Apple II original disks

Short name: apple2_flop_orig
Total: 1800
Supported: 1799 (99.9%)
Partially supported: 0 (0.0%)
Unsupported: 1 (0.1%)


Short name
ace100 Franklin ACE 100 1982 Franklin Computer compatible
ace1000 Franklin ACE 1000 1982 Franklin Computer compatible
ace2200 Franklin ACE 2200 1985 Franklin Computer compatible
ace500 Franklin ACE 500 1986 Franklin Computer compatible
albert Albert 1984 Albert Computers, Inc. compatible
am100 AM100 198? ASEM S.p.A. compatible
am64 AM 64 1985 ASEM compatible
apple2 Apple ][ 1977 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c Apple //c 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0 Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0de Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Germany) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0fr Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, France) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0se Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Sweden) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c0uk Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, UK) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3 Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3de Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Germany) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3fr Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, France) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3se Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Sweden) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c3uk Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, UK) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4 Apple //c (rev 4) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4de Apple //c (rev 4, Germany) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4fr Apple //c (rev 4, France) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4se Apple //c (rev 4, Sweden) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2c4uk Apple //c (rev 4, UK) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cde Apple //c (Germany) 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cfr Apple //c (France) 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cp Apple //c Plus 1988 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cse Apple //c (Sweden) 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2cuk Apple //c (UK) 1984 Apple Computer compatible
apple2e Apple //e 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ede Apple //e (Germany) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ee Apple //e (enhanced) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2eede Apple //e (enhanced, Germany) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2eefr Apple //e (enhanced, France) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ees Apple //e (Spain) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2eese Apple //e (enhanced, Sweden) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2eeuk Apple //e (enhanced, UK) 1985 Apple Computer compatible
apple2efr Apple //e (France) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ep Apple //e (Platinum) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2epde Apple //e (Platinum, Germany) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2epfr Apple //e (Platinum, France) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2epse Apple //e (Platinum, Sweden) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2epuk Apple //e (Platinum, UK) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2ese Apple //e (Sweden) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2euk Apple //e (UK) 1983 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gs Apple IIgs (ROM03) 1989 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsmt Apple IIgs (1991 Mark Twain prototype) 1991 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr0 Apple IIgs (ROM00) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr0p Apple IIgs (ROM00 prototype 6/19/1986) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr0p2 Apple IIgs (ROM00 prototype 3/10/1986) 1986 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr1 Apple IIgs (ROM01) 1987 Apple Computer compatible
apple2gsr3p Apple IIgs (ROM03 prototype) 198? Apple Computer compatible
apple2jp Apple ][ J-Plus 1980 Apple Computer compatible
apple2p Apple ][+ 1979 Apple Computer compatible
basis108 Basis 108 1982 Basis compatible
cec2000 China Education Computer 2000 1991 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
cece China Education Computer E 1989 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
cecg China Education Computer G 1989 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
ceci China Education Computer I 1987 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
cecm China Education Computer M 1989 Shaanxi Province Computer Factory compatible
craft2p Craft II+ 1982 Craft compatible
dodo Do-Do 198? GTAC compatible
elppa Elppa II+ 198? Victor do Brasil compatible
hkc8800a HKC 8800A 1984 China HKC compatible
ivelultr Ivel Ultra 1984 Ivasim compatible
las128e2 Laser 128ex2 (version 6.1) 1988 Video Technology compatible
las128ex Laser 128ex (version 4.5) 1988 Video Technology compatible
laser128 Laser 128 1987 Video Technology compatible
laser128o Laser 128 (original hardware) 1987 Video Technology compatible
laser2c Laser //c 1985 Milmar compatible
maxxi Maxxi 1982 Polymax compatible
microeng Micro Engenho 1982 Spectrum Eletronica (SCOPUS) compatible
mprof3 Microprofessor III 1983 Multitech compatible
prav82 Pravetz 82 1982 Pravetz compatible
prav8c Pravetz 8C 1989 Pravetz compatible
prav8m Pravetz 8M 1985 Pravetz compatible
space84 Space 84 1985 ComputerTechnik/IBS compatible
spectred Spectrum ED 1985? Scopus/Spectrum compatible
tk3000 TK3000//e 1986 Microdigital compatible
uniap2en Unitron AP II (in English) 1982 Unitron Eletronica compatible
uniap2pt Unitron AP II (in Brazilian Portuguese) 1982 Unitron Eletronica compatible
uniap2ti Unitron AP II+ (Teclado Inteligente) 1984 Unitron Eletronica compatible
zijini Zi Jin I 1989 Nanjing Computer Factory compatible


Short name
Bad dumps
agentusa Agent USA 1984 Scholastic Yes 1 0
alambush Alien Ambush 1981 Micro Distributors Yes 1 0
ankh Ankh 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
archon Archon: The Light and The Dark 1984 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
archon2 Archon II: Adept 1985 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
ardyardv Ardy the Aardvark 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
autobahn Autobahn 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
axisassn Axis Assassin 1982 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
aztec Aztec 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
baddudes Bad Dudes 1988 Data East USA Yes 2 0
ballblaz Ballblazer 1985 Epyx Yes 1 0
batman Batman: The Caped Crusader 1985 Data East USA Yes 2 0
bellhop Bellhop 1982 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
belwrt Below the Root 1984 Hayden Book Company Yes 2 0
bilestod The Bilestoad 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
boa Boa 1983 Micro Magic Yes 1 0
bugbattl Bug Battle 1982 United Software of America Yes 1 0
ceilzero Ceiling Zero 1981 Turnkey Software Yes 1 0
commando Commando 1987 Data East USA Yes 1 0
conan Conan 1984 Datasoft Yes 2 0
congobng Congo Bongo 1987 SEGA Enterprises Yes 1 0
cnqwrlds Conquering Worlds 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
cptsrbrs Copts and Robbers 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
counfair County Fair 1981 Datamost Yes 1 0
crmazey Crazy Mazey 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
cubit Cubit 1983 Micromax Yes 1 0
cybrstrk Cyber Strike 1980 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
dambstrs The Dam Busters 1985 Accolade Yes 1 0
deathswd Death Sword 1987 Epyx Yes 1 0
destroyr Destroyer 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0
dinoeggs Dino Eggs 1983 Micro Fun Yes 1 0
divebmbr Dive Bomber 1988 Epyx Yes 1 0
dungbeet Dung Beetles 1982 Datasoft Yes 1 0
teidolon The Eidolon 1985 Epyx Yes 1 0
epoch Epoch 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
factory The Factory 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
fnight Fight Night 1985 Accolade Yes 1 0
fs2v20 Flight Simulator II (v2.0) 1985 Accolade Yes 1 0
flipout Flip Out 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
frce7woz Force 7 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0
f1racer Formula 1 Racer 1983 Gentry Software Yes 1 0
freefall Free Fall 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
frogger2 Frogger II: Threedeep 1984 SEGA Enterprises Yes 1 0
frntline Frontline 1982 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
gijoe G.I. Joe 1985 Epyx Yes 2 0
tgsumed The Games - Summer Edition 1988 Epyx Yes 4 0
gato GATO 1985 Spectrum Holobyte Yes 1 0
goonies The Goonies 1985 Datasoft Yes 1 0
heist The Heist 1983 Micro Fun Yes 1 0
hero HERO - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation 1983 Activision Yes 1 0
hadron Hadron 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
hardball Hardball 1985 Accolade Yes 1 0
headon Head On 1980 California Pacific Computers Yes 1 0
highrise High Rise 1983 Micro Fun Yes 1 0
ikari Ikari Warriors 1983 Data East USA Yes 2 0
victroad Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Road 1981 Sirius Software Yes 2 0
impmiss2 Impossible Mission II 1988 Epyx Yes 2 0
igprix International Gran Prix 1982 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
thejet The Jet 1986 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
1on1 Julius Erving and Larry Bird Go One on One 1983 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
krtechm Karate Champ 1985 Data East Yes 1 0
kidniki Kid Niki 1987 Data East Yes 2 0
kingfact The Kingdom of Facts 1985 Adventure International Yes 2 0
kungfum Kung Fu Master 1985 Data East Yes 1 0
lacrkdwn L.A. Crackdown 1988 Epyx Yes 2 0
lnc Lock 'n Chase 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
losttomb Lost Tomb 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0
marble Marble Madness 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
marscars Mars Cars 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
matezone Mating Zone 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
megabots Megabots 1986 Neosoft Yes 1 0
mightmg1 Might and Magic 1986 New World Computing Yes 4 0
amfvr77 A Mind Forever Voyaging (Release 77 / 850814) 1985 Infocom Yes 2 0
mirv MIRV 1982 Level-10 Yes 1 0
mnymunch Money Muncher 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
monterev Montezuma's Revenge 1984 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
mypscrab Monty Plays Scrabble 4.0 1984 Ritam Corporation Yes 1 0
movimons The Movie Monster Game 1986 Epyx Yes 2 0
mrdo Mr. Do 1985 Datasoft Yes 1 0
mrrobot Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory 1984 Datamost Yes 1 0
nightmsn Night Mission Pinball 1982 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
nstalker Night Stalker 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
orbitron Orbitron 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
ormine O'Riley's Mine 1981 Datasoft Yes 1 0
outpost Outpost 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
phantom5 Phantoms Five 1980 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
photar Photar 1981 Softape Yes 1 0
pparanoi Picnic Paranoia 1982 Synapse Software Yes 1 0
pitfall2 Pitfall II: Lost Caverns 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
pitstop2 Pitstop II 1984 Epyx Yes 1 0
plnflr10 Planetfall (Release 10 / 880531) 1988 Infocom Yes 2 0
plasmnia Plasmania 1983 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
platoon Platoon 1988 Data East USA Yes 2 0
pool15 Pool 1.5 1981 Innovative Design Software, Inc. Yes 1 0
pooyan Pooyan 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0
radwarr Rad Warrior 1987 Epyx Yes 1 0
rampage Rampage 1988 Activision Yes 1 0
reargard Rearguard 1982 Adventure International Yes 1 0
rstrblst Raster Blaster 1981 BudgeCo Yes 1 0
repton Repton 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
robocop RoboCop 1988 Data East USA Yes 2 0
roadblock Roadblock 1982 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
rabout Roundabout 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
russduck Russki Duck 1982 Gebelli Software Yes 1 0
sargon3 Sargon III 1983 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
seadragn Sea Dragon 1982 Adventure International Yes 1 0
shdwkeep Shadowkeep 1983 Trillium Yes 4 0
shanghai Shanghai 1986 Activision Yes 1 0
shuflbrd Shuffleboard 1981 IDSI Yes 1 0
skyfox Skyfox 1984 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
snackatk Snack Attack 1981 Datamost Yes 1 0
snakebyt Snake Byte 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
sneakers Sneakers 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
spaceggs Space Eggs 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
spraid20 Space Raiders version 2 1983 U.S.A. Software Yes 1 0
spidrbot Spiderbot 1988 Epyx Yes 1 0
spindizy Spindizzy 1986 Activision Yes 1 0
spyhunt Spy Hunter 1983 Bally Midway Yes 1 0
spyvspy3 Spy vs Spy III: Arctic Antics 1983 Bally Midway Yes 1 0
starcrsr Star Cruiser 1980 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
starthf Star Thief 1981 Cavalier Computer Yes 1 0
ssbaseb Street Sports Baseball 1987 Epyx Yes 1 0
ssbasket Street Sports Basketball 1987 Epyx Yes 2 0
ssfootb Street Sports Football 1988 Epyx Yes 2 0
sssoccer Street Sports Soccer 1988 Epyx Yes 1 0
subatsim Sub Battle Simulator 1986 Epyx Yes 2 0
suicide Suicide 1981 Piccadilly Software Yes 1 0
sumrgame Summer Games 1984 Epyx Yes 2 0
swshbckl Swashbuckler 1981 Datamost Yes 1 0
swfrobin Swiss Family Robinson 1984 Windham Classics Yes 1 0
ttwrestl Tag Team Wrestling 1986 Data East USA Yes 1 0
apshaitr Temple of Apshai Trilogy 1985 Epyx Yes 1 0
testdrv Test Drive 1985 Accolade Yes 2 0
tetr128k Tetris (128K version) 1987 Spectrum HoloByte Yes 1 0
thartunn Tharolian Tunnels 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
thunchop Thunderchopper 1987 ActionSoft Yes 1 0
tomahawk Tomahawk 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0
tricksht Trick Shot 1981 IDSI Yes 2 0
triviafv Trivia Fever 1984 Professional Software Yes 2 0
tubeway2 Tubeway II 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
twerps Twerps 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
upndown Up 'N Down 1981 Bally Midway Yes 1 0
vindicat Vindicator 1983 H.A.L. Labs Yes 1 0
wavynavy Wavy Navy 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
wayout Wayout 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
wishbr23 Wishbringer (Release 23 / 880706) 1988 Infocom Yes 2 0
wkchamp World Karate Championship 1986 Epyx Yes 1 0
wgbbg The World's Greatest Baseball Game 1984 Epyx Yes 1 0
wgfbg The World's Greatest Football Game 1985 Epyx Yes 2 0
zendar Zendar 1982 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
zorro Zorro 1985 Datasoft Yes 1 0
suprfact The Super Factory 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
eggsit Eggs-It 1982 Gebelli Software Yes 1 0
aklabeth Akalabeth 1980 California Pacific Computer Yes 1 0
gamgblin Gamma Goblins 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
grdsspac Gruds in Space 1983 Sirius Software Yes 2 0
muppetvl Muppetville 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
ernieqz Ernie's Quiz 1981 Apple Computer Yes 1 0
mixnmtch Mix and Match 1981 Apple Computer Yes 1 0
instzoo Instant Zoo 1981 Apple Computer Yes 1 0
spotlght Spotlight 1981 Apple Computers Yes 1 0
beerrun Beer Run 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
phaserfr Phaser Fire 1982 Gebelli Software Yes 1 0
bugatk Bug Attack 1981 Cavalier Computer Yes 1 0
alnlandr Alien Lander 1980 Sierra Software Yes 1 0
highorbt High Orbit 1982 Gebelli Software Yes 1 0
astfield The Asteroid Field 1980 Cavalier Computer Yes 1 0
ribbit Ribbit 1982 Piccadilly Software Yes 1 0
apoichip Apple-oids and Chipout 1981 California Pacific Computer Yes 1 0
spdrraid Spider Raid 1982 InSoft Yes 1 0
lazrsilk Lazer Silk 1982 Gebelli Software Yes 1 0
mazecraz Maze Craze Construction Set 1983 Data Trek Yes 1 0
esrngstn Escape From Rungistan 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
zaxxon Zaxxon 1983 Datasoft Yes 1 0
rboots40 Rocky's Boots (version 4.0) 1985 The Learning Company Yes 1 0
flocklnd The Flockland Island Crisis 1982 Vital Information Yes 1 0
starwrrr Star Warrior 1980 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
warpdstr Warp Destroyer 1982 Piccadilly Software Yes 1 0
suprbnny Super Bunny 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
typeattk Type Attack 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
kabulspy Kabul Spy 1981 Sirius Software Yes 2 0
peeptom Peeping Tom 1982 Micro Lab Yes 1 0
bldofbkp The Blade of Blackpoole 1982 Sirius Software Yes 2 0
btime BurgerTime 1982 Mattel Corporation Yes 1 0
robtdawn Robots of Dawn 1984 Epyx Yes 1 0
zork1r5 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (Revision 5) 1980 Personal Software Yes 1 0
msadvent Microsoft Adventure 1980 Microsoft Yes 1 0
mcinvadr Micro Invaders 1979 Programma Software Yes 1 0
blballmb Blister Ball and Mad Bomber 1981 Creative Computing Software Yes 1 0
mstypetr Typing Tutor 1979 Microsoft Yes 1 0
zyhearts Zykron Hearts 1986 Zykron Company Yes 1 0
grush82 Gold Rush (1982) (Sentient Software) 1982 Sentient Software Yes 1 0
naptune Neptune 1982 Gebelli Software Yes 1 0
wishbr68 Wishbringer (Release 68 / 850501) 1985 Infocom Yes 1 0
elite Elite 1985 Firebird Yes 1 0
epyxfore Fore 1982 Epyx Yes 1 0
gorgon Gorgon 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
hacker Hacker 1985 Activision Yes 1 0
impmisn Impossible Mission 1984 Epyx Yes 1 0
juggler Juggler 1982 IDSI Yes 1 0
sorcsiva Sorcerer of Siva 1981 epyx Yes 1 0
tfelimin Top Fuel Eliminator 1987 Activision Yes 1 0
zork2r7 Zork II (Revision 7 / UG3AU5) 1981 Infocom Yes 1 0
tonetown Tass Times in Tonetown 1986 Activision Yes 2 0
robotwar Robotwar 1981 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
firebug Firebug 1982 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
sndegypt The Sands of Egypt 1982 Datasoft Yes 1 0
buzzbait Buzzard Bait 1983 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
hbarrel Heavy Barrel 1989 Data East USA Yes 2 0
cutthr23 Cutthroats (Release 23 / 840809) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
trinr11 Trinity (Release 11 / 860509-2B) 1986 Infocom Yes 2 0
sfall107 Stationfall (Release 107 / 870430) 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
skicrzed Ski Crazed (version 28701) 1987 Baudville Yes 1 0
thief Thief 1981 Datamost Yes 1 0
alcazar Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress 1985 Activision Yes 1 0
