Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A) (FD1094 317-0093)

Short name:tetris
Is device:No
Source file:sega/segas16a.cpp


Short name Description Year Manufacturer
tetris1 Tetris (set 1, Japan, System 16B) (FD1094 317-0091) 1988 Sega
tetris1d Tetris (set 1, Japan, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0091 set) 1988 bootleg
tetris2 Tetris (set 2, Japan, System 16B) (FD1094 317-0092) 1988 Sega
tetris2d Tetris (set 2, Japan, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0092 set) 1988 bootleg
tetris3 Tetris (set 3, Japan, System 16A) (FD1094 317-0093a) 1988 Sega
tetris3d Tetris (set 3, Japan, System 16A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0093a set) 1988 bootleg
tetrisbl Tetris (bootleg) 1988 bootleg
tetrisd Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0093 set) 1988 bootleg
tetrist Tetris (Japan, Taito B-System, Nastar Conversion Kit) 1988 Sega
tetrista Tetris (Japan, Taito B-System, Master of Weapon Conversion Kit) 1988 Sega
tetristh Tetris (Japan, Taito H-System) 1988 Sega

Software Lists

Card Short name Description Status Total Supported Partially supported Unsupported

Devices Referenced

Short nameDescriptionSource file
fd1094 Hitachi FD1094 Encrypted CPU sega/fd1094.cpp
sega_sys16a_sprite Sega System 16A Sprites sega/sega16sp.cpp
segaic16_video Sega 16-bit Video sega/segaic16.cpp
i8243 Intel 8243 I/O Expander devices/machine/i8243.cpp
ym2151 YM2151 OPM devices/sound/ymopm.cpp
generic_latch_8 Generic 8-bit latch devices/machine/gen_latch.cpp
gfxdecode gfxdecode emu/drawgfx.cpp
z80 Zilog Z80 devices/cpu/z80/z80.cpp
i8255 Intel 8255 PPI devices/machine/i8255.cpp
watchdog Watchdog Timer devices/machine/watchdog.cpp
nvram NVRAM devices/machine/nvram.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp