Apple II miscellaneous disks

Short name: apple2_flop_misc
Total: 447
Supported: 446 (99.8%)
Partially supported: 0 (0.0%)
Unsupported: 1 (0.2%)


Short name
ace100 Franklin ACE 100 1982 Franklin Computer compatible
ace1000 Franklin ACE 1000 1982 Franklin Computer compatible
ace2200 Franklin ACE 2200 1985 Franklin Computer compatible
ace500 Franklin ACE 500 1986 Franklin Computer compatible
albert Albert 1984 Albert Computers, Inc. compatible
am100 AM100 198? ASEM S.p.A. compatible
am64 AM 64 1985 ASEM compatible
apple2 Apple ][ 1977 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c Apple //c 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0 Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0de Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Germany) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0fr Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, France) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0se Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Sweden) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0uk Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, UK) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3 Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3de Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Germany) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3fr Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, France) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3se Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Sweden) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3uk Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, UK) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4 Apple //c (rev 4) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4de Apple //c (rev 4, Germany) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4fr Apple //c (rev 4, France) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4se Apple //c (rev 4, Sweden) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4uk Apple //c (rev 4, UK) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cde Apple //c (Germany) 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cfr Apple //c (France) 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cp Apple //c Plus 1988 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cse Apple //c (Sweden) 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cuk Apple //c (UK) 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2e Apple //e 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ede Apple //e (Germany) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ee Apple //e (enhanced) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2eede Apple //e (enhanced, Germany) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2eefr Apple //e (enhanced, France) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ees Apple //e (Spain) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2eese Apple //e (enhanced, Sweden) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2eeuk Apple //e (enhanced, UK) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2efr Apple //e (France) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ep Apple //e (Platinum) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2epde Apple //e (Platinum, Germany) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2epfr Apple //e (Platinum, France) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2epse Apple //e (Platinum, Sweden) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2epuk Apple //e (Platinum, UK) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ese Apple //e (Sweden) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2euk Apple //e (UK) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gs Apple IIgs (ROM03) 1989 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsmt Apple IIgs (1991 Mark Twain prototype) 1991 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr0 Apple IIgs (ROM00) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr0p Apple IIgs (ROM00 prototype 6/19/1986) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr0p2 Apple IIgs (ROM00 prototype 3/10/1986) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr1 Apple IIgs (ROM01) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr3p Apple IIgs (ROM03 prototype) 198? Apple Computer compatible
apple2jp Apple ][ J-Plus 1980 Apple Computer compatible
apple2p Apple ][+ 1979 Apple Computer compatible
basis108 Basis 108 1982 Basis compatible
cec2000 China Education Computer 2000 1991 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
cece China Education Computer E 1989 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
cecg China Education Computer G 1989 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
ceci China Education Computer I 1987 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
cecm China Education Computer M 1989 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
craft2p Craft II+ 1982 Craft compatible
dodo Do-Do 198? GTAC compatible
elppa Elppa II+ 198? Victor do Brasil compatible
hkc8800a HKC 8800A 1984 China HKC compatible
ivelultr Ivel Ultra 1984 Ivasim compatible
las128e2 Laser 128ex2 (version 6.1) 1988 Video Technology compatible
las128ex Laser 128ex (version 4.5) 1988 Video Technology compatible
laser128 Laser 128 1987 Video Technology compatible
laser128o Laser 128 (original hardware) 1987 Video Technology compatible
laser2c Laser //c 1985 Milmar compatible
maxxi Maxxi 1982 Polymax compatible
microeng Micro Engenho 1982 Spectrum Eletronica (SCOPUS) compatible
mprof3 Microprofessor III 1983 Multitech compatible
prav82 Pravetz 82 1982 Pravetz compatible
prav8c Pravetz 8C 1989 Pravetz compatible
prav8m Pravetz 8M 1985 Pravetz compatible
space84 Space 84 1985 ComputerTechnik/IBS compatible
spectred Spectrum ED 1985? Scopus/Spectrum compatible
tk3000 TK3000//e 1986 Microdigital compatible
uniap2en Unitron AP II (in English) 1982 Unitron Eletronica compatible
uniap2pt Unitron AP II (in Brazilian Portuguese) 1982 Unitron Eletronica compatible
uniap2ti Unitron AP II+ (Teclado Inteligente) 1984 Unitron Eletronica compatible
zijini Zi Jin I 1989 Nanjing Computer Factory compatible


Short name
Bad dumps
4080trkd 40 and 80 Track DOS 1980 Sympathetic Software Yes 1 0
a2desk10 Apple II Desktop (v1.0) 1986 Version Soft Yes 2 0
a2desk Apple II Desktop (v1.1) 1986 Version Soft Yes 1 0
a2diag31 Apple II Diagnostic Disk (version 3.1)(800K 3.5") 1991 Apple Computer Yes 1 0
apwrks12 AppleWorks (Version 1.2, USA) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
apwrks13 AppleWorks (Version 1.3, USA) 1985 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
apwrks20 AppleWorks (Version 2.0, USA) 1986 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 4 0
amdos35 AmDOS (v3.5) 1986 Gary B. Little Yes 1 0
davidos David-DOS 1982 David Data Yes 1 0
divdos2c Diversi-DOS (v2.0c) 1982 Diversified Software Research Yes 1 0
divdos41 Diversi-DOS (v4.1c) 1983 Diversified Software Research Yes 1 0
dos3380a DOS 3.3 System Master (1980, alternate) 1980 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
dos3380 DOS 3.3 System Master (1980 version) 1980 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
dos3383 DOS 3.3 System Master (1983 version) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
dosanat DOS Anatomy 1986 Windsor Scientific Yes 30 0
geos GEOS 1988 Berkeley Softworks Yes 8 0
prodos11 ProDOS (v1.1.1) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 2 0
prodos241 ProDOS (v2.4.1) 2016 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
unidos33p UniDOS 3.3 Plus v2.0.1 1986 Microsparc, Inc. Yes 1 0
unidosplus UniDOS Plus v2.1 1986 Microsparc, Inc. Yes 1 0
221baker 221B Baker Street (version 1.0) (digital gang crack) 1986 Datasoft Yes 2 0
3ddockms 3-D Docking Mission 1978 Programma International Yes 1 0
3in1ftbl 3 in 1 College & Pro Football 1984 Lance Haffner Yes 1 0
a2fltsim A2-FS1 Flight Simulator 1981 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
abm ABM 1980 Muse Yes 1 0
abyszone The Abyssal Zone 1984 Salty Software Yes 2 0
acidtrip Acid Trip 1982 Demetrius Cross Yes 1 0
actsrcvb Accounts Receivable v2.5 1983 Continental Software Yes 1 0
adv1980 Adventure (A Bit Better Associates) 1980 A Bit Better Associates Yes 1 0
adv1 Adventure 1 1980 <unknown> Yes 1 0
adv4vdcs Adventure 4 - Voodoo Castle 1980 Adventure International Yes 1 0
advatlts Adventure to Atlantis 1982 Synergistic Software Yes 1 0
advbljk Advanced Blackjack 1983 Muse Yes 1 0
advfitst The Adventure - Only The Fittest Shall Survive v3.5 1985 Green Valley Publishing Yes 1 0
aeronaut Aeronaut 1984 Bill Edison Yes 1 0
ae A-E 1982 Broderbund Yes 2 0
airplsm Airplane Simulator 1983 Ted Kurtz Yes 1 0
aklabeth Akalabeth - World of Doom 1979 California Pacific Computer Yes 1 0
alesia Alesia 1984 P. Garcia Yes 2 0
alien Alien 1982 <unknown> Yes 1 0
alephbai Aleph Baiters 1983 Gesher Educational Affiliates Yes 1 0
alterego Alter Ego 1985 Activision Yes 6 0
andrconq Andromeda Conquest 1982 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
antim10 Anti-M (version 1.0) 2019 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim11 Anti-M (version 1.1) 2019 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim12 Anti-M (version 1.2) 2019 4AM No 1 0 antim
antim13 Anti-M (version 1.3) 2019 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim14 Anti-M (version 1.4) 2019 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim15 Anti-M (version 1.5) 2019 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim16 Anti-M (version 1.6) 2019 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim17 Anti-M (version 1.7) 2020 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim18 Anti-M (version 1.8) 2020 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim19 Anti-M (version 1.9) 2023 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim20 Anti-M (version 2.0) 2023 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim21 Anti-M (version 2.1) 2024 4AM Yes 1 0 antim
antim Anti-M (version 2.2) 2024 4AM Yes 1 0
ankh Ankh 1984 Datamost Yes 1 0
ants Ants 1985 Micro-Sparc Yes 1 0
aplbowl Apple Bowl 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
aplcdspd Apple Cider Spider 1983 Sierra Yes 1 0
aplgrgms Apple Graphics Games 1980 Unknown Yes 1 0
aplprng Apple Pairing 1980 Fan's Brother Yes 1 0
aplspice Apple Spice 1991 Marin Computer Center Yes 1 0
apltrek Apple Trek 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
arcbtcmp Arcade Boot Camp 1984 John Besnard Yes 1 0
arcinsn Arcade Insanity 1983 Avant-Garde Yes 1 0
arcmachn The Arcade Machine 1982 Broderbund Yes 2 0
ardprlhb Air Raid Pearl Harbor 1980 Unknown Yes 2 0
ardy Ardy 1985 Daily Computer Game Yes 1 0
argos Argos 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
armagedn Armageddon 1986 King Cruces Software Yes 1 0
aspidrmn The Amazing Spider-Man 1986 Green Valley Publishing Yes 2 0
asteroid Asteroids 1980 Cavalier Computer Yes 1 0
atc ATC 1979 Avante-Garde Yes 1 0
atgtsmcw At The Gates Of Moscow 1985 Softgroup Yes 2 0
atyphoon Alien Typhoon 1981 Starcraft Yes 1 0
autoduel Autoduel 1985 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
advbuckb Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai 1985 Adventure International Yes 2 0
airheart Airheart 1986 Broderbund Yes 1 0
halleypr The Halley Project: A Mission In Our Solar System (disk jockey crack) 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
alf Alf, The First Adventure 1987 Box Office Yes 1 0
alibaba Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 1982 Stuart Smith Yes 1 0
alpine The Alpine Encounter 1985 Random House, Inc. Yes 2 0
amnesia Amnesia 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
archon2 Archon II: Adept (cracked) 1985 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
archon Archon (cracked) 1984 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
artesian Artesians (cracked) 19?? Reno Soft Yes 1 0
alienrn Alien Rain 1981 Broderbund Yes 1 0
arcity Alternate Reality: The City (circle k crack 1985 Datasoft Yes 3 0
altrdng Alternate Reality: The Dungeon (version 2.1) 1987 Datasoft Yes 4 0
amazon Amazon 1984 Trillium Yes 4 0
amcivw1 Decisive Battles Of The American Civil War, Volume I 1987 Strategic Studies Group Yes 2 0
amcivw2 Decisive Battles Of The American Civil War, Volume II 1988 Strategic Studies Group Yes 2 0
amcivw3 Decisive Battles Of The American Civil War, Volume III 1988 Strategic Studies Group Yes 2 0
aawsea The Ancient Art Of War At Sea 1988 Broderbund Yes 2 0
aaw The Ancient Art Of War 1989 Broderbund Yes 2 0
b1bomber B-1 Bomber 1980 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
b24 B-24 1987 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
baddudcr Bad Dudes (cracked) 1988 Data East Yes 2 0
baddudes Bad Dudes 1988 Data East Yes 2 0
ballblst Ball Blaster 19?? <unknown> Yes 1 0
balpower Balance of Power (Coast To Coast crack) 1987 Mindscape Yes 1 0
baltic85 Baltic 1985 1984 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
banditcr Bandits (cracked) 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
banditf Bandits (fixed) 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
banditm Bandits (modified) 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
bandito Bandits 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
baratina Baratin Blues (alt) 1986 Froggy Software Yes 2 0
baratin Baratin Blues 1986 Froggy Software Yes 2 0
bardstl2 Bard's Tale II - The Destiny Knight 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
bardstl3 Bard's Tale III - The Thief of Fate 1988 Interplay Yes 4 0
bardstla The Bard's Tale 1985 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
bardstl The Bard's Tale (cracked) 1985 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
baron Baron - The Real Estate Simulation (cracked) 1983 Blue Chip Yes 1 0
batalan Batatlan 1984 Simulations Canada Yes 1 0
batfrnrm Battle for Normandy 1982 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
batlantm Battle of Antietam 1985 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 2 0
batlcrs1 Battlecruiser 1 1987 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
batlcrs2 Battlecruiser 2 1987 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
batlfrnt Battlefront 1986 Strategic Studies Group Yes 2 0
batlgrp Battle Group 1986 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 2 0
batlhoth Battle of Hoth 1980 Tukumo Yes 1 0
batlnapl Battle of Napoleon 1988 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 6 0
batlprth Battle of the Parthian Kings 1983 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
batlsght Battlesight (cracked) 1982 Versa Computing Yes 1 0
batlshil The Battle of Shiloh 1981 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
batlship Battleship 1980 Eagle Computer Systems Yes 1 0
batlsnrm Battles in Normandy 1987 Keating, Trout, Taubman, Power, Whiley Yes 2 0
batltech Battletech 1988 Infocom / Westwood Yes 2 0
batlthcr Battletech (cracked) 1988 Infocom / Westwood Yes 2 0
battcmdr Battalion Commander 19?? Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
bbcstlwf Beyond Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1987 Ryan Russon Productions Yes 2 0
bbstrtgy Baseball Strategy 1981 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
bchh2cra Beach-Head II (alt crack) 1985 Access Software Yes 1 0
bchh2cr Beach-Head II (cracked) 1985 Access Software Yes 1 0
bchhdcr Beach-Head (cracked) 1985 Access Software Yes 1 0
bchhead2 Beach-Head II 1985 Access Software Yes 1 0
bchldng Beach Landing (cracked) 1984 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
bcstlwcr Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (cracked) 1984 Muse Software Yes 1 0
beastwar Beast War (cracked) 1985 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
belwrt Below the Root (cracked) 1985 Windham Classics Yes 2 0
bentpyrm Beneath the Pyramids 1980 Crystal Yes 1 0
berzap21 Berzap! v2.1 1985 Infinity Limited Yes 1 0
berzapcr Berzap! (cracked) 1984 Infinity Limited Yes 1 0
berzap Berzap! 1984 Infinity Limited Yes 1 0
betedugv La Bete du Gevaudan (cracked) 1985 Cil Yes 3 0
bigmac2e Big Mac IIe 19?? Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange Yes 1 0
bigmaca Big Mac (alt) 1982 Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange Yes 1 0
bigmac Big Mac 1982 Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange Yes 1 0
bilestod The Bilestoad (cracked) 1982 Mangrove Earthshoe Yes 1 0
bismarck Bismarck: The North Sea Chase (digital gang crack) 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0
blackblt Black Belt (cracked) 1984 Earthware Yes 1 0
bldkitcr Boulder Dash Construction Kit (cracked) 1987 Epyx Yes 1 0
bldofbkp The Blade of Blackpoole (cracked) 1982 Sirius Software Yes 2 0
bldqstcr Blood Quest (cracked) 19?? Questware Yes 1 0
bldrdash Boulder Dash 1984 Microlab Yes 1 0
bldrdscr Boulder Dash (cracked) 1984 Microlab Yes 1 0
bldrdsh2 Boulder Dash II 19?? Micro Fun Yes 1 0
blkcauld The Black Cauldron (digital gang crack) 1985 Sierra On-Line Yes 5 0
blkmagica Black Magic (alt) 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0 blkmagic
blkmagicmr Black Magic (mindreader crack) 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0 blkmagic
blkmagic Black Magic 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0
blksage Black Sage 1980 Poly-Versa-Technology Software Yes 1 0
blksmmfl Blacksmith Market Falcons 1981 <unknown> Yes 1 0
bltzkrig Blitzkrieg 1979 Programma Software Yes 1 0
bnckmgcr The Bouncing Kamungas (cracked) 1983 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
bngobash Bongo's Bash 1984 John Romero Yes 1 0
bolocr Bolo (cracked) 1982 Synergistic Software Yes 1 0
bolo Bolo 1982 Synergistic Software Yes 1 0
bombal93 Bomb Alley (ProDOS) 1993 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
bombaly Bomb Alley 19?? Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
