (CV version - set 1) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
scram_tp Scramble (Pinball) pinball/zac_2.cpp
scrpn_l1 Scorpion (L-1) pinball/s6.cpp
scrpn_t1 Scorpion (T-1) pinball/s6.cpp
scrzy_l1 Still Crazy pinball/s8.cpp
seawitch Seawitch pinball/st_mp200.cpp
seawolf Sea Wolf (set 1) midw8080/mw8080bw.cpp
seawolf2 Sea Wolf II midway/astrocde.cpp
seawolfa Sea Wolf (set 3) midw8080/mw8080bw.cpp
seawolfo Sea Wolf (set 2) midw8080/mw8080bw.cpp
sevilla Sevilla (2 jackpot points, 81%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
sevillaa Sevilla (1 jackpot point, 77%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
sevillab Sevilla (2 jackpot points, 77%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
sevillac Sevilla (4 jackpot points, 77%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
sevillad Sevilla (8 jackpot points, 77%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
sfightii Street Fighter II (pinball, set 1) pinball/gts3a.cpp
sfightiia Street Fighter II (pinball, set 2) pinball/gts3a.cpp
sfightiib Street Fighter II (pinball, set 3) pinball/gts3a.cpp
shaqattq Shaq Attaq (rev.5) pinball/gts3a.cpp
shaqattq2 Shaq Attaq (rev.2) pinball/gts3a.cpp
shark Shark pinball/hankin.cpp
sharkatt Shark Attack pacific/thief.cpp
sharkt Shark (Taito) pinball/taito.cpp
shfin_l1 Shuffle Inn (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
shock Shock pinball/taito.cpp
shrknew Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display A2.01, ARM7 sound board) pinball/whitestar.cpp
shrky_207 Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.07, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
shrkyfr Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display F2.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
shrkyfr_207 Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.07, display F2.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
shrkygr Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display G2.01, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
shrkygr_207 Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.07, display G2.01, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
shrkyit Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display I2.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
shrkyit_207 Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.07, display I2.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
shrkysht Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
shuttlei Shuttle Invader midw8080/8080bw.cpp
sicv Space Invaders (CV Version, larger roms) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
sicv1 Space Invaders (CV Version, smaller roms) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
sidetrac Side Trak exidy/exidy.cpp
silvslug Silver Slugger pinball/gts3.cpp
simp_a20 The Simpsons (2.0) pinball/de_2.cpp
simp_a27 The Simpsons (2.7) pinball/de_2.cpp
simpnew The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display A5.00, ARM7 sound board) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtf The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtf_204 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 2.04, display F2.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtf_300 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtf_400 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtg The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtg_400 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprti The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprti_204 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 2.04, display I2.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprti_300 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprti_400 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtl The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtl_204 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 2.04, display L2.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtl_300 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprtl_400 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprty The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprty_204 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 2.04, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprty_300 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
simpprty_400 The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sinbad Sinbad pinball/gts1.cpp
sinbadn Sinbad (Norway) pinball/gts1.cpp
sist1 Cisco SIST1 Terminal acorn/bbc.cpp
skatebll Skateball pinball/by35.cpp
skatebrd Skate Board (Inder) pinball/inderp.cpp
skflight Skill Flight pinball/by35.cpp
skijump Ski Jump pinball/zac_proto.cpp
sklflite Skill Flight (Playmatic) pinball/play_3.cpp
skychut Sky Chuter irem/m10.cpp
skylove Sky Love midw8080/8080bw.cpp
slbmania Silverball Mania pinball/by35.cpp
sleicpin Sleic Pin Ball pinball/sleic.cpp
smash Smash (bootleg of Crash) exidy/circus.cpp
smbmush Super Mario Brothers Mushroom World pinball/gts3a.cpp
smbp Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 1) pinball/gts3a.cpp
smbpa Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 2) pinball/gts3a.cpp
smbpb Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 3) pinball/gts3a.cpp
smbpc Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 4) pinball/gts3a.cpp
smman Six Million Dollar Man pinball/by35.cpp
snake Snake Machine pinball/taito.cpp
snspares Strikes n' Spares (rev.6) pinball/gts3a.cpp
snspares1 Strikes n' Spares (rev.1) pinball/gts3a.cpp
snspares2 Strikes n' Spares (rev.2) pinball/gts3a.cpp
socrking Soccer Kings pinball/zac_2.cpp
socrkinga Soccer Kings (alternate set) pinball/zac_2.cpp
socrkingg Soccer Kings (German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
socrkingi Soccer Kings (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
solar_l2 Solar Fire (L-2) pinball/s7.cpp
solaride Solar Ride pinball/gts1.cpp
solarwap Solar Wars (Sonic) pinball/peyper.cpp
sonstwar Star Wars (Sonic, set 1) pinball/peyper.cpp
sonstwr2 Star Wars (Sonic, set 2) pinball/peyper.cpp
sopranof The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranof_107 The Sopranos (CPU 1.07, display F1.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranof_300 The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranof_400 The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranog The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranog_107 The Sopranos (CPU 1.07, display G1.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranog_300 The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranog_400 The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranoi The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranoi_107 The Sopranos (CPU 1.07, display I1.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranoi_300 The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranoi_400 The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranol The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranol_107 The Sopranos (CPU 1.07, display L1.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranol_300 The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranol_400 The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranos The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranos_204 The Sopranos (CPU 2.04, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranos_300 The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sopranos_400 The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sorbit Super Orbit pinball/gts80a.cpp
sorcr_l1 Sorcerer (L-1) pinball/s9.cpp
sorcr_l2 Sorcerer (L-2) pinball/s9.cpp
spacbeam Space Beam irem/m10.cpp
spacebrd Space Bird (bootleg) nintendo/spacefb.cpp
spacecty Space City pinball/zac_proto.cpp
spacedem Space Demon nintendo/spacefb.cpp
spacefb Space Firebird (rev. 04-u) nintendo/spacefb.cpp
spacefba Space Firebird (rev. 02-a) nintendo/spacefb.cpp
spacefbb Space Firebird (bootleg) nintendo/spacefb.cpp
spacefbe Space Firebird (rev. 03-e set 1) nintendo/spacefb.cpp
spacefbe2 Space Firebird (rev. 03-e set 2) nintendo/spacefb.cpp
spacefbg Space Firebird (Gremlin) nintendo/spacefb.cpp
spaceg Space Guerrilla omori/spaceg.cpp
spacehaw Space Hawks pinball/by35.cpp
spaceint Space Intruder stern/astinvad.cpp
spaceintj Space Intruder (Japan) stern/astinvad.cpp
spaceinv Space Invaders pinball/by35.cpp
spacejam Space Jam (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
spacejam_200 Space Jam (CPU 2.00, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
spacejmf Space Jam (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
spacejmg Space Jam (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
spacejmi Space Jam (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
spaceod Space Odyssey (version 2) sega/segag80r.cpp
spaceod2 Space Odyssey (version 1) sega/segag80r.cpp
spacerng Space Ranger midw8080/8080bw.cpp
spacewr3 Space War Part 3 midw8080/8080bw.cpp
spain82 Spain '82 pinball/play_3.cpp