rmplstsk Rumpelstiltskin 1987 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
thtreuro Theatre Europe 1986 Datasoft Yes 1 0
station5 Station 5 1984 Micro Fun Yes 1 0
chmpbase Championship Baseball 1986 Activision Yes 2 0
wizardoz The Wizard of Oz 1985 Windham Classics Yes 4 0
pentapus Pentapus 1983 Turning Point Software Yes 1 0
starcr17 Starcross (Revision 17 / 821021) 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
cavfreit The Caverns of Freitag 1982 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
airsim1 AIRSIM 1 1981 Mind Systems Yes 1 0
pipedrm Pipe Dream 1990 LucasFilm Games Yes 1 0
shrtcrct Short Circuit 1984 Micro Lab Yes 1 0
mnmistr9 Moonmist (Release 9 / 861022) 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
mmansion Maniac Mansion 1987 LucasFilm Games Yes 2 0
suspr14 Suspect (Release 14 / 841005) 1984 infocom Yes 1 0
spacshtl Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
tetrad Tetrad 1981 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
tsnbaseb The Sporting News: Baseball 1988 Epyx Yes 2 0
witnsr22 Witness (Release 22 / 840924) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
darklord Dark Lord 1987 Datasoft Yes 2 0
bthbarls Both Barrels 1980 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
escape Escape! 1981 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
congo Congo 1982 Sentient Software Yes 1 0
wrldwar3 World War III 1980 Crystalware Yes 1 0
nvrendst The Neverending Story 1985 Datasoft Yes 1 0
quad6112 Quadrant 6112 1982 Sensible Software Yes 1 0
bcryr116 Bureaucracy (Release 116 / 870602) 1987 Infocom Yes 2 0
maxwellm Maxwell Manor 1984 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
infidr22 Infidel (Release 22 / 830916) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
hhjnxr37 Hollywood Hijinx (Release 37 / 861215) 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
enchtr15 Enchanter (Release 15 / 831107) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
suspndr8 Suspended (Release 8 / 830521) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
mshopjr Math Shop Jr. 1989 Scholastic Yes 2 0
algeshop Algebra Shop 1987 Scholastic Yes 2 0
advmshop Advanced Math Shop 1987 Scholastic Yes 2 0
mathshop Math Shop 1986 Scholastic Yes 2 0
operfrog Operation: FROG 1984 Scholastic Yes 2 0
mclcsh MECC-A279 Lewis and Clark Stayed Home (version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 2 0
drruth Dr. Ruth's Computer Game of Good Sex 1986 Avalon Hill Yes 2 0
mcfreedm MECC-A315 Freedom! (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 2 0
alicwndr Alice in Wonderland 1985 Windham Classics Yes 2 0
moptown Moptown 1981 Advanced Learning Technology Yes 1 0
algpls1 Alge-Blaster Plus! (version 1.0) 1989 Davidson and Associates Yes 4 0
iscnwtng Sir Isaac Newton's Games 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
puzltnks Puzzle Tanks 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tipnflip Tip 'N Flip 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
racemdnt Race For Midnight 1981 Avant-Garde Creations Yes 1 0
mablmans Mabel's Mansion 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
alabyrnt Labyrinth: The Computer Game (Lucasfilm Games) 1986 Activision Yes 2 0
arctfox Arcticfox 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
injrengn Injured Engine 1984 Imagic Yes 2 0
mndshadw Mindshadow 1985 Activision Yes 2 0
cstlwolf Castle Wolfenstein (1981 Version) 1981 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
wolf0684 Castle Wolfenstein (version 06/19/84) 1984 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
byndwolf Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1984 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
batlches Battle Chess 1990 Interplay Productions Yes 2 0
chipwits Chipwits 1985 Brainpower, Inc. Yes 1 0
sokoban Soko-Ban 1984 Spectrum HoloByte Yes 2 0
tuemorqu Tuesday Morning Quarterback 1981 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
chsm2100 The Fidelity Chessmaster 2100 1988 The Software Toolworks Yes 2 0
sndsmars The Sands of Mars 1980 Crystal Software Yes 2 0
dogfight Dogfight 1980 Micro Lab Yes 1 0
roachmtl Roach Hotel 1981 Micro Lab Yes 1 0
rckyhrps The Rocky Horror Show 1986 Activision Yes 1 0
phmpegas PHM Pegasus 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
crossbow Crossbow 1988 Absolute Entertainment Yes 2 0
successn Succession 1982 Piccadilly Software Yes 1 0
istrflt1 Star Fleet 1: The War Begins 1984 Interstel Yes 2 0
smbprtwd Super Mario Bros. Print World 1991 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 2 0
olemerld Olin in Emerald 1984 Adventure International Yes 2 0
oilrig Oil Rig 1981 C.P.U. Software Yes 1 0
mlkdsdsk Muppet Learning Keys: The Muppet Discovery Disk 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
crmstopr Crime Stopper 1982 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
tapper Tapper 1984 Bally Midway Yes 1 0
spckadet Space Kadet 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
wntgames Winter Games 1985 Epyx Yes 2 0
aplstinv Apple Stellar Invaders 1980 Apple Computer Yes 1 0
alibi Alibi 1981 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
reversal Reversal 1980 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
hntpalac The Haunted Palace 1982 Crystalware Yes 2 0
dogfght2 Dogfight II 1981 Micro Lab Yes 1 0
pulsar2 Pulsar ][ 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
gohayden Go (Hayden) 1982 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
gbusters Ghostbusters 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
galwars Galactic Wars 1980 Apple Computer Yes 1 0
guderian Guderian 1986 The Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
eqsf1906 Earthquake: San Francisco 1906 1982 Adventure International Yes 2 0
ltlcmppl Little Computer People 1985 Activision Yes 2 0
pndrabox Pandora's Box 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
vidvegas Video Vegas (version 12501) 1985 Baudville Yes 1 0
phmdrock Physics of Model Rocketry 1987 Estes Industries Yes 2 0
howwest How The West Was One + Three x Four 1987 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
deadlr26 Deadline (Release 26 / 821108) 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
gulfstrk Gulf Strike 1985 The Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
mghtmgc2 Might and Magic Book Two 1988 New World Computing Yes 6 0
rlmimpos Realm of Impossibility 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
appiledu Appilot Edu-Disk 1978 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
brplzoom Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom 1984 Sega Enterprises Yes 1 0
pharrevg Pharaoh's Revenge 1988 Publishing International Yes 2 0
mchess20 MicroChess (version 2.0) 1978 Personal Software Yes 1 0
chckrkng Checker King 1979 Personal Software Yes 1 0
gamgmblr Gammon Gambler 1979 Personal Software Yes 1 0
blmurder Bloody Murder 1979 Stoneware Yes 1 0
bestmuse The Best of MUSE 1980 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
btpyramd Beneath The Pyramids 1980 Crystalware Yes 1 0
aiasterd Asteroid 1980 Adventure International Yes 1 0
a2fs1 Flight Simulator I (A2-FS1) 1980 subLOGIC Yes 1 0
lordconq Lords of Conquest 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
emp3arma Empire III: Armageddon (version 1.1) 1983 Peachtree Software Yes 1 0
szaxxon Super Zaxxon 1984 Sega Yes 1 0
mstrlamp Master of the Lamps 1985 Activision Yes 1 0
modlrock In Search of Space: Introduction to Model Rocketry 1986 Estes Industries Yes 2 0
hacker2 Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers 1986 Activision Yes 1 0
lawofwst Law of the West 1985 Accolade Yes 1 0
lanemast Lane Mastodon vs. The Blubbermen 1988 Infocom Yes 2 0
krift Koronis Rift 1985 Epyx Yes 1 0
nordbert Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It (Release 19 / 870722) 1987 Infocom Yes 2 0
drugalrt Drug Alert! 1986 Methods and Solutions Yes 1 0
dinodayp Dinosaur Days Plus! 1988 Pelican Software Yes 4 0
nysiwit Now You See It, Now You Don't - Was it there? Was it missing? 1987 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
ecosim2 Ecology Simulations II 1979 Creative Computing Software Yes 1 0
portal Portal 1986 Activision Yes 6 0
eostatn Earth Orbit Stations 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 3 0
advent Adventure 1980 Apple Computer Yes 1 0
swdthrst SwordThrust 1981 CE Software Yes 7 0
redoctbr The Hunt for Red October 1988 Datasoft Yes 2 0
journey Journey (version 16) 1989 Infocom Yes 5 0
arthurqe Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur (version 17) 1989 Infocom Yes 5 0
brdstale The Bard's Tale 1985 Electronic Arts Yes 3 0
advconst Adventure Construction Set 1985 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
borg Borg 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
kingbnty King's Bounty 1990 New World Computing Yes 2 0
alpenctr The Alpine Encounter 1993 Random House Yes 2 0
grglobge Green Globs and Graphing Equations 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
sbgears Gears 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
intrgrph Interpreting Graphs 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
dwbatrup Dave Winfield's Batter Up! 1985 Avant-Garde Publishing Yes 2 0
dqhfwv1 Dunjonquest: Hellfire Warrior (version 1) 1980 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
dqhfwv2 Dunjonquest: Hellfire Warrior (version 2) 1980 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
dqhfwv3 Dunjonquest: Hellfire Warrior (version 3) 1980 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
shogun Shogun (version 09) 1988 Infocom Yes 5 0
zorkzero Zork Zero (version 14) 1989 Infocom Yes 4 0
tmpapsr1 Dunjonquest: The Temple of Apshai (Revision 1) 1979 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
tmpapsr2 Dunjonquest: The Temple of Apshai (Revision 2) 1979 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
tmpapsr3 Dunjonquest: The Temple of Apshai (Revision 3) 1979 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
tmpapsr4 Dunjonquest: The Temple of Apshai (Revision 4) 1979 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
streksos Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator 1983 Sega Yes 1 0
tramazon Amazon 1984 Trillium Yes 4 0
lrdskrma Lords of Karma 1981 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
newworld New World 1982 Epyx Yes 1 0
qstscltr Quest for the Scarlet Letter 1982 Superior Software Yes 1 0
cubnftsy Cuban Fantasy 1982 Yukon Computer Products Yes 1 0
neuromnc Neuromancer 1988 Interplay Productions Yes 4 0
brck1798 The Breckenridge Caper of 1798 1982 Superior Software Yes 1 0
amnesia Amnesia 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
horizv Horizon V 1982 Gebelli Software Yes 1 0
crwnarth Crown of Arthain 1980 Micro Lab Yes 1 0
diamine Diamond Mine 1983 Roklan Corporation Yes 1 0
abyszone The Abyssal Zone 1984 Salty Software Yes 2 0
advprgkt Adventure Programming Kit (version 10.84) 1984 Salty Software Yes 1 0
lgcyanct Legacy of the Ancients 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
mingchal Ming's Challenge 1982 Micro Fun Yes 1 0
dragneye The Dragon's Eye 1981 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
trcrsnct The Tracer Sanction 1984 Activision Yes 2 0
sumrgms2 Summer Games II 1985 Epyx Yes 2 0
dallasq The Dallas Quest 1984 Datasoft Yes 2 0
specprpt Spectrum: Programs and Patterns 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
gencgame Generic Computer Games 1982 Huntington Computing Yes 1 0
trisland Treasure Island 1985 Windham Classics Yes 4 0
tmblbugs Tumble Bugs 1982 Datasoft Yes 1 0
alterego Alter Ego (male version) 1985 Activision Yes 6 0
altregof Alter Ego (female version) 1986 Activision Yes 6 0
mcckbook Micro Cookbook (version 3.00) 1987 Pinpoint Publishing Yes 14 0
typetut3 Typing Tutor III with Letter Invaders 1984 Simon and Schuster Yes 1 0
pmmandmr Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder 1985 Telarium Yes 4 0
murdmiss Murder on the Mississippi 1986 Activision Yes 2 0
elysflds The Elysian Fields and Other Greek Myths 1984 American Eagle Yes 2 0
crscrwmn The Curse of Crowley Manor 1981 Adventure International Yes 1 0
croschck Crosscheck 1986 Datasoft Yes 1 0
braingme The Brain Game 1984 The Millenium Group Yes 1 0
cntdsht Countdown to Shutdown 1985 Activision Yes 1 0
brdtale2 The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
jelwayqb John Elway's Quarterback 1987 Leland Corporation Yes 1 0
kavekark Kaves of Karkhan 1981 Level-10 Yes 1 0
triad Triad (version 1.0) 1983 Adventure International Yes 1 0
rescfrac Rescue on Fractalus 1985 Lucasfilm Yes 1 0
ladytut Lady Tut 1983 Progame Yes 2 0
willwisp Will O The Wisp 1983 General Masters Yes 1 0
suprhuey Super Huey 1985 Cosmi Yes 1 0
maddenfb John Madden Football 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
cindslpr Who Stole Cinderella's Slipper? (version 2.0) 1984 Book Lures Yes 1 0
minesttn Mines of Titan 1989 Infocom Yes 2 0
hobgrev Hobgoblin's Revenge 1987 Arthur Sweet Yes 2 0
alnmunch Alien Munchies 1983 Gentry Software Yes 1 0
mrlncstl Merlin's Castle 1983 General Masters Yes 1 0
latnhngm The Latin Hangman (Revision 1004) 1983 Unknown Yes 2 0
816pnt31 816/Paint (version 3.1) 1987 Baudville Yes 1 0
aliens Aliens 1987 Activision Yes 2 0
brdtale3 The Bard's Tale III: The Thief of Fate 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 4 0
tplogo11 Terrapin Logo Plus (version 1.1) 1988 Terrapin Yes 2 0
abm ABM 1980 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
microbe Microbe 1982 Synergistic Software Yes 2 0
frakfaeb Fraktured Faebles 1985 American Eagle Yes 2 0
ballyhr97 Ballyhoo (Release 97 / 851218) 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
chmpgolf Championship Golf 1982 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
dunjnqrn Dunjonquest: The Datestones of Ryn 1980 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
graforth GraFORTH 1981 Insoft Yes 1 0
ml5nega Micro-LADS 5: Negatives 1989 Laureate Learning Systems Yes 1 0
ml6deiex Micro-LADS 6: Deictic Expressions, Passive, WH-questions 1989 Laureate Learning Systems Yes 1 0
ml7prep2 Micro-LADS 7: Prepositions II 1989 Laureate Learning Systems Yes 1 0
lastglad The Last Gladiator 1983 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
incrdlab The Incredible Laboratory 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
odd1out Odd One Out 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
algplogc Algernon: An Introduction to Programming Logic 1987 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
persec11 The Personal Secretary (version 1.1) 1983 Sof/Sys, Inc. Yes 1 0
exsec42 The Executive Secretary (version 4.2) 1983 Sof/Sys, Inc. Yes 1 0
loblkslv The Legend of Blacksilver 1989 Epyx Yes 4 0
magmyths Magical Myths 1984 Unicorn Software Yes 1 0
mthscrmr Matterhorn Screamer 1988 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 1 0
dmnforge The Demon's Forge 1983 Boone Corporation Yes 1 0
ml1plnva Micro-LADS 1: Plurals and Noun/Verb Agreement 1989 Laureate Learning Systems Yes 1 0
ml2verbf Micro-LADS 2: Verb Forms 1989 Laureate Learning Systems Yes 1 0
ml3preps Micro-LADS 3: Prepositions 1989 Laureate Learning Systems Yes 1 0
ml4pron Micro-LADS 4: Pronouns 1989 Laureate Learning Systems Yes 1 0
bounce Bounce! 1988 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
brnsat2e Barron's SAT: 2nd Edition 1989 Barron's Educational Series Yes 12 0
brnsat1e Barron's SAT: 1st Edition 1983 Barron's Educational Series Yes 6 0
anhotel Animal Hotel 1985 Learning Technologies Yes 1 0
btwblue Behind The Wheel: Blue Level 1985 distributed by Methods and Solutions Yes 1 0
grbgang Garbage Gang ???? the Michigan Department of Public Resources Yes 2 0
wrabbt13 Writer Rabbit (version 1.3) 1987 The Learning Company Yes 2 0
pkrparat Poker Parat 1983 Gessler Educational Software Yes 1 0
deugddd Deutsche Grammatik: der-die-das 1986 Gessler Educational Software Yes 1 0
pthtacts Path Tactics (version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
pchmprs Picture Chompers (version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
hmakers History Makers (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
calgames California Games 1987 Epyx Yes 2 0
wrtgfct Wortgefect 1984 Gessler Educational Software No 2 0
ptpvowel2 Phonics Prime Time: Vowels II (version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
nmunch13 Number Munchers (version 1.3) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
prsprodf To Preserve, Protect and Defend (version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
tycoon21 Tycoon (version 2.1) 1985 Blue Chip Software Yes 2 0
clchess4 Colossus Chess IV 1986 Firebird Yes 1 0
gflcftbl GFL Championship Football 1987 Activision Yes 1 0
wldgames World Games 1987 Epyx Yes 4 0
7citygld The Seven Cities of Gold 1984 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
rcktfcty Rocket Factory (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
expchaos Exploring Chaos (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
wndlpzls Wonderland Puzzles (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
trs4sale Treasures for Sale (version 1.0) 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
tkchance Take a Chance! (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
pizza2go Pizza To Go (version 1.0) 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
movmusem Moving Museum (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
nutnabbr Nutrition Nabber (version 1.0) 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
fishschl Fish School (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
picastory Picture a Story (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
grmrmadn Grammar Madness (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
grmrgobl Grammar Gobble (version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
expseqsr Exploring Sequences and Series (version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
sunseasn Sun and Seasons (version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
livncell The Living Cell (version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
probsnim Problem Solving with Nim (version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
paprpilt Paper Plane Pilot (version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
5sfrcast Five-Star Forecast (version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
grmrtysh Grammar Toy Shop (version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
mrphminr Murphy's Minerals (version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
lunrgrnh Lunar Greenhouse (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
foslhntr Fossil Hunter (version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
weedtree Weeds to Trees (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
minrcave Miner's Cave (version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
exgaslws Exploring Gas Laws (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
invisbug Invisible Bugs (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
tmnavaw10 Time Navigator Around The World (version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 2 0
frcmnchr Fraction Munchers (version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
amzread1 Those Amazing Reading Machines I (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
amzread2 Those Amazing Reading Machines II (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
amzread3 Those Amazing Reading Machines III (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
measwrks Measure Works (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mnyworks Money Works (version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
wawcomp Words at Work: Compound It! (version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
wawcontr Words at Work: Contraction Action (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
wawprefp Words at Work: Prefix Power (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
wawsuffx Words at Work: Suffix Sense (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
pptblend Phonics Prime Time: Blends and Digraphs (version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
ppticons Phonics Prime Time: Initial Consonants (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
pptfcons Phonics Prime Time: Final Consonants (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
pptvow1 Phonics Prime Time: Vowels I (version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
mtarm410 Those Amazing Reading Machines IV (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
mspwm10 Speedway Math (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
mqflsh10 Quickflash! (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
jaws Jaws 1989 Box Office Software Yes 3 0
dawnpatr Dawn Patrol 1982 TSR Hobbies Yes 1 0
thesmino Theseus and the Minotaur 1982 TSR Hobbies Yes 1 0
dungeon Dungeon! 1982 TSR Hobbies Yes 1 0
wircppnc Write It Right! Capitalization and Punctuation 1990 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
valdaygr Valentine's Day Grump 1985 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
qstnba NBA (version 1.0) 1988 Avalon Hill Yes 1 0
techncop Techno Cop 1988 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0
nibbler Nibbler 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0
midmalad Midnight Malady 1981 Softsmith Yes 1 0
alfr32 Alf (version 3.2) 1987 Box Office Software Yes 1 0
lstninja The Last Ninja 1989 Activision Yes 2 0
applwrld Apple World 1980 United Software of America Yes 1 0
btcrshwk BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception 1989 Infocom Yes 2 0
apvatlan Apventure to Atlantis 1982 Synergistic Software Yes 1 0
mumcurse Mummy's Curse 1981 Highlands Computers Yes 1 0
misnthhd Mission on Thunderhead 1986 The Avalon Hill Game Company Yes 1 0
swmwre21 Swimware (version 2.1) 1988 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 2 0
puffair A Puff of Air: The Respiratory System 1983 MarshWare Yes 1 0
fathom40 Fathom's 40 1982 Datasoft Yes 1 0
fltmdlr Flight: The Aerodynamics of Model Rockets 1986 Estes Industries Yes 4 0
spcalbum Bill Budge's Space Album 1980 California Pacific Computer Yes 1 0
bbtrilgy Bill Budge's Trilogy of Games 1979 California Pacific Computer Yes 1 0
timelord Time Lord ???? Ramware Yes 1 0
humanfly The Human Fly 1982 CPU Software Yes 1 0
beaglbsc Beagle BASIC 1983 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
dosboss DOS Boss 1981 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tipdisk1 Tip Disk #1 1982 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
frmup14 Frame-Up (version 1.4) 1982 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
alphaplt Alpha Plot 1982 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
dcodev11 D Code (version 1.1) 1984 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
trpdmp33 Triple-Dump (DOS 3.3) 1984 Beagle Bros. Yes 2 0
fntmch33 Font Mechanic (DOS 3.3) 1985 Beagle Bros. Yes 2 0
dtke2133 Double-Take (version 2.1) (DOS 3.3) 1983 Beagle Bros. Yes 2 0
diskquik DiskQuik 1983 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
beagrafx Beagle Graphics (version 1985-03-01) 1985 Beagle Bros. Yes 2 0
pron8408 ProntoDOS (version 1984-08-22) 1984 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
prgwr8904 Program Writer (version 2.0-1989-04-21) 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
beacmp10 The Beagle Compiler (version 1.0) 1986 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
utcty8408 Utility City (version 1984-08-22) 1984 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
bigu8512 The Big U (version 1985-12-02) 1985 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
powrpr10 Power Print (version 1.0) 1986 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
aplm8410 Apple Mechanic (version 1984-10-05) 1984 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
typfaplm Typefaces for Apple Mechanic 1982 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
probyter Pro-Byter 1985 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
silisald Silicon Salad 1983 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
beaglbag Beagle Bag 1983 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
gplev41 G.P.L.E. (version 4.1, November 1st 1985) 1985 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
minipx1 Mini-Pix #1 (DOS 3.3 Version) 1985 Beagle Bros. Yes 2 0
fatc8410 FatCat (version 2.0-1984-10-26) 1984 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
flxtst10 Flex Text (version 1.0) 1982 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
extk8508 Extra K (version 1985-08-30) 1985 Beagle Bros. Yes 2 0
minipx2 Mini-Pix #2 (version 1986-11-01) 1986 Beagle Bros. Yes 2 0
minipx3 Mini-Pix #3 (version 1986-11-17) 1986 Beagle Bros. Yes 2 0
iosilver I.O. Silver 1984 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
lionshar The Lion's Share 1983 Davka Corporation Yes 2 0
corruptn Corruption (version 1.11) 1988 Rainbird Yes 3 0
drgnwrld Dragonworld 1984 Telarium Yes 5 0
esctraam The Escape from Traam 1981 Adventure International Yes 1 0
suprmrtn Supermartian: The Adventure 1984 Computer Easy Yes 4 0
kukulcan Kukulcan 1984 American Eagle Yes 2 0
lucirelm Lucifer's Realm 1984 American Eagle Yes 2 0
9piamber Nine Princes in Amber 1985 Telarium Yes 4 0
far451 Fahrenheit 451 1984 Trillium Yes 4 0
deathcrb Death in the Caribbean 1983 Micro Fun Yes 2 0
brwdtime Borrowed Time 1985 Activision Yes 2 0
cgclair Cave Girl Clair 1984 Addison-Wesley Yes 1 0
advkrist The Adventures of Kristen and Her Family 1985 Rhiannon Yes 1 0
advsarah The Adventures of Sarah and Her Friends 1985 Rhiannon Yes 1 0
chelsssi Chelsea of the South Sea Islands 1984 Addison-Wesley Yes 1 0
jennypr Jenny of the Prairie 1983 Rhiannon Yes 1 0
vortex Vortex 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
horses Horses 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
mtrcycls Motorcycles 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
pbunyan Paul Bunyan 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
tseasons The Seasons 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
casechic Case of the Missing Chick: Finding The Main Idea 1986 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
casegtr Case of the Great Train Robbery: Fact and Opinion 1986 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
mrswiggl Mrs. Wigglesworth's Secret 1986 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
lrn2time Learning to Tell Time 1986 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
algncroc Alligators and Crocodiles 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
lslibrary Library Skills: Let's Learn About The Library 1986 Troll Associates Yes 3 0
rdfbcons Reading Fun: Beginning Consonant Sounds 1988 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
tmc3md Troll Math Class Level 3: I Can Multiply and Divide 1988 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
raskncst Read and Spell: In the Days of Knights and Castles 1989 Troll Associates Yes 2 0
tmc4aaas Troll Math Class Level 4: Advanced Addition and Subtraction 1989 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
tmc5amad Troll Math Class Level 5: Advanced Multiplication and Division 1989 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
thbdigex The Human Body and How It Works: The Digestive and Excretory Systems 1989 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
thbsklms The Human Body and How It Works: The Skeletal and Muscular Systems 1989 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
posfwvrb Parts of Speech: Fun with Verbs 1991 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
umapglbs Understanding Maps and Globes 1987 Troll Associates Yes 2 0
sdwsnkrs Sidewalk Sneakers 1991 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
anmrescu Animal Rescue 1991 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
mckmgrdr Mickey's Magic Reader 1989 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
afctadv Animals Facts and Adventures 1992 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
dinosplb Dino Speller: Beginning Dictionary Skills 1992 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
keyworksf Keyworks: First Keyboarding Skills 1992 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
posfwnap Parts of Speech: Fun with Nouns and Pronouns 1992 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
tomsawyr Troll Reading Games: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1992 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
graphmkr Graph Maker: Introduction to Graphs and Charts 1993 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
lgtmapsk Let's Go There: Beginning Map and Geography Skills 1993 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
llacomp Let's Learn About Computers 1994 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
tdyply89 Teddy's Playground (1989 Rerelease) 1989 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
mcwlybdy Woolly's Birthday (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1994 MECC Yes 1 0
suprprnt SuperPrint! (version 1.4) (800K 3.5") 1987 Pelican Software Yes 1 0
rampag35 Rampage (800K 3.5") 1988 Activision Yes 1 0
hegira Hegira: Tale of a Galactic Exile 1983 Ted Butler Yes 1 0
alpls135 Alge-Blaster Plus! (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
mckcrswd Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker (800K 3.5") 1990 Walt Disney Computer Software Yes 1 0
retdino Return of the Dinosaurs (800K 3.5") 1988 American Educational Computer Yes 1 0
dsgnrail Design Your Own Railroad (version 1.1C) (800K 3.5") 1990 Abracadata Yes 1 0
35grmrgm0587 Grammar Gremlins (version 05.01.87) (800K 3.5") 1987 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
bglwrt3235 BeagleWrite (version 3.2) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
dyohint35 Design Your Own Home: Interior Design (version 2) (800K 3.5") 1986 Abracadata Yes 1 0
wllybyte Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension 1984 Data Trek Yes 2 0
algbl058735 Alge-Blaster! (version 050187) (800K 3.5") 1985 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
wmprstmpr Whomper Stomper 1984 Adventure International Yes 1 0
mcwdmn1435 Word Munchers (version 1.4) (800K 3.5") 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mcwlybnc35 Woolly Bounce (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
hhgtgr56 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Release 56 / 841221) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
hhgtgr58 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Release 58 / 851002) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
hhgtgr31 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Release 31 / 871119) 1984 Infocom Yes 2 0
bzorkr49 Beyond Zork (Release 49 / 870917) 1987 Infocom Yes 2 0
bzorkr57 Beyond Zork (Release 57 / 871221) 1987 Infocom Yes 2 0
bdzoner9 Border Zone (Release 9 / 871008) 1987 Infocom Yes 2 0
bcryr86 Bureaucracy (Release 86 / 870212) 1987 Infocom Yes 2 0
prodosb1a ProDOS (version B.1A 09-DEC-82) 1982 Apple Computer Yes 1 0
mcpcmp35 Picture Chompers (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
nmunch1335 Number Munchers (version 1.3) (800K 3.5") 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
mcmyso1135 Mystery Objects (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
mcltzoo1035 Littletown Zoo (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
mcinvb1135 Invisible Bugs (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mathrb13 Math Rabbit (version 1.3) (800K 3.5") 1986 The Learning Company Yes 1 0
thquik14 Think Quick! (version 1.4) (800K 3.5") 1987 The Learning Company Yes 1 0
wrdatk8706 Word Attack! (version 06.01.87) (800K 3.5") 1985 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
wdatkpl12 Word Attack Plus! (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1988 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
wrdatkpfr13 Word Attack Plus! French (version 1.3) (800K 3.5") 1988 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
wrdatkpsp12 Word Attack Plus! Spanish (version 1.2, 09.01.88) (800K 3.5") 1988 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
suprprii SuperPrint II (800K 3.5") 1989 Scholastic Yes 1 0
kiludead Killed Until Dead 1987 Accolade Yes 2 0
rboots4035 Rocky's Boots (version 4.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 The Learning Company Yes 1 0
brdstale3 The Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate (800K 3.5") 1988 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
wargle Wargle! 1982 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
scruples A Question of Scruples 1987 Leisure Genius Yes 2 0
stardanc Star Dance 1981 United Software of America Yes 1 0
dskorg26 Disk Organizer (version 2.6) 1982 Sensible Software Yes 1 0
sdiskc38 Super Disk Copy (version 3.8) 1981 Sensible Software Yes 1 0
bbatlm35 Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
rhapp35 Robin Hood and Peter Pan (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
bbmcac35 Big Book Maker: Cute and Cuddly (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
bbmfgy35 Big Book Maker: Feeling Good About Yourself (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
bbmlp35 Big Book Maker: Let's Pretend (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
bbmlns35 Big Book Maker: Letters, Numbers, Shapes (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
bbmmal35 Big Book Maker: Myths and Legends (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
bbmque35 Big Book Maker: Quentin (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
ouatpp35 Once Upon A Time... Puppet Playhouse (800K 3.5") 1991 Compu-Teach Yes 1 0
spelit35 Spell It! (version 06.01.87) (800K 3.5") 1984 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
mathb35 Math Blaster! (version 06.01.87) (800K 3.5") 1983 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
rdnrl1135 Read 'N Roll (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
bbmtaaft35 Big Book Maker: Tall Tales and American Folk Heroes (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
mathme1635 Math and Me (version 1.6) (800K 3.5") 1988 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
mbmst1335 Math Blaster Mystery (version 1.3) (800K 3.5") 1989 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
mthblpls3735 Math Blaster Plus! (version 3.7) (800K 3.5") 1989 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
spelitps35 Spell It Plus! (800K 3.5") 1989 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
dinodypl35 Dinosaur Days Plus! (800K 3.5") 1988 Queue Yes 2 0
robwrp35 Robot Writer Plus! (800K 3.5") 1988 Queue Yes 1 0
trntrn35 Transportation Transformation (800K 3.5") 1991 Queue Yes 1 0
animat35 Animals with an Attitude (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
whneigh35 The Whole Neighborhood (800K 3.5") 1991 Queue Yes 1 0
aliwzo35 Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
envlifed The Environment Life Dynamic 1980 Avant-Garde Creations Yes 1 0
stelpowr Stellar Power 1984 STI Software Yes 1 0
glutton Glutton 1983 Superior Software Yes 1 0
hazvolt The Hazards of Voltageville 1994 Scholastic Yes 1 0
gonzwrdridr The Great Gonzo in Word Rider 1985 Simon and Schuster Yes 1 0
tarturian The Tarturian 1981 Highlands Computer Services Yes 1 0
survadv Survival Adventure 1981 United Software of America Yes 1 0
stellard Stellar Defense (version 1.2) 1983 Rainbow Computing Yes 1 0
teleport Teleport 1982 Cavalier Computer Corporation Yes 1 0
secagnt1 Secret Agent: Mission One 1984 Jor-And Yes 1 0
scweat35 Science Corner: Weather Watch (800K 3.5") 1989 Society for Visual Education Yes 1 0
scspcp35 Science Corner: Space Probe (800K 3.5") 1989 Society for Visual Education Yes 1 0
grapple Grapple 1982 Insoft Yes 1 0
swdsheol Sword of Sheol 1982 Winner's Circle Yes 1 0
compkara Competition Karate 1984 Motivated Software Yes 1 0
strlbaseb Star League Baseball 1984 Gamestar, Inc. Yes 1 0
pawn23 The Pawn (version 2.3) 1986 Rainbird Yes 1 0
bezare Bezare 1982 Southwestern Data Systems Yes 1 0
igprixrs International Gran Prix (Riverbank Software) 1981 Riverbank Software Yes 1 0
guildthv The Guild of Thieves 1987 Rainbird Yes 1 0
artesans Artesians 1983 RenoSoft Yes 1 0
jinxter1 Jinxter (version 1.0) 1987 Rainbird Yes 2 0
neutrons Neutrons 1981 Level-10 Yes 1 0
tunlterr Tunnel Terror 1982 Adventure International Yes 1 0
handdand Handy Dandy 1983 Gentry Software Yes 1 0
jumpjet Jump Jet 1982 Avant-Garde Creations Yes 1 0
maxcomm Max-Command 1982 Rockroy Yes 1 0
chsm2000 The Chessmaster 2000 1986 The Software Toolworks Yes 2 0
moscow41 At the Gates of Moscow 1941 1985 Strategic Games Publications Yes 2 0
raidrlring Raiders of the Lost Ring 1981 Cavalier Computer Corporation Yes 1 0
zodiaccs Zodiac Castle 1982 Dynacomp Yes 1 0
batls331 Battlesight (version 3.3.1) 1982 Versa Computing Yes 1 0
pythdrgn Pythagoras and the Dragon 1983 Krell Software Yes 1 0
robbatl Robot Battle 1982 United Software of America Yes 1 0
oldorfrv Oldorf's Revenge 1981 Highlands Computer Services Yes 1 0
ginrummy Gin Rummy 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
starball Star Ball 1983 Baen Software Yes 1 0
drace82 Death Race '82 1982 Avant-Garde Creations Yes 1 0
spcadv1 Space Adventure: Episode One 1981 Sierra Software Yes 1 0
staxman2 Super Taxman 2 1981 H.A.L. Labs Yes 1 0
scadette Space Cadette 1982 Funtastic Yes 1 0
seanimad35 Science Explorers: Animal Adaptations (800K 3.5") 1990 Scholastic Yes 1 0
apescape Ape Escape 1984 Howard W. Sams Yes 1 0
eatmach The Eating Machine 1983 MUSE Software Yes 2 0
wrdspinr Word Spinner (version 1.0) 1984 The Learning Company Yes 1 0
critmass Critical Mass 1983 Sirius Software Yes 3 0
gunsling Gunslinger 1986 Datasoft Yes 4 0
sednseas35 Science Explorers: Day, Night, and The Seasons (800K 3.5") 1990 Scholastic Yes 1 0
hmsimpet His Majesty's Ship "Impetuous" 1980 Adventure International Yes 1 0
micmogoo Micro Mother Goose 1982 Software Productions Yes 1 0
skybomb2 Skybombers II 1980 Instant Software Yes 1 0
3mileisl Three Mile Island 1979 MUSE Software Yes 1 0
congcoll Conglomerates Collide 1981 Rockroy Yes 1 0
fant2041 Fantasyland 2041 A.D. 1981 Crystalware Yes 6 0
ccrallye Cross Country Rallye 1982 Continental Software Yes 1 0
crventur Creature Venture 1981 Highlands Computer Services Yes 1 0
senutri35 Science Explorers: Nutrition (800K 3.5") 1990 Scholastic Yes 1 0
mcexgaslaw35 Exploring Gas Laws (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mcwnderlpz35 Wonderland Puzzles (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mcscigiant35 Science Giants (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1994 MECC Yes 1 0
mcfreedm35 Freedom! (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
routback35 Rescue in the Outback (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1994 MECC Yes 1 0
woollyg35 Woolly's Garden (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
mcexchaos35 Exploring Chaos (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
sesmpm35 Science Explorers: Simple Machines (800K 3.5") 1990 Scholastic Yes 1 0
mcmovmus35 Moving Museum (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
mctakech35 Take a Chance! (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
mctrs4sale35 Treasures for Sale (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
mcpicstory35 Picture a Story (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
mcnumjump35 Number Jumpers (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1994 MECC Yes 1 0
mcwindyc35 Windy City (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
mcwrdbuild35 Word Builder (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1994 MECC Yes 1 0
mchistmakr35 History Makers (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
mcfishsch35 Fish School (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
mcgramgob35 Grammar Gobble (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
mcgrammad35 Grammar Madness (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
mcnutnab35 Nutrition Nabber (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
mconstage35 On Stage (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
mcsumstor35 Sum Stories (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1994 MECC Yes 1 0
bbmrainf35 Big Book Maker: The Rain Forest (800K 3.5") 1993 Queue Yes 1 0
mcrockfac35 Rocket Factory (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
mcproblab35 Probability Lab (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
mcssfree35 Space Station Freedom (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
mcweedtree35 Weeds to Trees (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mcsunseas35 Sun and Seasons (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
mcppp1035 Paper Plane Pilot (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
mcpatt1235 Patterns (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
mclcsh35 Lewis and Clark Stayed Home (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
mcgrtoys35 Grammar Toy Shop (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
mcfosh1035 Fossil Hunter (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
bbm3prin35 Big Book Maker: The Three Princesses (800K 3.5") 1992 Queue Yes 1 0
mcmurpmin35 Murphy's Minerals (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
mcgrammon35 Grammar Monsters (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
mcmysmtr35 Mystery Matter (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
mcgrmgaz35 Grammar Gazette (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
mc5sfore35 Five Star Forecast (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
mclung1135 Lunar Greenhouse (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mcminerc35 Miner's Cave (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
mcmeasw35 Measure Works (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mcmnwk1135 Money Works (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
stystsci35 Story Starters: Science (800K 3.5") 1990 Pelican Software Yes 1 0
mcfrmn1035 Fraction Munchers (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
mcinsv1035 Instant Survey (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 2 0
stystsst Story Starters: Social Studies (800K 3.5") 1990 Pelican Software Yes 1 0
mcspelv1335 Spellevator (version 1.3) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
mcsplpzat35 Spelling Puzzles and Tests (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
mcsplstkit35 Spelling Series Toolkit (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mcspelwk1135 Spelling Workout (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
mctopto1135 Teacher Option Organizer (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
perpuz35 Perplexing Puzzles (800K 3.5") 1985 Hartley Courseware Yes 2 0
seplants35 Science Explorers: Plants (800K 3.5") 1990 Scholastic Yes 1 0
seshadows35 Science Explorers: Shadows (800K 3.5") 1990 Scholastic Yes 1 0
seskel35 Science Explorers: Skeletons (800K 3.5") 1990 Scholastic Yes 1 0
seweather35 Science Explorers: Weather (800K 3.5") 1990 Scholastic Yes 1 0
finlconf The Final Conflict 1982 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
intrigue Intrigue! 1986 Spectrum Holobyte Yes 2 0
dmaze5k Deathmaze 5000 1980 Med Systems Software Yes 1 0
spirat3k Space Pirates 3000 1982 C and C Software Yes 1 0
windmere Windmere Estate 1982 Dynacomp Yes 1 0
sstorytree Super Story Tree (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 Scholastic Yes 1 0
compconc Computer Concepts (800K 3.5") 1990 Ventura Educational Systems Yes 1 0
plntgsim The Plant Growth Simulator (800K 3.5") 1987 Focus Media Yes 2 0
factfall Facts and Fallacies (version 02.01.87) (800K 3.5") 1984 Hartley Courseware Yes 3 0
lafabric La Fábrica (800K 3.5") 1991 WINGS for Learning Yes 1 0
galquest Galactic Quest 1980 Crystal Software Yes 1 0
mcflfun1135 First-Letter Fun (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mcjennyj35 Jenny's Journeys (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
mcodell1235 Odell Lake (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
mcspdwaym35 Speedway Math (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
mcfrdc1535 The Friendly Computer (version 1.5) (800K 3.5") 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
mcorgtrl1435 The Oregon Trail (version 1.4) (800K 3.5") 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
sdiskc36 Super Disk Copy (version 3.6) 1981 Sensible Software Yes 1 0
kraking Kraking by The Disk Jockey 1984 Pirate's Harbor Yes 2 0
handmath135 Hands-On Math! Volume I (800K 3.5") 1988 Ventura Educational Systems Yes 1 0
scpearth Science Corner: Planet Earth (800K 3.5") 1989 Society for Visual Education Yes 1 0
pigpen Pig Pen 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
ricochet Ricochet 1982 Automated Simulations Yes 1 0
gseaskies Grey Seas, Grey Skies 1983 Simulations Canada Yes 1 0
column2e Columns //e (version 2.01) 1991 Creative Computing Services Yes 2 0
drugefct Drugs: Their Effects on You 1987 Marshware Yes 1 0
starmines Starmines 1981 Softape Yes 1 0
bwoodsafe Basic Woodshop Safety 1983 Abraxas Yes 1 0
sundfl20 SunDog: Frozen Legacy (version 2.0) 1984 FTL Games Yes 2 0
jumpman Jumpman 1983 Epyx Yes 2 0
emp2is10 Empire II: Interstellar Sharks (version 1.0) 1982 Edu-Ware Yes 1 0
surmth20 Survival Math (version 2.0) 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tbtpaps13 Teasers by Tobbs: Puzzles and Problem Solving (version 1.3) 1982 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tgsquad The Geometric Supposer: Quadrilaterals 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tgtang Targets: A Numbers Game 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tgstri The Geometric Supposer: Triangles 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tkrmad The King's Rule: Mathematics and Discovery 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
wqstbss Word Quest: Binary Search Strategies 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tpuzlr The Puzzler: A Program for Developing Reading Strategies 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
memcastl Memory Castle 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
blkfndrs Blockers and Finders 1987 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
fornext FOR Your NEXT Adventure: FOR-NEXT Loops 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
wlywrdwk Wally's Word Works: The Parts of Speech Game 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 2 0
tlapuzps Tobbs Learns Algebra: Puzzles and Problem Solving 1983 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
botgardn Botanical Gardens 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
mmath Muppet Math 1991 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
mslat10 Muppet Slate v1.0 1988 Sunburst Communications Yes 2 0
mslat101 Muppet Slate (version 1.0.1) 1988 Sunburst Communications Yes 2 0
nwawit Newbery Winners: A Wrinkle in Time 1982 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
nwsndr Newbery Winners: Sounder 1982 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
nwbtt Newbery Winners: Bridge to Terabithia 1982 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
humnpump The Human Pump 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
mptstg Muppets on Stage 1987 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
pickpart Pick the Part 1983 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
memmachn The Memory Machine 1989 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
pwstemp Playing with Science: Temperature 1988 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
puncpon Punctuation Put-On: Punctuation Processor 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 2 0
sspsai Safari Search: Problem Solving and Inference 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
simonsays Simon Says 1989 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
regroup89 Regrouping 1989 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
spcwrace Space Waste Race: Storybooks of the Future 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
seaiv2 Solving Equations and Inequalities (version 2) 1983 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tenclues Ten Clues 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tchances Taking Chances 1991 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
tradpost Trading Post 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
semacalc The Semantic Calculator 1983 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
thepond The Pond 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
foosball Computer Foosball 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
123seqme 1-2-3 Sequence Me 1991 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
bignlitl BIG and little: Books, Posters, and Cards for Muppet Slate 1990 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
chalmath Challenge Math 1982 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
discover Discover: A Science Experiment 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
expsctmp Exploring Science: Temperature 1988 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
hwirelgc High Wire Logic 1990 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
hop2it Hop To It! 1990 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
igdisatr Iggy's Gnees: Discrimination, Attributes and Rules 1984 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
lauren25 Lauren of the 25th Century 1985 Addison-Wesley Yes 1 0
microz1 Microzine 1 1983 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz2 Microzine 2 1983 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz3 Microzine 3 1983 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz4 Microzine 4 1984 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz5 Microzine 5 1984 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz6 Microzine 6 1984 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz7 Microzine 7 1984 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz8 Microzine 8 1984 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz9 Microzine 9 1985 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz10 Microzine 10 1985 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz11 Microzine 11 1985 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz12 Microzine 12 1985 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz13 Microzine 13 1985 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz14 Microzine 14 1986 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz15 Microzine 15 1986 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz16 Microzine 16 1986 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz17 Microzine 17 1986 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz18 Microzine 18 1986 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz19 Microzine 19 1987 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz20 Microzine 20 1987 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz21 Microzine 21 1987 Scholastic Yes 2 0
microz22 Microzine 22 1987 Scholastic Yes 3 0
microz23 Microzine 23 1987 Scholastic Yes 3 0
microz24 Microzine 24 1987 Scholastic Yes 3 0
microz25 Microzine 25 1988 Scholastic Yes 3 0
microz26 Microzine 26 1988 Scholastic Yes 3 0
microz27 Microzine 27 1988 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz28 Microzine 28 1988 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz29 Microzine 29 1988 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz30 Microzine 30 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
chwrest Championship Wrestling 1986 Epyx Yes 2 0
gbabaskt GBA Championship Basketball 1986 Activision Yes 1 0
tgwinter The Games: Winter Edition 1988 Epyx Yes 5 0
microz31 Microzine 31 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz33 Microzine 33 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz34 Microzine 34 1990 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz35 Microzine 35 1990 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz36 Microzine 36 1990 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz37 Microzine 37 1990 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz38 Microzine 38 1990 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz39 Microzine 39 1991 Scholastic Yes 4 0
balnat35 The Balance of Nature (800K 3.5") 1984 Focus Media Yes 1 0
inswld35 The Insect World (800K 3.5") 1986 Ventura Educational Systems Yes 1 0
robotrsc Robot Rascals 1986 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
thefct35 The Factory (800K 3.5") 1990 WINGS for learning Yes 1 0
spcrescu Space Rescue 1982 Level-10 Yes 1 0
rdgeni35 Reading General Interest: TEAM Series (800K 3.5") 1990 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
vocsch35 Vocabulary Science and Health: TEAM Series (800K 3.5") 1982 Davidson and Associates Yes 1 0
famsci35 Famous Scientists (800K 3.5") 1987 Hartley Courseware Yes 1 0
destiny Destiny 1985 Destiny Software Yes 2 0
lunarexp Lunar Explorer 1986 Spectrum Holobyte Yes 1 0
guardian Guardian 1982 Continental Software Yes 1 0
todesktl12 TimeOut DeskTools (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
todesktl13 TimeOut DeskTools (version 1.3) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
todesktl31 TimeOut DeskTools (version 3.1) (800K 3.5") 1990 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
todeskt211 TimeOut DeskTools II (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
todeskt212 TimeOut DeskTools II (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1988 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tofilem10 TimeOut FileMaster (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tofilem13 TimeOut FileMaster (version 1.3) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
togram10 TimeOut Grammar (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tograph10 TimeOut Graph (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tograph12 TimeOut Graph (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tomacroe10 TimeOut MacroEase (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
topowerp12 TimeOut PowerPack (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1988 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
toquicksp16 TimeOut QuickSpell (version 1.6) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
toquicksp20 TimeOut QuickSpell (version 2.0) (800K 3.5") 1988 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
toreportw10 TimeOut ReportWriter (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
toreportw22 TimeOut ReportWriter (version 2.2) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
toreportw252 TimeOut ReportWriter (version 2.52) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tosidesp12 TimeOut SideSpread (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tospreadt10 TimeOut SpreadTools (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1988 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tospreadt11 TimeOut SpreadTools (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tosuperft10 TimeOut SuperFonts (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tosuperft11 TimeOut SuperFonts (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tosuperft30 TimeOut SuperFonts (version 3.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tosuperft31 TimeOut SuperFonts (version 3.1) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tosuperfm104 TimeOut SuperForms (version 1.04) (800K 3.5") 1990 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
totelec11 TimeOut TeleComm (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
totelec12 TimeOut TeleComm (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tothes10 TimeOut Thesaurus (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1988 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
tothes20 TimeOut Thesaurus (version 2.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
toultram12 TimeOut UltraMacros (version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1987 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
toultram17 TimeOut UltraMacros (version 1.7) (800K 3.5") 1988 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
toultram30 TimeOut UltraMacros (version 3.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
toultram31 TimeOut UltraMacros (version 3.1) (800K 3.5") 1989 Beagle Bros. Yes 1 0
microz32 Microzine 32 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microz40 Microzine 40 1991 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microzjr1 Microzine Jr. 1 1988 Scholastic Yes 4 0
gamewrld1 Games From Around The World #1: Wari 1988 John Besnard (unpublished) Yes 1 0
gamewrld2 Games From Around The World #2: Kono 1988 John Besnard (unpublished) Yes 1 0
gamewrld3 Games From Around The World #3: Fox & Geese 1988 John Besnard (unpublished) Yes 2 0
gamewrld4 Games From Around The World #4: Seega 1988 John Besnard (unpublished) Yes 1 0
gamewrld5 Games From Around The World #5: Nine Men's Morris 1988 John Besnard (unpublished) Yes 1 0
gamewrld6 Games From Around The World #6: Mu Torere 1988 John Besnard (unpublished) Yes 1 0
weighttr Weights and Treasure 1988 John Besnard (unpublished) Yes 1 0
brainmch Brain Machine 1986 John Besnard (unpublished) Yes 1 0
firstenc First Encounter 1987 Softdisk Yes 2 0
rockscrl Rock 'N Scroll 1987 Bez Yes 1 0
bezmx Bez-MX 1981 Bez Yes 1 0
bezman Bezman 1981 Bez Yes 1 0
bezoff Bezoff 1982 Bez Yes 1 0
bezwars Bezwars 1981 Bez Yes 1 0
dbltbl Double Trouble 1983 Bez Yes 1 0
nightgal Nightmare Gallery 1982 Synergistic Software Yes 1 0
dragonshk Dragons of Hong Kong 1981 Adventure International Yes 1 0
pptblends10 Phonics Prime Time: Blends and Digraphs (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
probnim10 Problem-Solving with Nim (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
markplace10 The Market Place (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
tmnav810 Time Navigator (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
microzjr2 Microzine Jr. 2 1988 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microzjr3 Microzine Jr. 3 1988 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microzjr4 Microzine Jr. 4 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microzjr5 Microzine Jr. 5 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microzjr6 Microzine Jr. 6 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microzjr7 Microzine Jr. 7 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microzjr8 Microzine Jr. 8 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microzjr9 Microzine Jr. 9 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
microzjr10 Microzine Jr. 10 1989 Scholastic Yes 4 0
brainboul Brainteaser Boulevard 1982 California Pacific Computer Yes 1 0
snakattkfr Snack Attack and Friends 1982 Funtastic Yes 1 0
bandits Bandits 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
cyclod Cyclod 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
flywars Fly Wars 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
jellyfish Jellyfish 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
lemmings Lemmings 1982 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
minotaur Minotaur 1981 Sirius Software Yes 1 0
zork1r15 Zork I (Release 15 / UG3AU5) 1980 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork1r26 Zork I (Release 26 / 820803) 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork1r75 Zork I (Release 75 / 830929) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork1r75a Zork I (Release 75 / 830929-A) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork1r88b Zork I (Release 88 / 840726-B) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork1r88f Zork I (Release 88 / 840726-F) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork1r88k Zork I (Release 88 / 840726-K) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
zork1r52e Zork I (Release 52 / 871125-2-E) 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkiir22 Zork II (Release 22 / 830331) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkiir48b Zork II (Release 48 / 840904-B) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkiiir10 Zork III (Release 10 / 820818) 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkiiir15 Zork III (Release 15 / 830331) 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkiiir16a Zork III (Release 16 / 830410-A) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkiiir17b Zork III (Release 17 / 840727-B) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
zorkiiir17k Zork III (Release 17 / 840727-K) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
deadliner18 Deadline (Release 18 / 820311) 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
enchantr10 Enchanter (Release 10 / 830810) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
enchantr29k Enchanter (Release 29 / 860820-K) 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
lgophr59k Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Release 59 / 860730-K) 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
lgophr42h Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Release 4 / 880405-2H) 1988 Infocom Yes 2 0
moonmistr4k Moonmist (Release 4 / 860918-K) 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
plfallr20 Planetfall (Release 20 / 830708) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
plfallr26 Planetfall (Release 26 / 831014) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
plfallr37h Planetfall (Release 37 / 851003-H) 1985 Infocom Yes 1 0
seastalkr15b Seastalker (Release 15 / 840501-B) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
seastalkr16m Seastalker (Release 16 / 850515-M) 1985 Infocom Yes 1 0
sherlockr212f Sherlock (Release 21 / 871214-2F) 1987 Infocom Yes 2 0
sorcererr4a Sorcerer (Release 4 / 840131-A) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
sorcererr6f Sorcerer (Release 6 / 840508-F) 1984 Infocom Yes 1 0
sorcererr18k Sorcerer (Release 18 / 860904-K) 1986 Infocom Yes 1 0
spellbr63h Spellbreaker (Release 63 / 850916-H) 1985 Infocom Yes 1 0
starcrr15 Starcross (Release 15 / 820901) 1982 Infocom Yes 1 0
suspendr5 Suspended (Release 5 / 830222) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
witnessr13 Witness (Release 13 / 830524) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
witnessr18 Witness (Release 18 / 830910) 1983 Infocom Yes 1 0
getreadadd Getting Ready to Read and Add 1988 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
memblocks Memory Building Blocks 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
nowseeit Now You See It, Now You Don't: Pick The Part 1987 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
muppetwb Muppet Word Book 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
rightturn The Right Turn: Strategies in Problem Solving 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
royrules The Royal Rules 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 2 0
wordamat Word-a-Mation: Exploring Word Relationships 1986 Sunburst Communications Yes 1 0
trfirstbio Troll First-Start Biographies 1994 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
firstwrprog First-Start Writing Program 1994 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
trmathwp46 Troll Sports Math: Math Word Problems for Grades 4-6 1991 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
trpmholfun Troll Printmaker: Holiday Fun 1994 Troll Associates Yes 2 0
trmc1addsub Troll Math Class Level 1: I Can Add And Subtract 1987 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
trmc2carbor Troll Math Class Level 2: I Can Carry and Borrow 1987 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
trmc6ratper Troll Math Class Level 6: Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 1989 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
trmckcount Troll Math Class Level K: I Can Count 1987 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
catdetgames Categorizing: Detective Games 1988 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
animhomes Animal Homes and Stories 1992 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
lrnmoney Let's Learn About Money 1986 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
shopright Shop Right! 1987 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
magicstr The Magic String 1985 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
thundlight Thunder and Lightning 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
catskitt Cats and Kittens 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
pecosbill Pecos Bill 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
creatnight Creatures of the Night 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
birds Birds 1984 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
lurkhorr203m The Lurking Horror (Release 203 / 870506-M) 1987 Infocom Yes 1 0
ev3socstud48 Elementary Volume 3: Social Studies (version 4.8) 1980 MECC Yes 1 0
ev5langart15 Elementary Volume 5: Language Arts (Prefixes) (version 1.5) 1980 MECC Yes 1 0
ev8geopts10 Elementary Volume 8: Geometry (Points and Angles) (version 1.0) 1981 MECC Yes 1 0
ev9geolin21 Elementary Volume 9: Geometry (Lines and Triangles) (version 2.1) 1981 MECC Yes 1 0
ev10geoquad10 Elementary Volume 10: Geometry (Quadrilaterals: Area and Perimeter) (version 1.0) 1981 MECC Yes 1 0
ev10geoquad11 Elementary Volume 10: Geometry (Quadrilaterals: Area and Perimeter) (version 1.1) 1981 MECC Yes 1 0
ev12langart10 Elementary Volume 12: Language Arts (SIMS) (version 1.0) 1980 MECC Yes 1 0
engposp15 English Parts of Speech (version 1.5) 1981 MECC Yes 1 0
expprocs10 Experiencing Procedures (version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
extappbas10 Extensions to Applesoft BASIC (version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
extappbas12 Extensions to Applesoft BASIC (version 1.2) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
genetics11 Genetics (version 1.1) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
growgfrac10 Growgins' Fractions (version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
mv1grapheq32 Mathematics Volume 1: Graphing, Logic, and Equations (version 3.2) 1980 MECC Yes 1 0
mv2meas12 Mathematics Volume 2: Measurement (version 1.2) 1981 MECC Yes 1 0
mv3formsk13 Mathematics Volume 3: Formulas, Shapes, and Skills (version 1.3) 1981 MECC Yes 1 0
mv3formsk13l Mathematics Volume 3: Formulas, Shapes, and Skills (version 1.3) (limited boot backup) 1981 MECC Yes 1 0
meccappdem11 MECC Apple Demonstration (version 1.1) 1980 MECC Yes 1 0
probability10 Probability (version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
spellv2sec20 Spelling Volume 2: Secondary (version 2.0) 1980 MECC Yes 1 0
3rmicro11 The Three Rs of Microcomputing (version 1.1) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
jennyj10 Jenny's Journeys (version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
mgraph11 MECC Graph (version 1.1) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mgraphp10 MECC Graphing Primer (version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
odelllk10 Odell Lake (version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
odelllk12 Odell Lake (version 1.2) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
markplac10 The Market Place (version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
oregontr14 The Oregon Trail (version 1.4) 1985 MECC Yes 2 0
wpappl20 Word Processing on the Apple (version 2.0) 1984 MECC Yes 2 0
equatmath10 Equation Math (version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
ghostwr10 Ghost Writer (version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
instsurv10 Instant Survey (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 2 0
lblmaker10 LabelMaker (version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
mdqeurosu10 MECC Dataquest: Europe and the Soviet Union (version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
mdqlatam10 MECC Dataquest: Latin America (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mdqmidenoraf10 MECC Dataquest: Middle East and North Africa (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
mdqnamam11 MECC Dataquest: North American Mammals (version 1.1) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
mdqwrdcom11 MECC Dataquest: The World Community (version 1.1) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
meccedit10 MECC Editor (version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
meccoutl10 MECC Outliner (version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
meccstfet10 MECC Stuff and Fetch (version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
meccwrst12 MECC Write Start (version 1.2) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
meccwrit12 MECC Writer (version 1.2) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mystmatt10 Mystery Matter (version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
mystobjs10 Mystery Objects (version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
patterns10 Patterns (version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
quiltbee10 Quilting Bee (version 1.0) 1994 MECC Yes 1 0
showtime11 Show Time (version 1.1) 1986 MECC Yes 2 0
spcsfree10 Space Station Freedom (version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 2 0
spellpr11 Spelling Press (version 1.1) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
teachoo11 Teacher Option Organizer (version 1.1) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
teachscin10 Teaching Scientific Inquiry (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
tmnavlb10 Time Navigator Leaps Back (version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 2 0
tmnav10 Time Navigator (version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 2 0
vacnattr10 Vacation Nation Travel (version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 2 0
woodcarr10 Wood Car Rally (version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
woollybnc10 Woolly Bounce (version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
zoyonpat10 Zoyon Patrol (version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 2 0
dungdoom Dungeon of Doom 1980 Argon Games Yes 1 0
spaceark The Space Ark 1983 Datamost Yes 2 0
cavecr Cavern Creatures 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
argos Argos 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
cyclotron Cyclotron 1982 Sensible Software Yes 1 0
221baks 221B Baker Street (version 1.1) 1986 Datasoft Yes 2 0
2400ad 2400 A.D. 1987 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
weekchng A Week That Changed The World 1986 Educational Publishing Concepts Yes 2 0
ae A.E. 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
acedet_525 Ace Detective (version 1987) 1987 Mindplay Yes 2 0 acedet
acedet Ace Detective (version 1990) (800K 3.5") 1990 MindPlay Yes 2 0
aceyduec Acey-Deucey 1982 L & S Computerware Yes 1 0
advbwalk Advance to Boardwalk 1990 GameTek Yes 1 0
chkrynn10 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Champions of Krynn (version 1.0) 1990 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 7 0 chkrynn
chkrynn Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Champions of Krynn (version 1.1) 1990 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 7 0
advtime Adventure in Time 1981 Phoenix Software Yes 1 0
advfrac10 Adventures with Fractions (A-774 version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
airheart Airheart 1986 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
alnrain Alien Rain 1980 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
alntyphn Alien Typhoon 1981 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
afbiglit Alphabet Fun: Big and Little Letters 1991 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
aflrnalp Alphabet Fun: Learning The Alphabet 1990 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
arcity Alternate Reality: The City 1985 Datasoft Yes 2 0
ardungn Alternate Reality: The Dungeon (version 2.1) 1987 Datasoft Yes 3 0
amazarit_525 Amazing Arithmetricks (A-336 version 1.0) 1993 MECC Yes 1 0 amazarit
amazarit Amazing Arithmetricks (A-336 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
amgovml American Government (Micro Learningware) 1984 Micro Learningware Yes 1 0
anchorman Anchorman 1988 Virginia Real Software Yes 1 0
anmstoriv Animal Stories IV 1990 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
animate Animate 1986 Brøderbund Software Yes 6 0
aplcdspd Apple Cider Spider 1983 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
agalxiansc Apple Galaxian (StarCraft) 1980 StarCraft Yes 1 0 agalxian
agalxian Apple Galaxian (Brøderbund Software) 1980 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
aplpanic Apple Panic 1981 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
apuckman Apple Puck Man 1981 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
aquatron Aquatron 1983 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
arcalbm1 Arcade Album #1 1983 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
arbootcamp Arcade Boot Camp 1984 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
arizmix10_525 Arizona Mix (A-335 version 1.0) 1993 MECC Yes 2 0 arizmix
arizmix Arizona Mix (A-335 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
arkanoid Arkanoid 1988 Taito America Yes 1 0
astinspc Asteroids in Space 1980 Quality Software Yes 1 0
awawhale Audubon Wildlife Adventures: Whales! (version 2.1) 1990 National Audubon Society Yes 6 0
autoduel Autoduel 1985 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
autotech1 Automotive Technician Mathematics Volume 1: Whole Numbers and Fractions (A-762 version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
autotech2 Automotive Technician Mathematics Volume 2: Decimals and Percents (A-763 version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
b24 B-24 (version 1.0) 1987 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
backitup3v34 Back It Up III (version 3.4) 1983 Sensible Software Yes 1 0 backitup3
backitup3 Back It Up III (version 3.6) 1983 Sensible Software Yes 1 0
bckydbrd_525 Backyard Birds (A-216 version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0 bckydbrd
bckydbrd Backyard Birds (A-216 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
bagtrks2v20 Bag of Tricks 2 (version 2.0) 1985 Quality Software Yes 1 0 bagtrks2
bagtrks2 Bag of Tricks 2 (version 2.1) 1987 Quality Software Yes 1 0
balpower Balance of Power 1987 Mindscape Yes 1 0
balt1985 Baltic 1985: Corridor to Berlin (version 1.0) 1984 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
bsstoryb11 Bank Street StoryBook (version 1.1) 1985 Mindscape Yes 2 0 bsstoryb
bsstoryb Bank Street Storybook (version 1.2) 1985 Mindscape Yes 2 0
batsblfr Bats in the Belfry 1983 Phoenix Software Yes 1 0
battcmdr Battalion Commander (version 1.0) 1985 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
batlantm13 Battle of Antietam (version 1.3) 1985 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 2 0 batlantm
batlantm Battle of Antietam (version 1.5) 1985 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 2 0
batlcrsr Battlecruiser (version 1.0) 1987 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 2 0
batlfrnt Battlefront (version 1.0) 1986 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 2 0
batlnapo Battles of Napoleon (version 1.0) 1987 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 4 0
bshipcmd Battleship Commander 1980 Quality Software Yes 1 0
bzone Battlezone (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
bcqft BC's Quest for Tires 1983 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
beachlnd Beach Landing 1984 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
bchead Beach-Head 1985 Access Software Yes 1 0
bchead2 Beach-Head II 1985 Access Software Yes 1 0
bapmnr Beneath Apple Manor (version 1.1 30-JUL-1979) 1979 The Software Factory Yes 1 0
bapmnrse Beneath Apple Manor: The Special Edition 1982 Quality Software Yes 1 0
bismarck Bismarck: The North Sea Chase 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0
blkbeltr1 Black Belt (revision 1) 1984 Earthware Computer Services Yes 1 0
blkmagic Black Magic 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0
bgbluff Bluegrass Bluff (A-256 version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
bomballey Bomb Alley (version 1.0) 1982 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
bopnwrst Bop'n Wrestle 1986 Mindscape Yes 1 0
bopabet Bop-A-Bet 1983 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
bnckmg Bouncing Kamungas! 1983 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
brkarden Breakthrough in the Ardennes (version 1.1) 1984 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 2 0
brucelee Bruce Lee 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0
bublbobl Bubble Bobble 1988 Taito America Yes 2 0
calendar Calendar 1988 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
candyland Candy Land 1988 GameTek Yes 2 0
canbalbz Cannonball Blitz 1982 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
canclmbr Canyon Climber 1982 Datasoft Yes 1 0
capbbls Capitalization: Building Better Language Skills 1991 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
captgngt Captain Goodnight and the Islands of Fear 1985 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
carbuild Car Builder (800K 3.5") 1985 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
caratimb Caravans to Timbuktu! (A-345 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1994 MECC Yes 1 0
crdshark Card Sharks 1988 ShareData Yes 2 0
carrierf Carrier Force (version 1.0) 1983 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
carrwar Carriers at War 1984 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 4 0
cseffwmih Cause and Effect: What Makes It Happen 1988 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
cvrncsto Caverns of Callisto 1983 Origin Systems Yes 1 0
cavbustr Cavity Busters (A-284 version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
cntralnc Centauri Alliance 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 6 0
centiped Centipede (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
chldrnr Championship Lode Runner 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
checkers Checkers (version 2.1) 1981 Odesta Software Yes 1 0
chesso Chess (Odesta Software) (version 7.0) 1982 Odesta Software Yes 1 0
chembaleq_525 Chemistry: Balancing Equations (A-280 version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0 chembaleq
chembaleq Chemistry: Balancing Equations (A-280 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
chempertab10 Chemistry: The Periodic Table (A-251 version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
choplftr Choplifter 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
cyeagaft Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 1987 Electronic Arts Yes 2 0
clnwtdet_525 Cleanwater Detectives (A-282 version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0 clnwtdet
clnwtdet Cleanwater Detectives (A-282 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
clockwrks_525 Clock Works (A-168 version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0 clockwrks
clockwrks Clock Works (A-168 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
coloncqt Colonial Conquest (version 1.1) 1985 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
commkeys10 CommuniKeys (A-248 version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0 commkeys
commkeys11_525 CommuniKeys (A-248 version 1.1) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0 commkeys
commkeys CommuniKeys (A-248 version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
cmpairct10 Computer Air Combat (version 1.0) 1980 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0 cmpairct
cmpairct Computer Air Combat (version 1.1) 1980 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
cmpambsh10r1 Computer Ambush (version 1.0 revision 1) 1980 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0 cmpambsh10r2
cmpambsh10r2 Computer Ambush (version 1.0 revision 2) 1980 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
cgmm1ps11 Computer Generated Mathematics Materials Volume 1: Problem Solving (A-757 version 1.1) 1982 MECC Yes 1 0 cgmm1ps
cgmm1ps Computer Generated Mathematics Materials Volume 1: Problem Solving (A-757 version 1.3) 1982 MECC Yes 1 0
compinsp Computer Inspector (A-240 version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
compgov Computers in Government (A-122 version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
cmscdecpm10 Conquering Math Series: Conquering Decimals (+, -) (A-207 version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0 cmscdecpm
cmscdecpm Conquering Math Series: Conquering Decimals (+, -) (A-207 version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
cmscdecmd10 Conquering Math Series: Conquering Decimals (×, ÷) (A-208 version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0 cmscdecmd
cmscdecmd Conquering Math Series: Conquering Decimals (×, ÷) (A-208 version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
cmscfrapm10 Conquering Math Series: Conquering Fractions (+, -) (A-204 version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0 cmscfrapm
cmscfrapm Conquering Math Series: Conquering Fractions (+, -) (A-204 version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
cmscframd10 Conquering Math Series: Conquering Fractions (×, ÷) (A-205 version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0 cmscframd
cmscframd Conquering Math Series: Conquering Fractions (×, ÷) (A-205 version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
cmscmwg Conquering Math Series: Conquering Math Worksheet Generator (A-260 version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
cmscperc10 Conquering Math Series: Conquering Percents (A-210 version 1.0) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
cmscratpr Conquering Math Series: Conquering Ratios and Proportions (A-209 version 1.1) 1989 MECC Yes 1 0
cmscwholn Conquering Math Series: Conquering Whole Numbers (A-201 version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
cmsdecconc Conquering Math Series: Decimal Concepts (A-206 version 1.0) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0
cmsfrconci12_525 Conquering Math Series: Fraction Concepts, Inc. (A-202 version 1.2) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0 cmsfrconci
cmsfrconci Conquering Math Series: Fraction Concepts, Inc. (A-202 version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
cmsfrpracun10 Conquering Math Series: Fraction Practice Unlimited (A-203 version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0 cmsfrpracun
cmsfrpracun11 Conquering Math Series: Fraction Practice Unlimited (A-203 version 1.1) 1988 MECC Yes 1 0 cmsfrpracun
cmsfrpracun Conquering Math Series: Fraction Practice Unlimited (A-203 version 1.2) (800K 3.5") 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
coordmath10 Coordinate Math (A-192 version 1.0) 1987 MECC Yes 1 0 coordmath
coordmath Coordinate Math (A-192 version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1987 MECC Yes 1 0
copy2pv1 Copy II Plus (version 1.0) 1981 Central Point Software Yes 2 0 copy2p
copy2pv2 Copy II Plus (version 2.0) 1981 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv22 Copy II Plus (version 2.2) 1981 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv3 Copy II Plus (version 3.0) 1981 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv31 Copy II Plus (version 3.1) 1981 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv33 Copy II Plus (version 3.3) 1982 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv41 Copy II Plus (version 4.1) 1982 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv43 Copy II Plus (version 4.3) 1982 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv44b Copy II Plus (version 4.4B) 1982 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv44c Copy II Plus (version 4.4C) 1982 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv44d Copy II Plus (version 4.4D) 1982 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv50 Copy II Plus (version 5.0) 1985 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv51 Copy II Plus (version 5.1) 1985 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv52 Copy II Plus (version 5.2) 1985 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv54 Copy II Plus (version 5.4) 1985 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv55 Copy II Plus (version 5.5) 1985 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv6b1 Copy II Plus (version 6.0 Beta 1) 1985 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv6b2 Copy II Plus (version 6.0 Beta 2) 1985 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv60 Copy II Plus (version 6.0) 1985 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv61 Copy II Plus (version 6.1) 1986 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv62 Copy II Plus (version 6.2) 1986 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv63 Copy II Plus (version 6.3) 1986 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv64 Copy II Plus (version 6.4) 1986 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv65 Copy II Plus (version 6.5) 1986 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv66 Copy II Plus (version 6.6) 1986 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv71 Copy II Plus (version 7.1) 1986 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv72 Copy II Plus (version 7.2) 1986 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv73 Copy II Plus (version 7.3) 1987 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv74 Copy II Plus (version 7.4) 1987 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv81_525 Copy II Plus (version 8.1) 1987 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv81 Copy II Plus (version 8.1) (800K 3.5") 1987 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv82_525 Copy II Plus (version 8.2) 1988 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv82 Copy II Plus (version 8.2) (800K 3.5") 1988 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv83_525 Copy II Plus (version 8.3) 1988 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv83 Copy II Plus (version 8.3) (800K 3.5") 1988 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv84_525 Copy II Plus (version 8.4) 1989 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv84 Copy II Plus (version 8.4) (800K 3.5") 1989 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv9b1 Copy II Plus (version 9.0 Beta 1) 1989 Central Point Software Yes 2 0 copy2p
copy2pv9_525 Copy II Plus (version 9.0) 1989 Central Point Software Yes 2 0 copy2p
copy2pv90 Copy II Plus (version 9.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 Central Point Software Yes 1 0 copy2p
copy2pv91_525 Copy II Plus (version 9.1) 1990 Central Point Software Yes 2 0 copy2p
copy2p Copy II Plus (version 9.1) (800K 3.5") 1990 Central Point Software Yes 1 0
cottales Cotton Tales (version 1990) (800K 3.5") 1990 Mindplay Yes 1 0
cntcoins Counting Coins 1987 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
crtabase Create-A-Base (A-406 version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
cribsol Cribbage/Solitaire 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
crismntn Crisis Mountain (Micro Fun) 1982 Micro Fun Yes 1 0
crscali Crosscountry California (revision 2, 1991) 1991 Didatech Software Yes 2 0
crsusar1 Crosscountry USA (revision 1, 1991) 1991 Didatech Software Yes 2 0
crosfire Crossfire 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
cwmagic Crossword Magic (version 4.0) 1985 Mindscape Yes 7 0
cryptmed Crypt of Medea 1983 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0
cryptqst_525 CryptoQuest (A-340 version 1.0) 1993 MECC Yes 1 0 cryptqst
cryptqst CryptoQuest (A-340 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
cryscavr Crystal Caverns 1982 Hayden Book Company Yes 1 0
cgshopng Curious George Goes Shopping (800K 3.5") 1989 Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) Yes 1 0
cgoutspc Curious George in Outer Space (800K 3.5") 1989 Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) Yes 1 0
cglibrary Curious George Visits the Library (800K 3.5") 1989 Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) Yes 1 0
cyborg2 Cyborg (version 2) 1981 Sentient Software Yes 1 0
dqcarmndalm Dataquest: Carmen's North Dakota Almanac Database (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqgovflnd Dataquest: Governors and First Ladies of North Dakota Database (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqminnd Dataquest: Minerals of North Dakota Database (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndagr Dataquest: North Dakota Agriculture Database (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndcpopu500 Dataquest: North Dakota Cities with Population Under 500 (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndcpop500a Dataquest: North Dakota Cities with Population 500 and Above (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndcount Dataquest: North Dakota Counties (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndexp Dataquest: North Dakota Explorers (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndindtr Dataquest: North Dakota Indian Tribes (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndparkhs Dataquest: North Dakota Parks and Historical Sites (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndplant Dataquest: North Dakota Plants (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndpride Dataquest: North Dakota Pride (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndsymb Dataquest: North Dakota Symbols (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndsenrep Dataquest: North Dakota U.S. Senators and Representatives (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqndwildlf Dataquest: North Dakota Wildlife (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqnpeopnd Dataquest: Notable People of North Dakota (version 1.0) 1989 North Dakota Database Project Yes 1 0
dqsample Dataquest: Sampler (A-173 version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
midmagic David's Midnight Magic 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
daviddos David-DOS 1982 David Data Yes 1 0
dazldraw Dazzle Draw (version 1.1) 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
dbotcwv1 Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Volume One (version 1.0) 1987 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 2 0
dbotcwv2 Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Volume Two (version 1.0) 1988 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 2 0
dbotcwv3 Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Volume Three (version 1.0) 1988 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 2 0
defender Defender (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
desktzoo Desktop Zoo 1989 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
digduga Dig Dug (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0 digdug
digdug Dig Dug (Datasoft) 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0
dinodigds Dino Dig: Dictionary Skills 1992 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
dogsleda10_525 Dog Sled Ambassadors (A-339 version 1.0) 1993 MECC Yes 2 0 dogsleda
dogsleda Dog Sled Ambassadors (A-339 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
dkong Donkey Kong (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
drlivstn10_525 Dr. Livingstone, I Presume? (A-314 version 1.0) 1992 MECC Yes 2 0 drlivstn
drlivstn Dr. Livingstone, I Presume? (A-314 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
drgkeep04071983 Dragon's Keep (version 1983-04-07) 1983 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
drol Drol 1983 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
dueldigt Dueling Digits 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
mdueldig Dueling Digits (A-338 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
eagles Eagles (version 1.0) 1983 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
earlwvbb Earl Weaver Baseball 1989 Electronic Arts Yes 3 0
ehbible Early Heroes of the Bible 1984 Educational Publishing Concepts Yes 2 0
echelon Echelon 1988 Access Software Yes 2 0
eerievlib_525 Eerieville Library (A-304 version 1.0) 1993 MECC Yes 1 0 eerievlib
eerievlib Eerieville Library (A-304 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1992 MECC Yes 1 0
elecadvt Electrifying Adventures (A-334 version 1.0) 1993 MECC Yes 1 0
bescape Escape 1985 Bantam Software Yes 1 0
eddup30840206 Essential Data Duplicator III (version 3.0-1984-02-06) 1984 Utilico Microware Yes 1 0 eddup3
eddup3 Essential Data Duplicator III (version 3.0-1984-05-25) 1984 Utilico Microware Yes 1 0
eddup4 Essential Data Duplicator 4 (version 4.4) 1986 Utilico Microware Yes 1 0
eddup4p Essential Data Duplicator 4 Plus (version 4.1) 1986 Utilico Microware Yes 1 0
essex Essex 1985 Brøderbund Software Yes 3 0
estimat Estimation (A-124 version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
estactiv_525 Estimation Collection: Estimation Activities (A-296 version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0 estactiv
estactiv Estimation Collection: Estimation Activities (A-296 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
eststrat_525 Estimation Collection: Estimation Strategies (A-295 version 1.0) 1991 MECC Yes 1 0 eststrat
eststrat Estimation Collection: Estimation Strategies (A-295 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1991 MECC Yes 1 0
estqsi_525 Estimation Collection: Estimation: Quick Solve I (A-258 version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0 estqsi
estqsi Estimation Collection: Estimation: Quick Solve I (A-258 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
estqsii Estimation Collection: Estimation: Quick Solve II (A-259 version 1.0) 1990 MECC Yes 1 0
eurablaz Europe Ablaze (version 1.0) 1985 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 6 0
expamazn Expedition Amazon 1983 Penguin Software Yes 2 0
expsortrt10 Exploring Sorting Routines (A-110 version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
f15streag F-15 Strike Eagle (version 1.4) 1985 Microprose Software Yes 1 0
falcons Falcons 1981 Piccadilly Software Yes 1 0
fantvisn Fantavision 1985 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
faywrd35 Fay: The Word Hunter (800K 3.5") 1991 Didatech Software Yes 1 0
federat Federation 1982 Avant-Garde Creations Yes 1 0
50miscru11 Fifty Mission Crush (version 1.1) 1984 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0 50miscru
50miscru Fifty Mission Crush (version 1.2) 1984 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
fcommand Fighter Command (version 1.0) 1983 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
forbcstl Forbidden Castle 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
fjordnum Frog Jump: Ordering Numbers 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
frogger Frogger (Sierra On-Line) 1981 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
galattk Galactic Attack 1980 Sir-Tech Software Yes 1 0
galglad Galactic Gladiators 1983 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
galaxiana Galaxian (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
garftrv Garfield Trivia Game 1989 Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) Yes 1 0
gauntlet Gauntlet 1986 Mindscape Yes 2 0
gemsthl Gemstone Healer (version 1.2) 1986 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 2 0
genesis Genesis 1983 Datasoft Yes 1 0
gendrift Genetic Drift 1981 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
germ1985 Germany 1985 (version 2.0) 1982 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
gtysburg Gettysburg: The Turning Point (version 1.2) 1986 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 2 0
gobbler Gobbler 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
goldrush Gold Rush! (version 1.0M) 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 16 0
goldmntn Golden Mountain 1980 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
grmrmch1 Grammar Mechanics Level 1 1988 Mindscape Yes 2 0
grbblsadjadv Grammar: Building Better Language Skills: Adjectives and Adverbs 1991 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
grbblsnoun Grammar: Building Better Language Skills: Nouns 1991 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
grancook Granny Applebee's Cookie Factory 1993 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
graphing10 Graphing (A-817 version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
gremlins Gremlins (Atarisoft) 1984 Atari Yes 1 0
gumball Gumball 1983 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
hallsmzm Halls of Montezuma (version 1.0) 1987 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 2 0
hardhatm Hard Hat Mack 1983 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
hra0mast Hi-Res Adventure #0: Mission: Asteroid 1980 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
hra3cman Hi-Res Adventure #3: Cranston Manor 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
hra4ulygf10 Hi-Res Adventure #4: Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (version 1.0) 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 2 0
hra5timez Hi-Res Adventure #5: Time Zone (version 1.1) 1982 On-Line Systems Yes 12 0
hra6darkc Hi-Res Adventure #6: The Dark Crystal 1982 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 0
hresfbal Hi-Res Football 1980 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
hhlngvwl Hugo Hound's Vowel Sounds: Long Vowels 1993 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
hyprhdon Hyper Head On 1980 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
idamiano I, Damiano 1985 Bantam Software Yes 2 0
amzthgr1 In Search of The Most Amazing Thing (revsion 1) 1983 Spinnaker Software Yes 1 0
ijtmepdm Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1989 Mindscape Yes 2 0
ijrota Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients 1987 Mindscape Yes 1 0
infannel2 Inferential Anne: Level II 1987 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
infiltr Infiltrator 1987 Mindscape Yes 2 0
infiltr2 Infiltrator Part II: The Next Day 1987 Mindscape Yes 2 0
inthocky International Hockey 1987 Artworx Yes 1 0
eaglnest Into The Eagle's Nest 1986 Mindscape Yes 1 0
israelgy Israel's Golden Years 1986 Educational Publishing Concepts Yes 2 0
itsabttm It's About Time 1989 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
viewkill James Bond 007 in: A View to a Kill 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
goldfngr James Bond 007 in: Goldfinger 1986 Mindscape Yes 2 0
jawbrkr Jawbreaker 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
jawbrkr2 Jawbreaker ][ 1982 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
joust Joust (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
jumblz35 Jumblezzz (version 1990) (800K 3.5") 1990 Mindplay Yes 1 0
jmpmthfl Jumping Math Flash 1988 Mindscape Yes 1 0
junghunt Jungle Hunt (Atarisoft) 1984 Atari Yes 1 0
jbird J-Bird 1983 Orion Software Yes 1 0
kampfgp10 Kampfgruppe (version 1.0) 1985 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 2 0
karateka Karateka 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
ksmkbdmast10 Keyboarding Series: MECC Keyboarding Master: Games and Drills (Student Program) (A-131 version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
kcaddphn Kinder Critters: Address and Phone Number 1991 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
kcletpat Kinder Critters: Letters and Patterns 1991 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
kquest King's Quest: Quest for the Crown 1984 Sierra On-Line Yes 3 0
kquest2 King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne 1985 Sierra On-Line Yes 5 0
kquest3 King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 10 0
kquest4 King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella 1989 Sierra On-Line Yes 16 0
labyrnth Labyrinth 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
lafpak Laf Pak 1982 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
lancastr Lancaster 1983 Silicon Valley Systems Yes 1 0
lsl1 Leisure Suit Larry in The Land of the Lounge Lizards 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 5 0
locksmth3 Locksmith (version 3.1) 1981 Omega Software Products Yes 1 0
locksmth4 Locksmith (version 4.1) 1983 Omega Microware Yes 1 0
locksmth50c Locksmith (version 5.0 revision level C) 1983 Omega Microware Yes 1 0 locksmth5
locksmth50f Locksmith (version 5.0 revision level F) 1983 Omega Microware Yes 1 0 locksmth5
locksmth5 Locksmith (version 5.0 revision level G) 1984 Alpha Logic Business Systems Yes 1 0
locksmth60a Locksmith (version 6.0 revision A) 1986 Alpha Logic Business Systems Yes 2 0 locksmth6
locksmth6 Locksmith (version 6.0 revision B) 1986 Alpha Logic Business Systems Yes 2 0
loderunr Lode Runner 1983 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
loggates Logic Gates (A-403 version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
lunleep Lunar Leepers 1982 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
mcarthwr MacArthur's War (version 1.0) 1988 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 2 0
mspells81 Magic Spells (1981) (Apple) 1981 Apple Computer Yes 1 0 mspells
mspells Magic Spells (version 2.3) (800K 3.5") 1985 The Learning Company Yes 1 0
manhuntr Manhunter: New York (version 1.0I) 1988 Sierra On-Line Yes 12 0
marauder Marauder 1982 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
martyfrd Marty's Family Reader 1992 Micrograms Publishing Yes 8 0
martyrdwk Marty's Reading Workout 1992 Micrograms Publishing Yes 8 0
mastspell Master Spell (A-119 version 1.3) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
mmerlyad Mastering Math Series 1: Early Addition (A-788 version 1.3) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
mmcirmth_525 Mastering Math Series 2: Circus Math (A-109 version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0 mmcirmth
mmcirmth Mastering Math Series 2: Circus Math (A-109 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
mmaddlog_525 Mastering Math Series 3: Addition Logician (A-125 version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0 mmaddlog
mmaddlog Mastering Math Series 3: Addition Logician (A-125 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
mmspcsub Mastering Math Series 4: Space Subtraction (A-145 version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mmsubpuz Mastering Math Series 5: Subtraction Puzzles (A-146 version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mmmulpuz Mastering Math Series 6: Multiplication Puzzles (A-147 version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mmquotqst Mastering Math Series 7: Quotient Quest (A-148 version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mmwrkshtgen Mastering Math Series: Worksheet Generator (A-151 version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mstrtype MasterType (version 2.1) 1984 Scarborough Systems Yes 1 0
mathwp1 Math Word Problems Volume 1: Careers (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
mathwp2 Math Word Problems Volume 2: Money (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
mathwp3 Math Word Problems Volume 3: Sports (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
mathwp4 Math Word Problems Volume 4: Travel (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
mathwp6 Math Word Problems Volume 6: Our Nation's Capital Washington D.C. (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
magpyrpuz Mathematics Action Games: Pyramid Puzzler 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
msaurcomp Mathosaurus: Computation 1989 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
measecon Measuring Economic Activity 1985 Focus Media Yes 1 0
mdqpres11 MECC Dataquest: The Presidents (A-140 version 1.1) 1985 MECC Yes 2 0 mdqpres
mdqpres MECC Dataquest: The Presidents (A-140 version 1.2) 1985 MECC Yes 2 0
melarcrit_525 MECC Early Learning Series: Arithmetic Critters (A-166 version 1.0) 1986 MECC Yes 1 0 melarcrit
melarcrit MECC Early Learning Series: Arithmetic Critters (A-166 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1986 MECC Yes 1 0
melctcrit MECC Early Learning Series: Counting Critters (A-165 version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
melfunaz_525 MECC Early Learning Series: Fun from A to Z (A-164 version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0 melfunaz
melfunaz MECC Early Learning Series: Fun from A to Z (A-164 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
mhirestk MECC Hi-Res Toolkit (A-105 version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
metinspc Meteoroids in Space 1981 Quality Software Yes 1 0
mickspca Mickey's Space Adventure 1984 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 0
mindpurs Mind Pursuit 1986 Datasoft Yes 2 0
minr2049 Miner 2049er 1982 Micro Fun Yes 1 0
minr2049ii Miner 2049er II 1984 Micro Fun Yes 1 0
minitman Minit Man 1983 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
misldefn Missile Defense 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
mixdupmg Mixed-Up Mother Goose (version 1.0I) 1991 Sierra On-Line Yes 4 0
moebius Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony 1985 Origin Systems Yes 4 0
modeling Modeling (A-823 version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
mdbiogen Modern Biology: Genetics 1989 Holt, Rinehart and Winston Yes 4 0
mnstsmsh Monster Smash (version 2.0) 1983 Datamost Yes 1 0
mpatrol Moon Patrol (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
moseslhp Moses Leads His People 1986 Educational Publishing Concepts Yes 2 0
mouskatk Mouskattack 1982 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
mrcool Mr. Cool 1983 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
pxcartnk Mr. Pixel's Cartoon Kit 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
pxppaint Mr. Pixel's Programming Paint Set 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
mspac Ms. Pac-Man (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
nibaw Nibbles Away (version B2) 1981 COMPUTER:applications Yes 1 0
nibaw2a1 Nibbles Away ][ (version A1) 1981 COMPUTER:applications Yes 1 0 nibaw2
nibaw2 Nibbles Away ][ (version C3) 1983 COMPUTER:applications Yes 1 0
nibaw3 Nibbles Away III (version 1.25B) 1985 COMPUTER:applications Yes 2 0
ndcity North Dakota Cities Database (version 1.6) 1989 North Dakota Centennial Project Yes 2 0
numbball Numberball 1994 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
nbdecfra Number Bowling: Decimals and Fractions 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
ogre OGRE 1986 Origin Systems Yes 1 0
olvcword Oliver's Crosswords 1990 Micrograms Publishing Yes 2 0
onbalance On Balance (800K 3.5") 1986 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
ootopos Oo-Topos 1986 Polarware Yes 2 0
pacmana Pac-Man (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0 pacman
pacman Pac-Man (Datasoft) 1984 Datasoft Yes 1 0
panzbatl Panzer Battles (version 1.0) 1989 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 2 0
panzstrk Panzer Strike! (version 1.0) 1987 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 4 0
paperboy Paperboy 1988 Mindscape Yes 1 0
paulmsj Paul's Missionary Journeys 1986 Educational Publishing Concepts Yes 2 0
pensate Pensate 1983 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
pestpatr Pest Patrol 1982 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
petshop Pet Shop (A-347 version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1994 MECC Yes 1 0
pquest Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 8 0
pollspol Polls and Politics Volume 1 (A-820 version 1.0) 1984 MECC Yes 1 0
pressylk Press Your Luck 1988 GameTek Yes 2 0
popd Prince of Persia (interactive demo) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 pop
pop_525 Prince of Persia 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 pop
pop Prince of Persia (800K 3.5") 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
probslvs10 Problem-Solving Strategies (A-784 version 1.0) 1983 MECC Yes 1 0
pnctbbls Punctuation: Building Better Language Skills 1991 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
grafspee Pursuit of the Graf Spee 1982 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
qm1prihel Questmaster I: The Prism of Heheutotol 1989 Miles Computing Yes 6 0
qpspman Questprobe featuring Spider-Man (version F-261) 1984 Adventure International Yes 2 0
qphulk Questprobe featuring The Hulk (version 2.3/127) 1984 Adventure International Yes 2 0
qix Qix 1989 Taito America Yes 1 0
racter Racter 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
rambop2 Rambo: First Blood Part II 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
rchstar10 Reach For The Stars (version 1.0) 1983 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 1 0 rchstar
rchstar20 Reach For The Stars (version 2.0) 1985 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 1 0 rchstar
rchstar Reach For The Stars (version 3.0) 1988 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 1 0
rdtrchst Reader's Treasure Chest: Level One 1987 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
readcomp2 Reading Comprehension Volume 2: Sports (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
readcomp3 Reading Comprehension Volume 3: Geography (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
readcomp4 Reading Comprehension Volume 4: History in the Making (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
readcomp5 Reading Comprehension Volume 5: Famous People (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
readcomp6 Reading Comprehension Volume 6: The Olympics (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
readcomp7 Reading Comprehension Volume 7: United States Presidents (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
runatamer Reading for Understanding: Native Americans 1993 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
rmlev1 Real Math: Level I 1988 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
rmlev2 Real Math: Level II 1988 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
rmlev3 Real Math: Level III 1988 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
redalert Red Alert 1981 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
rendramatr Rendezvous with Rama 1984 Trillium Yes 4 0
renegade Renegade 1989 Taito America Yes 2 0
rescraid Rescue Raiders 1984 Sir-Tech Software Yes 1 0
rtnheracq Return of Heracles (Quality Software) 1983 Quality Software Yes 1 0
ridmagic Riddle Magic 1987 Mindscape Yes 2 0
ringqst Ring Quest 1986 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
roadwar2k11 Roadwar 2000 (version 1.1) 1986 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 2 0
robotron Robotron: 2084 (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
runforit Run For It 1984 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
ssrussia Russia (version 1.0) 1987 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Yes 2 0
sabotage Sabotage 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
sammyltf Sammy Lightfoot 1983 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
saracen Saracen 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0
scitk Science Toolkit 1985 Brøderbund Software Yes 4 0
scitkp Science Toolkit Plus (version 2.0) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 4 0
saga1alandv20 Scott Adams Graphic Adventure 1: Adventureland (version 2.0/416) 1982 Adventure International Yes 2 0
saga2piradv Scott Adams Graphic Adventure 2: Pirate Adventure (version 2.1/408) 1982 Adventure International Yes 2 0
saga3misimp Scott Adams Graphic Adventure 3: Mission Impossible (version 2.1/306) 1982 Adventure International Yes 2 0
saga4voocas Scott Adams Graphic Adventure 4: Voodoo Castle (version 2.1/119) 1982 Adventure International Yes 2 0
saga5count Scott Adams Graphic Adventure 5: The Count (version 2.1/115) 1982 Adventure International Yes 2 0
saga6strody Scott Adams Graphic Adventure 6: Strange Odyssey (version 2.1/119) 1982 Adventure International Yes 2 0
saga13sorcc Scott Adams Graphic Adventure 13: The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (version 2.2/122) 1984 Adventure International Yes 2 0
seafox Sea Fox 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
srchking Searching for a King 1984 Educational Publishing Concepts Yes 2 0
sentfun Sentence Fun (version 1989) (800K 3.5") 1989 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
serpntne Serpentine 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
shadhwk1 Shadow Hawk One 1981 Horizon Simulations Yes 1 0
shpspatt Shapes and Patterns 1988 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
sherabow Sherlock Holmes: Another Bow 1985 Bantam Software Yes 2 0
sherwood Sherwood Forest 1982 Phoenix Software Yes 1 0
scboxing Sierra Championship Boxing 1985 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
simlineq Simultaneous Linear Equations 1984 Microcomputer Workshops Courseware Yes 1 0
sitcrit Situation: Critical 1984 Prism Software Yes 1 0
sixgunsh Six-Gun Shootout (version 1.0) 1985 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
snoggle Snoggle 1981 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
stgranpt Snooper Troops 1: The case of: The Granite Point Ghost 1982 Spinnaker Software Yes 1 0
sthncmnd Southern Command 1981 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
spquarks Space Quarks 1981 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
squest Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 8 0
squest2 Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge (version 2.0A, interpreter 0.089) 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 8 0
spcrogue Space Rogue 1989 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
spwarior Space Warrior 1981 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
sparechg Spare Change 1983 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
sprule Spelling Rules (version 1989) (800K 3.5") 1989 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sportstat Sports Stats (A-405 version 1.0) 1985 MECC Yes 1 0
spydemis Spy's Demise 1982 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
starblzr Star Blazer 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
starmaze Star Maze 1982 Sir-Tech Software Yes 1 0
smdivis Star Maze: Division 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
stargate Stargate (Atarisoft) 1983 Atari Yes 1 0
stellar7 Stellar 7 (Penguin Software) 1984 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
sbbasic Stickybear BASIC 1985 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbbnced Stickybear Basket Bounce (demo) 1983 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbbnce
sbbnce Stickybear Basket Bounce 1983 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbbop Stickybear Bop 1982 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbdrawing Stickybear Drawing 1986 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbmath_525 Stickybear Math (version 1984) 1984 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbmath
sbmath Stickybear Math (version 1988) (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbmath2_525 Stickybear Math 2 (version 1986) 1986 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbmath2
sbmath2 Stickybear Math 2 (version 1988) (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbmusic Stickybear Music 1986 Optimum Resource Yes 2 0
sbnumbers Stickybear Numbers 1982 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sboppo83 Stickybear Opposites (1983 release) 1983 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sboppo
sboppod Stickybear Opposites (demo) 1983 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sboppo
sboppo Stickybear Opposites (version 1989) (800K 3.5") 1989 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbpartssp Stickybear Parts of Speech 1986 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbprint1 Stickybear Printer (version 1) 1985 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbprint
sbprint Stickybear Printer (version 2) 1985 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbreading Stickybear Reading 1986 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbrdcomp Stickybear Reading Comprehension 1985 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbshapes1 Stickybear Shapes (version 1) 1983 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbshapes
sbshapes2 Stickybear Shapes (version 2) 1983 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbshapes
sbshapes Stickybear Shapes (version 1989) (800K 3.5") 1989 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbspellg85 Stickybear Spellgrabber (version 1985) 1985 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbspellg
sbspellg Stickybear Spellgrabber (version 1988) (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbtownb84 Stickybear Town Builder (version 1984) 1984 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbtownb
sbtownb Stickybear Town Builder (version 1988) (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbtyping85 Stickybear Typing (version 1985) 1985 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbtyping
sbtyping Stickybear Typing (version 1988) (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
sbwordpr1 Stickybear Word Problems (release 1) 1986 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0 sbwordp
sbwordp Stickybear Word Problems (800K 3.5") 1986 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
stoichio Stoichiometry 1983 Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation Yes 1 0
studygui Study Guide (A-126 version 1.5) 1984 MECC Yes 2 0
submissn Sub Mission 1987 Mindscape Yes 1 0
sgalwars Super Galaxy Wars 1980 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
spasswrd Super Password 1988 GameTek Yes 2 0
ssicehock Superstar Ice Hockey 1988 Mindscape Yes 2 0
talisman Talisman: Challenging the Sands of Time 1987 Polarware Yes 3 0
tantales Tangled Tales 1989 Origin Systems Yes 4 0
tankcomm Tank Command 1980 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
tredoubt Tawala's Last Redoubt 1981 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
anfamfeud The All New Family Feud 1989 ShareData Yes 2 0
amchal The American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation 1986 Mindscape Yes 1 0
artowar The Ancient Art of War (version 1989) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
aawarsea The Ancient Art of War at Sea 1988 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
arcmachn The Arcade Machine 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
bsspell The Bank Street Speller 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
bsw The Bank Street Writer (version 1.3) 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
bswtut10 The Bank Street Writer Tutorial (version 1.0) 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 bswtut
bswtut The Bank Street Writer Tutorial (version 1.1 1982-12-13) 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
bswenh The Bank Street Writer Enhanced (version 2.6) 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
bswenhtutiip The Bank Street Writer Enhanced Tutorial for ][+ 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
bswenhtutiie The Bank Street Writer Enhanced Tutorial for IIe 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
bswexp The Bank Street Writer Expanded (version 2.2) 1984 Scholastic Yes 1 0
bswexptut The Bank Street Writer Expanded Tutorial (version 2.2) 1984 Scholastic Yes 1 0
bswiic21r1 The Bank Street Writer IIc (version 2.1 revision 1) 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 bswiic
bswiic21r2 The Bank Street Writer IIc (version 2.1 revision 2) 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 bswiic
bswiic The Bank Street Writer IIc (version 2.11) 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
bswiictut The Bank Street Writer IIc Tutorial (version 1984-06-27) 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
bswiii11 The Bank Street Writer III (version 1.1) 1986 Scholastic Yes 5 0 bswiii
bnksw320c35 The Bank Street Writer III (20-Column and Teacher Tools) (version 1.21) (800K 3.5") 1986 Scholastic Yes 1 0 bswiii
bswiii The Bank Street Writer III (version 1.4) 1989 Scholastic Yes 3 0
bswiiitut11 The Bank Street Writer III Tutorial (version 1.1) 1986 Scholastic Yes 1 0 bswiiitut
bswiiitut The Bank Street Writer III Tutorial (version 1.4) 1989 Scholastic Yes 1 0
bswplus11 The Bank Street Writer Plus (version 1.1) 1986 Brøderbund Software Yes 3 0 bswplus
bswplus14 The Bank Street Writer Plus (version 1.4) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 bswplus
bswplus The Bank Street Writer Plus (version 1.4) (800K 3.5") 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
bswplustut11 The Bank Street Writer Plus Tutorial (version 1.1) 1986 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 bswplustut
bswplustut The Bank Street Writer Plus Tutorial (version 1.4) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
banksim The Banking Simulation 1986 EMC Publishing Yes 1 0
blkcauld The Black Cauldron 1985 Sierra On-Line Yes 5 0
boyjesus The Boy Jesus 1984 Educational Publishing Concepts Yes 2 0
cavetime The Cave of Time 1985 Bantam Software Yes 2 0
covetmir83 The Coveted Mirror (version 1983) 1983 Penguin Software Yes 2 0 covetmir
covetmir The Coveted Mirror (version 1985) 1985 Polarware Yes 2 0
crmcrown The Crimson Crown (version 1985) 1985 Polarware Yes 2 0
dhuukrul The Dark Heart of Uukrul 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 4 0
earlychr The Early Church 1984 Educational Publishing Concepts Yes 2 0
halleypr The Halley Project: A Mission In Our Solar System 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
theinsti The Institute 1983 Screenplay Yes 2 0
lushprof The Lüscher Profile 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
masksun The Mask of the Sun (version 2.1) 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
themist The Mist 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
newprntshop The New Print Shop (800K 3.5") 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
playroom_525 The Playroom (version 1.0) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 4 0 playroom
playroom The Playroom (version 1.0) (800K 3.5") 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
printshp84 The Print Shop (version 1984) 1984 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 printshp
printshp The Print Shop (version 1986 Color) 1986 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
prshcomp The Print Shop Companion (version 1.2) 1985 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
queenphb The Queen of Phobos 1982 Phoenix Software Yes 1 0
thequest83 The Quest (version 1983) 1983 Penguin Software Yes 2 0 thequest
thequest The Quest (version 1984) 1984 Penguin Software Yes 2 0
roadgtbg The Road to Gettysburg 1982 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 1 0
thescoop The Scoop 1989 Spinnaker Software Yes 2 0
serpstar10u The Serpent's Star (Ultrasoft) (version 1.0) 1983 Ultrasoft Yes 2 0 serpstar
serpstar The Serpent's Star (Brøderbund Software) (version 1.0) 1983 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
tsnapper The Snapper 1982 Silicon Valley Systems Yes 1 0
spysback The Spy Strikes Back 1983 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
tspellbee The Spelling Bee 1985 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
sbabc The Stickybear ABC 1982 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
ttamerh The Time Tunnel: American History Series 1984 Focus Media Yes 1 0
ttsports The Time Tunnel: Sports Edition 1985 Focus Media Yes 1 0
ttnatem The Time Tunnel: The America Series: A Nation Emerges 1984 Focus Media Yes 1 0
ttearamer The Time Tunnel: The America Series: Early America 1984 Focus Media Yes 1 0
ttpresid The Time Tunnel: The America Series: The Presidents 1985 Focus Media Yes 1 0
usconnaf The U.S. Constitution: Nationalism and Federalism (version 1987) 1987 Focus Media Yes 3 0
thexder Thexder (version 1.5) 1987 Sierra On-Line Yes 1 0
thrshold Threshold 1981 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
thunbomb Thunder Bombs 1982 Penguin Software Yes 1 0
thrilogy Thrilogy 1980 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
tmsoflre Times of Lore 1988 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
tttinkamaz Tink!Tonk!: Tinka's Mazes 1985 Mindscape Yes 2 0
tttinksubf Tink!Tonk!: Tink's Subtraction Fair 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
tttldbb Tink!Tonk!: Tonk in the Land of the Buddy-Bots 1984 Mindscape Yes 1 0
tttukgstwn Tink!Tonk!: Tuk Goes to Town 1984 Mindscape Yes 1 0
trcgd2 Top Readers' Club: Grade 2 1989 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
trcgd3 Top Readers' Club: Grade 3 1989 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
trcgd4 Top Readers' Club: Grade 4 1989 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
trcgd5 Top Readers' Club: Grade 5 1989 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
trkfield Track and Field (Atarisoft) 1984 Atari Yes 1 0
trakattk Track Attack 1982 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
transyl Transylvania (version 1985) 1985 Polarware Yes 2 0
trapshoot Trapshoot 1980 On-Line Systems Yes 1 0
trlspmth Troll Sports Math: Math Word Problems for Grades 4 to 6 (800K 3.5") 1991 Troll Associates Yes 1 0
typhstl Typhoon of Steel (version 1.0) 1988 Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI) Yes 4 0
ultima1 Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (Ultima Trilogy: Origin Systems) 1986 Origin Systems Yes 1 0
ultima3 Ultima III: Exodus 1983 Origin Systems Yes 2 0
ultima4 Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar 1985 Origin Systems Yes 4 0
ultima5200288 Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (version 20-FEB-88) 1988 Origin Systems Yes 8 0 ultima5
ultima5 Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (version 02-MAR-88) 1988 Origin Systems Yes 8 0
umegypt Ultimore: Egypt 1985 Backstreet Software Yes 1 0
umpirwrld Ultimore: Pirate World 1985 Backstreet Software Yes 1 0
umslavlor Ultimore: Slavelords 1985 Backstreet Software Yes 1 0
umspacecr Ultimore: Spaceship Crash 1985 Backstreet Software Yes 1 0
uccsbcon Uncle Clyde's Consonant Slides: Beginning Consonants 1993 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
uccsbldg Uncle Clyde's Consonant Slides: Blends and Digraphs 1993 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
uccsecon Uncle Clyde's Consonant Slides: Ending Consonants 1993 Micrograms Publishing Yes 1 0
vaultzur Vaults of Zurich 1982 Artworx Yes 1 0
vcrcomp VCR Companion (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1988 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
vidttlsh Video Title Shop 1987 Datasoft Yes 1 0
vocdevel Vocabulary Development (800K 3.5") 1988 Optimum Resource Yes 1 0
voodoois Voodoo Island 1985 Mindscape Yes 1 0
war War 1982 Adventure International Yes 1 0
wheeldeal Wheeler Dealers (DOS 3.3 conversion) 1978 Speakeasy Software Yes 1 0
carmapst Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego? 1992 Brøderbund Software Yes 4 0
carmneur_525 Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? 1988 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 carmeur
carmeur Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? (800K 3.5") 1988 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
carmndv98b Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego? (version 0.98 beta) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 carmnd
carmndv10fb Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego? (version 1.0 final beta) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 carmnd
carmnd Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego? (version 1.0) 1989 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
carmtime_525 Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? (verson 1.1) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 4 0 carmtime
carmtime Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? (version 1.1) (800K 3.5") 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0
carmusa86 Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? (version 1.0 1986) 1986 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 carmusa
carmusa90 Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? (version 1990) (800K 3.5") 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 1 0 carmusa
carmusa Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? (version 2.1) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 3 0
carmwrld85 Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (version 1985) 1985 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0 carmwrld
carmwrld Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (version 2.1) 1990 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
wwmathl4 Wild West Math Level 4 1990 Micrograms Publishing Yes 3 0
wwmathl5 Wild West Math Level 5 1990 Micrograms Publishing Yes 3 0
winlosdr Win, Lose or Draw 1988 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 2 0
winlosdrjr Win, Lose or Draw Junior 1989 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 2 0
winlosdr2 Win, Lose or Draw Second Edition 1989 Hi-Tech Expressions Yes 2 0
wndwlkr Windwalker 1989 Origin Systems Yes 4 0
wof Wings of Fury 1987 Brøderbund Software Yes 2 0
wingsshad Wings Out of Shadow 1983 Berserker Works Yes 1 0
wpoohhaw Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (version 1985-02-10) (Sunburst Communications) 1985 Sunburst Communications Yes 2 0
wipeout Wipeout 1988 ShareData Yes 2 0
wizrdry1v0981 Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (version 05-SEP-81) 1981 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0 wizrdry1
wizrdry1v1281 Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (version 01-DEC-81) 1981 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0 wizrdry1
wizrdry1v20 Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (version 2.0 01-JAN-82) 1981 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0 wizrdry1
wizrdry1v21 Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (version 2.1 22-JAN-82) 1981 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0 wizrdry1
wizrdry1 Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (version 6 06-JAN-84) 1981 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0
wizrdry2 Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds (version PV3S2V1/10-MAR-82) 1982 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0
wizrdry3 Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn (version 4, 20-Aug-1983 update) 1983 Sir-Tech Software Yes 2 0
wizrdry4 Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna 1987 Sir-Tech Software Yes 6 0
wizrdry5 Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom 1988 Sir-Tech Software Yes 9 0
wizcovlad Wizimore: Catacombs of Vlad 1987 Backstreet Software Yes 1 0
wiznihon Wizimore: Nihonbashi 1987 Backstreet Software Yes 1 0
wizomine Wizimore: O'Connor's Mine 1985 Backstreet Software Yes 1 0
wizempsl Wizimore: The Emperor's Seal 1987 Backstreet Software Yes 1 0
wizsbhh Wizimore: The Scarlet Brotherhood of Hsi Ho 1985 Backstreet Software Yes 1 0
wiziprint Wiziprint (version 2.01 20-AUG-83) 1982 Sir-Tech Software Yes 1 0
wizplus Wizplus 1982 Datamost Yes 1 0
wcleaderb World Class Leader Board 1987 Access Software Yes 2 0
wrdzappr Word Zapper 1990 Micrograms Publishing Yes 2 0
xevious Xevious 1984 Mindscape Yes 1 0
xyphus Xyphus 1984 Penguin Software Yes 2 0
zenithg Zenith 1982 Gebelli Software Yes 1 0
zoomastrr1 Zoo Master (revision 1) 1983 Earthware Computer Services Yes 1 0