bonsbais Bons Baisers D'outre Tombe 19?? Timothee Herpin - Oliver Gisselbrecht Yes 2 0
borgcr Borg (cracked) 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
borders Borders 1983 Gesher Educational Affiliates Yes 1 0
bothbrls Both Barrels 19?? Sirius Software Yes 1 0
boxworld Box World 2004 Ventzislav Tzvetkov Yes 1 0
bpgscr Blue Powder, Grey Smoke (cracked) 19?? Garde Yes 2 0
bruceleea Bruce Lee (Black Bag crack, alt) 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0 brucelee
brucelee Bruce Lee (Black Bag crack) 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0
brdgchal Bridge Challenger 1978 Georges Duisman Yes 1 0
brdsdcra Broadsides (cracked) 1983 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
brdsdcrb Broadsides (crack, alt) 1983 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
brdsdscr Broadsides (crack, alt b) 1983 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
brdsds Broadsides 1983 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
breakout Breakout 19?? Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
brimstn Brimstone 1985 Synapse Software Yes 3 0
brkardn Breakthrough in the Ardennes (v1.1) 1984 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 2 0
brkbanka Break the Bank! (alt) 1983 Gentry Software Yes 1 0
brkbank Break the Bank! 1983 Gentry Software Yes 1 0
brktrgha Breaktrough (alt) 19?? <unknown> Yes 1 0
brktrgh Breaktrough 19?? <unknown> Yes 1 0
brmdrace The Bermuda Race 1983 Sams Software Yes 1 0
brnmach The Brain Machine 1986 Softdisk Yes 2 0
brnzdgs2 Bronze Dragon Side II 1986 Commonweaalth Yes 2 0
brnzdrgn Bronze Dragon 1985 Connonwealth Yes 5 0
brpozcra Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (crack, alt) 1984 Sega Yes 1 0
brpozcr Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (cracked) 1984 Sega Yes 1 0
brwdtime Borrowed Time 1985 Activision Yes 2 0
brwdtmcr Borrowed Time (cracked) 1985 Activision Yes 2 0
bstbdgea The Best of Bill Budge (alt) 1979 Bill Budge Yes 1 0
bstbdge The Best of Bill Budge 1979 Bill Budge Yes 1 0
bublhdcr Bubble-Head (cracked) 1983 Tellus Systems Yes 1 0
bucksa Bucks! (alt) 1984 Bruce Jaeger Yes 1 0
bucksb Bucks! (alt 2) 1984 Bruce Jaeger Yes 1 0
bucks Bucks! 1984 Bruce Jaeger Yes 1 0
bugatk Bug Attack 1981 Cavalier Computer Yes 1 0
byfloppy Beyond Floppy 19?? Greg Hale - Ted Cohn Yes 1 0
byndcwlf Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1984 Muse Software Yes 1 0
bypinbll Beyond Pinball (cracked) 1986 Dark Logic Yes 1 0
byzork Beyond Zork 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
lebunker Le Bunker 1984 Sylvain Fatome Yes 1 0
caddraw Caddraw 1985 Kitchen Sink Software Yes 1 0
calcman Calc-Man 1982 Softdisk Magazette Yes 1 0
calraisn California Raisins and the Cereal Factory 1988 Box Office Software Yes 2 0
canbalbz Cannon Ball Blitz 1982 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
captckoo Captain Cuckoo (cracked) 1984 Kurt and Yan Software Yes 2 0
captgngt Captain Goodnight (cracked) 1985 Broderbund Yes 2 0
captgnt Captain Goodnight 1985 Broderbund Yes 2 0
captpwr Captain Power 1987 Box Office Software Yes 2 0
cardshk2 Card Shark II 1985 Paul M. Zelman Yes 2 0
cardshks Card Sharks 1988 Sharedata Yes 2 0
cardshrk Card Shark 19?? Paul M. Zelman Yes 1 0
carrierf Carrier Force 1983 Strategic Studies Group Yes 1 0
cartels Cartels and Cutthroats (cracked) 1981 Strategic Studies Group Yes 1 0
caverncr Cavern Creatures 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
cavesoly The Caves of Olympus 1982 Sams Software Yes 1 0
cavetime The Cave of Time 1985 <unknown> Yes 2 0
cazureb Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Curse of the Azure Bonds 1989 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 8 0
chalicem The Chalice of Mostania 1985 Coastal Software Yes 4 0
chesms2k The Chessmaster 2000 1986 The Software Toolworks Yes 2 0
chess70 Chess 7.0 1982 Odesta Yes 1 0
chez21 Chez 21 1983 Microlon Yes 1 0
chindrgn Chinese Dragon 1985 <unknown> Yes 1 0
chipwits Chipwits 1985 Brainpower Yes 1 0
chivalry Chivalry 1983 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
chmpbbal Championship Baseball 1986 Activision Yes 2 0
chmpgmbl Championship Gambler v3.6 1986 Green Valley Publishing Yes 1 0
chmpgolf Championship Golf 1982 Hayden Software Yes 1 0
chmpkryn Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Champions of Krynn 1990 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 7 0
choplftr Choplifter 1982 Broderbund Yes 1 0
chronowr Chrono Warrior 19?? <unknown> Yes 1 0