sparkman Spark Man (v2.0, set 1) suna/suna8.cpp
sparkmana Spark Man (v2.0, set 2) suna/suna8.cpp
spcewarl Space War (Leijac Corporation) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
spcewarla Space War (Leisure and Allied) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
spcewars Space War (Sanritsu) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
spcgambl Space Gambler pinball/play_1.cpp
spcking2 Space King 2 stern/astinvad.cpp
spclaser Space Laser midw8080/8080bw.cpp
spcpnthr Space Panther pinball/macp.cpp
spcpoker Space Poker pinball/ltd.cpp
spcrider Space Riders pinball/atari_s1.cpp
spcship Space Ship (Pinball) pinball/stargame.cpp
spcteam Space Team pinball/techno.cpp
spctrain Space Train (Pinball) pinball/macp.cpp
spctraino Space Train (Pinball, old hardware) pinball/macp.cpp
speakesy Speakeasy pinball/by35.cpp
speakesy4p Speakeasy 4 Player pinball/by35.cpp
specforc Special Force pinball/by6803.cpp
spectar Spectar (revision 3) exidy/exidy.cpp
spectar1 Spectar (revision 1?) exidy/exidy.cpp
spectarrf Spectar (revision 2, bootleg) exidy/exidy.cpp
spectra Spectra IV pinball/spectra.cpp
spectrm Spectrum pinball/by35.cpp
spectrm4 Spectrum (ver 4) pinball/by35.cpp
spidermn The Amazing Spider-Man pinball/gts80.cpp
spirit Spirit pinball/gts80a.cpp
spirit76 Spirit of 76 pinball/spirit76.cpp
splndrbt Splendor Blast (set 1) alpha/splendor.cpp
splndrbt2 Splendor Blast II alpha/splendor.cpp
splndrbta Splendor Blast (set 2) alpha/splendor.cpp
splndrbtb Splendor Blast (set 3) alpha/splendor.cpp
spltsecp Split Second (Pinball) pinball/st_mp200.cpp
spookyi Spooky (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
spookyp Spooky pinball/zac_2.cpp
sport2k Sport 2000 pinball/mephistp.cpp
sprbreak Spring Break pinball/gts80b.cpp
sprbreaka Spring Break (alternate set) pinball/gts80b.cpp
sprbreakf Spring Break (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
sprbreakg Spring Break (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
sprbreaks Spring Break (single ball game) pinball/gts80b.cpp
springbd Springboard (bootleg of Circus) exidy/circus.cpp
sprk_090 South Park (CPU 0.90, display A0.90) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sprk_096 South Park (CPU 0.96, display A1.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sprk_103 South Park (CPU 1.03, display A1.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
spstn_l5 Space Station (L-5) pinball/s11b.cpp
spyhuntr Spy Hunter (Pinball) pinball/by35.cpp
sqbert Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (prototype) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
sranger Super Ranger (v2.0) suna/suna8.cpp
srangerb Super Ranger (older, bootleg) suna/suna8.cpp
srangern Super Ranger (older, NOVA license) suna/suna8.cpp
srangero Super Ranger (older) suna/suna8.cpp
srangerw Super Ranger (older, WDK license) suna/suna8.cpp
sshootep Sharpshooter (Game Plan) pinball/gp_2.cpp
sshootr2 Sharp Shooter II pinball/gp_2.cpp
sshtl_l3 Space Shuttle (L-3) pinball/s9.cpp
sshtl_l7 Space Shuttle (L-7) pinball/s9.cpp
sshtlzac Space Shuttle (Zaccaria) pinball/zac_1.cpp
sshuttle Space Shuttle (Taito) (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
sshuttle1 Space Shuttle (Taito) (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
sst Supersonic pinball/by35.cpp
sstarbtl Super Star Battle dataeast/astrof.cpp
sstrangr Space Stranger yachiyo/sstrangr.cpp
sstrangr2 Space Stranger 2 yachiyo/sstrangr.cpp
ssvc_a26 Secret Service (2.6) pinball/de_2.cpp
ssvc_a42 Secret Service (4.2 alternate sound) pinball/de_2.cpp
ssvc_b26 Secret Service (2.6 alternate sound) pinball/de_2.cpp
ssvc_e40 Secret Service (4.0, Europe) pinball/de_2.cpp
st_sam SAM III Test Fixture pinball/st_mp200.cpp
st_sam4 SAM IV Test Fixture pinball/st_mp200.cpp
starfigh Star Fighter (v1) suna/suna8.cpp
starfirp Star Fire pinball/play_3.cpp
starfirpa Star Fire (alternate set) pinball/play_3.cpp
stargatp Stargate (pinball, rev.5) pinball/gts3a.cpp
stargatp0 Stargate (pinball) pinball/gts3a.cpp
stargatp1 Stargate (pinball, rev.1) pinball/gts3a.cpp
stargatp2 Stargate (pinball, rev.2) pinball/gts3a.cpp
stargatp3 Stargate (pinball, rev.3) pinball/gts3a.cpp
stargatp4 Stargate (pinball, rev.4) pinball/gts3a.cpp
stargod Star God pinball/zac_1.cpp
stargoda Star God (alternate sound) pinball/zac_1.cpp
stargodb Star God (variable replay score) pinball/zac_1.cpp
stargzr Stargazer pinball/st_mp200.cpp
starrace Star Race pinball/gts80.cpp
stars Stars pinball/st_mp100.cpp
starshot Star Shooter pinball/allied.cpp
startrep Star Trek (Pinball) pinball/by35.cpp
startrip Star Trip pinball/gp_1.cpp
startrp Starship Troopers (CPU 2.01, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
startrp2 Starship Troopers (CPU 2.00, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
starw1 Star Wars (bootleg of Galaxy Wars, set 2) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
starwarr Star Warrior nintendo/spacefb.cpp
steelwkr Steel Worker midw8080/8080bw.cpp
stest Speed Test pinball/taito.cpp
stingray Stingray pinball/st_mp100.cpp
stk_sprs Strikes and Spares pinball/by17.cpp
stlwr_l2 Stellar Wars (L-2) pinball/s4.cpp
storm Storm pinball/play_2.cpp
strapids Shooting the Rapids pinball/zac_1.cpp
strax_p7 Star Trax (domestic prototype) pinball/s11c.cpp
strfight Star Fighter (bootleg of Astro Fighter) dataeast/astrof.cpp
strike Strike pinball/zac_proto.cpp
striker Striker (Pinball) pinball/gts80a.cpp
strikext Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display A1.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
strikext_100 Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.00, display A1.03) pinball/whitestar.cpp
strknew Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display A1.03, ARM7 sound board) pinball/whitestar.cpp
strlt_l1 Star Light (L-1) pinball/s7.cpp
strngsci Strange Science (Rev C) pinball/by6803.cpp
strngscia Strange Science (Rev A) pinball/by6803.cpp
strngscig Strange Science (German, Rev A) pinball/by6803.cpp
strsphnx Star's Phoenix (Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
strsphnxf Star's Phoenix (French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
strxt_fr Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display F1.03, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
strxt_gr Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.03, display G1.03, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
strxt_it Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display I1.03, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
strxt_it_101 Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.01, display I1.03, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
strxt_sp Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display L1.03, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
strxt_uk Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.01, display A1.03, UK) pinball/whitestar.cpp
stwr_101 Star Wars (USA 1.01, display A1.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
stwr_101g Star Wars (German 1.01, display G1.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
stwr_102 Star Wars (USA 1.02, display A1.05) pinball/de_3.cpp
stwr_102e Star Wars (England 1.02, display A1.05) pinball/de_3.cpp
stwr_103 Star Wars (USA 1.03, display A1.05) pinball/de_3.cpp
stwr_103_a104 Star Wars (USA 1.03, display A1.04) pinball/de_3.cpp
stwr_104 Star Wars (USA 1.04, display A1.05) pinball/de_3.cpp
stwr_106 Star Wars (Unofficial 1.06, display A1.05) pinball/de_3.cpp
stwr_106_a046 Star Wars (Unofficial 1.06, display A0.46) pinball/de_3.cpp
stwr_106_s105 Star Wars (Unofficial 1.06, display S1.05) pinball/de_3.cpp
subhunt Sub Hunter (Gremlin / Taito) sega/vicdual.cpp
subroc3d Subroc-3D sega/turbo.cpp
super80 Super-80 (V1.2) ausnz/super80.cpp
super80d Super-80 (V2.2) ausnz/super80.cpp
super80e Super-80 (El Graphix 4) ausnz/super80.cpp
super80m Super-80 (with colour) ausnz/super80.cpp
super80r Super-80 (with VDUEB) ausnz/super80.cpp
super80v Super-80 (with enhanced VDUEB) ausnz/super80.cpp
supermap Superman (Pinball) pinball/atari_s2.cpp
suprbowl Super Bowl pinball/by35.cpp
suprnova Super Nova (Game Plan) pinball/gp_2.cpp
suprpick Super Picker pinball/allied.cpp
sureshop Sure Shot (Pinball) pinball/taito.cpp
surfnsaf Surf'n Safari pinball/gts3.cpp
swipeout Space Wipeout midw8080/8080bw.cpp
swrds_l1 Swords of Fury (L-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
swrds_l2 Swords of Fury (L-2) pinball/s11b.cpp
swrds_lg2 Swords of Fury (LG-2) Germany pinball/s11b.cpp
swtht2nz Sweethearts II (1VXFC5461, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
swtril30 Star Wars Trilogy (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
swtril41 Star Wars Trilogy (CPU 4.01, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
swtril43 Star Wars Trilogy (CPU 4.03, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
sys1test System 1 Test prom pinball/gts1.cpp
szaxxon Super Zaxxon (315-5013) sega/zaxxon.cpp
szone_l2 Strike Zone (Shuffle) (L-2) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
szone_l5 Strike Zone (Shuffle) (L-5) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
t3new Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display A4.00, ARM7 sound board) pinball/whitestar.cpp
tagteamp Tag-Team Wrestling pinball/gts80b.cpp
tagteamp2 Tag-Team Wrestling (rev.2) pinball/gts80b.cpp
tagteampg Tag-Team Wrestling (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
taitest Taito Test Fixture pinball/taito.cpp
takefive Take Five pinball/allied.cpp
targ Targ exidy/exidy.cpp
targc Targ (cocktail?) exidy/exidy.cpp
tattack Time Attacker misc/tattack.cpp
taurs_l1 Taurus (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
taxi_l3 Taxi (Marilyn) (L-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
taxi_l4 Taxi (Lola) (L-4) pinball/s11b.cpp
taxi_lg1 Taxi (Marilyn) (L-1) Germany pinball/s11b.cpp
taxi_lu1 Taxi (Marilyn) (LU-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
taxi_p5 Taxi (P-5) pinball/s11b.cpp
tdawg_l1 Top Dawg (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
teedoffp Tee'd Off (pinball, rev.3) pinball/gts3a.cpp
teedoffp0 Tee'd Off (pinball) pinball/gts3a.cpp
teedoffp1 Tee'd Off (pinball, rev.1) pinball/gts3a.cpp
teqsun Tequila Sunrise (1VXFC613, NSW) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
term3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3_205 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 2.05, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3_301 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3f Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3f_205 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 2.05, display F2.01, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3f_301 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3g Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3g_301 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display G3.00, Germany) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3i Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3i_205 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 2.05, display I2.01, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3i_301 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display I3.00, Italy) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3l Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3l_205 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 2.05, display L2.01, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
term3l_301 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display L3.00, Spain) pinball/whitestar.cpp
terrlake Terrific Lake pinball/play_3.cpp
tfight Title Fight pinball/gts3.cpp
tftc_104s Tales From the Crypt (USA 1.04, display L1.03) pinball/de_3.cpp
tftc_200 Tales From the Crypt (USA 2.00, display A2.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
tftc_300 Tales From the Crypt (USA 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
tftc_302 Tales From the Crypt (Dutch 3.02, display A3.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
tftc_303 Tales From the Crypt (USA 3.03, display A3.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
thegames The Games pinball/gts80a.cpp
thehand The Hand gametron/gotya.cpp
theraid The Raid pinball/play_3.cpp
theraida The Raid (alternate set) pinball/play_3.cpp
thief Thief pacific/thief.cpp
thndbolt Thunderbolt pinball/allied.cpp
thndrman Thunder Man pinball/zac_2.cpp
thrdwrld Third World pinball/play_1.cpp
thund_p1 Thunderball (P-1) pinball/s7.cpp
thund_p2 Thunderball (P-2) pinball/s7.cpp
thund_p3 Thunderball (P-3) pinball/s7.cpp
thundhrt Thunder Heart (13XF528902, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
tigerrag Tiger Rag pinball/by35.cpp
time2000 Time 2000 pinball/atari_s1.cpp
timeline Time Line pinball/gts80.cpp
tiptop Tip Top (3 board stack) sega/zaxxon.cpp
titan Titan (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
titan1 Titan (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
titanic Titanic (coin dropper, CPU 1.01, display A1.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
tmac_a18 Time Machine (1.8) pinball/de_2.cpp
tmac_a24 Time Machine (2.4) pinball/de_2.cpp
tmac_g18 Time Machine (1.8, Germany) pinball/de_2.cpp
tmachzac Time Machine (Zaccaria) pinball/zac_2.cpp
tmachzacf Time Machine (Zaccaria, French speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
tmachzacg Time Machine (Zaccaria, German speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
