Apple II cassettes

Short name: apple2_cass
Total: 197
Supported: 182 (92.4%)
Partially supported: 11 (5.6%)
Unsupported: 4 (2.0%)


Short name
ace100 Franklin ACE 100 1982 Franklin Computer original
ace1000 Franklin ACE 1000 1982 Franklin Computer original
albert Albert 1984 Albert Computers, Inc. original
am100 AM100 198? ASEM S.p.A. original
am64 AM 64 1985 ASEM original
apple2 Apple ][ 1977 Apple Computer original
apple2jp Apple ][ J-Plus 1980 Apple Computer original
apple2p Apple ][+ 1979 Apple Computer original
basis108 Basis 108 1982 Basis original
craft2p Craft II+ 1982 Craft original
dodo Do-Do 198? GTAC original
elppa Elppa II+ 198? Victor do Brasil original
hkc8800a HKC 8800A 1984 China HKC original
ivelultr Ivel Ultra 1984 Ivasim original
laser2c Laser //c 1985 Milmar original
maxxi Maxxi 1982 Polymax original
microeng Micro Engenho 1982 Spectrum Eletronica (SCOPUS) original
prav82 Pravetz 82 1982 Pravetz original
prav8m Pravetz 8M 1985 Pravetz original
space84 Space 84 1985 ComputerTechnik/IBS original
uniap2en Unitron AP II (in English) 1982 Unitron Eletronica original
uniap2pt Unitron AP II (in Brazilian Portuguese) 1982 Unitron Eletronica original
uniap2ti Unitron AP II+ (Teclado Inteligente) 1984 Unitron Eletronica original


Short name
Bad dumps
3dartgra 3D Art Graphics 1978 Unknown Yes 1 0
3ddockin 3D-Docking 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
3dstarfi 3D Star Fire 19?? Unknown Yes 1 0
ackack Ack-Ack 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
acquire Computer Acquire 1982 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
acquirea Computer Acquire (original) 1980 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0 acquire
advent0 Adventure 0 - Special Sampler 1979 Adventure International Yes 1 0
advent1 Adventure 1 - Adventure Land 1979 Adventure International Yes 1 0
advent3 Adventure 3 - Mission Impossible 1979 Adventure International Yes 1 0
advent4 Adventure 4 - Voodoo Castle 1979 Adventure International Yes 1 0
aligren Alignment Test Tone / Renumber 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Partial 2 0
aligsam Alignment Test Tone / Sampler 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Partial 2 0
andromed Andromeda Conquest 1982 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
apl2trk Apple-2 Trek 1977 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0 apltrek
aplbowl Apple Bowl 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
aplcasin Apple Casino 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
aplderby Apple Derby 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
aplorgan Apple ][ Organ 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
aplesoft Applesoft IIa 1977 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
aplstqrt Apple Stock Quote Reporter 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. No 1 0
apltrek Apple Trek 1977 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
aplvbio Apple-Vision / Biorhythms 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
asftfpd Applesoft ][ Floating Point BASIC / Floating Point BASIC Demo 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
assemble Assembler 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
asutil Applesoft Utility Programs 1979 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
atc Air Traffic Controller 1980 Creative Computing Software Yes 1 0
b1bomber B-1 Nuclear Bomber 1980 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
bam Beneath Apple Manor 1978 The Software Factory Yes 2 0
baseball Baseball 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
battlest Battlestar I 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
blckslot Black Jack / Slot Machine 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
bomber The Bomber 1980 Astar International, Inc. Yes 1 0
bomber1 Bomber 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
bowltril Bowling / Trilogy 1979 Instant Software, Inc. Yes 2 0
briapho Brian's Theme / Phone List 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
briccol Brick out / Color Demonstration Programs 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
bridgech Bridge Challenger 1978 Personal Software Yes 1 0
brkocla Breakout / Color Demos 1977 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0 brkocol
brkocol Breakout / Color Graphics 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
canterdo Canter Downs 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
checkbk Checkbook 1 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
clrdlbo Color Demosoft / Little Brickout 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
colosup Color Sketch / Supermath 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
compmath Complex Mathematics 1979 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
conf2500 Conflict 2500 1981 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
craps Craps / Bright Pen Craps 1979 Softape Partial 2 0
crazycli Crazy Climber 19?? ImageSoft Yes 1 0
crazyeig Crazy Eights 1979 Softape Yes 1 0
cubik Cubik 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
dateston DUNJONQUEST- Datestones of Ryn 1979 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
datmtel Datamover / Telepong 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Partial 2 0
depthcha Depth Charge 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
disktape Disk-O-Tape 1980 Dann McCreary Yes 1 0
dnieper Dnieper River Line 1982 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
dontfall Don't Fall 1980 Innerglo Yes 1 0 mmdofmem
echo Echo 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
electicf Electronic Index-Card File 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
enchante Enchanted Island 1980 Mad Hatter Software Yes 1 0
engmath1 Engineering Mathematics - 1 1979 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
escape Escape! 1978 Micro Users Software Exchange Yes 1 0
fastgamm Fastgammon 1979 Quality Software Yes 1 0
finance2 Financial Wizard 2 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
finance3 Financial Wizard 3 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
finance4 Financial Wizard 4 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
finapen Basic Finance I / Penny Arcade 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
football Football Predictions 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
forte Forte / Forte Music 1979 Softape Yes 2 0
funpaki Funpak I 1978 System Design Lab Yes 1 0
galaxian Galaxian 19?? unknown Yes 1 0
galaxy Galaxy 1982 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
galaxytr Galaxy Travel 1980 Tsukumo Original Software Yes 1 0
gamepwb2 A Beginner's Guide to Game Prgrams and Number Programs (Tape 2) 1977 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
gamepwb3 A Beginner's Guide to Game Programs (Tape 3) 1977 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
gammonga Gammon Gambler 1979 Personal Software Yes 1 0
globalwa Global War 1979 Micro Users Software Exchange Yes 1 0
gunsfrtd Guns of Fort Defiance 1981 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
hauntedh Haunted House 1978 Creative Computing Software Yes 1 0
hiresbox Hires Boxing 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
hiresgra High Resolution Graphics 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
hiresgrp Highres Graphic Printer 1979 System Design Lab Yes 1 0
hirespla Highres Playground 1979 System Design Lab Yes 1 0
hngmclrm Hangman / Color Math 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
hopalemn Hopalong Cassidy / Lemonade Stand 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
housjour House of Seven Gables / Journey to the Center of the Earth 19?? Compu-Things Yes 2 0
igotmine I Got Mine 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
journeya Journey to Atlantis 1979 Mad Hatter Software Yes 1 0
jupiexpr Jupiter Express 1979 Softape Yes 1 0
kaleidos Kaleidoscope 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
karma Lords of Karma 1980 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
kidstuff Kidstuff 1978 Speakeasy Software Ltd. Yes 1 0
laserbla Laserblast 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
lbasic12 Learning BASIC, Pt. 1 & 2 1980 Innerglo Yes 2 0
lbasic3 Learning BASIC, Pt. 3 1980 Innerglo Yes 1 0
leasloan Leases / Loans 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
lunarla1 Lunar Lander 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
lunarlan Lunar Lander II 19?? Sensible Software Yes 1 0
magicsqa Magic Squares 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
matchwit Match Wits 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
mahjong Yonin Mahjong 1980 Tsukumo Original Software Yes 1 0
mazegame Maze Game 1978 Micro Users Software Exchange Yes 1 0
memobuil Memory Builder 1978 Program Design, Inc. Yes 2 0
memorych Memory Check 19?? Tsukumo Original Software Yes 1 0
microches Microchess 2.0 1978 Personal Software Yes 1 0
microgam Microgammon 1.0 1979 Softape Yes 1 0
microinv Micro Invaders 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
microtriv microtrivia 1978 Speakeasy Software Ltd. Yes 1 0
midway Midway Campaign 1980 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
missilec Missile Command v1.2 1981 Urban E. Soft Yes 1 0
mmdofmem Don't Fall! / Memory Aide 1978 Magnemedia Inc. Partial 4 0
mmgradra Grading Routine / Drawing 1978 Magnemedia Inc. Partial 4 0
mmstukey Study Aide / Keyboard Organ 1978 Magnemedia Inc. Partial 4 0
mmsuptru Super Math / True/False Quiz 1978 Magnemedia Inc. Partial 4 0
mmvarmat Variable Message / Matching Quiz 1978 Magnemedia Inc. Partial 4 0
module1 Module 1 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
module2 Module 2 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
module3 Module 3 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
module4 Module 4 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
module5 Module 5 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
module6 Module 6 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
module7 Module 7 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
module8 Module 8 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
morlocst DUNJONQUEST- Morloc's Tower 1979 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