chyeager Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
citeperd La Cite Perdue 19?? Excalibur Yes 2 0
clastrug Class Struggle 1985 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
closaslt Close Assault 19?? Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
clubcsno Club Casino 19?? Keypunch Software Yes 1 0
cluemstd Clue Master Detective 1989 Virgin Mastertronic International Yes 2 0
cmpairct Computer Air Combat 1980 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cmpairna Computer Air Combat - New Aircraft 198? Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cmpambsh Computer Ambush 1982 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cmpbaseb Computer Baseball 1981 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cmpbsmrk Computer Bismarck 1980 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cmpcnfl Computer Conflict 1980 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cmpnapol Computer Napoleonics 1980 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cmpqb Computer Quarterback 1981 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cnfl2500 Conflict 2500 1981 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
cnqwrlds Conquering Worlds 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
cntralnc The Centauri Alliance 198? Broderbund Yes 6 0
cntycarn County Carnival 19?? Dan Illowsky Yes 1 0
coloncqt Colonial Conquest 1985 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
colorix Colorix 2004 Ventzislav Tzvetkov Yes 1 0
compkrte Competition Karate 1984 Motivated Software Yes 2 0
conglcld Conglomerates Collide 1981 Rockroy Yes 1 0
congobng Congo Bongo (cracked) 1983 Sega Yes 1 0
cosmicb2 The Cosmic Balance 2 1986 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cosmicb The Cosmic Balance 1982 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 1 0
cptsrbrs Copts and Robbers 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
crazymcy Crazy Maczy 19?? <unknown> Yes 1 0
crctcnda Cross Country Canada 1986 Didatech Yes 2 0
crctusa Cross Country USA 1985 Didatech Yes 2 0
crikteer Cricketeer 1982 The Software Farm Yes 1 0
crimeprk Le Crime du Parking 1985 Froggy Software Yes 2 0
crimscwn The Crimson Crown 1985 Polarware Yes 2 0
crimstpr Crime Stopper 1982 Imaginative Systems Yes 1 0
crisis Crisis 1984 Med Ed Yes 1 0
critmass Critical Mass 198? Sirius Software Yes 2 0
crkdoom Crack of Doom 19?? <unknown> Yes 2 0
crmnpnsh Crime and Punishment 1984 Jack Kress and Graeme Newman Yes 1 0
hra3cman Hi-Res Adventure #3: Cranston Manor 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
croscity Cross City 1986 Computing Age Yes 1 0
crosfire Crossfire 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
crosword Crossword 1980 Softape Yes 1 0
crratwar Carriers at War 1984 Strategic Studies Group Yes 2 0
crswmagc Crossword Magic 1980 Computerware Yes 2 0
crtcirct Court Circuit 1990 Logo Yes 2 0
crtlcth Cartels and Cuttthroats 1981 Strategic Studies Group Yes 1 0
crtrvntr Creature Venture 1981 HIghland Computer Services Yes 1 0
crush Crush - Crumble and Chomp! 1981 Epyx Yes 1 0
cryptmda Crypt of Medea 1983 Sir-Tech Yes 1 0
crypt Crypt 1982 Crystalware Yes 2 0
cstldrkn Castles of Darkness 1981 Michael J. Cashen Yes 1 0
cstlsmrf Castle Smurfenstein 1981 Dead Smurf Yes 1 0
cstlwolf Castle Wolfenstein 1981 Muse Software Yes 1 0
cubcttt Cubic Tic Tac Toe 1985 Silver Bullet Systems Yes 1 0
cursecmn The Curse of Crowley Manor 1980 Adventure International Yes 1 0
cvrncsto Caverns of Callisto (CCB crack) 1983 Origin Systems Yes 1 0
cvrnsfrt The Caverns of Freitag (cracked) 1982 Muse Software Yes 1 0
cvtdmirr The Coveted Mirror 1983 Penguin Software Yes 2 0
cyborg Cyborg 1981 Sentient Software Yes 1 0
cybrches Cyberchess 19?? Cyber Enterprises Yes 1 0
cytrnmst Cytron Masters 1982 Strategic Studies Group Yes 1 0
amfv A Mind Forever Voyaging 1985 Infocom Yes 2 0
aplinvdr Apple Invader 1981 Creative Computing Yes 1 0
aplpanic Apple Panic 1981 Broderbund Yes 1 0
applevsn Apple Vision 1978 Apple Computer, Inc. Yes 1 0
arctfox Arctic Fox 1986 Dynamix / Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
arkanoi2 Arkanoid 2 (level hack of cracked Arkanoid) 1988 Hack Yes 1 0
arthur Arthur: The Quest For Excalibur 1989 Infocom Yes 5 0
ballyhoo Ballyhoo 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
beachead Beach-Head 1985 Access Software Yes 1 0
bnaplmnr Beneath Apple Manor 1979 The Software Factory Yes 1 0
bopnwrst Bop'n Wrestle 1986 Mindscape Yes 1 0
brdrzone Border Zone 1987 Infocom Yes 2 0
burcracy Bureaucracy 1987 Infocom Yes 3 0
carmneur Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? 1988 Broderbund Yes 2 0
carmnusa Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? 1986 Broderbund Yes 2 0
carmnwld Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? 1985 Broderbund Yes 2 0
confviet Conflict in Vietnam 1986 MIcroProse Yes 2 0
cuthroat Cutthroats 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
dambstrs Dam Busters 1985 Accolade Yes 1 0
deadline Deadline 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
drol Drol 1983 Broderbund Yes 1 0
dungeon Dungeon! 1982 TSR Hobbies Yes 1 0
dvmidmgc David's Midnight Magic 1981 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
elimintr Eliminator 1981 John Anderson Yes 1 0
elite Elite 1985 Firebird Yes 1 0
enchantr Enchanter 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
f15se F-15 Strike Eagle 1985 Microprose Yes 1 0
fooblzky Fooblitzky 1985 Infocom Yes 1 0
fs1 FS1 Flight Simulator 1979 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
gamemaker Gamemaker 1985 Activision Yes 1 0
gauntlet Gauntlet 1986 Mindscape Yes 2 0
georgvar The Georgia Variations 1984 Gesher Educational Affiliates Yes 5 0
gijoe G.I. Joe 1985 Epyx Yes 2 0
goonies The Goonies 1985 Datasoft Yes 1 0
hhgg Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
hollywhj Hollywood Hijinx 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
ikari Ikari Warriors 1986 SNK Corporation Yes 2 0
impmisn Impossible Mission 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0
ijtmepdm Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (club 96 crack) 1989 Mindscape Yes 2 0
infidel Infidel 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
jawbrkr Jawbreaker 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
jetpack Jet Pack 19?? <unknown> Yes 1 0
journey Journey 1989 Infocom Yes 5 0
joust Joust 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
krtechm Karate Champ 1985 Data East / Berkeley Softworks Yes 1 0
karateka Karateka 1984 Broderbund Yes 2 0
lunleep Lunar Leepers 1982 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
lgop Leather Goddesses of Phobos 1986 Infocom Yes 2 0
lnc Lock 'n Chase 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
loderunr Lode Runner 1983 Broderbund Yes 1 0
lurkhorr The Lurking Horror 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
madden John Madden Football 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
mario Mario Bros. 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
midi8pl1 MIDI/8 Plus 1984 Passport Designs Yes 1 0
midi8pl MIDI/8 Plus (v1.2) 1984 Passport Designs Yes 1 0
mightmg1 Might and Magic 1986 New World Computing Yes 4 0
minesttn Mines of Titan 1989 Infocom Yes 2 0
minizork Mini Zork I: The Great Underground Empire 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
moonmist Moonmist 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
mpatrol Moon Patrol 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
mstrtrks Master Tracks (v1.8) 1985 Passport Designs Yes 1 0
hra1mysh Hi-Res Adventure #1: Mystery House 1980 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
natocmdr NATO Commander 1984 Microprose Yes 1 0
nibbler Nibbler 1983 Datasoft / Rock-Ola Yes 1 0
nightmsn Night Mission Pinball 1981 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
nordbert Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It 1987 Infocom Yes 2 0
noshkosh Nosh Kosh 1983 Gesher Educational Affiliates Yes 1 0
olympdec Olympic Decathalon 1981 Microsoft Yes 1 0
oregontr The Oregon Trail 1985 M.E.C.C. Yes 2 0
pinbcset Pinball Construction Set 1983 Electronic Arts / BudgeCo Yes 1 0
pirates Pirates! 1987 Microprose Yes 2 0
plndhrts Plundered Hearts 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
plntfall Planetfall 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
por Pool of Radiance 1989 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Yes 9 0
rescraid Rescue Raiders 1984 Sir-Tech Yes 1 0
robocop Robocop 1988 Data East Yes 2 0
robotron Robotron: 2084 (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
rstrblst Raster Blaster 1981 BudgeCo Yes 1 0
sabotage Sabotage 1982 Mark Allen Yes 1 0
sammyltf Sammy Lightfoot 1983 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
saracen Saracen 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0
seadragn Sea Dragon 1982 Adventure International Yes 1 0
seastlkr Seastalker 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
sevencts Seven Cities of Gold 1984 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
shogun James Clavell's Shogun 1989 Infocom Yes 5 0
silntsvc Silent Service 1985 Microprose Yes 1 0
skicrzed Ski Crazed 1987 Baudville / JAM Software (Naughty Dog) Yes 1 0
snackatk Snack Attack 19?? <unknown> Yes 1 0
snakebyt Snake Byte 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
soloflt Solo Flight 1984 Microprose Yes 1 0
sorcerer Sorcerer 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
spaceark Space Ark 1983 Datamost Yes 2 0
spectre Spectre 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
spelbrkr Spellbreaker 1985 Infocom Yes 1 0
spyhunt Spy Hunter 1983 Bally/Midway Yes 1 0
spyvsspy Spy Vs. Spy 1984 First Star Software Yes 1 0
starblzr Star Blazer 1981 Star Craft Yes 1 0
starcros Starcross 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
stargate Stargate (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
startrek Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator 1983 Sega Yes 1 0
starwrrr Star Warrior 1981 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
statnfal Stationfall 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
stellar7 Stellar 7 1983 Software Entertainment Company Yes 1 0
sumrgame Summer Games 1984 Epyx Yes 2 0
sundog Sundog: Frozen Legacy (v2) 1983 FTL Yes 2 0
suspect The Suspect: An Interactive Mystery 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
suspnded Suspended 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
swshbckl Swashbuckler 1981 Datamost Yes 1 0
szaxxon Super Zaxxon 1983 Sega Yes 1 0
talon Talon 1983 Broderbund Yes 1 0
testdrv Test Drive 1988 Accolade Yes 2 0
thexder Thexder (The Blade crack) 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 2 0
thrshold Threshold 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
toyshop The Toy Shop 1986 Broderbund Yes 6 0
trinity Trinity 1986 Infocom Yes 2 0
trkfield Track and Field (Atarisoft) 1984 Atari Yes 1 0
ultima1cpc Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (California Pacific Computer Company) 1980 California Pacific Computer Company Yes 2 0 ultima1
ultima1 Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (Ultima Trilogy: Origin Systems) 1986 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
ultima2on Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress (On-Line Systems) 1982 On-Line Systems Yes 4 0 ultima2
ultima2 Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress (Ultima Trilogy: Origin Systems) 1986 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
ultima3o Ultima III: Exodus 1983 Origin Systems Yes 2 0 ultima3
ultima3 Ultima III: Exodus (Ultima Trilogy) 1986 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
ultima4 Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar 1985 Origin Systems Yes 4 0
ultima5 Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny 1988 Origin Systems Yes 8 0
wastelnd Wasteland 1988 Electronic Arts / Interplay Yes 4 0
wavynavy Wavy Navy 1982 Sirius Yes 1 0
willybyt Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension 1984 Data Trek Yes 2 0
wishbrgr Wishbringer 1985 Infocom Yes 1 0
witness The Witness 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
wizrdry1 Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord 1981 Sir-Tech Yes 2 0
wizrdry2 Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds 1982 Sir-Tech Yes 2 0
wizrdry3 Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn 1983 Sir-Tech Yes 2 0
wizrdry4 Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna 1987 Sir-Tech Yes 6 0
wizrdry5 Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom 1988 Sir-Tech Yes 9 0
wntrgame The Games: Winter Edition 1988 Epyx Yes 5 0
wof Wings of Fury 1987 Broderbund Yes 2 0
zork2 Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz 1981 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork3 Zork III: The Dungeon Master 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkzero Zork Zero 1989 Infocom Yes 4 0
zork Zork I: The Great Underground Empire 1980 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorro Zorro 1985 Datasoft Yes 1 0
avdemuf Advanced Demuffin (version 1.5) 2014 4AM Yes 1 0
stkoba40 Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative (Version 4.0) 1985 Paramount Pictures Yes 4 0
olemerld Olin in Emerald 1984 Adventure International Yes 2 0
bestmuse Best of Muse (16 Sector + LC Patch) 1988 The Best of Muse Software Yes 1 0
lauren25 Lauren of the 25th Century 1985 Addison-Wesley Yes 1 0