tmachzaci Time Machine (Zaccaria, Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
tmacltd2 Time Machine (LTD, 2 players) pinball/ltd.cpp
tmacltd4 Time Machine (LTD, 4 players) pinball/ltd.cpp
tmfnt_l5 Time Fantasy (L-5) pinball/s7.cpp
tmht Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, version F) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmht2p Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, version U) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmht2pa Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, version ?) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmhta Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, version S) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmhtb Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, version ?) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmnt Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players, version X) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmnt2pj Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 2 Players, version 1) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmnt2po Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Oceania 2 Players, version ?) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmnt_101 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
tmnt_103 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1.03) pinball/de_3.cpp
tmnt_104 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (USA 1.04, display A1.04) pinball/de_3.cpp
tmnt_104g Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Germany 1.04, display A1.04) pinball/de_3.cpp
tmnt_a07 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (A 0.7 VUK prototype) pinball/de_3.cpp
tmnta Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Asia 4 Players, version ?) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmntj Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 4 Players, version 2) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmntu Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version R) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmntua Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version N) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmntub Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version J) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmntuc Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version H) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmntucbl Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (bootleg, US 4 Players, version H) konami/tmnt.cpp
tmwrp_l2 Time Warp (Williams, L-2) pinball/s4.cpp
tmwrp_l3 Time Warp (Williams, L-3) pinball/s4.cpp
tmwrp_t2 Time Warp (Williams, T-2) pinball/s4.cpp
toledo Toledo (2 jackpot points, 87%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
toledoa Toledo (2 jackpot points, 83%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
toledob Toledo (1 jackpot point, 79%) misc/interflip8035.cpp
tomy_102 The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (USA 1.02, display A3.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
tomy_102be The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (Belgium 1.02, display A1.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
tomy_201h The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (Dutch 2.01, display A2.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
tomy_300h The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (Dutch 3.00, display A3.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
tomy_301g The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (German 3.01, display G3.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
tomy_400 The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (USA 4.00, display A4.00) pinball/de_3.cpp
topaz Topaz (Inder) pinball/inderp.cpp
topaz_l1 Topaz (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
topgear Top Gear (4VXFC969, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
toppin Top Pin pinball/by35.cpp
topsound Top Sound (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
torch Torch pinball/gts1.cpp
torch301 Torch Model 301 acorn/bbc.cpp
torch725 Torch Model 725 acorn/bbc.cpp
torchf Torch CF240 acorn/bbc.cpp
torchh Torch CH240 acorn/bbc.cpp
torp_a16 Torpedo Alley (1.6) pinball/de_2.cpp
torp_e21 Torpedo Alley (2.1, Europe) pinball/de_2.cpp
totem Totem pinball/gts1.cpp
touchdn Touchdown pinball/gts80a.cpp
trailer Trailer pinball/play_3.cpp
trek_110 Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 1.10, display A1.06) pinball/de_3.cpp
trek_110_a027 Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 1.10, display A0.27) pinball/de_3.cpp
trek_117 Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 1.17, display A1.09) pinball/de_3.cpp
trek_120 Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 1.20, display A1.06) pinball/de_3.cpp
trek_200 Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 2.00, display A1.09) pinball/de_3.cpp
trek_201 Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 2.01, display A1.09) pinball/de_3.cpp
tricksht Trick Shooter pinball/ltd.cpp
trident Trident pinball/st_mp100.cpp
tridento Trident (Older set) pinball/st_mp100.cpp
triplay Chicago Cubs' Triple Play pinball/gts80b.cpp
triplaya Chicago Cubs' Triple Play (alternate set) pinball/gts80b.cpp
triplayg Chicago Cubs' Triple Play (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
triplhnt Triple Hunt atari/triplhnt.cpp
trizn_l1 Tri Zone (L-1) pinball/s4.cpp
trizn_t1 Tri Zone (T-1) pinball/s4.cpp
trktreat Trick or Treat (7XF5183H04, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
trucksp2 Truck Stop (P-2) pinball/by6803.cpp
trucksp3 Truck Stop (P-3) pinball/by6803.cpp
tsptr_l1 Transporter the Rescue (LA-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
tsptr_l3 Transporter the Rescue (L-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
tstrk_l1 Triple Strike (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
tt_game unknown Toptronic pinball game pinball/gts3.cpp
tts_l1 Tic-Tac-Strike (Shuffle) (L-1) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
tts_l2 Tic-Tac-Strike (Shuffle) (L-2) pinball/wms_shuffle.cpp
turbo Turbo (program 1513-1515) sega/turbo.cpp
turboa Turbo (encrypted, program 1262-1264) sega/turbo.cpp
turbob Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev C) sega/turbo.cpp
turbobl Indianapolis (bootleg of Turbo) sega/turbo.cpp
turboc Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev B) sega/turbo.cpp
turbod Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev A) sega/turbo.cpp
turboe Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365) sega/turbo.cpp
twotiger Two Tigers (dedicated) midway/mcr.cpp
twst_300 Twister (CPU 3.00, display A3.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
twst_404 Twister (CPU 4.04, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
twst_405 Twister (CPU 4.05, display A4.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
txsector TX-Sector pinball/gts80b.cpp
txsectorf TX-Sector (French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
txsectorg TX-Sector (German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
uboat65 U-boat 65 pinball/by35.cpp
ufo_x UFO-X pinball/play_3.cpp
usafootb U.S.A. Football (R06u) pinball/alvg.cpp
usafootba U.S.A. Football (R01u) pinball/alvg.cpp
usafootf U.S.A. Football (P08, redemption) pinball/alvg.cpp
v1 V.1 pinball/idsa.cpp
vanguard Vanguard (SNK) snk/snk6502.cpp
vanguardc Vanguard (Centuri) snk/snk6502.cpp
vanguardg Vanguard (Germany) snk/snk6502.cpp
vanguardj Vanguard (Japan) snk/snk6502.cpp
vector Vector pinball/by35.cpp
vegas Vegas pinball/gts3.cpp
vegasgp Vegas (Game Plan) pinball/gp_1.cpp
vegast Vegas (Taito) pinball/taito.cpp
verbena Verbena (bootleg of Carnival) sega/vicdual.cpp
victoryp Victory (Pinball) pinball/gts80b.cpp
victorypf Victory (Pinball, French) pinball/gts80b.cpp
victorypg Victory (Pinball, German) pinball/gts80b.cpp
viking Viking pinball/by35.cpp
vikngkng Viking King pinball/ltd.cpp
viperp Viper (Pinball) pinball/st_mp200.cpp
viprsega Viper Night Drivin' (CPU 2.01, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
viprsega_102 Viper Night Drivin' (CPU 1.02, display A1.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
vlcno_1a Volcano (Sound Only set 3) pinball/gts80.cpp
vlcno_1b Volcano (Sound Only set 2) pinball/gts80.cpp
vlcno_1c Volcano (Sound Only set 1) pinball/gts80.cpp
vlcno_ax Volcano pinball/gts80.cpp
voleybal Volley pinball/taito.cpp
voltan Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom pinball/by35.cpp
vortexp Vortex (Pinball) pinball/taito.cpp
vrkon_l1 Varkon (L-1) pinball/s7.cpp
vrnwrld Verne's World pinball/spinb.cpp
wackadoo Wack-A-Doodle-Doo (redemption, CPU 1.00, display A1.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
warp1 Warp-1 (Japan) sunelectronics/dai3wksi.cpp
warp1bl Warp-1 (Japan, bootleg) sunelectronics/dai3wksi.cpp
warp1t Warp-1 (Japan, Taito license) sunelectronics/dai3wksi.cpp
waterwld Waterworld (rev.3) pinball/gts3a.cpp
waterwld2 Waterworld (rev.2) pinball/gts3a.cpp
wcsoccer World Challenge Soccer (rev.1, set 1) pinball/gts3a.cpp
wcsoccer1a World Challenge Soccer (rev.1, set 2) pinball/gts3a.cpp
wcup90 World Cup 90 pinball/mrgame.cpp
whirl_l2 Whirlwind (LU-2) pinball/s11b.cpp
whirl_l3 Whirlwind (LA-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
whirl_lg1 Whirlwind (LG-1) pinball/s11b.cpp
whirl_lg2 Whirlwind (LG-2) pinball/s11b.cpp
whirl_lg3 Whirlwind (LG-3) pinball/s11b.cpp
whtforce White Force pinball/stargame.cpp
wildfyre Wildfyre pinball/st_mp100.cpp
wildone Wild One (4VXEC5357, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
wipeout Wipeout (rev.2, set 1) pinball/gts3a.cpp
wipeout2a Wipeout (rev.2, set 2) pinball/gts3a.cpp
wldcp_l1 World Cup (L-1) pinball/s3.cpp
wldtexas Wild Texas pinball/s7.cpp
wolfman Wolf Man pinball/peyper.cpp
worlddef World Defender pinball/by35.cpp
wrldtour Al's Garage Band Goes On A World Tour (R01c) pinball/alvg.cpp
wrldtour2 Al's Garage Band Goes On A World Tour (R02b) pinball/alvg.cpp
wrldtour3 Al's Garage Band Goes On A World Tour (R06a) pinball/alvg.cpp
wrlok_l3 Warlok (L-3) pinball/s7.cpp
wsports Winter Sports pinball/zac_1.cpp
wtiger White Tiger (4XF5139I08, US) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
wtigernz White Tiger (3VXFC5342, New Zealand) aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp
wwfr_103 WWF Royal Rumble (USA 1.03, display A1.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
wwfr_103f WWF Royal Rumble (French 1.03, display F1.01) pinball/de_3.cpp
wwfr_106 WWF Royal Rumble (USA 1.06, display A1.02) pinball/de_3.cpp
xenon Xenon pinball/by35.cpp
xenonf Xenon (French) pinball/by35.cpp
xfiles2 X-Files (CPU 2.04, display A2.01) pinball/whitestar.cpp
xfiles20 X-Files (CPU 2.00, display A2.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
xfilesp X-Files (CPU 3.03, display A3.00) pinball/whitestar.cpp
xfilespf X-Files (CPU 3.03, display F3.00, France) pinball/whitestar.cpp
xforce X Force pinball/techno.cpp
xsandos X's & O's pinball/by35.cpp
yosakdon Yosaku to Donbei (set 1) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
yosakdona Yosaku to Donbei (set 2) midw8080/8080bw.cpp
zankor Zankor (TMS5200 Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
zankor2i Zankor (TMS5220 Italian speech) pinball/zac_2.cpp
zarza Zarza (set 1) pinball/taito.cpp
zarza1 Zarza (set 2) pinball/taito.cpp
zarzon Zarzon snk/snk6502.cpp
zaxxon Zaxxon (set 1, rev D) sega/zaxxon.cpp
zaxxon2 Zaxxon (set 2, unknown rev) sega/zaxxon.cpp
zaxxon3 Zaxxon (set 3, unknown rev) sega/zaxxon.cpp
zaxxonb Jackson sega/zaxxon.cpp
zaxxonj Zaxxon (Japan) sega/zaxxon.cpp
zephy Zephy (set 1) pinball/ltd.cpp
zephya Zephy (set 2) pinball/ltd.cpp
zerohour Zero Hour (set 1) universal/zerohour.cpp
zerohoura Zero Hour (set 2) universal/zerohour.cpp
zerohouri Zero Hour (bootleg) universal/zerohour.cpp
zira Zira pinball/play_2.cpp
zoom909 Zoom 909 sega/turbo.cpp
nes_bandai_pt554 NES Cart Bandai PT-554 PCB devices/bus/nes/pt554.cpp
nes_jf13 NES Cart Jaleco JF-13 PCB devices/bus/nes/jaleco.cpp
nes_jf17_pcm NES Cart Jaleco JF-17 + ADPCM (Moero!! Pro Tennis) PCB devices/bus/nes/jaleco.cpp
nes_jf19_pcm NES Cart Jaleco JF-19 + ADPCM (Moero!! Pro Yakyuu 88) PCB devices/bus/nes/jaleco.cpp
nes_jf23 NES Cart Jaleco JF-23 (Shin Moero Pro Yakyuu) PCB devices/bus/nes/jaleco.cpp
nes_jf24 NES Cart Jaleco JF-24 (Terao no Dosukoi Oozumou) PCB devices/bus/nes/jaleco.cpp
nes_jf29 NES Cart Jaleco JF-29 (Moe Pro! '90) PCB devices/bus/nes/jaleco.cpp
nes_jf33 NES Cart Jaleco JF-33 (Moe Pro! Saikyou-hen) PCB devices/bus/nes/jaleco.cpp
vanguard_sound SNK Vanguard Sound snk/snk6502_a.cpp
fantasy_sound SNK Fantasy Sound snk/snk6502_a.cpp
sasuke_sound SNK Sasuke Vs. Commander Sound snk/snk6502_a.cpp
satansat_sound SNK Satan of Saturn Sound snk/snk6502_a.cpp
s97271p N-Sub Oscillator 97271-P sega/vicdual-97271p.cpp
monsterb_sound Monster Bash Sound Board sega/segag80r_a.cpp
mm1kb MikroMikko 1 keyboard nokia/mm1kb.cpp
seawolf_audio Midway Sea Wolf Audio midw8080/mw8080bw_a.cpp
gmissile_audio Midway Guided Missile Audio midw8080/mw8080bw_a.cpp
m4_audio Midway M-4 Audio midw8080/mw8080bw_a.cpp
clowns_audio Midway Clowns Audio midw8080/mw8080bw_a.cpp
phantom2_audio Midway Phantom 2 Audio midw8080/mw8080bw_a.cpp
fruit_samples Fruit Machine Mechanical Samples shared/fruitsamples.cpp
ad_59mc07 Alpha Denshi 59MC07 sound board alpha/ad_sound.cpp