motocros Moto-Cross 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
musicbox Music Box and Kaleidoscope 1978 Micro Users Software Exchange Yes 1 0
musickal Music Kaleidoscope 1979 Softape Yes 2 0
naconrdr North Atlantic Convoy Raider 1980 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
oiltycoo Oil Tycoon 1980 Instant Software, Inc. Yes 1 0
othello Othello for Apple v2.1 1982 Hiroshi Ohnishi Yes 1 0
othello1 Othello 1979 Softape Yes 2 0
patpro16 The Patient Professor 16K 1980 Innerglo Yes 1 0
patpro24 The Patient Professor 24K 1980 Innerglo Yes 1 0
pegjump Peg Jump 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
phasorza Phasor Zap 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
pinbinfm Pinball / Infinite Number of Monkeys 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
pirates Pirates! 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
planetmi Planet Miners 1981 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
planetoi Planetoids 1981 Adventure International Yes 1 0
preschoo Preschool IQ-Builder 1978 Program Design, Inc. Yes 2 0
puckman Puck Man 1981 Star Craft Yes 1 0
quizbasb Quiz Baseball 1980 Innerglo Yes 1 0
racer Racer 1979 Softape Yes 2 0
radarint Radar Interceptor 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
ramtest RAM Test 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
rasterbla Raster Blaster 1981 Budgeco Yes 1 0
renju Renju 1980 Tsukumo Electronics Yes 1 0
retreat Retreat 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
revive Revive - A Utility Program for the Apple 1979 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
rocketpi Rocket Pilot 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
rorasawa Road Race / Saucer War 19?? Wise Owl Workshop Yes 2 0
roulette Roulette 1979 Softape Yes 1 0
saharacf Sahara Warriors Commando / French Foreign Legion 1979 Instant Software, Inc. Yes 2 0
sargon Sargon I 1979 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
sargon2 Sargon II 1979 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
saucerin Saucer Invasion 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
savgfin Savings / Finance 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
soft8103 Softside Mar 1981 1981 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8105 Softside May 1981 1981 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8106 Softside June 1981 1981 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8107 Softside July 1981 1981 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8108 Softside August 1981 1981 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8109 Softside September 1981 1981 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8110 Softside October 1981 1981 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8112 Softside December 1981 1981 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8201 Softside January 1982 1982 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8205 Softside May 1982 1982 Softside Yes 1 0
soft8207 Softside July 1982 1982 Softside Yes 1 0
soft820a Softside July 1982 Computers in Education 1982 Softside Yes 1 0
songska Songs in the Key of Apple 1979 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
spacemaz Space Maze 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
spacewar Space War 1979 Instant Software, Inc. Yes 1 0
speedway Speedway 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
spiderta Spider Tag 1980 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
starblaz Star Blazer 1981 Star Craft Yes 1 0
starques STARQUEST Rescue at Rigel 1980 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
starwar Star Wars 1978 Powersoft, Inc. Yes 1 0
statisti Statistics 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
stockbnd Stocks & Bonds 1982 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
storword Story Builder 1978 Program Design, Inc. Yes 2 0
strtstw Startrek / Starwars 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
studyaid Study Aide 1980 Innerglo Partial 2 0 mmstukey
suparith Super Arithmetica 1980 Innerglo Yes 1 0
superinv Super Invader 1979 Tsukumo Electronics Yes 1 0
superoth Super Othello 1979 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
supersta Super Starwars 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
suprmath SuperMath 1980 Innerglo Yes 1 0 mmsuptru
sweettal Sweet Talker 1981 Micromint, Inc. No 1 0
talkcalc The Talking Calculator 1978 Softape Yes 1 0
tanktics Tanktics 1981 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
tankwar Tank War 1978 Micro Users Software Exchange Yes 1 0
tapmatt Tape Measure / Alignment Test Tone 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. No 2 0
tictspec Tic-Tac-Talker / Spectrum Analysis 1978 Softape Partial 2 0
timecloc Time Clock 1978 Programma International, Inc. Yes 1 0
typingtu Typing Tutor 1979 Microsoft Consumer Products Yes 1 0
udraw U-Draw 1978 Micro Users Software Exchange Yes 1 0
voyageri Voyager I 1981 Microcomputer Games Yes 1 0
warlords Warlords 1978 Speakeasy Software Ltd. Yes 1 0
wheeldeal Wheeler Dealers 1978 Speakeasy Software No 1 0