Run and Gun (ver UBA 1993 10.8) (dual screen with demux adapter)

Short name:rungunubad
Is device:No
Source file:konami/rungun.cpp
Parent machine:Run and Gun (ver EAA 1993 10.8) (rungun)
Imperfect Features:sound, graphics, palette

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
k054321 K054321 Maincpu-Soundcpu interface devices/machine/k054321.cpp
k054539 K054539 ADPCM devices/sound/k054539.cpp
k053252 K053252 Timing/Interrupt Controller devices/machine/k053252.cpp
k053936 K053936 Video Controller devices/video/k053936.cpp
k055673 K055673 Sprite Generator konami/k053246_k053247_k055673.cpp
generic_latch_8 Generic 8-bit latch devices/machine/gen_latch.cpp
m68000 Motorola MC68000 devices/cpu/m68000/m68000.cpp
gfxdecode gfxdecode emu/drawgfx.cpp
z80 Zilog Z80 devices/cpu/z80/z80.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
er5911_8 Serial EEPROM ER5911 (128x8) devices/machine/eepromser.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp